261 research outputs found
The aim of this article is to explore how different quality dimensions (safety, aesthetics, ethics and rooted ness) are created in food networks; how these qualities are transferred until the consumers; and how this process is supported by the organisation of the food network. Our postulate is that combining the quality and organisation dimensions and exploring the link between them will provide an interesting perspective for improving the sharing of values in food networks. This framework is applied to five case studies of “pasture-raised beef” food networks in France, representing a diversity of organisations such as public label scheme, cooperate owned brand and direct sell from farmer to consumer. The results highlight the importance of the role of certification and personal commitment for the creation, and also for the mediation of added-value.Grassland, Meat quality, Sustainability, Food labeling, Case study, Agricultural and Food Policy, Consumer/Household Economics, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,
Ruptures culturelles dans le débat interprétatif : une incidence de la reformulation magistrale sur la dynamique de construction des savoirs
Cet article concerne, en situation de dĂ©bat interprĂ©tatif scientifique et littĂ©raire, les ruptures culturelles constatĂ©es dans le geste de reformulation d’une enseignante lorsqu’elle ouvre une controverse. Ces ruptures affectent les cadres de rĂ©fĂ©rence dans lesquels s’inscrivent les savoirs mis en jeu dans l’interprĂ©tation : contexte quotidien, contexte scolaire. En replaçant cette Ă©tude dans le paradigme de l’entour (manière pour un objet d’être donnĂ©, selon François [1998]), on tentera de montrer quelle incidence peut avoir la non-identification de ces cadres sur la dynamique de construction des savoirs et la constitution de communautĂ©s culturelles scolaires.Within the context of an interpretative scientific and literary debate, this article examines the impact of the cultural ruptures created when a teacher reformulates a situation considered controversial. These ruptures affect the reference frames related to the knowledge being interpreted : daily context, school context, By using the paradigm of the surrounding environment (ways for an object to be presented, according to François, (1998), the author describes the impact on the dynamics of knowledge construction and the composition of school cultural communities when there is no recognition of the frames involved.Este artĂculo trata, en situaciĂłn de debate interpretativo cientĂfico y literaria, de las rupturas culturales observadas en el gesto de reformulaciĂłn de una docente al momento de abrir una controversia. Estas rupturas afectan los marcos de referencia en los cuales se inscriben los saberes involucrados en la interpretaciĂłn : contexto cotidiano, contexto escolar. Colocando este estudio en el paradigma del entorno (manera de presentar un objeto, segĂşn François, (1998)), intentaremos demostrar quĂ© incidencia puede tener la no-identificaciĂłn de estos marcos sobre la dinámica de construcciĂłn de los saberes y la constituciĂłn de comunidades culturales escolares
Croisements disciplinaires, enjeux didactiques : actualité d’une confrontation littérature / sciences
Le présent article rend compte d’un travail de thèse mené dans une perspective de confrontation interdisciplinaire. Les territoires des didactiques du littéraire et des sciences de la nature ont ainsi été croisés autour de la question de l’interprétation. Le contexte interdisciplinaire conduit à poser le problème de l’interprétation dans le cadre de la constitution des communautés interprétatives, et à faire du paramètre cadre de référence un mode d’entrée dans ces communautés. L’article retrace les évolutions qui ont favorisé l’émergence d’une telle question de recherche, puis propose, sous l’angle praxéologique, une réflexion sur la gestion, par un même enseignant, de contextes discursifs différents. Le geste par lequel le maître accompagne, dans deux débats parallèles, l’inscription des élèves dans une communauté interprétative, fait ainsi l’objet d’une étude de cas
Jeunes sourds migrants ou issus de l’immigration : quelle transmission de leur langue d’origine ?
Dans le prolongement des travaux classiques dans le champ de la surdité centrés sur le bilinguisme français/langue des signes française (LSF), cet article s’intéresse à la place occupée par une troisième langue — à savoir la langue d’origine des jeunes sourds migrants ou issus de l’immigration. Le croisement entre surdité et migration permet de réinterroger la complexe question de la transmission intergénérationnelle dans la mesure où 90 % des enfants sourds naissent de parents entendants locuteurs d’une langue vocale (et non signée). Comment des parents entendants — à fortiori quand ils sont immigrés et locuteurs d’une autre langue que le français — peuvent-ils transmettre leur langue et leur culture à leur enfant sourd ? Comment l’enfant sourd lui-même peut-il s’en emparer tout en s’insérant dans la communauté sourde française ? À partir de quarante-sept entretiens semi-directifs réalisés, dans la région lyonnaise, auprès de jeunes sourds, de leurs parents et de professionnels, il s’agira de mettre en évidence les spécificités de la transmission linguistique et culturelle dans le cas de ces jeunes sourds et des représentations sociales qui leur sont associées. Deux espaces de transmission seront abordés : la famille et l’école.Extending deaf studies focused on bilingualism French/French Sign Language, this article deals with the place taken by a third language which is young deaf migrants’ native language. The concepts of deafness and migration are explored and allow us to re-raise the complex question of intergenerational transmission knowing that 90% of deaf children have hearing parents who speak a vocal language and not a signed one. How can hearing parents—especially when they are immigrants speaking another language than French—transmit their language and their culture to their deaf children? How can deaf children be aware of their family origins and at the same time be able to insert themselves into the French deaf community? Based on forty-seven semi-directive interviews conducted in the Lyon region with young deaf people, their parents and professionals, this study will highlight the specificities of linguistic and cultural transmission for young deaf migrants and the social representations associated with them. Two transmission spaces will be studied: the family context and the school environment
Lectures actualisantes du "Petit Prince" de Saint-Exupéry au cycle 3 français
Based on the example of Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry’s Little Prince, this article questions the updated reading of students in French primary school. On one hand, built on the features of actualizing reading defined by Yves Citton. On the other hand, buit on writings in the first person issued from the character’s diary promoted by VĂ©ronique LarrivĂ© in her work on fictional empathy. The analysis focuses on showing how updated readings of students enter into dialogue with the text in a singular genericity. The study of some writings will highlight the modalities of this dialogue in the form of connotative accommodations. Particular attention will be paid to the use that girls and boys make, in their modes of accommodation, of gender stereotypes.Key words : update, genericity, gender, tale, fictional empathy.A partir del ejemplo de El Principito de Antonio de Saint-ExupĂ©ry este artĂculo cuestiona la lecturaactualizada de alumnos del ciclo 3 en la EducaciĂłn Primaria francesa. Inspirándose, por una parte, enlas caracterĂsticas de las lecturas actualizantes definidas por Yves Citton y por la otra sobre los escritosficticios del «yo » del diario de personajes promovido por VĂ©ronique LarrivĂ© en sus trabajos sobre laempatĂa ficcional. El análisis se centra en mostrar cĂłmo las lecturas actualizadas de alumnos entran endiálogo con el texto en una genericidad singular. El estudio de algunos escritos pondrá de relieve lasmodalidades de este diálogo en forma de acomodaciones connotativas. Se prestará especial atenciĂłn aluso de los estereotipos de gĂ©nero por parte de las niñas y los niños en sus modalidades de acomodaciĂłn.Palabras clave : actualizar, genericidad, gĂ©nero, cuento, empatĂa ficcional.Ă€ partir de l’exemple du Petit Prince d’Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry cet article interroge la lectureactualisante d’élèves de cycle 3 au primaire français. Prenant appui, d’une part, sur les caractĂ©ristiquesdes lectures actualisantes dĂ©finies par Yves Citton et de l’autre sur les Ă©crits en « je » fictif du journalde personnage promu par VĂ©ronique LarrivĂ© dans ses travaux sur l’empathie fictionnelle, l’analyse
s’attache à montrer comment les lectures actualisantes d’élèves entrent en dialogue avec le texte dansune généricité singulière. L’étude de quelques écrits mettra en lumière les modalités de ce dialoguesous forme d’accommodations connotatives. Une attention particulière sera portée à l’usage que fontfilles et garçons, dans leurs modes d’accommodation, des stéréotypes de genre.Mots-clés : actualisation, généricité, genre, conte, empathie fictionnelle
A study of semantic memory after brain injury: Learning newly coined French words
AbstractObjectiveTo investigate semantic memory in brain-injured patients.MethodsWe used the new word questionnaire (QMN) to assess the ability of 12Â brain-injured patients and 12Â healthy controls to define French words, which had been admitted to the dictionary in 1996 to 1997 or in 2006 to 2007.ResultsDespite amnesia or severe executive disorders, the brain-injured patients were able to learn new words and remember those that they already learnt. They successfully selected the relevant phrase in which the new word was placed and were reasonably good at recognizing the right definition from among decoys. In contrast, they had trouble defining the words and compensated for this by giving examples. These problems were correlated with their vocabulary and executive function scores in a battery of neuropsychological tests.ConclusionOur results suggest that frontal injury leads to an impairment in accurate word selection and the scheduling abilities required to generate word definitions
Effects of Voicing Similarity Between Consonants in Printed Stimuli in Normal and Dyslexic Readers
Previous studies have shown that adult skilled readers are sensitive to voicing similarity of printed prime-target or target-mask pairs (Bedoin, 1998). In the present consonant detection task, phonetic priming and masking effects were assessed within one briefly presented CVCV printed stimulus. The consonant target (Rank 1 or 2) was either similar or different in voicing to the other consonant. In adult skilled readers and third graders with average reading level, voicing similarity impaired Rank 2 consonant detection and improved Rank 1 consonant detection, replicating effects found with stimuli pairs in previous experiments. These results argue for the involvement of phoneme detectors organised by inhibitory relations based on shared phonetic properties. In dyslexic children, voicing similarity improved Rank 2 target detection, suggesting impaired phonetic organisation of phoneme detectors. After audio-visual training about voicing, this pattern of results was modified in dyslexic children, and became quite similar to skilled readers’ data
Effects of Voicing Similarity Between Consonants in Printed Stimuli in Normal and Dyslexic Readers
Previous studies have shown that adult skilled readers are sensitive to voicing similarity of printed prime-target or target-mask pairs (Bedoin, 1998). In the present consonant detection task, phonetic priming and masking effects were assessed within one briefly presented CVCV printed stimulus. The consonant target (Rank 1 or 2) was either similar or different in voicing to the other consonant. In adult skilled readers and third graders with average reading level, voicing similarity impaired Rank 2 consonant detection and improved Rank 1 consonant detection, replicating effects found with stimuli pairs in previous experiments. These results argue for the involvement of phoneme detectors organised by inhibitory relations based on shared phonetic properties. In dyslexic children, voicing similarity improved Rank 2 target detection, suggesting impaired phonetic organisation of phoneme detectors. After audio-visual training about voicing, this pattern of results was modified in dyslexic children, and became quite similar to skilled readers’ data
Regular rhythmic primes improve sentence repetition in children with developmental language disorder
Recently reported links between rhythm and grammar processing have opened new perspectives for using rhythm in clinical interventions for children with developmental language disorder (DLD). Previous research using the rhythmic priming paradigm has shown improved performance on language tasks after regular rhythmic primes compared to control conditions. However, this research has been limited to effects of rhythmic priming on grammaticality judgments. The current study investigated whether regular rhythmic primes could also benefit sentence repetition, a task requiring proficiency in complex syntax—an area of difficultly for children with DLD. Regular rhythmic primes improved sentence repetition performance compared to irregular rhythmic primes in children with DLD and with typical development—an effect that did not occur with a non-linguistic control task. These findings suggest processing overlap for musical rhythm and linguistic syntax, with implications for the use of rhythmic stimulation for treatment of children with DLD in clinical research and practice
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