36 research outputs found

    Creating Teams for Maximum Learning: Virtual and Face-to-Face

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    Development of Learning Method "Imagination Box": An Effective and Efficient Method to Evaluate Students' Understanding

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    Abstract: Development of mobile learning application-based media. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to develop a more dynamic learning media by utilizing technology in the form of applications on smartphone devices to improve student learning outcomes. Methods: This study uses research and development methods with data collection techniques in the form of questionnaires, feasibility tests and effectiveness of mobile learning applications developed as learning media through stages designed according to the ADDHIE model. Findings:The results of the study through application testing showed that product development in the form of mobile learning applications is feasible as a learning medium and effective for improving student learning outcomes (p˂0.05), with an increase in the average value of 28 students from 57.32 to 81.43. Conclusions: The learning method “Imagination Box” which is equipped with the assessment instrument produced is feasible to be implemented and become variation of the learning method for teacher.Keywords: application, learning media, mobile learning, development Abstrak: Pengembangan media pembelajaran berbasis aplikasi mobile learning. Tujuan: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran yang lebih dinamis dengan memanfaatkan teknologi dalam bentuk aplikasi pada perangkat smartphone untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan dengan teknik pengumpulan data dalam bentuk kuesioner, tes kelayakan dan efektivitas aplikasi pembelajaran mobile yang dikembangkan sebagai media pembelajaran melalui tahapan yang dirancang sesuai dengan model ADDHIE. Temuan:Hasil penelitian melalui pengujian aplikasi menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan produk dalam bentuk aplikasi pembelajaran mobile layak sebagai media pembelajaran dan efektif untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa (p˂ 0,05), dengan peningkatan nilai rata-rata 28 siswa dari 57,32 menjadi 81,43. Kesimpulan: Metode pembelajaran “Kotak Imaginasi” layak digunakan dan dapat dijadikan sebagai variasi metode guru dalam mengajar.Kata kunci: aplikasi, media pembelajaran, pembelajaran mobile, pengembangan DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpp.v9.i1.20190

    Exploring the policymaking process of school-based physical education: a Congressional perspective

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    The purpose of this exploratory case study design was to investigate and analyze the policymaking process of physical education at the national level. The participants used to explore this phenomenon were senators and representatives from the 114th-115th Congress who sat on the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee (n = 21), and the Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education (n = 14). Additional participants were national policymakers (n = 3), staffers (n = 6), and legislative liaisons (n = 2). Data was collected from semi-structured interviews (n = 8), policy artifacts (n = 87), and the researcher\u27s journal (n = 32). The data was analyzed using a conventional approach to qualitative content analysis. The results indicate that physical education is primarily a state and local issue; however, the federal government is responsible for providing equal access, funding, and educational opportunities. Underlying these policy decisions are several key factors: problems of NCLB, education as a civil right, ending federal control, and several others. Policy recommendations are made to state departments of education that require local school districts to report on state laws and regulations pertaining to physical education. Future research must focus on the legislative process used at the state and local levels to determine physical education initiatives in respective states and schools

    Picking teams in Physical Education. A literature review

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    [Resumen] La formación de grupos en Educación Física parece perpetuarse como un proceso desatendido, reproducido automáticamente e irreflexivo. Así al menos se desprende de la escasísima literatura en español al respecto. Por ello, los objetivos de este artículo pasan por explicitar el estado de la cuestión, problematizando la formación de grupos y aflorando el currículo oculto que este proceder contiene. Para ello, se ha llevado a cabo una revisión de la literatura en las bases de datos Dialnet y Web of Science y completada posteriormente de forma manual. Los términos de búsqueda han sido ‘formación de grupos’ o ‘agrupamientos’ y ‘Educación Física’, y en inglés los vocablos ‘the formation of groups’ o ‘picking teams’ y ‘Physical Education’. Los resultados de la misma son escasos pues arrojan 4 estudios encontrados en las bases de datos, a los que manualmente se les han añadido otros 26, lo que confirma la desatención académica de este proceder. Además, los documentos constatan efectos negativos y recurrentes sobre todo en el alumnado menos hábil y en muchas de las alumnas. Sin embargo, se explicitan algunas propuestas que, entre otras cosas, relativizan la estigmatización y se acercan a los postulados de la justicia social.[Abstract] Picking teams in Physical Education seems to perpetuate itself as a neglected, automatically reproduced, and thoughtless process. So at least it is clear from the very scarce literature in Spanish on the matter. Therefore, the aims of this article are to put the state of the art on the table, problematizing picking teams and surfacing the hidden curriculum that this procedure contains. For this, a review of the literature has been carried out in Dialnet and Web of Science databases and completed manually. The search terms have been ‘formación de grupos’ or ‘agrupamientos’ and ‘Educación Física’ in Spanish, and in English the words ‘the formation of groups’ or ‘picking teams’ and ‘Physical Education’. The few results of the search shows only 4 studies, included in the present review, and 26 studies have been manually added, confirm the academic neglect of this procedure. In addition, the documents confirm negative and recurring effects, especially in the less skilled students and in many of the female students. However, some proposals are made explicit that, among other things, relativize stigmatization and come closer to the postulates of social justice

    La formación de grupos en Educación Física. Una revisión de la literatura

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    Picking teams in Physical Education seems to perpetuate itself as a neglected, automatically reproduced, and thoughtless process. So at least it is clear from the very scarce literature in Spanish on the matter. Therefore, the aims of this article are to put the state of the art on the table, problematizing picking teams and surfacing the hidden curriculum that this procedure contains. For this, a review of the literature has been carried out in Dialnet and Web of Science databases and completed manually. The search terms have been ‘formación de grupos’ or ‘agrupamientos’ and ‘Educación Física’ in Spanish, and in English the words ‘the formation of groups’ or ‘picking teams’ and ‘Physical Education’. The few results of the search shows only 4 studies, included in the present review, and 26 studies have been manually added, confirm the academic neglect of this procedure. In addition, the documents confirm negative and recurring effects, especially in the less skilled students and in many of the female students. However, some proposals are made explicit that, among other things, relativize stigmatization and come closer to the postulates of social justice.La formación de grupos en Educación Física parece perpetuarse como un proceso desatendido, reproducido automáticamente e irreflexivo. Así al menos se desprende de la escasísima literatura en español al respecto. Por ello, los objetivos de este artículo pasan por explicitar el estado de la cuestión, problematizando la formación de grupos y aflorando el currículo oculto que este proceder contiene. Para ello, se ha llevado a cabo una revisión de la literatura en las bases de datos Dialnet y Web of Science y completada posteriormente de forma manual. Los términos de búsqueda han sido ‘formación de grupos’ o ‘agrupamientos’ y ‘Educación Física’, y en inglés los vocablos ‘the formation of groups’ o ‘picking teams’ y ‘Physical Education’. Los resultados de la misma son escasos pues arrojan 4 estudios encontrados en las bases de datos, a los que manualmente se les han añadido otros 26, lo que confirma la desatención académica de este proceder. Además, los documentos constatan efectos negativos y recurrentes sobre todo en el alumnado menos hábil y en muchas de las alumnas. Sin embargo, se explicitan algunas propuestas que, entre otras cosas, relativizan la estigmatización y se acercan a los postulados de la justicia social

    A Qualitative Descriptive Study of Teacher and Administrator Perceptions of Professional Learning Communities in a Texas School District With a Predominance of Hispanic Staff and Students

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    The purpose of conducting this qualitative descriptive study on professional learning communities in a South Texas public school district was to see if they are meaningful and structured to support the improvement of student success in the classroom as well as providing the support and steps outlined in an effective professional learning community. The study focused on the skill level implemented by the teachers, administrators, and other members of the committee to communicate, access the personal skills to collaborate with peers, and utilize the data for student achievement. This study sought to gain and understand the perceptions of department heads, administrators, and educators of how professional learning communities’ elements, characteristics, and three big ideas that guide a team when collaborating in a large district. Qualitative data were from 12 staff members of a large district in South Texas comprised of Hispanic administrators, Hispanic department heads, and Hispanic core subject coordinators. Open-ended interviews composed of 19 questions assemble the data. The findings of this study confirmed the perceptions in which participants felt supported and prepared for how professional learning communities supported the improvement of student success in the classroom. It also indicated where they felt a lack of support during how professional learning communities, improvement, and discussion is needed to achieve a desirable outcome. The results of this study balance other past research on the importance of how professional learning communities improve students’ scores and success. Keywords: professional learning community, collaboration, continuous improvement, student achievement, student learnin

    Early Childhood Teacher Perspectives on Professional Development to Support Program Quality Improvement

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    Early childhood (EC) teachers are not receiving adequate professional development (PD) to support their development of capacities to improve EC program quality. The purpose of this basic qualitative study was to explore EC teacher perspectives on PD to support their development of capacities to improve EC program quality. The conceptual framework guiding this study comprised Ingvarson’s model on the impact of PD on program quality and Knowles’s adult learning theory (ALT). Research questions addressed EC teachers’ perspectives on the positive and negative attributes of PD. Purposeful sampling was used to recruit 10 EC teachers with a minimum of 3 years of teaching experience in urban EC programs in the northeastern United States. Data were collected from interviews and analyzed using an inductive process to reveal themes from analyzing codes, patterns, and categories. Four themes emerged: (a) PD builds EC teachers’ capacities to improve teacher practices and program quality; (b) mentoring, coaching, and teacher evaluation systems increase teacher capacity; (c) professional learning opportunities are managed by teachers when PD is not provided; and (d) EC teacher’s increased job demands and limited staffing affect PD. Positive social change can occur when EC programs follow ALT when providing PD that is relevant to the needs of EC teachers. Staff developers may focus on offering mentoring and coaching for teachers following PD to improve program quality. The findings may result in improved instructional practices of EC teachers, improved program quality, and increased positive learning outcomes for children

    The Effects of Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol Strategies on the Reading Proficiency of English Language Learners

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    English language learners (ELLs) need additional support to achieve academic success. The problem addressed in this study was the need to know if the sheltered instruction observation protocol (SIOP) support for ELL students was effective in improving their reading achievement. The purpose of this causal-comparative study was to determine if there was a significant difference in reading achievement scores between ELLs who received the SIOP support and those who did not. SIOP provides a framework for teaching both language and content instruction. Krashen’s language acquisition theory was used as the theoretical framework for this study. The research questions compared grade 3, 4, and 5 ELLs from three urban schools on the dependent variables of test results on the state’s English Language Development Test (CELDT) for both reading and comprehension as well as the iReady Diagnostic assessment. The convenience sample included 50 ELLs from each school for the treatment group (n = 150) and 50 ELLs for the control group (n = 50). One-way ANOVA was used to analyze student scores from the CELDT and iReady Diagnostic administered in 2013 and 2015. The findings showed a statistically significant difference for ELLs who received SIOP support (p \u3c .05) for all grades in all tests, except the CELDT comprehension, where the third grade mean differences were not statistically significant (F = 0.016, p = .889). A professional development project was created to help teachers use SIOP strategies with fidelity. Positive social change can be facilitated when ELL instruction improves fluency and academic outcomes for students whose primary language is not English

    Technology Integration in School-Based Physical Activity

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    The purpose of this study was to understand the current practice of technology use for physical activity promotion in K-12 schools in the United States by conducting two studies. Using a quantitative research design, study one aimed to identify the current practice of technology use in school-based physical activity promotion. Study two investigated what attributes contribute to the use of technology in schools for physical activity facilitation and promotion. A sequential explanatory mixed-methods study design was used for study two, and Rogers’ (2003) diffusion of innovations theory served this study as a theoretical framework. A total of 367 registered Active Schools Champions completed the Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program Technology Practice Questionnaire (CSPAP-TPQ) and the Diffusion of Innovations Questionnaire for studies one and two, respectively. Semi-structured interviews were additionally conducted with ten purposefully selected participants for study two. For study one, the data were analyzed using several statistical analyses, including descriptive statistics, cross-tabulation analysis with χ2 test, and multiple regression. For study two, quantitative data (i.e., survey data) were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis, while qualitative data (i.e., results from semi-structured interviews) were analyzed inductively using open and axial coding. The results of study one showed that various technologies are currently used in schoolbased physical activity, and physical education is the timeslot where technology is most used by school staff for physical activity facilitation and promotion in K-12 schools. Among various personal characteristics, race and certified/licensed teacher status were significant predictors of technology use among various school staff for physical activity promotion in schools, while school characteristics did not predict the school use of technology for school-based physical activity promotion. Study two found that school staff are more likely to use technology when they see the ease and simplicity of new technology and after testing out new technology before committing to using it. Furthermore, personal experiences with technology greatly affect their perceptions of using technology in school-based physical activity facilitation and promotion. However, there are multiple barriers to using technology in school-based physical activity, and school staff, especially physical education teachers, believe that the barriers occur due to the marginalization of physical education in school communities. Although school staff see the benefits of technology use for school-based physical activity promotion in general, they also see some risk factors and concerns. This dissertation generated findings that could contribute to the field of physical education teacher education (PETE) and public health in multiple ways. The generated data on the current practice of technology use in school-based physical activity facilitation and promotion can be used by schools, school districts, professional organizations for teachers (e.g., Society of Health and Physical Educators [SHAPE] America), and government agencies (e.g., U.S. Department of Education) to enhance resources, equipment, and facilities for the use of technology in schools. Furthermore, this dissertation fills an existing knowledge gap by investigating and determining what characteristics of schools and their staff predict the use of technology for school-based physical activity promotion and what attributes and experiences contribute to the same. This information can be used to inform professional development efforts and better support student physical activity in school communities. PETE and public health researchers, practitioners, and decision-makers will be able to use the results of this dissertation to better understand technology use in school-based physical activity promotion