19 research outputs found

    Modeling and verification of DSP designs in HOL

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    In this thesis we propose a framework for the incorporation of formal methods in the design flow of DSP (Digital Signal Processing) systems in a rigorous way. In the proposed approach we model and verify DSP descriptions at different abstraction levels using higher-order logic based on the HOL (Higher Order Logic) theorem prover. This framework enables the formal verification of DSP designs which in the past could only be done partially using conventional simulation techniques. To this end, we provide a shallow embedding of DSP descriptions in HOL at the floating-point, fixed-point, behavioral, RTL (Register Transfer Level), and netlist gate levels. We make use of existing formalization of floating-point theory in HOL and introduce a parallel one for fixed-point arithmetic. The high ability of abstraction in HOL allows a seamless hierarchical verification encompassing the whole DSP design path, starting from top level floating- and fixed-point algorithmic descriptions down to RTL, and gate level implementations. We illustrate the new verification framework using different case studies such as digital filters and FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) algorithms

    Error analysis of digital filters using HOL theorem proving

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    When a digital filter is realized with floating-point or fixed-point arithmetics, errors and constraints due to finite word length are unavoidable. In this paper, we show how these errors can be mechanically analysed using the HOL theorem prover. We first model the ideal real filter specification and the corresponding floating-point and fixed-point implementations as predicates in higher-order logic. We use valuation functions to find the real values of the floating-point and fixed-point filter outputs and define the error as the difference between these values and the corresponding output of the ideal real specification. Fundamental analysis lemmas have been established to derive expressions for the accumulation of roundoff error in parametric Lth-order digital filters, for each of the three canonical forms of realization: direct, parallel, and cascade. The HOL formalization and proofs are found to be in a good agreement with existing theoretical paper-and-pencil counterparts

    Formalization of Fixed-Point Arithmetic in HOL

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    This paper addresses the formalization in higher-order logic of fixed-point arithmetic. We encoded the fixed-point number system and specified the different quantization modes in fixed-point arithmetic such as the directed and even quantization modes. We also considered the formalization of exceptions detection and their handling like overflow and invalid operation. An error analysis is then performed to check the correctness of the quantized result after carrying out basic arithmetic operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division against their mathematical counterparts. Finally, we showed by an example how this formalization can be used to enable the verification of the transition from floating-point to fixed-point algorithmic level in the signal processing design flow

    Verifying a synthesized implementation of IEEE-754 floating-point exponential function using HOL

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    Deep datapath and algorithm complexity have made the verification of floating-point units a very hard task. Most simulation and reachability analysis verification tools fail to verify a circuit with a deep datapath like most industrial floating-point units. Theorem proving, however, offers a better solution to handle such verification. In this paper, we have hierarchically formalized and verified a hardware implementation of the IEEE-754 table-driven floating-point exponential function algorithm using the higher-order logic (HOL) theorem prover. The high ability of abstraction in the HOL verification system allows its use for the verification task over the whole design path of the circuit, starting from gate-level implementation of the circuit up to a high-level mathematical specification

    The Application of Formal Verification to SPW Designs

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    The Signal Processing WorkSystem (SPW) of Cadence is an integrated framework for developing DSP and communications products. Formal verification is a complementary technique to simulation based on mathematical logic. The HOL system is an environment for interactive theorem proving in a higher-order logic. It has an open user-extensible architecture which makes it suitable for providing proof support for embedded languages. In this paper, we propose an approach to model SPW descriptions at different abstraction levels in HOL based on the shallow embedding technique. This will enable the formal verification of SPW designs which in the past could only be verified partially using conventional simulation techniques. We illustrate this novel application through a simple case study of a Notch filter

    Extending a Resolution Prover for Inequalities on Elementary Functions

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    Abstract. Experiments show that many inequalities involving exponentials and logarithms can be proved automatically by combining a resolution theorem prover with a decision procedure for the theory of real closed fields (RCF). The method should be applicable to any functions for which polynomial upper and lower bounds are known. Most bounds only hold for specific argument ranges, but resolution can automatically perform the necessary case analyses. The system consists of a superposition prover (Metis) combined with John Harrison’s RCF solver and a small amount of code to simplify literals with respect to the RCF theory.