1,173 research outputs found

    Creation of equal-spin triplet superconductivity at the Al/EuS interface

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    In conventional superconductors, electrons of opposite spins are bound into Cooper pairs. However, when the superconductor is in contact with a non-uniformly ordered ferromagnet, an exotic type of superconductivity can appear at the interface, with electrons bound into three possible spin-triplet states. Triplet pairs with equal spin play a vital role in low-dissipation spintronics. Despite the observation of supercurrents through ferromagnets, spectroscopic evidence for the existence of equal-spin triplet pairs is still missing. Here we show a theoretical model that reveals a characteristic gap structure in the quasiparticle density of states which provides a unique signature for the presence of equal-spin triplet pairs. By scanning tunnelling spectroscopy we measure the local density of states to reveal the spin configuration of triplet pairs. We demonstrate that the Al/EuS interface causes strong and tunable spin-mixing by virtue of its spin-dependent transmission.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 17 pages supplementary information, 14 supplementary figure

    Hybrid Simulators for Product Service-Systems : Innovation potential demonstrated on urban bike mobility

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    One major goal of the Rethinking Prototyping project is to bring scientists from different domains like engineering and arts to explore collaboratively new approaches of development and testing of Product Service Systems (PSS). PSS combine products, services, and infrastructure to fulfil individual customer needs. Therefore, the development of PSS is an extension of traditional engineering design process, which mainly refers to purely tangible products or intangible services into an integrated development process of products and services. The basis is a new technology called Smart Hybrid Prototyping (SHP), a joint development by Fraunhofer IPK and the TU Berlin. SHP is an innovative technology for a multimodal interdisciplinary evaluation of virtual prototypes in early development stages. It is based upon methods of Mixed Reality extended by modern industrial technologies to allow natural interaction with virtual prototypes of mechanical or mechatronic systems. It serves as a bridge between physical reality and digital virtuality. The use cases in this paper are based on urban bike mobility. Therefore, three concepts have been worked out to specify main requirements for an urban hybrid bike simulator. The first use case is from the perspective of a bicycle rental, where rental services for the users can be developed, validated, and optimized. The second use case provides the integration of mobile devices like smartphones and tablets for the development and validation of mobile services for bicyclists. The third use case is oriented on development and validation of new bicycles and urban mobility concepts like e-bikes, pedelecs, tripelecs and sharing services. Based on these generic use cases the requirements on a hybrid bicycle simulator were derived. Why a bicycle simulator? Well, we are firmly convinced that the future of urban mobility is determined from trends such as ecological rethinking and the desire for sports and healthy life. Furthermore, it is one of the most competitive and agile markets using most innovative materials and manufacturing technologies

    TeCoMiner: Topic Discovery Through Term Community Detection

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    This note is a short description of TeCoMiner, an interactive tool for exploring the topic content of text collections. Unlike other topic modeling tools, TeCoMiner is not based on some generative probabilistic model but on topological considerations about co-occurrence networks of terms. We outline the methods used for identifying topics, describe the features of the tool, and sketch an application, using a corpus of policy related scientific news on environmental issues published by the European Commission over the last decade.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Synthesis, Structure and Bonding Analysis of the Zwitterionic PPP-Pincer Complex (6-Ph2P-Ace-5-)2P(O)AuCl2

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    The reaction of (6-Ph2P-Ace-5-)2P(O)H with (tht)AuCl3proceeds via elimination oftetrahydrothiophene (tht) and HCl, providing the zwitterionic PPP-pincer complex (6-Ph2P-Ace-5-)2P(O)AuCl2(1) as yellow crystals. The molecular structure of1was established and studied by X-raycrystallography. The electronic structure was computationally analyzed using a comprehensiveset of real-space bonding indicators derived from electron and electron-pair densities, providinginsight into the relative contributions of covalent and non-covalent forces to the polar-covalent Au–Cl,Au–P, and P–O−bonds; the latter being one of the textbook cases for strongly polarized covalentinteractions. Partial spatial complementarity between both bonding aspects is suggested by theelectronic properties of the distinctively different Au–Cl bonds

    Lewis Superacidic Divalent Bis( m ‐terphenyl)element Cations [(2,6‐Mes 2 C 6 H 3 ) 2 E] + of Group 13 Revisited and Extended (E=B, Al, Ga, In, Tl)

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    In a combined experimental and computational study, the molecular and electronic structures of the divalent bis(m- terphenyl)element cations [(2,6-Mes2C6H3)2E]+ of group 13 (1, E=B; 2, E=Al; 3, E=Ga; 4, E=In; 5, E=Tl) were investigated. The preparation and characterization of 2, 3 and 5 were previously reported by Wehmschulte’s (Organometallics 2004, 23, 1965– 1967; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2003, 125, 1470–1471) and our groups (Organometallics 2009, 28, 6893–6901). The indinium ion 4 was prepared and fully characterized for the first time. Attempts to prepare the borinium ion 1 by fluoride or hydride abstraction were unsuccessful. The electronic structures of 1–5 and the stabilization by the bulky m-terphenyl substituents were analyzed using quantum chemical calculations and compared to the divalent bis(m-terphenyl)pnictogenium ions [(2,6- Mes2C6H3)2E]+ of group 15 (6, E=P; 7, E=As; 8, E=Sb; 9, E=Bi) previously investigated by our group (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 10080–10084). The calculated fluoride ion affinities (FIA) of 1–9 are higher than that of SbF5, which classifies them as Lewis superacids

    50 Hz X‐Ray Diffraction Stress Analysis and Numerical Process Simulation at Laser Surface Line Hardening of Web Structures

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    In situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction experiments were carried out during laser surface line hardening of the common tempering steel AISI 4140 at beamline P05@PETRA III operated by Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht at the Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron, Hamburg, Germany. A unique process chamber was used to investigate the phase and transverse surface stress evolution during a laser line hardening processes. Synchrotron radiation, in combination with microstrip line detectors, allows for a time resolution of 50 Hz. Specimen geometries were hardened using a high-power diode laser under control of the surface temperature and constant laser beam feed. Herein, it is focused on web-structured specimens in contrast to a flat geometry. The experimental results are discussed with regard to the workpiece geometry effect of the web structure dimensions on the temporal and spatial stress evolution. In addition, numerical process simulations based on the finite element method were carried out to support the drawn conclusions. The presented model is able to predict the surface transverse stresses inside the process zone center, while providing further 3D information. A heat build-up in the web leads to a wider and deeper process zone, however, the absolute hardness increase and the transverse residual stresses at the surface center are not affected

    Conformational trimorphism of bis(2,6-dimesitylphenyl)ditelluride

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    Besides the previously known α-form (monoclinic, P21/c, Z=4) of bis(2,6-dimesitylphenyl)ditelluride, two new polymorphic modifications, namely the ÎČ-form (monoclinic, P21/c, Z=8) and the Îł-form (triclinic, P1̅, Z=2), were obtained serendipitously during chemical reactions. In all three modifications, the individual molecules possess significantly different conformations and bond parameters, such as Te–Te bond lengths, C–Te–Te bond angles, C–Te–Te–C torsion angles and intramolecular Menshutkin interactions, which is also reflected in their non-covalent interactions with adjacent molecules in the crystal lattice via London dispersion and electrostatic forces. The interplay between intermolecular and intramolecular forces in these conformational polymorphs was investigated using quantum chemical calculations, which reveal that the ÎČ-form should be thermodynamically stable at absolute zero. In contrast, crystallization experiments and thermoanalytical investigations indicate that the α-form is stable at high temperatures and therefore, both forms might be related by enantiotropis

    What’s in a name: the effect of category labels on teachers’ beliefs

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    In this paper, we report an investigation of the possible influence on teachers’ essentialist thinking and efficacy beliefs of category labels used to describe children’s educational difficulties. A 2x2x2 counterbalanced design was employed in which primary school teachers in Finland and the UK were exposed to vignettes that portrayed a child exhibiting difficulties in one of two domains: either behaviour or reading. Vignettes were presented in two versions. In one, the child was labelled as having either ‘ADHD’ or ‘Dyslexia’; in the alternate condition, no such label was ascribed, descriptions were identical in all other respects. Participating teachers were presented with two vignettes, one from each domain and in each condition. Responses to measures of Efficacy and Essentialist beliefs were solicited. Overall responses indicated that category labels evoked stronger essentialist beliefs but did not influence teachers’ efficacy beliefs. Finnish teachers reported stronger essentialist and lower efficacy beliefs than their counterparts in the UK

    The metabolomic detection of lung cancer biomarkers in sputum

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    Developing screening and diagnosis methodologies based on novel biomarkers should allow for the detection of the lung cancer (LC) and possibly at an earlier stage and thereby increase the effectiveness of clinical interventions. Here, our primary objective was to evaluate the potential of spontaneous sputum as a source of non-invasive metabolomic biomarkers for LC status.Spontaneous sputum was collected and processed from 34 patients with suspected LC, alongside 33 healthy controls. Of the 34 patients, 23 were subsequently diagnosed with LC (LC(+), 16 NSCLC, six SCLC, and one radiological diagnosis), at various stages of disease progression. The 67 samples were analysed using flow infusion electrospray ion mass spectrometry (FIE-MS) and gas-chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS).Principal component analysis identified negative mode FIE-MS as having the main separating power between samples from healthy and LC. Discriminatory metabolites were identified using ANOVA and Random Forest. Indications of potential diagnostic accuracy involved the use of receiver operating characteristic/area under the curve (ROC/AUC) analyses. This approach identified metabolites changes that were only observed with LC. Metabolites with AUC values of greater than 0.8 which distinguished between LC(+)/LC(-) binary classifications where identified and included Ganglioside GM1 which has previously been linked to LC.This study indicates that metabolomics based on sputum can yield metabolites that can be used as a diagnostic and/or discriminator tool. These could aid clinical intervention and targeted diagnosis of LC within an at risk LC(-) population group. The use of sputum as a non-invasive source of metabolite biomarkers may aid in the development of an at-risk population screening programme for lung cancer or enhanced clinical diagnostic pathways
