27 research outputs found

    Sobre el patriarcat

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    En aquest article Veronica Beechey planteja l’examen d’una selecció de textos feministes sobre el patriarcat (entre altres les contribucions de Kate Millett, Sheila Jeffreys, McKenzie, etc.) i analitza també la conceptualització dualista de la societat implícita en aquests textos (sistema classe econòmica versus sistema classe sexual; mode de producció familiar versus mode de producció industrial, etc.). Beechey fa també referència als problemes que es presenten quan el patriarcat i el capitalisme són tractats com a estructures diferents (per exemple, ús de diferents conceptes de reproducció; separació del patriarcat d’altres aspectes del mode de producció; el fet que tot mode de producció suposa producció i reproducció; etc.). Després d’una extensa i profunda anàlisi crítica dels diferents usos que del concepte patriarcal han fet diferents teòrics (Mitchell i els sistemes de parentiu; Hartman i la dominació masclista; Eisenstein i la jerarquia sexual; etcètera), l’autora apunta que caldria concretar una teoria específica del patriarcat i investigar les formes de patriarcat que existeixen en les institucions socials concretes

    Women In the weighing room: gender discrimination on the thoroughbred racetrack

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    Women jockeys are a small minority on the thoroughbred racetrack and securesignificantly fewer racing mounts than their male counterparts. This suggests female jockeys are facing discriminatory barriers, in one of the only major professional sportswhere men and women compete against each other on equal terms. This exploratorystudy considers discriminatory barriers that exist and the effects they have on women’scomparative profile and participation in the flat racing industry. Six participants wererecruited for the study from different areas within the industry, and with at least threeyears experience. Information was derived from semi structured individual interviews. The data was analysed using discourse analysis techniques. Five main themes wereevident: a culture of sexism, including the sense that women are more nurturing;opportunities, including for women to become trainers; body shape and strength; riskand danger; industry fashion and trends. The results from this study suggest women face discrimination in horseracing onaccount of a number of factors, the three main perceived reasons are due to theirphysical strength, body shape and the tradition and history embedded within theindustry. Whilst there is a shift starting to occur where more women are coming throughin flat racing, this is slow. Participants consider that women may find these barriers andperceptions held by others difficult to overcome, which may result in their inability toachieve equality in this sport. Given the exploratory character of the study, conclusionsare tentative and we propose a number of areas for further research

    Sobre el patriarcat

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    Emploi des femmes : les études récentes en Grande-Bretagne

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    V. Beechey Women's employement : recent studies in Britain In a former issue of our review, «Women's work and family», we announced other contributions to come later. In the present paper, the author analyses recent British literature about women's employment. She draws the theoretical bases and their critics, main results and prospectives that researches have to face in this area.Dans le numéro 3/84 de Sociologie du travail, «Travail des femmes et famille», nous annoncions d'autres contributions à paraître ultérieurement, dont le présent article. L'auteur présente ici une analyse de la littérature britannique récente sur l'emploi féminin. Elle en dégage les présupposés théoriques et leurs critiques, les principaux résultats et les perspectives qui s'imposent à la recherche en ce domaine.Beechey Veronica. Emploi des femmes : les études récentes en Grande-Bretagne. In: Sociologie du travail, 27ᵉ année n°2, Avril-juin 1985. A propos des nouvelles couches moyennes. pp. 206-222

    Women and Public Power: Class Does Make a Difference

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