6,425 research outputs found

    Deuteron properties from muonic atom spectroscopy

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    Leading order (α4\alpha^4) finite size corrections in muonic deuterium are evaluated within a few body formalism for the μ−pn\mu^- p n system in muonic deuterium and found to be sensitive to the input of the deuteron wave function. We show that this sensitivity, taken along with the precise deuteron charge radius determined from muonic atom spectroscopy can be used to determine the elusive deuteron D-state probability, PDP_D, for a given model of the nucleon-nucleon (NN) potential. The radius calculated with a PDP_D of 4.3\% in the chiral NN models and about 5.7\% in the high precision NN potentials is favoured most by the μ−d\mu^-d data.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    On Quasibound N* Nuclei

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    The possibility for the existence of unstable bound states of the S11 nucleon resonance N∗^*(1535) and nuclei is investigated. These quasibound states are speculated to be closely related to the existence of the quasibound states of the eta mesons and nuclei. Within a simple model for the N N∗^* interaction involving a pion and eta meson exchange, N∗^*-nucleus potentials for N*-3^3He and N*-24^{24}Mg are evaluated and found to be of a Woods-Saxon like form which supports two to three bound states. In case of N*-3^3He, one state bound by only a few keV and another by 4 MeV is found. The results are however quite sensitive to the N N∗^* π\pi and N N∗^* η\eta vertex parameters. A rough estimate of the width of these states, based on the mean free path of the exchanged mesons in the nuclei leads to very broad states with Γ∼\Gamma \sim 80 and 110 MeV for N*-3^3He and N*-24^{24}Mg respectively.Comment: Presented at the Jagiellonian Symposium on Fundamental and Applied Subatomic Physics, Cracow, Poland, June 2015; to be published in Acta Physica Polonica B (2016

    Short Range Interactions in the Hydrogen Atom

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    In calculating the energy corrections to the hydrogen levels we can identify two different types of modifications of the Coulomb potential VCV_{C}, with one of them being the standard quantum electrodynamics corrections, δV\delta V, satisfying ∣δV∣≪∣VC∣\left|\delta V\right|\ll\left|V_{C}\right| over the whole range of the radial variable rr. The other possible addition to VCV_{C} is a potential arising due to the finite size of the atomic nucleus and as a matter of fact, can be larger than VCV_{C} in a very short range. We focus here on the latter and show that the electric potential of the proton displays some undesirable features. Among others, the energy content of the electric field associated with this potential is very close to the threshold of e+e−e^+e^- pair production. We contrast this large electric field of the Maxwell theory with one emerging from the non-linear Euler-Heisenberg theory and show how in this theory the short range electric field becomes smaller and is well below the pair production threshold

    Commissioning of the CMS DT electronics under magnetic field

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    After several months of installation and commissioning of the CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) DT (Drift Tube) electronics, the system has finally been operated under magnetic field during the so-called CRAFT (Cosmic Run at Four Tesla) exercise. Over 4 weeks, the full detector has been running continuously under magnetic field and managed to acquire more than 300 million cosmic muons. The performance of the trigger and data acquisition systems during this period has been very satisfactory. The main results concerning stability and reliability of the detector are presented and discussed

    En route to a unified model for photo-electrochemical reactor optimization. I - Photocurrent and Hâ‚‚ yield predictions

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    A semi-empirical model was developed for prediction of photocurrent densities and implemented to predict the performance of a photo-electrochemical reactor for water splitting in alkaline solutions, using Sn-doped α-Fe₂O₃ photo-anodes produced by spray pyrolysis. Photo-anodes annealed at different temperatures were characterized using photo-electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry in the presence and absence of a hole scavenger and also the open circuit potential under high intensity illumination. Mott-Schottky analysis was used cautiously to estimate charge carrier concentration and the flat band potential. In addition to overpotential/current distribution and ohmic potential losses, the model also accounts for absorbed photon flux, surface and bulk electron-hole recombination rates, gas desorption, bubble formation and (H₂-O₂) cross-over losses. This allows the model to estimate the total yield of hydrogen, charge and gas collection efficiencies. A methodology is presented here in order to evaluate parameters required to assess the performance of a photo-electrochemical reactor in 1D and 2D geometries. The importance of taking into account bubble generation and gas desorption is discussed, together with the difficulties of measuring charge carrier concentration and electron-hole recombination in the bulk of the semiconductor, which are of major importance in the prediction of photocurrent densities

    Soy-mú bonito : pieza cómica en un acto, del género andaluz

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 201

    Lorentz Contracted Proton

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    The proton charge and magnetization density distributions can be related to the well known Sachs electromagnetic form factors GE,M(q2)G_{E,M}({\bm q}^{2}) through Fourier transforms, only in the Breit frame. The Breit frame however moves with relativistic velocities in the Lab and a Lorentz boost must be applied to the form factors before extracting the static properties of the proton from the corresponding densities. Apart from this, the Fourier transform relating the densities and form factors is inherently a non-relativistic expression. We show that the relativistic corrections to it can be obtained by extending the standard Breit equation to higher orders in its 1/c21/c^2 expansion. We find that the inclusion of the above corrections reduces the size of the proton determined from electron proton scattering data. Indeed the central value of the latest proton radius of rp=0.879r_p = 0.879 fm as determined from e-p scattering changes to rp=0.8404r_p = 0.8404 fm after applying corrections.Comment: 15 page

    Compact Brillouin devices through hybrid integration on Silicon

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    A range of unique capabilities in optical and microwave signal processing have been demonstrated using stimulated Brillouin scattering. The desire to harness Brillouin scattering in mass manufacturable integrated circuits has led to a focus on silicon-based material platforms. Remarkable progress in silicon-based Brillouin waveguides has been made, but results have been hindered by nonlinear losses present at telecommunications wavelengths. Here, we report a new approach to surpass this issue through the integration of a high Brillouin gain material, As2S3, onto a silicon chip. We fabricated a compact spiral device, within a silicon circuit, achieving an order of magnitude improvement in Brillouin amplification. To establish the flexibility of this approach, we fabricated a ring resonator with free spectral range precisely matched to the Brillouin shift, enabling the first demonstration of Brillouin lasing in a silicon integrated circuit. Combining active photonic components with the SBS devices shown here will enable the creation of compact, mass manufacturable optical circuits with enhanced functionality

    Algunos aspectos sobre la explotación de pastos Khaki Campbell.

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    Recomendaciones técnicas del Programa de Avicultura del ICA en Palmeira, sobre normas de manejo del pato Khaki Campbell, en las etapas de: cría y levante (grupos no mayores de 50 paticos, alimento concentrado para pollitos de 0-4 semanas, no utilizar vacunas, no permitir mojar a los matitos antes de 4 semanas de edad, pastoreo después de esta edad, concentrado para levante de pollas de 5-16 semanas de edad). Producción (60 patos/grupo entre machos y hembras, sacar animales a pastoreo entre 8-9 a.m. y después recoger huevos, concentrado para gallina ponedora 125 gm/día/pata dos veces/día 9 a.m. y 4 p.m. Reproducción (1 macho/5 hembras, incubar huevos fértiles con gallinas o patas criollas cluecas, las patas Khaki campbell no se encluecan, otros conceptos se relacionan con: origen y formación de la raza, características generales (tipo, color, diferencias entre machos y hembra
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