42 research outputs found

    The Relationship between Reading Skills and Language Proficiency

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    Reading is an essential skill that helps readers obtain information, gain knowledge, and expand their perspectives. It is a process that involves readers both decoding and comprehending written materials and is crucial for personal growth. Due to its significant role in advancing learners’ proficiency in the target language, reading plays a crucial role in language learning. It enhances vocabulary and grammar skills, improves comprehension skills, provides cultural knowledge and awareness, and serves as a motivator for learners to continue their language learning journey. This paper tries to explore the benefits of reading for the development of language skills

    Comparison of various phenotypic methods in detection of extended-spectrum beta-lactamases

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    Genişlemiş spektrumlu beta-laktamaz (GSBL) enzimi bazı Gram negatif bakterilerde sefalosporinlere, geniş spektrumlu penisilinlere ve monobaktamlara karşı direnç sorununa neden olmaktadır. Tedavi başarısını arttırmak için bu enzimlerin varlığı çeşitli yöntemlerle araştırılmaktadır. Çalışmamızda Düzce Üniversitesi Araştırma ve Uygulama Hastanesi Klinik Mikrobiyoloji Laboratuvarında üretilen Escherichia coli ve Klebsiella suşlarında GSBL saptanmasında kullanılan fenotipik testlerin [disk difüzyon tarama testi (DDTT), çift disk sinerji testi (ÇDST), E-test] etkinliği karşılaştırılmıştır. Klebsiella spp. ve K.pneumoniae suşlarında, tarama testi ve E-test benzer sonuçlar vermiş iken ÇDST diğer testlerin saptayabildiği GSBL’lerin hepsini saptayamamıştır. Bu testin etkinliği, E-test ile karşılaştırıldığında Klebsiella spp. için p=0.002 ve K.pneumoniae için p=0.041 düzeyinde ve tarama testi ile karşılaştırıldığında Klebsiella spp. için p=0.001 ve K.pneumoniae için p=0.041 düzeyinde, anlamlı olarak düşük bulunmuştur. E.coli suşlarında ise farklı olarak; ÇDST ile E-test sonuçları benzer iken (p=0.187), tarama testi ÇDST’ne göre anlamlı derecede daha etkin bulunmuştur (p<0.05). Sonuç olarak, Gram negatif bakteri kaynaklı infeksiyonların tedavisinde antibiyotiklerin hastaya uygulanıp uygulanmaması konusunda karar verirken ÇDST’nin tek başına kullanılmaması gerektiği, DDTT yapılmasının çok önemli olduğu ve E-test ile doğrulanması gerektiği düşünülmüştür.Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) enzymes of some gram-negative bacteria cause resistance to cephalosporins, broad-spectrum penicillins and monobactams. The presence of these enzymes must be investigated by various methods for the success of the treatment. In this study, the effectiveness of various phenotypic methods for detection of extended-spectrum beta-lactamases [disk diffusion screening test (DDTT), double-disk synergy test (DDST), and E-test] in Escherichia coli and Klebsiella strains isolated in Clinical Microbiology Laboratory of Duzce University, Medical Faculty were compared. Similar results were obtained with screening test and E-test, whereas DDST was found insufficient in detecting ESBL&amp;#8217;s that were determined by other methods. The effectivity of this test was found significantly low, when compared with E-test, with results for Klebsiella spp. (p=0.002) and K.pneumoniae (p=0.041) and screening test, with results for the Klebsiella spp. (p=0.001) and K.pneumoniae (p=0.041). For E.coli strains, results obtained with DDST and E-test (p=0.187) were found similar but, screening test was significantly effective than DDST (p&lt;0.05). As a result, for the decision of the choice of antibiotics in the treatment of Gram-negative bacterial infections, DDST should not be used alone. Use of DDTT is very important and E-test should be used for verification

    The Relationship Between Frailty and Treatment Compliance in Diabetic and Geriatric Patients Using Insulin

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    Aim:Understanding and detecting frailty makes convenience to healthcare providers for deciding on appropriate therapy and follow-up strategy. In this study, we tried to determine the relationship between compliance to therapy, hypoglycemia and frailty in the elderly diabetic patients under insulin therapy.Materials and Methods:One hundred sixty-seven patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus and under insulin therapy were recruited for the study. Criteria of frailty according to the Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS) were used to determine frailty. According to CHS, patients fulfilling three or more criteria out of five were regarded as frail elderly. Hypoglycemia rates and compliance to treatment were compared between the groups.Results:44.3% of our patients were regarded as frail elderly and the rate of hypoglycemia was higher in this group. A dignificant relationship between subgroups of frailty and insulin was detected. Frailty rate was 28.6% in the basal insulin therapy group, 37.1% in the basal-bolus therapy group and 40% in the premixed insulin group. In the frail elderly group, the rate of moderate hypoglycemia was significantly higher than in the non-frail group (40.2% vs 20%). Severe hypoglycemic episodes were observed more frequently in the frail elderly group than in the non-frail group (24.6% vs 12.7%).Conclusion:Frailty increases the risk of moderate and severe hypoglycemia. Before planning and starting insulin therapy, frailty must be detected and taken into consideration

    Toplumun radyasyon farkındalığı ve radyasyonla ilgili bilgi düzeyi

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    Giriş: Son dönemlerde sıkça gündeme gelen radyasyon konusunda toplumun bilgi seviyesini ölçmek, radyasyon ile ilgili bilgi, tutum, davranış ve genel kültür seviyesini tespit etmek ve bu konuda eğitim taleplerinin olup olmadığını öğrenmek amaçlanmıştır.Gereç ve Yöntem: Toplumda radyasyon farkındalığı ve bilgi düzeylerini saptamaya yönelik 22 soruluk bir anketi hazırladık. Anket formu; yaş, cinsiyet, eğitim durumu, mesleği ve radyasyon sebepleri, radyasyondan korunma yöntemleri, radyasyon farkındalığı ile ilgili sorular içermekteydi. İstatistiki analizlerde Ki kare testi kullanılmıştır.

    Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori in symptomatic patients and detection of clarithromycin resistance using melting curve analysis

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    AbstractBackground:Clarithromycin is often a component of combination therapies for Helicobacter pylori eradication; however, increases in resistance rates have decreased the success of the treatment.Objective:This study was designed to determine the prevalence of H pylori infection in symptomatic patients and to detect clarithromycin resistance rates using melting curve analysis.Methods:Patients scheduled for upper endoscopy at the Endoscopy Unit of the Department of Gastroenterology, Duzce University, Medical Faculty Hospital, Konuralp/Duzce, Turkey, were assessed for enrollment in the study. Two pairs of gastric biopsy specimens (antrum and corpus) were obtained from each study patient. Histopathologic examination, rapid urease test, culture, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of the specimens were used to identify H pylori infection. Clarithromycin resistance was detected using melting curve analysis.Results:Seventy-five patients (41 women, 34 men; mean [SD]age, 42.6 [14.5] years [range, 17–70 years]) were included in the study. Using histopathology and rapid urease test, H pylori was detected in 40 (53.3%) of the 75 specimens. H pylori was detected using PCR in 40 (53.3%) specimens and by culture in 10 (13.3%) specimens. The specificity and sensitivity of PCR and culture were interpreted by comparing them with the results of histopathologic examination and urease tests. The specificity and sensitivity of PCR were 68.6% and 72.5%, respectively, and the specificity and sensitivity of culture were 97.1% and 22.5%, respectively. Of the 40 isolates, 21 (52.5%) were susceptible to clarithromycin, 12 (30.0%) were resistant, and a mixed susceptibility pattern was detected in 7 (17.5%) specimens. H pylori isolates from 19 (79.2%) of the 24 patients who had formerly used clarithromycin showed clarithromycin resistance.Conclusions:The prevalence of H pylori infection was 53.3% for the symptomatic patients in this study, and 47.5% of the isolates showed clarithromycin resistance using melting curve analysis. The PCR-based system used in this study was accurate for the detection of H pylori infection as well as clarithromycin susceptibility testing directly in biopsy specimens

    Theurapeutic effect of saccharomyces boulardii in shigella sonnei infecction and translocation in immunosupressed rats

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    Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır. Yayınlanma izni olmayan tezlerin basılı kopyalarına Üniversite kütüphaneniz aracılığıyla (TÜBESS üzerinden) erişebilirsiniz.YÖK Tez No: 1715417.0ZET Saccharomyces boulardii (Sb) diyarenin önlenmesi ve tedavisinde yaygın olarak kullanılmakta iken, immünsüprese bireylerde translokasyona uğraması ve kana geçmesi potansiyel risk olarak rapor edilmektedir. Bu çalışma, Sb' nin S. sonnei ile infekte edilen immünsüprese ratlarda tedavi edici etkisini ve her iki mikroorganizmanın translokasyonunun değerlendirilmesi amacıyla planlanmıştır. Her biri on' arlı toplam 40 wistar albino rat kullanılarak Grup A (immünsüprese ve tedavi edilmeyen) Grup B (immünsüprese ve Sb ile tedavi edilen) Grup C (immünsüprese, S. sonnei ile infekte edilen ve Sb ile tedavi edilen) ve Grup D (immünsüprese ve S. sonnei ile infekte edilen) olmak üzere dört gruba ayrılmıştır. Ratlar öldürüldükten sonra kalın barsak, karaciğer, dalak ve mezenterik lenf nodları ile kan örnekleri alınarak mikrobiyolojik ve histopatolojik açıdan değerlendirilmiştir. Bakteriyel translokasyon indeksi olarak doku gramı başına düşen mikroorganizma sayısı, histopatolojik değişiklikler için ise etkilenen doku örnekleri skala ile derecelendirilerek hesaplanmıştır, istatistiksel analizler, ortalama standart sapma, Kruscal-Wallis test, Mann-Whitney U test ve ANOVA-post hoc Tukey testleri kullanılarak yapılmıştır. A ve C gruplarında translokasyon saptanmamış ve kan kültürlerinin hiçbirinde üreme olmamış iken, Sb veya S. sonnei uygulanan immünsüprese B ve D grubundaki ratlarda ekstraintestinal bölgelere sistemik yayılım sonucu karaciğer, dalak ve mezenterik lenf nodlarında translokasyon saptanmış ve bazı rafların kan örneklerinde üreme görülmüştür. Histopatolojik inceleme sonuçları, immunsüpresyon ve S. sonnei infeksiyonu sonucu kalın barsak, karaciğer ve dalakta meydana gelen değişikliklere karşı Sb'nin göreceli koruyuculuğunu ortaya koymaktadır 49Sonuç olarak, Sb immünsüprese raflarda S. sonnei infeksiyonu tedavisinde in vivo olarak etkili bulunmuştur; ancak risk gruplarında terapötik kullanımında yarar- zarar dengesinin dikkate alınması gerekmektedir. 508.INGILIZCE ÖZET THEURAPEUTIC EFFECT OF SACCHAROMYCES BOULARDII IN SHIGELLA SONNEI INFECTION AND TRANSLOCATION IN IMMUNOSUPRESSED RATS Saccharomyces boulardii (Sb) is widely used for the treatment and the prevention of diarrhea, but potential risk of translocation and blood penetration of Sb in immunodeficient individuals was reported. This study was conducted with the aim of investigating the theurapeutic effect of Sb in immunosupressed rats infected with Shigella sonnei and to detect the presence of translocation of Sb and S.sonnei. Fourty male Wistar albino rats were divided into four groups of 10 animals each. Group A (immunosuppressed, not treated); Group B (immunosuppressed, treated with S. boulardii); Group C (immunosuppressed, infected with S.sonnei, treated with Sb); Group D (immunosuppressed, infected with S.sonnei). After the rats were killed, the large bowel, liver, spleen, mesenteric lymph nodes and blood samples were removed for microbiologic and histologic examination and blood cultures were evaulated. The translocation index showing the microorganism per gram of tissue and the grading scale showing histopathological changes affecting the tissue samples were calculated. Data was expressed as means ± SD. Kruskal-Wallis, Mann-Whitney U test ve ANOVA-post hoc Tukey tests. In Groups A and C no translocation was present and blood cultures were all negative, but in Group B and D immunosupression with Sb or S.sonnei administration, resulted in translocation and its systemic spread to extraintestinal sites of liver, spleen and mesenteric lymph nodes in some rats and growth was observed from the blood specimens rats. Histopathological examination results showed the changes in large bowel, liver and spleen as a result of immunosupression and S.sonnei infection and relative protection with Sb was obtained in immunosupressed rats. 51In conclusion, Sb is found effective in the therapy of S.sonnei infection in immunusupressed rats, in vivo; but therapeutic usage of Sb should be carefully considered regarding its risk-benefit potential in risk groups. 5

    Cladding of high Mn steel on low C steel by explosive welding

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    High Mn steel containing about 16% Mn was cladded to a low C steel by explosive welding. The experimental results showed that the bonding interface has a wavy morphology; the welding interface has the characteristics of both sharp transition and local melted zones between 2 metals. Hardness increased near the welding interface due to excess plastic deformation in the explosion area and phase transformation from g (f.c.c.) to a (b.c.c.).High Mn steel containing about 16% Mn was cladded to a low C steel by explosive welding. The experimental results showed that the bonding interface has a wavy morphology; the welding interface has the characteristics of both sharp transition and local melted zones between 2 metals. Hardness increased near the welding interface due to excess plastic deformation in the explosion area and phase transformation from g (f.c.c.) to a (b.c.c.)

    Kitab-ı sünühat-ı Vehbiye ve esrar-ı nevniye

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    Aynı ciltte 7 eser biraradadır. Metin eski harfli Türkçedir

    Unsuccessful Practice of Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy in an Infant with Gastric Volvulus: a Case Report

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    Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) is an easy and safe procedure for long-term enteral feeding in children with inadequate oral intake. Although PEG has been used for treatment of gastric volvulus in adults, there is a little relevant data for its use in children. Here, we report a 17-month-old male infant who was admitted to our hospital with a 1-month history of vomiting. Upper gastrointestinal contrast study revealed an organoaxial gastric volvulus. Then PEG was inserted for the purpose of nutritional support. Because the patient continued to vomit after feeding via gastrostomy, surgery was planned. Laparotomy revealed that the entry of the PEG tube was at the posterior wall of the stomach. The gastrostomy tube was removed, and the opening was repaired. Then the stomach was repositioned, and Nissen fundoplication and a Stamm gastrostomy at the anterior wall of the stomach were performed. The patient had no further episodes of vomiting after surgery and was discharged following an uneventful recovery period

    High rate of hepatitis B virus DNA positivity in anti-HBc only-positive patients

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    In hepatitis B virus (HBV) infections, detection of only anti-HBc in the absence of HBsAg and anti-HBs is known as 'anti-HBc only' situation. In this study we investigated the rate of HBV-DNA positivity in anti-HBc only-positive 45 patients (29 male, 16 female; mean age: 39.2 ±12.3 years) who were followed in the outpatient clinics of a University Hospital in Düzce (located at northern west part of Turkey). HBV markers were investigated by 3rd generation ELISA (MEIA Axsym-Abbott), and HBV-DNA were searched by real-time PCR [extraction: Minielute (Qiagen, Germany); PCR kits: Florion HBV (lontek, Turkey); detection: i-cycler IQ5 (BioRad, USA)] methods. As a result, 24.4% (11/45) of the patients were found HBV-DNA positive (> 103 copies/ml). There was no statistically significant difference of HBV-DNA positivity rates between males (9/29; 31 %) and females (2/16; 12.5%), (p 0.15). It was concluded that there may be a serious risk of HBV transmission from anti-HBc only-positive patients since the rate of HBV-DNA positivity was found high in our study. Thus HBV-DNA screening should be performed in 'anti-HBc only' patient group