41 research outputs found

    Reparação de perfuração ocular em um cão usando pericárdio homólogo preservado em glicerina

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    As lesões de córnea ocorrem frequentemente em cães. Várias técnicas cirúrgicas são propostas para reparar perfuração de córnea, incluindo flapes conjuntivais, ceratoplastias, enxertos corneanos e implantes biológicos. Um caso de perfuração ocular em um cão tratado com pericárdio homólogo conservado em glicerina é apresentado. Oito anos de idade, macho, Pit Bull foi encaminhado ao Serviço de Oftalmologia do Hospital de Clínicas Veterinárias da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) com 12 horas de perfuração corneana. O exame oftálmico revelou desconforto ocular, epífora, hiperemia conjuntival e perfuração corneana central com 5mm no olho direito. A correção cirúrgica foi realizada utilizando pericárdio homólogo conservado em glicerina. O uso de pericárdio homólogo conservado em glicerina foi efetivo na reparação do defeito corneano, preservando as funções e a anatomia oculares

    Suíno como modelo experimental na pesquisa biomédica: valores fisiológicos normais

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    Background:   The use of animals in biomedical research is of great importance. It is fundamental for the development and improvement of new practices and technologies. The selection of the species must take into consideration the practicality of handling and the suitability for the experiment, and it must have low operational costs. Swine are important as an experimental model in several experiment areas, because the functionality of many of their organic systems is developed similarly as it is in humans. Swine are animals that become easily stressed. For that reason, their conditioning is necessary to allow the obtainment of data that is closer to normal parameters. This study aims at reporting the physiological values obtained from awake swine, under normal conditions and minimum stress. Materials, Methods & Results: The animals were maintained under ideal environmental conditions, and they were always handled and conditioned by the same persons. Twenty crossbred swine were evaluated, aged between 60 and 90 days and with a body mass ranging between 17 and 25 kg. The parameters considered were cardiac frequency (FC),  emoglobin oxygen saturation (pulse oxymetry – SPO2), respiratory frequency (fR), end tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2), systolic (PAM), diastolic (PAD) and mean (PAM) arterial pressure and arterial blood gas values – pH, arterial pressure of CO2 (PACO2), arterial pressure of O2 (PAO2), total CO2 (TCO2), base excess (EB), bicarbonate (HCO3) and O2 saturation (SATO2). The experiment was developed in compliance with the Standards of Animal Ethics and Welfare recommended by the National Council on the Control of Animal Experiments and with Law 11.794 of October 2008, being further approved by the Ethics Committee of the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. To obtain the FC, fR, ETCO2 and SPO2 values, 20 animal samples were used. FC presented mean values (± standard deviation) of 134 ± 20.67 beats per minute (bpm), showing a maximum value of 180 bpm and a minimum of 103 bpm. The mean fR was 24.5 ± 5.61 breaths per minute (bpm), with a maximum value of 34 bpm and a minimum of 14 bpm, and SPO2 was 96 ± 2.10 %. Moreover, the values obtained in the analysis of exhaled gases showed a ETCO2 at 44.6 ± 5.41 mmHg, with a maximum value of 53 mmHg and minimum value of 34 mmHg. The arterial pressure was obtained from 19 animals, yielding the following values: 135.8 ± 16.29 mmHg for systolic pressure, 81.6 ± 14.10 mmHg for diastolic pressure and 103.3 ± 12.65 mmHg for mean pressure. Samples from 18 animals were used to measure the arterial blood gas. The values obtained were as follows: 7.497 ± 0.019 for Mean pH , 41.7 ± 6.95 mmHg for partial O2 pressure, 90.65 ± 2.5 mmHg for partial CO2 pressure, 32.8 ± 2.18 mmol/L for total CO2, 7.57 ± 1.9 mmol/L for base excess, 31.5 ± 2.12 mmol/L for bicarbonate and 97.55 ± 0.64 for oxygen saturation. Discussion: The animals seemed submissive and able to be conditioned and therefore it was easy to obtain basal values. These data were slightly different from the values obtained in other studies, thus becoming more reliable to be used as parameters in exsperiments employing this species. There seem to be interspecies differences when one intends to make a comparison with human beings. Values such as O2 concentration in arterial blood are normally lower in swine, possibly due to a lower hemoglobin concentration and a higher body temperature in the species. Despite some differences, there are many physiological similarities with human beings, which allows for the conclusion that swine is a great species to be employed in the biomedical research

    Linfangiectasia intestinal associada à linfangite lipogranulomatosa em cão da raça Pit Bull

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    A linfangiectasia é uma enteropatia desperdiçadora de proteínas, que ocorre devido à drenagem ineficaz da rede linfática, podendo estar acompanhada por uma linfangite lipogranulomatosa, que é a reação ao material de vasos linfáticos que se romperam. Através dos sinais clínicos, que incluem diarréia crônica, efusões cavitárias, edema de membros e emagrecimento progressivo, em conjunto com achados histopatológicos, se obtém o diagnóstico. Este estudo tem como objetivo descrever os aspectos clínicos e patológicos de um caso de linfangiectasia intestinal associada à linfangite lipogranulomatosa em um cão macho, 14 meses de idade, da raça pit bull, que foi atendido no Hospital de Clínicas Veterinárias da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. O animal apresentava aumento abdominal, dispnéia, anorexia e cansaço. Em punção abdominal e torácica, observou-se um líquido esbranquiçado classificado, após análise, como quilo. Optou-se, então, pela laparotomia exploratória para identificação de possíveis causas para a alteração, mostrando obstrução do linfonodo mesentérico e pequenos nódulos brancos e irregulares na serosa do intestino delgado. Foi instituído o tratamento com dieta hipocalórica; porém, o paciente acabou indo a óbito decorridas três semanas de tratamento. Aliando-se os sinais clínicos aos exames laboratoriais e achados de necropsia, chegou-se ao diagnóstico definitivo: linfangiectasia intestinal associada à linfangite lipogranulomatosa

    Uso do Laser ALGaInP na cicatrização de lesões cutâneas experimentais em coelhos

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    Background:  :  :  : Animals with extensive cutaneous lesions remain hospitalized for long periods. In addition to increasing treatment costs, this also causes stress in these animals. Low-power laser is widely used to support tissue repair processes. Its use in the treatment of cutaneous wounds has been studied, as it reduces the wound healing period and the consequences caused by the lesion. The study aimed to evaluat the wound healing process of experimental cutaneous wounds in rabbits with the use of laser therapy. Materials, Methods & Results: Ten healthy New Zealand rabbits were used in the study, which were divided in two groups (n=5). Skin biopsies were carried out on day 16 in Group 1 and on day 8 in Group 2. The animals were under general anesthesia for the experimental cutaneous lesion to be carried out. Two 1cm2 wounds were made on the back of each animal. The lesions were measured by a pachymeter in the immediate postoperative period, then covered with sterile gauze and maintained with rubber bandages. The animals were treated only with Tramadon 3 mg.kg-1 twice a day, during 3 days. Only the lesions on the right side of the animals were irradiated regularly, on each side of the wound, at a distance of 0.5 cm from the margin. The equipment used was a 660nm wavelength AlGaInP laser diode (Laserpulse, Ibramed), pulsed at a frequency of 20 Hz, at a dose of 3J and stimulation time of 12s. The left-side lesions represented the control and the treatment administered to them consisted only of a cleanse using a NaCl solution at 0.9% once a day. The measurement of the lesion area was made every two days with a pachymeter, and the macroscopic characteristics were noted on a control card. For the histological evaluation of the wound healing process, biopsy specimens were taken from the right and left lesions on the sixteenth day in G1 and on the eighth day in G2, by means of a 6mm punch. The samples were stained with Hematoxylin-eosin for the global evaluation of the tissue section, and with Masson’s trichrome for evaluation of the presence of collagen fibers in interstitial fibrosis sites. Hyperemia followed by a discreet bleeding could be observed in wounds treated with laser after its application. With regard to the wound healing area, there was no difference between treated and control animals in both groups. However, in the microscopic evaluation of G1, in relation to the histological variables, significantly higher results were found in lesions treated with laser however, in the microscopic evaluation of G1, in relation to the histological variables, significantly higher results were found in lesions treated with laser: vascular proliferation, fibroblast and collagen proliferation, as well as the presence of hair follicles. In G2, only the fibroblastic proliferation showed a significant difference (p= 0.08) in lesions treated with laser. Discussion: There was no difference in the number of inflammatory cells in this study, perhaps because the control animals underwent laser treatment of the contralateral lesion. However, the treated animals had a higher number of deposited collagen fibers than the control ones, corroborating the data mentioned in literature. The most important result found was associated with vascular proliferation, which showed a significant difference (p= 0.046). The formation of new blood vessels seems to be substantially facilitated by the laser use, because a relatively higher number of elements was found in the group irradiated by it, as similarly hyperemia and bleeding were observed during treatment. The results obtained suggest that irradiation with AlGaInP diode laser, at a dose of 3J, acted as a biostimulative agent in the wound healing of experimental lesions. Evidence of this could be demonstrated by an accelerated cell proliferation process during the experiment. The experimental lesion, animal species selected and laser application method were adequate for the execution of this project

    Intussuscepção jejunoileal dupla em um cão

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    Intussuscepção é uma afecção digestiva relativamente comum na clínica veterinária. Caracteriza-se pela invaginação de um segmento intestinal em outro adjacente, de maneira anterógrada ou retrógrada. No presente estudo descreve-se um caso de intussuscepção jejunoileal dupla em um cão. Os sinais clínicos são inespecíficos e incluem vômito, dor abdominal, fezes mucóides e sanguinolentas e pela existência de massa abdominal palpável. O diagnóstico se dá pelos sinais clínicos e exames complementares, como radiografias e ultra-sonografia. Através de celiotomia mediana ventral foi empregada técnica de enteroanastomose término-terminal para tratamento da afecção em questão. Um segmento de aproximadamente 80 cm do intestino delgado foi ressectado. Radiografias contrastadas pós-operatórias realizadas ao redor do vigésimo dia de evolução cirúrgica evidenciaram o trânsito intestinal normal no sítio anastomosado. O ganho de peso demonstrado pelo animal e a ausência de qualquer alteração de origem gastrintestinal confirmaram o sucesso do tratamento instituído

    Condrossarcoma mixóide em um coelho

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    Tumores ósseos primários em animais, com exceção dos osteossarcomas, são raros. O condrossarcoma é uma neoplasia maligna, de crescimento lento, proveniente de tecido cartilaginoso. É um tumor localmente invasivo, tendo grande propensão a recidivas, mas baixa incidência de formação de metástases. O diagnóstico definitivo é dado pelo exame histopatológico. A remoção cirúrgica, com obediência aos preceitos da cirurgia oncológica é o tratamento indicado. Foi atendido, no Hospital de Clínicas Veterinárias da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, um coelho, sem raça definida (SRD), macho, não castrado, com aproximadamente três anos de idade e 4,3kg de peso, apresentando claudicação e aumento de volume na região distal do membro pélvico direito. O exame histopatológico revelou diagnóstico de condrossarcoma mixóide de grau II. Realizou-se a amputação do membro afetado. O paciente demonstrou uma boa recuperação dos movimentos nos primeiros dias após a cirurgia, retornando às funções que realizava anteriormente, como caminhar, correr e saltar