1,427 research outputs found

    Australian Strategic Culture: A Case Study

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    This examines the relationship between a country’s history and its actions on the international stage through the prism of the strategic culture theoretical framework created in works by Alistair Ian Johnston, Elizabeth Keir, Jack Snyder, and others. The central question of the study will be whether or not an understanding of a state’s past actions, rhetoric, and/or cultural obligations can provide an accurate predictor of future action and the primary thesis is that national “strategic culture” has a causal effect on national policy decisions. Towards this end, I have chosen to conduct a case study to ascertain the impact and validity of the “strategic culture” concept. A case study design will allow for a fine-grained examination of “strategic culture” and its effects in greater detail. The particular case that will be examined is that of Australia. The essay will begin with a literature review, then progress to analysis of various forms of primary evidence such as national security documents, speeches, and historical actions, and finally conclude with the presentation of any conclusions that can be drawn from the evidence examined


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    Genozidioaren inguruko gogoetak. Gerra Zibilaren eta Diktadura frankistaren garaian

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    Gerra Zibila eta Frankismoa garai ilunak izan dira Espainiako historian. Lan honetan zehar, garai horiei buruzko sortutako korronte historiografiakoak aztertuko dira, bertan memoria, iraganaren ezagutza eta salaketa helburu nagusia delarik. Aztertutako korronte eta egile ezberdinen argudioak, aditzera emango dute, Espainian 1939-1975.urte bitartean, genozidioaren ezaugarriak bete zirela azpimarratzen dute, hau, Frankismoko eta Gerra Zibilean erabilitako metodoen bitartez egin eta bermatu zirelarik. Lan honetan zehar, historiagile moduan, argudio eta korronte historiografiko horiek aztertu eta interpretatuko dira. Azken hamarkadetan zehar, ikerketa ugari sortu izan dira, batzuk mundu akademikora bideraturik egongo direlarik, beste batzuk berriz, mundu sozialera bideratuak izan dira, bertan foruak, hitzaldiak, omenaldiak eta ikus-entzunezkoa materiala nagusitu egin direlarik. Guzti honek aditzera emango du gaur egongo gizartearen eta mundua akademikoaren premioa eta jakin nahia garai horiekiko. Lanaren hasieran, Espainian Gerra Zibil eta Frankismoan zehar sortutako historiografia korronteak aztertuko dira, gaiaren nondik norakoak ulertzeko eta egoeran kokatzeko. Gero, genozidio kontzeptu beraren lanketa adieraziko da, modu honetan gaizki ulertuak ekiditeko eta irakurlea kontzeptuaren garrantziaz jabetzeko. Amaierako zatian, genozidio eta historiografiarenarteko lotura emango da, egile ezberdinen interpretazio ezberdinak plazaratuz, hauekin batera, ondorio eta gogoeta propioak azalduko direlarik. Lanean zehar, gaur egun dagoen eztabaida landu eta azaltzea izango da, hau da, eztabaida horren nondik norakoak analizatuz. Adierazi daiteke, Espainiako Gerra Zibila eta Frankismoa gaur egungo gizartean min handia sortzen duen gaia dela. Historiagile moduan, interpretazioa burutzeko beharra ikuste dut, aldi berean, gizarteak eskatzen duen zehaztasun zientifikoaren beharrari bidea irekiz

    Solar Decathlon Instrumentation and Controls

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    The Instrumentation and Controls team has designed a control and instrumentation system for the 2015 Cal Poly Solar Decathlon house that will monitor temperature, humidity, and energy usage throughout the house and control the phase change material duct. It will relay information to the user through a tablet application developed by the Computer Science team. The team has also designed a lighting control scheme for use with Lutron’s HomeWorks QS lighting control system

    Multi-time scale analysis of sugarcane within-field variability: Improved crop diagnosis from satellite time series ?

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    International audienceWithin-field spatial variability is related to multiple factors that can be time independent or time-dependent. In this study, our working hypothesis is that a multi-time scale analysis of the dynamics of spatial patterns can help establish a diagnosis of crop condition. To test this hypothesis, we analyzed the within-field variability of a sugarcane crop at seasonal and annual time scales, and tried to link this variability to environmental (climate, topography, and soil depth) and cropping (harvest date) factors. The analysis was based on a sugarcane field vegetation index (NDVI) time series of fifteen SPOT images acquired in the French West Indies (Guadeloupe) in 2002 and 2003, and on an original classification method that enabled us to focus on crop spatial variability independently of crop growth stages. We showed that at the seasonal scale, the within-field growth pattern depended on the phenological stage of the crop and on cropping operations. At the annual scale, NDVI maps revealed a stable pattern for the two consecutive years at peak vegetation, despite very different rainfall amounts, but with inverse NDVI values. This inversion is linked with the topography and consequently to the plant water status. We conclude that (1) it is necessary to know the crop growing cycle to correctly interpret the spatial pattern, (2) single-date images may be insufficient for the diagnosis of crop condition or for prediction, and (3) the pattern of vigour occurrence within fields can help diagnose growth anomalies

    Hybrid Emission Modeling of GRB 221009A: Shedding Light on TeV Emission Origins in Long-GRBs

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    Observations of long duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) with TeV emission during their afterglow have been on the rise. Recently, GRB 221009A, the most energetic GRB ever observed, was detected by the {LHAASO} experiment in the energy band 0.2 - 7 TeV. Here, we interpret its afterglow in the context of a hybrid model in which the TeV spectral component is explained by the proton-synchrotron process while the low energy emission from optical to X-ray is due to synchrotron radiation from electrons. We constrained the model parameters using the observed optical, X-ray and TeV data. By comparing the parameters of this burst and of GRB 190114C, we deduce that the VHE emission at energies \geq 1 TeV in the GRB afterglow requires large explosion kinetic energy, E1054E \gtrsim 10^{54}~erg and a reasonable circumburst density, n10n\gtrsim 10~cm3^{-3}. This results in a small injection fractions of particles accelerated to a power-law, 102\sim 10^{-2}. {A significant fraction of shock energy must be allocated to a near equipartition magnetic field, ϵB101\epsilon_B \sim 10^{-1}, while electrons should only carry a small fraction of this energy, ϵe103\epsilon_e \sim 10^{-3}. Under these conditions required for a proton synchrotron model, namely ϵBϵe\epsilon_B \gg \epsilon_e, the SSC component is substantially sub-dominant over proton-synchrotron as a source of TeV photons.} These results lead us to suggest that proton-synchrotron process is a strong contender for the radiative mechanisms explaining GRB afterglows in the TeV band.Comment: 15 pages and 4 figures (Accepted to be published in ApJ

    The impact of sending letters in improving teaching-learning process of natural number of pre-service teachers

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    The first contact that a pre-service teacher has with didactics of mathematics is the notion of natural number, being still in the university classroom and not having started working a real classroom. Therefore, the main objective of this work is to relate the knowledge of a trainee teacher to the different difficulties developed by the children and to evaluate the learning processes in a real environment. The participants were 20 future teachers and 40 (9-year-old) children. During the experience, six letters closely related to the contents of the university subject were exchanged; as well as two socialisation letters; and four videos, including two presentation and two farewell videos. Among the results obtained, we highlight that the participating university students have been able to reinforce the knowledge learned in class through the analysis of the children's resolutions, specifically the following: a) counting, b) resolution of additive-concrete situations, c) resolution of multiplicative-concrete situations, d) resolution of a monetary problem, and e) being aware of the manipulation of Cuisenaire's rods