331 research outputs found

    UK grid electricity carbon intensity can be reduced by enhanced oil recovery with CO2 sequestration

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    Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) using CO2 coupled with Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) can potentially accelerate CO2 storage investment through creation of a large commercial market for EOR . This article assesses how coupled a CCS-EOR scenario might contribute to decarbonization of UK grid electricity. Progressive introduction of 11 CCS-to-EOR gas-power plant projects from 2020 is estimated to store 52 Mt CO2 yr−1 from 2030. These 11 projects produce extra revenue of 1100 MM bbls of taxable EOR oil from 2020 to 2049. After each 20-year EOR project ceases, its infrastructure is paid for, and has many years of life. UK climate change targets would necessitate continued CO2 storage at low cost. Considering all greenhouse gas emissions – from power generation, CCS-EOR operations, and oil production and combustion – this project suite emits an estimated 940–1068 Mt CO2e from 2020 to 2049, while storing 1358 Mt CO2. The total average electricity grid factor in the UK reduces to 90–142 kg CO2e MWh−1, with gas generating 132 TWh yr-1. This life-cycle analysis (LCA) is unusual in linking oil production and combustion with CCS and gas-fueled electricity, yet provides a net carbon reduction, and progressively reduces net oil combustion emissions beyond 2040

    Constructing Policy Success for UK Energy Feedback

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    Energy feedback tools are commonly used to promote energy saving. In the UK, energy feedback provision (currently via an In-Home Display) is part of the government-mandated roll-out of smart meters to all homes by 2020. A core assumption underlying this widespread provision is that information, or evidence, can lead to positive changes in action. This is analogous to assumptions underlying the notion of ‘Evidence-Based Policy’, which raises questions about how users, researchers and policymakers go about using evidence in aiming for a ‘successful’ outcome. In addition the ‘policy feedback’ research agenda has asked how policies alter the landscapes within which they operate by, for example, affecting relationships between actors. Via an in-depth review of DECC (now BEIS) policy literature over 2010-2016, the UK smart meter roll-out was analysed in terms of how its energy feedback focussed measures may be deemed as ‘successful’. Findings include that direct energy savings played a smaller role than might be expected, and translation from one success measure to another was repeatedly observed. A key conclusion is that acting on feedback requires an assessment of success, but such assessment is highly contextual, for consumers and policymakers alike. Ways to increase reflexivity in this area are discussed

    Keypoint Recognition using Random Forests and Random Ferns

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    In many 3-D object-detection and pose-estimation problems, run-time performance is of critical importance. However, there usually is time to train the system. We introduce an approach that takes advantage of this fact by formulating wide-baseline matching of keypoints extracted from the input images to those found in the model images as a classification problem. This shifts much of the computational burden to a training phase and eliminates the need for expensive patch preprocessing, without sacrificing recognition performance. This makes our approach highly suitable for real-time operations on low-powered devices. To this end, we developed two related methods. The first uses Random Forests that rely on simple binary tests on image intensities surrounding the keypoints. In the second, we flatten the trees to turn them into simple bit strings, which we will refer to as Ferns, and combine their output in a Naive Bayesian manner. Surprisingly, the Ferns, while simpler, actually perform better than the trees. This is because the Naive Bayesian approach benefits more from the thousands of synthetic training examples we can generate than output averaging as usually performed by Random Forests. Furthermore, the more general partition that the trees allow does not appear to be of great use for our problem

    Managerial Hubris, Trade-Associations, and Regulatory Knowledge in Micro-Firms

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    To avoid breaking the law for regulatory non-compliance, it is essential that micro-firm owner-managers are aware of deficiencies in their knowledge, so that they can seek improvement and avoid over-confidence (i.e. hubris) in their knowledge levels. Using newly collected survey data from micro-firms in the English accommodation sector and multivariate techniques, the authors explore the possibility of hubris by making a novel distinction between the Perceived-Knowledge and Actual-Knowledge of regulation held by micro-firm owner-managers. Both Perceived-Knowledge (from self-assessment) and Actual-Knowledge (from a simple test) over four core areas of regulation are found to be different, generally poor and suggestive of hubris. The relationship between these knowledge levels is further explored by considering the role of trade association membership (since they support members) and attitude (since it effects learning). Attitude is found to be positively associated with both forms of knowledge, while trade association memberships are also found to be associated with enhanced Perceived-Knowledge, but not Actual-Knowledge. In light of the results, the authors suggest several priority areas for improving Actual-Knowledge and self-assessment skills, and areas for future research.</p

    CRAFTing Delivery of Membrane Proteins into Protocells using Nanodiscs

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    For the successfulgenerativeengineeringof functionalartificialcells,a convenientandcontrollablemeansof deliveringmembraneproteinsinto membranelipidbilayersis necessary.Herewereporta deliverysystemthatachievesthis by employingmembraneprotein-carryingnanodiscsandthecalcium-dependentfusionofphosphatidylserinelipidmembranes.We showthat lipidnanodiscscanfuse a transportedlipidbilayerwith the lipidbilayersof smallunilamellarvesicles(SUVs)or giantunilamellarvesicles(GUVs)whileavoidingrecipientvesiclesaggregation.Thisis triggeredby a simple,transientincreasein calciumconcentration,whichresultsin efficientand rapidfusionin a one-potreaction.Furthermore,nanodiscscan be loadedwithmembraneproteinsthatcan be deliveredintotargetSUVor GUVmembranesin a detergent-independentfashionwhileretainingtheirfunctionality.Nanodiscshavea provenabilityto carrya widerangeof membraneproteins,controltheiroligomericstate,and arehighlyadaptable.Giventhis, our approachmay be the basisfor the developmentof usefultoolsthat will allowbespokedeliveryofmembraneproteinsto protocells,equippingthemwith the cell-likeabilityto exchangematerialacrossouter/subcellularmembranes

    Return of the Tbx5; lineage-tracing reveals ventricular cardiomyocyte-like precursors in the injured adult mammalian heart

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    The single curative measure for heart failure patients is a heart transplantation, which is limited due to a shortage of donors, the need for immunosuppression and economic costs. Therefore, there is an urgent unmet need for identifying cell populations capable of cardiac regeneration that we will be able to trace and monitor. Injury to the adult mammalian cardiac muscle, often leads to a heart attack through the irreversible loss of a large number of cardiomyocytes, due to an idle regenerative capability. Recent reports in zebrafish indicate that Tbx5a is a vital transcription factor for cardiomyocyte regeneration. Preclinical data underscore the cardioprotective role of Tbx5 upon heart failure. Data from our earlier murine developmental studies have identified a prominent unipotent Tbx5-expressing embryonic cardiac precursor cell population able to form cardiomyocytes, in vivo, in vitro and ex vivo. Using a developmental approach to an adult heart injury model and by employing a lineage-tracing mouse model as well as the use of single-cell RNA-seq technology, we identify a Tbx5-expressing ventricular cardiomyocyte-like precursor population, in the injured adult mammalian heart. The transcriptional profile of that precursor cell population is closer to that of neonatal than embryonic cardiomyocyte precursors. Tbx5, a cardinal cardiac development transcription factor, lies in the center of a ventricular adult precursor cell population, which seems to be affected by neurohormonal spatiotemporal cues. The identification of a Tbx5-specific cardiomyocyte precursor-like cell population, which is capable of dedifferentiating and potentially deploying a cardiomyocyte regenerative program, provides a clear target cell population for translationally-relevant heart interventional studies

    Reversing Blood Flows Act through klf2a to Ensure Normal Valvulogenesis in the Developing Heart

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    Heart valve anomalies are some of the most common congenital heart defects, yet neither the genetic nor the epigenetic forces guiding heart valve development are well understood. When functioning normally, mature heart valves prevent intracardiac retrograde blood flow; before valves develop, there is considerable regurgitation, resulting in reversing (or oscillatory) flows between the atrium and ventricle. As reversing flows are particularly strong stimuli to endothelial cells in culture, an attractive hypothesis is that heart valves form as a developmental response to retrograde blood flows through the maturing heart. Here, we exploit the relationship between oscillatory flow and heart rate to manipulate the amount of retrograde flow in the atrioventricular (AV) canal before and during valvulogenesis, and find that this leads to arrested valve growth. Using this manipulation, we determined that klf2a is normally expressed in the valve precursors in response to reversing flows, and is dramatically reduced by treatments that decrease such flows. Experimentally knocking down the expression of this shear-responsive gene with morpholine antisense oligonucleotides (MOs) results in dysfunctional valves. Thus, klf2a expression appears to be necessary for normal valve formation. This, together with its dependence on intracardiac hemodynamic forces, makes klf2a expression an early and reliable indicator of proper valve development. Together, these results demonstrate a critical role for reversing flows during valvulogenesis and show how relatively subtle perturbations of normal hemodynamic patterns can lead to both major alterations in gene expression and severe valve dysgenesis
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