1,771 research outputs found

    Problems and Aspects of Energy-Driven Wavefunction Collapse Models

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    Four problematic circumstances are considered, involving models which describe dynamical wavefunction collapse toward energy eigenstates, for which it is shown that wavefunction collapse of macroscopic objects does not work properly. In one case, a common particle position measuring situation, the apparatus evolves to a superposition of macroscopically distinguishable states (does not collapse to one of them as it should) because each such particle/apparatus/environment state has precisely the same energy spectrum. Second, assuming an experiment takes place involving collapse to one of two possible outcomes which is permanently recorded, it is shown in general that this can only happen in the unlikely case that the two apparatus states corresponding to the two outcomes have disjoint energy spectra. Next, the progressive narrowing of the energy spectrum due to the collapse mechanism is considered. This has the effect of broadening the time evolution of objects as the universe evolves. Two examples, one involving a precessing spin, the other involving creation of an excited state followed by its decay, are presented in the form of paradoxes. In both examples, the microscopic behavior predicted by standard quantum theory is significantly altered under energy-driven collapse, but this alteration is not observed by an apparatus when it is included in the quantum description. The resolution involves recognition that the statevector describing the apparatus does not collapse, but evolves to a superposition of macroscopically different states.Comment: 17 page

    Sediment Sorting and Rounding in a Basaltic Glacio-Fluvio-Aeolian Environment: hrisjkull Glacier, Iceland

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    Sediments and sedimentary rocks preserve a rich history of environment and climate. Identifying these signals requires an understanding of the physical and chemical processes that have affected sedimentary deposits [1]. Such processes include sorting and rounding during transport and chemical alteration through weathering and diagenesis. Although these processes have long been studied in quartz-dominated sedimentary systems [2], a lack of studies of basaltic sedimentary systems limits our interpretations of the environment and climate where mafic source rocks dominate, such as on Mars [3,4]. As part of the SAND-E: Semi-Autonomous Navigation for Detrital Environments project [5], which uses robotic operations to examine physical and chemical changes to sediments in basaltic glacio-fluvialaeolian environments, this research studies changes in sorting and rounding of fluvial-aeolian sediments along a glacier-proximal-to-glacier-distal transect in the outwash-plain of the risjkull glacier in SW Iceland (Fig. 1

    Intra-Vitreal Administration of Microvesicles Derived from Human Adipose-Derived Multipotent Stromal Cells Improves Retinal Functionality in Dogs with Retinal Degeneration

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    This study was designed to determine the influence of microvesicles (MVs) derived from multipotent stromal cells isolated from human adipose tissue (hASCs) on retinal functionality in dogs with various types of retinal degeneration. The biological properties of hASC-MVs were first determined using an in vitro model of retinal Muller-like cells (CaMLCs). The in vitro assays included analysis of hASC-MVs influence on cell viability and metabolism. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression was also determined. Evaluation of the hASC-MVs was performed under normal and oxidative stress conditions. Preliminary clinical studies were performed on ten dogs with retinal degeneration. The clinical studies included behavioral tests, fundoscopy and electroretinography before and after hASC-MVs intra-vitreal injection. The in vitro study showed that CaMLCs treated with hASC-MVs were characterized by improved viability and mitochondrial potential, both under normal and oxidative stress conditions. Additionally, hASC-MVs under oxidative stress conditions reduced the number of senescence-associated markers, correlating with the increased expression of BDNF. The preliminary clinical study showed that the intra-vitreal administration of hASC-MVs significantly improved the dogs’ general behavior and tracking ability. Furthermore, fundoscopy demonstrated that the retinal blood vessels appeared to be less attenuated, and electroretinography using HMsERG demonstrated an increase in a- and b-wave amplitude after treatment. These results shed promising light on the application of cell-free therapies in veterinary medicine for retinal degenerative disorders treatment

    Using XRD to Characterize Sediment Sorting in a Mars Analog Glacio-Fluvio-Eolian Basaltic Sedimentary System in Iceland

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    The martian surface has a primarily basaltic composition and is dominated by sedimentary deposits. Ancient layered sedimentary rocks have been identified across the planet from orbit, have been studied in situ by the Mars Exploration Rovers and the Mars Science Laboratory rover, and will be studied by the Mars 2020 rover. These ancient sedimentary rocks were deposited in fluvial, lacustrine, and eolian environments during a warmer and wetter era on Mars. It is important to study the composition of sediments in Mars analog environments to characterize how minerals in basaltic sedimentary systems are sorted and/or aqueously altered. This information can help us better interpret sedimentary processes from similar deposits on Mars and derive information about the igneous source rocks. Sediment sorting has been studied extensively on Earth, but not typically in basaltic environments. Previous work has addressed sorting of basaltic sediments through experimental techniques and in modern eolian basaltic systems and aqueous alteration in subglacial and proglacial environments. We add to this body of research by studying sediment sorting and aqueous alteration in a glacio-fluvio-eolian basaltic system in southwest Iceland

    Overview and Initial Results of SAND-E: Semi-Autonomous Navigation for Detrital Environments

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    Unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and automated terrain analysis for science and navigation are new technologies for planetary exploration. The Mars Helicopter will fly with the Mars2020 rover, the Dragonfly quadcopter will explore Titan, and Soil Properties and Object Classification (SPOC) software will be used for path planning and navigation on the Mars2020 rover. Using an Argo J5 rover instrumented with stereo cameras and Autonomous Soil Assessment System (ASAS) software, and an off the shelf quadcopter, SAND-E tested the use of automated terrain analysis and UAS data for science operations in a Mars-analog environment in Iceland during July of 2019. Scientifically, we sought to determine changes in the physical and chemical properties of sediments along a glacial-fluvial-aeolian transport pathway. Operationally, we tested rover mission-like scenarios that included UAS images and classified terrain images. Here, we present the initial results for both the operations and science elements of the study. Site Selection: A goal of SAND-E is examine sorting and alteration of sediments in fluvial and aeolian environments in both mineral-dominated and glass-dominated basaltic settings. During the first year of the project we focused on a mineral-dominated environment. Selection of the location was based on prior publications that indicated our selected region had a greater abundance of crystalline sediments than other areas fluvial-aeolian settings in Iceland. Other criteria included the presence of both fluvial and aeolian landforms along a transport pathway such that the sediments in transport could be linked to their source rocks. We chose the Skjaldbreidauhraun glacial outwash plain, which sits at the base of Thrisjkull glacier. The site is 30 km north of Thingvellir National Park and ~2 hours from Reykjavik. The outwash plain is fed by two small catchments that drain from the base of the glacier and cut through hyaloclastite and shield volcano bedrock. The drainage progresses from steep alluvial fans near the glacier into a low-sloping fluvial braidplain that becomes confined by the Skjaldbreidur shield volcano and creates a shallow canyon cut into lava bedrock. The fluvial system was a typical braided alluvial environment composed pebble- and cobble-bedded longitudinal bars and sandy channel beds. The river remained active and fluctuated in response to diurnal runoff cycles near the glacier before disappearing into the sandy substrate downstream. The high concentration of suspended sediment in the river was evident by the cloudy water and the silt and clay-sized sediments that draped the channel beds after abandonment and created playas in the lowest sloping areas of the catchment. The entire fluvial system was affected by the winds generated by frontal systems and katabatic flows descending the glacier. This resulted in the formation of aeolian lag deposits and a wind-deflation plain where the fluvial system was not active. Wind ripples and drifts formed in abandoned fluvial channels from aeolian reworking of the sand-sized fluvial sediments. The silt- and clay-sized sediments found in fluvial channels, bar tops, and playas generated dust plumes during high wind events. Our operation sought to capture the variability in this system by sampling from the range of fluvial and aeolian features 6.3 km (proximal), 11.3 km (medial), and 14.4 km (distal) along the river from its origin at the base of glacier

    Cross sections for geodesic flows and \alpha-continued fractions

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    We adjust Arnoux's coding, in terms of regular continued fractions, of the geodesic flow on the modular surface to give a cross section on which the return map is a double cover of the natural extension for the \alpha-continued fractions, for each α\alpha in (0,1]. The argument is sufficiently robust to apply to the Rosen continued fractions and their recently introduced \alpha-variants.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figure

    Resonances of the cusp family

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    We study a family of chaotic maps with limit cases the tent map and the cusp map (the cusp family). We discuss the spectral properties of the corresponding Frobenius--Perron operator in different function spaces including spaces of analytic functions. A numerical study of the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions is performed.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to J.Phys.

    UK Large-scale Wind Power Programme from 1970 to 1990: the Carmarthen Bay experiments and the Musgrove Vertical-Axis Turbines

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    This article describes the development of the Musgrove Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) concept, the UK ‘Carmarthen Bay’ wind turbine test programme, and UK government’s wind power programme to 1990. One of the most significant developments in the story of British wind power occurred during the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, with the development of the Musgrove vertical axis wind turbine and its inclusion within the UK Government’s wind turbine test programme. Evolving from a supervisor’s idea for an undergraduate project at Reading University, the Musgrove VAWT was once seen as an able competitor to the horizontal axis wind systems that were also being encouraged at the time by both the UK government and the Central Electricity Generating Board, the then nationalised electricity utility for England and Wales. During the 1980s and 1990s the most developed Musgrove VAWT system, along with three other commercial turbine designs was tested at Carmarthen Bay, South Wales as part of a national wind power test programme. From these developmental tests, operational data was collected and lessons learnt, which were incorporated into subsequent wind power operations.http://dx.doi.org/10.1260/03095240677860621
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