38 research outputs found

    The role of the second messenger cyclic di-GMP in Bacillus subtilis

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    The bacterial second messenger c-di-GMP represents an integral key regulator in the control of bacterial motility and biofilm formation. In this context, an increase in intracellular c-di-GMP production correlates with a sessile lifestyle, whereas low c-di-GMP levels favor planktonic cell behavior. Intracellular c-di-GMP levels are controlled by the antagonistic activity of c-di-GMP specific synthetases (diguanylate cyclases, DGCs) and hydrolases (phosphodiesterases, PDEs). Bacteria contain diverse c-di-GMP binding receptors/effectors, which exert the regulatory functions of this signaling molecule. A given bacterial genome typically encodes several paralogous copies of DGCs and PDEs. This lead to the question of how cells cope with such a multiplicity of signaling components and guarantee that specificity within certain signaling modules is mediated. Two general models for signal specificity through functional sequestration are currently discussed: the so-called local and global pool signaling hypotheses. Spatially sequestering the signal (pool) in multi-protein complexes at distinct cellular site may result in highly specific signaling pathways. Temporal and/ or conditional separation through differential expression and activation of DGCs/ PDEs/ output systems respectively, could have a distinct impact on the global c-di-GMP pool. This work investigates the role of c-di-GMP and its players in the Gram-positive model organism B. subtilis, which possesses a relatively small c-di-GMP signaling equipment. In particular, the obtained findings define a novel c-di-GMP signaling pathway regulating the production of an unknown exopolysaccharide (EPS) and furthermore imply that local and global signaling pools potentially operate in B. subtilis to regulate motility and exopolysaccharide production. The proposed c-di-GMP receptor YdaK resides in the putative EPS synthesis operon ydaJKLMN. Artificial YdaJ-N induction results in strongly altered colony biofilms, increased Congo Red staining and provokes furthermore cell clumping, which provides indirect evidence of EPS production. The putative EPS synthase components YdaM/ YdaN and YdaK co-localize to clusters predominantly at the cell poles and are statically positioned at this subcellular site, suggesting that exopolysaccharide production takes place at distinct sites of the membrane. The potential glycosyl hydrolase YdaJ is not essential for the generation of the above-described phenotypes, whereas the presence of YdaK is required, implying an involvement of the second messenger c-di-GMP. To approach the potential regulation of exopolysaccharide production through c-di-GMP via YdaK, different combinations of overexpression and deletion mutants of the operon and of dgc genes, respectively, were generated. Importantly, the presence of dgcK was shown to be indispensable for the production of the unknown EPS, thereby revealing a new function for one of the three known DGC enzymes. DgcK and YdaK partially co-localize to the same subcellular positions at the cell membrane implying close proximity of these players, which strongly suggests that YdaK receives its activation signal directly from the spatially close DgcK in agreement with the local pool hypothesis. The cytoplasmic DgcP synthetase can complement for DgcK only upon overproduction, while the third c-di-GMP synthetase, DgcW, seems not to be part of the signaling pathway. Removal of the regulatory EAL domain from DgcW reveals a distinct function in biofilm formation. Therefore, our study is compatible with the local pool signaling hypothesis, but shows that in case of the yda operon, this can easily be overcome by overproduction of non-cognate DGCs, indicating that global pools can also confer signals to this regulatory circuit. Furthermore, indications are provided within this study that all three DGCs might cooperate in inhibition of motility via the c-di-GMP receptor DgrA indicating that DgrA depends on globally elevated c-di-GMP levels

    Reaction behavior modeling of metal hydride based on FeTiMn using numerical simulations

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    In this contribution, we perform computer simulations to expedite the development of hydrogen storages based on metal hydride. These simulations enable in-depth analysis of the processes within the systems which otherwise could not be achieved. That is, because the determination of crucial process properties require measurement instruments in the setup which are currently not available. Therefore, we investigate the reliability of reaction values that are determined by a design of experiments. Specifically, we first explain our model setup in detail. We define the mathematical terms to obtain insights into the thermal processes and reaction kinetics. We then compare the simulated results to measurements of a 5-gram sample consisting of iron-titanium-manganese (FeTiMn) to obtain the values with the highest agreement with the experimental data. In addition, we improve the model by replacing the commonly used Van’t-Hoff equation by a mathematical expression of the pressure-composition-isotherms (PCI) to calculate the equilibrium pressure. Finally, the parameters’ accuracy is checked in yet another with an existing metal hydride system. The simulated results demonstrate high concordance with experimental data, which advocate the usage of approximated kinetic reaction properties by a design of experiments for further design studies. Furthermore, we are able to determine process parameters like the entropy and enthalpy

    Efficient Quality Diversity Optimization of 3D Buildings through 2D Pre-optimization

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    Quality diversity algorithms can be used to efficiently create a diverse set of solutions to inform engineers' intuition. But quality diversity is not efficient in very expensive problems, needing 100.000s of evaluations. Even with the assistance of surrogate models, quality diversity needs 100s or even 1000s of evaluations, which can make it use infeasible. In this study we try to tackle this problem by using a pre-optimization strategy on a lower-dimensional optimization problem and then map the solutions to a higher-dimensional case. For a use case to design buildings that minimize wind nuisance, we show that we can predict flow features around 3D buildings from 2D flow features around building footprints. For a diverse set of building designs, by sampling the space of 2D footprints with a quality diversity algorithm, a predictive model can be trained that is more accurate than when trained on a set of footprints that were selected with a space-filling algorithm like the Sobol sequence. Simulating only 16 buildings in 3D, a set of 1024 building designs with low predicted wind nuisance is created. We show that we can produce better machine learning models by producing training data with quality diversity instead of using common sampling techniques. The method can bootstrap generative design in a computationally expensive 3D domain and allow engineers to sweep the design space, understanding wind nuisance in early design phases.Comment: This is the final version and has been accepted for publication in Evolutionary Computation (MIT Press

    The effect of virtual reality exercise on physical fitness

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to assess physical fitness (PF) in healthy volunteers using the Senior Fitness Test (SFT) after a series of training sessions in virtual reality (VR) using the X-box 360 Kinect System. Materials and methods: This pilot study consisted of 32 healthy subjects aged 19 to 24 years (12 males and 20 females) with the mean age of 20.6±1.4 years and the mean BMI of 23.29±2.3. The subjects participated in the study for 2 weeks, at a frequency of 4 sessions weekly. Each session comprised 4 Kinect Adventures games: 20 000 Leaks, Curvy Creak, Rally Ball and Reflex Ridge. The Senior Fitness Test was used to assess physical fitness. Results: Analysis of data showed improvement in Arm-Curl (30.0 repetitions (rep.)) vs. 35.8 rep., p<0.001), Chair Stand (26.6 rep. vs. 30.2 rep., p<0.001), Back Scratch (3.1 cm vs. 6.1 cm, p<0.033), Chair Sit-and-Reach (1.0 cm vs. 5.3 cm, p<0.001), Up-and-Go (3.5 sec. vs. 3.2 sec., p<0.001) and 6-Minute Walk Test (731.3 m vs. 747.8.m, p<0.220). Statistically significant improvement was noted in 5 out of 6 STF trials. Only the 6-Minute Walk test results were not statistically significant. Conclusions: Training using a console with the Kinect motion sensor had positive effects on the physical fitness of the healthy volunteers

    Deformační měření TV vysílače v Hošťálkovicích

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta hornicko-geologická. Institut geodezie a důlního měřictví (544

    Einfluss des Akkus auf den Servicegrad von automatischen stationsbasierten Pedelec-Vermietsystemen

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    Pedelecs sind in den letzten Jahren zu einem wichtigen Baustein der deutschen Elektromobilitätswende geworden. Durch den Einsatz von Pedelecs in automatischen stationsbasierten Vermietsystemen im urbanen Raum ist eine Verkehrsalternative gegeben, die den Autoverkehr in Städten entlasten kann. Die Kundenzufriedenheit solcher Vermietsysteme wird über den Servicegrad bewertet und bildet das Verhältnis von zufriedenen Kunden zur Anzahl potentieller Kunden ab. Der Servicegrad kann dabei von verschiedenen exogenen und endogenen Faktoren beeinflusst werden. Die Untersuchung beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, ob es sich bei dem Akku um einen weiteren Einflussfaktor handelt. Um die Auswirkungen auf den Servicegrad durch den Akku zu analysieren, werden zunächst mögliche Betriebs- und Ladekonzepte von Pedelec-Vermietsystemen dargestellt. Darauf aufbauend wird ein automatisches stationsbasiertes Pedelec-Vermietsystem definiert, welches in der nachfolgenden Untersuchung betrachtet wird. In diesem Zusammenhang wird der Servicegrad speziell für Pedelec-Vermietsysteme definiert und für die Untersuchung relevante Einflussfaktoren identifiziert. Über eine Modellentwicklung werden Rahmenbedingungen des betrachteten Vermietsystems festgelegt und die Beziehungen der identifizierten Einflussfaktoren untereinander visuell und anhand von Formeln dargestellt. Anschließend wird das Modell in eine Simulationsumgebung überführt, um den Servicegrad in verschiedenen Szenarien zu bewerten. Modellrelevante Eingangsgrößen werden hierbei auf Basis von vorhandenen Daten aus bestehenden Vermietsystemen und analysierten Fahrdaten quantifiziert und in das Modell integriert. Das Ladeverhalten bei verschiedenen Ladeströmen des in der Untersuchung betrachteten Akkus wird experimentell bestimmt und über den Verlauf des State of Charge ebenfalls modelliert. Hierdurch wird der Einfluss einer Schnelllademöglichkeit auf den Servicegrad analysiert. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung zeigen, dass der Akku des Pedelecs einen weiteren Faktor darstellt, der zusätzlich für unzufriedene Kunden verantwortlich sein und den Servicegrad von automatischen stationsbasierten Pedelec-Vermietsystemen reduzieren kann. Insbesondere bei hochfrequentierten Stationen wird der Servicegrad durch den Einfluss des Akkus reduziert. Die Auswirkungen können durch die Erhöhung des Energieinhaltes des Akkus, die Anpassung des minimal notwendigen State of Charge sowie die Steigerung des Ladestroms minimiert werden. Das Verbesserungspotential dieser Maßnahmen steigt mit Zunahme der Mietdauer und der durchschnittlichen Akkuleistung. Langfristig betrachtet ist insbesondere für hochfrequentierte Stationen die Anschaffung von zusätzlichen Pedelecs einer Erhöhung des Ladestroms vorzuziehen, da die Steigerung des Servicegrades durch diese Maßnahme höher ausfällt.During the last years, pedelecs became more and more important for the era of electro mobility. The use of pedelecs in automated sharing systems in urban areas provides an alternative to the regular means of transport, in order to ensure traffic relieves in the cities. Within these sharing systems, the service rate describes the level of customer satisfaction. This parameter represents the ratio of satisfied customers to the total amount of customers and is influenced by different exogenous and endogenous factors. As a first step in analyzing the impact of the battery on the service rate, common operating and loading concepts for pedelec sharing systems are displayed within the scope of the current state of technology. The definition of the system as well as the definition of the service rate are examined in the further course of the work. Regarding this, the focus is on the identification of potential influencing factors. The development of a model leads to more framework conditions for the system. Furthermore, the relation between the identified factors is visualized and mathematically displayed. A transfer of the model into a simulation environment allows for the determination of the behavior of the service rate in different scenarios. The data analysis of real sharing systems and recorded trips results in the quantification of the models exogenous factors. Afterwards, these results are integrated into the simulation model. The performance and evaluation of experiments regarding battery charging determine the charging behavior with different currents. Subsequently, the SOC-profile is embedded into the simulation model. An evaluation shows the influence of fast charging on the service rate. The results of the examination indicate that the battery of the pedelec is a potential factor causing unsatisfied customers. Therefore, it can reduce the service rate in automatic station-based pedelec sharing systems. Especially at highly frequented stations, the influence of the battery reduces the level of service. By increasing the energy content of the battery, adapting the minimal required state of charge and raising the charging current, the effect can be reduced. The improvement potential of these actions increases with a longer term of lease and a higher average battery power. In a longer-term perspective, the purchase of additional pedelecs is preferable to the increase of charging current due to a larger improvement of the service level, especially for highly frequented stations

    Einfluss des Akkus auf den Servicegrad von automatischen stationsbasierten Pedelec-Vermietsystemen

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    Pedelecs sind in den letzten Jahren zu einem wichtigen Baustein der deutschen Elektromobilitätswende geworden. Durch den Einsatz von Pedelecs in automatischen stationsbasierten Vermietsystemen im urbanen Raum ist eine Verkehrsalternative gegeben, die den Autoverkehr in Städten entlasten kann. Die Kundenzufriedenheit solcher Vermietsysteme wird über den Servicegrad bewertet und bildet das Verhältnis von zufriedenen Kunden zur Anzahl potentieller Kunden ab. Der Servicegrad kann dabei von verschiedenen exogenen und endogenen Faktoren beeinflusst werden. Die Untersuchung beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, ob es sich bei dem Akku um einen weiteren Einflussfaktor handelt. Um die Auswirkungen auf den Servicegrad durch den Akku zu analysieren, werden zunächst mögliche Betriebs- und Ladekonzepte von Pedelec-Vermietsystemen dargestellt. Darauf aufbauend wird ein automatisches stationsbasiertes Pedelec-Vermietsystem definiert, welches in der nachfolgenden Untersuchung betrachtet wird. In diesem Zusammenhang wird der Servicegrad speziell für Pedelec-Vermietsysteme definiert und für die Untersuchung relevante Einflussfaktoren identifiziert. Über eine Modellentwicklung werden Rahmenbedingungen des betrachteten Vermietsystems festgelegt und die Beziehungen der identifizierten Einflussfaktoren untereinander visuell und anhand von Formeln dargestellt. Anschließend wird das Modell in eine Simulationsumgebung überführt, um den Servicegrad in verschiedenen Szenarien zu bewerten. Modellrelevante Eingangsgrößen werden hierbei auf Basis von vorhandenen Daten aus bestehenden Vermietsystemen und analysierten Fahrdaten quantifiziert und in das Modell integriert. Das Ladeverhalten bei verschiedenen Ladeströmen des in der Untersuchung betrachteten Akkus wird experimentell bestimmt und über den Verlauf des State of Charge ebenfalls modelliert. Hierdurch wird der Einfluss einer Schnelllademöglichkeit auf den Servicegrad analysiert. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung zeigen, dass der Akku des Pedelecs einen weiteren Faktor darstellt, der zusätzlich für unzufriedene Kunden verantwortlich sein und den Servicegrad von automatischen stationsbasierten Pedelec-Vermietsystemen reduzieren kann. Insbesondere bei hochfrequentierten Stationen wird der Servicegrad durch den Einfluss des Akkus reduziert. Die Auswirkungen können durch die Erhöhung des Energieinhaltes des Akkus, die Anpassung des minimal notwendigen State of Charge sowie die Steigerung des Ladestroms minimiert werden. Das Verbesserungspotential dieser Maßnahmen steigt mit Zunahme der Mietdauer und der durchschnittlichen Akkuleistung. Langfristig betrachtet ist insbesondere für hochfrequentierte Stationen die Anschaffung von zusätzlichen Pedelecs einer Erhöhung des Ladestroms vorzuziehen, da die Steigerung des Servicegrades durch diese Maßnahme höher ausfällt

    Smart Specialisations – Methodology and Best Practices

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    New Functions and Subcellular Localization Patterns of c-di-GMP Components (GGDEF Domain Proteins) in B. subtilis

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    The universal and pleiotropic cyclic dinucleotide second messenger c-di-GMP is most prominently known to inversely regulate planktonic and sessile lifestyles of Gram-negative species. In the Gram-positive model organism Bacillus subtilis, intracellular c-di-GMP levels are modulated by a concise set of three diguanylate cylases (DgcK, DgcP, DgcW) and one phosphodiesterase (PdeH). Two recent studies have reported the negative influence of the c-di-GMP receptor DgrA (PilZ domain protein) on swarming motility indicating a conserved role of this second messenger across the bacterial domain. However, it has been suggested that the degenerated GGDEF protein YdaK and the inactive EAL domain protein YkuI may also function as c-di-GMP receptors regulating potentially other processes than motility. Here we describe a novel c-di-GMP dependent signaling network in B. subtilis regulating the production of an unknown exopolysaccharide (EPS) that leads to strongly altered colony morphologies upon overproduction. The network consists of the c-di-GMP receptor YdaK and the c-di-GMP synthetase DgcK. Both proteins establish a spatially close signal-effector cluster at the membrane. The cytoplasmic DgcP synthetase can complement for DgcK only upon overproduction, while the third c-di-GMP synthetase, DgcW, of B. subtilis is not part of the signaling pathway. Removal of the regulatory EAL domain from DgcW reveals a distinct function in biofilm formation. Therefore, our study is compatible with the “local pool signaling” hypothesis, but shows that in case of the yda operon, this can easily be overcome by overproduction of non-cognate DGCs, indicating that global pools can also confer signals to regulatory circuits in a Gram-positive bacterium

    Asses- sment of the impact of loans granted under the RPO WO on employment in the region

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    Przeznaczeniem funduszy pochodzących ze środków Unii Europejskiej jest zmniejszenie różnic w rozwoju krajów i regionów w celu zwiększenia konkurencyjności całej Wspólnoty. Jednym z instrumentów wspomagających ten cel są pożyczki udzielane w ramach regionalnych programów operacyjnych. Dzięki zwiększeniu konkurencyjności gospodarczej możliwy jest także wzrost zatrudnia w przedsiębiorstwach korzystających z tego rodzaju wsparcia. Zbadania zależności między zmiennymi dokonano z wykorzystaniem metod statystycznych: histogramów, regresji logarytmicznej oraz gaussowskiego modelu mieszanego (GMM). Zauważono, że pod względem tworzenia miejsc pracy korzystniejsze jest udzielanie pożyczek większej liczbie przedsiębiorstw w mniejszych kwotach.Funds from the European Union are aimed at reducing differences in the development of countries and regions in order to increase the competitiveness of the entire community. One of the instruments supporting this goal are loans granted under regional operational programs. By increasing economic competitiveness, it is also possible to increase employment in enterprises that benefit from this type of support. The relationships between the studied variables were made with the use of statistical methods: histograms, log regression and Gaussian mixed model (GMM). It was noted that due to the creation of a job, it is more advantageous to lend to a larger number of enterprises in smaller amounts