392 research outputs found
Nernst quantum oscillations in bulk semi-metals
With a widely available magnetic field of 10 T, one can attain the quantum
limit in bismuth and graphite. At zero magnetic field, these two elemental
semi-metals host a dilute liquid of carriers of both signs. When the quantum
limit is attained, all quasi-particles are confined to a few Landau tubes. Each
time a Landau tube is squeezed before definitely leaving the Fermi surface, the
Nernst response sharply peaks. In bismuth, additional Nernst peaks, unexpected
in the non-interacting picture, are resolved beyond the quantum limit. The
amplitude of these unexpected Nernst peaks is larger in the samples with the
longest electron mean-free-path.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter's
special issue on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems(SCES
Thermoelectric response of FeTeSe: evidence for strong correlation and low carrier density
We present a study of the Seebeck and Nernst coefficients of
FeTeSe extended up to 28 T. The large magnitude of the
Seebeck coefficient in the optimally doped sample tracks a remarkably low
normalized Fermi temperature, which, like other correlated superconductors, is
only one order of magnitude larger than T. We combine our data with other
experimentally measured coefficients of the system to extract a set of
self-consistent parameters, which identify FeTeSe as a
low-density correlated superconductor barely in the clean limit. The system is
subject to strong superconducting fluctuations with a sizeable vortex Nernst
signal in a wide temperature window.Comment: 4 pages including 4 figure
Magnetothermoelectric properties of Bi2Se3
We present a study of entropy transport in Bi2Se3 at low temperatures and
high magnetic fields. In the zero-temperature limit, the magnitude of the
Seebeck coefficient quantitatively tracks the Fermi temperature of the 3D Fermi
surface at \Gamma-point as the carrier concentration changes by two orders of
magnitude (10 to 10cm). In high magnetic fields, the
Nernst response displays giant quantum oscillations indicating that this
feature is not exclusive to compensated semi-metals. A comprehensive analysis
of the Landau Level spectrum firmly establishes a large -factor in this
material and a substantial decrease of the Fermi energy with increasing
magnetic field across the quantum limit. Thus, the presence of bulk carriers
significantly affects the spectrum of the intensively debated surface states in
Bi2Se3 and related materials.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure
Universal features of Thermopower in High Tc systems and Quantum Criticality
In high Tc superconductors a wide ranging connection between the doping
dependence of the transition temperature Tc and the room temperature
thermopower Q has been observed. A "universal correlation" between these two
quantities exists with the thermopower vanishing at optimum doping as noted by
OCTHH (Obertelli, Cooper, Tallon, Honma and Hor). In this work we provide an
interpretation of this OCTHH universality in terms of a possible underlying
quantum critical point (QCP) at Tc. Central to our viewpoint is the recently
noted Kelvin formula relating the thermopower to the density derivative of the
entropy. Perspective on this formula is gained through a model calculation of
the various Kubo formulas in an exactly solved 1-dimensional model with various
limiting procedures of wave vector and frequency.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure
Hall plateaus at magic angles in bismuth beyond the quantum limit
We present a study of the angular dependence of the resistivity tensor up to
35 T in elemental bismuth complemented by torque magnetometry measurements in a
similar configuration. For at least two particular field orientations a few
degrees off the trigonal axis, the Hall resistivity was found to become
field-independent within experimental resolution in a finite field window
corresponding to a field which is roughly three times the frequency of quantum
oscillations. The Hall plateaus rapidly vanish as the field is tilted off
theses magic angles. We identify two distinct particularities of these specific
orientations, which may play a role in the emergence of the Hall plateaus.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure
An electronic instability in bismuth far beyond the quantum limit
We present a transport study of semi-metallic bismuth in presence of a
magnetic field applied along the trigonal axis extended to 55 T for electric
conductivity and to 45 T for thermoelectric response. The results uncover a new
field scale at about 40 T in addition to the previously detected ones. Large
anomalies in all transport properties point to an intriguing electronic
instability deep in the ultraquantum regime. Unexpectedly, both the sheer
magnitude of conductivity and its metallic temperature dependence are enhanced
by this instability.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
Phase diagram of bismuth in the extreme quantum limit
Elemental bismuth provides a rare opportunity to explore the fate of a
three-dimensional gas of highly mobile electrons confined to their lowest
Landau level. Coulomb interaction, neglected in the band picture, is expected
to become significant in this extreme quantum limit with poorly understood
consequences. Here, we present a study of the angular-dependent Nernst effect
in bismuth, which establishes the existence of ultraquantum field scales on top
of its complex single-particle spectrum. Each time a Landau level crosses the
Fermi level, the Nernst response sharply peaks. All such peaks are resolved by
the experiment and their complex angular-dependence is in very good agreement
with the theory. Beyond the quantum limit, we resolve additional Nernst peaks
signaling a cascade of additional Landau sub-levels caused by electron
Nernst and Seebeck Coefficients of the Cuprate SuperconductorYBaCuO: A Study of Fermi Surface Reconstruction
The Seebeck and Nernst coefficients and of the cuprate
superconductor YBaCuO (YBCO) were measured in a single crystal with
doping in magnetic fields up to H = 28 T. Down to T=9 K,
becomes independent of field by T, showing that superconducting
fluctuations have become negligible. In this field-induced normal state,
and are both large and negative in the limit, with the
magnitude and sign of consistent with the small electron-like Fermi
surface pocket detected previously by quantum oscillations and the Hall effect.
The change of sign in at K is remarkably similar to that
observed in LaBaCuO, LaNdSrCuO and
LaEuSrCuO, where it is clearly associated with the onset
of stripe order. We propose that a similar density-wave mechanism causes the
Fermi surface reconstruction in YBCO.Comment: Final version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett. New title,
shorter abstract, minor revision of text and added reference
Hierarchy of random deterministic chaotic maps with an invariant measure
Hierarchy of one and many-parameter families of random trigonometric chaotic
maps and one-parameter random elliptic chaotic maps of type with an
invariant measure have been introduced. Using the invariant measure
(Sinai-Ruelle-Bowen measure), the Kolmogrov-Sinai entropy of the random chaotic
maps have been calculated analytically, where the numerical simulations support
the resultsComment: 11 pages, Late
Enhancement of the Nernst effect by stripe order in a high-Tc superconductor
The Nernst effect in metals is highly sensitive to two kinds of phase
transition: superconductivity and density-wave order. The large positive Nernst
signal observed in hole-doped high-Tc superconductors above their transition
temperature Tc has so far been attributed to fluctuating superconductivity.
Here we show that in some of these materials the large Nernst signal is in fact
caused by stripe order, a form of spin / charge modulation which causes a
reconstruction of the Fermi surface. In LSCO doped with Nd or Eu, the onset of
stripe order causes the Nernst signal to go from small and negative to large
and positive, as revealed either by lowering the hole concentration across the
quantum critical point in Nd-LSCO, or lowering the temperature across the
ordering temperature in Eu-LSCO. In the latter case, two separate peaks are
resolved, respectively associated with the onset of stripe order at high
temperature and superconductivity near Tc. This sensitivity to Fermi-surface
reconstruction makes the Nernst effect a promising probe of broken symmetry in
high-Tc superconductors
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