55,958 research outputs found

    Quality circles to identify barriers, facilitating factors, and solutions for high-quality primary care for asylum seekers

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    Straßner C, Gewalt SC, Becker von Rose P, Lorenzen D, Szecsenyi J, Bozorgmehr K. Quality circles to identify barriers, facilitating factors, and solutions for high-quality primary care for asylum seekers. BJGP Open. 2017;1(3):BJGP-2017-0112

    Becker Medical Library Annual Report 2015

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    Evaluation of LTAG parsing with supertag compaction

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    One of the biggest concerns that has been raised over the feasibility of using large-scale LTAGs in NLP is the amount of redundancy within a grammarÂżs elementary tree set. This has led to various proposals on how best to represent grammars in a way that makes them compact and easily maintained (Vijay-Shanker and Schabes, 1992; Becker, 1993; Becker, 1994; Evans, Gazdar and Weir, 1995; Candito, 1996). Unfortunately, while this work can help to make the storage of grammars more efficient, it does nothing to prevent the problem reappearing when the grammar is processed by a parser and the complete set of trees is reproduced. In this paper we are concerned with an approach that addresses this problem of computational redundancy in the trees, and evaluate its effectiveness

    401(k) Plan Expenses

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    Under a 401(k) plan, your benefit is your vested account balance. This account balance reflects the contributions you make to the plan, the contributions your employer makes to the plan on your behalf (if any), and investment gains and losses. Many 401(k) plan participants are responsible for choosing how to invest their account balances. If you direct the investment of your 401(k) plan account balance, it is important to understand that fees and expenses may substantially reduce the growth of your 401(k) plan account balance over the course of your working life. The Department of Labor (DOL) estimates that paying 1% in extraneous fees can reduce your 401(k) plan account balance by 28% over the course of 35 years. Accordingly, it is important to familiarize yourself with the various types of fees and expenses that can affect the growth of your 401(k) plan account balance. This fact sheet summarizes many of these common fees

    Homogeneous nucleation rate measurements. I. Ethanol, n‐propanol, and i‐propanol

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    Homogeneous nucleation rate measurements have been made on ethanol, n‐propanol, and i‐propanol vapors over a range of temperatures and supersaturations. The Becker–Doring–Zeldovitch nucleation rate expression has been scaled so as to give good agreement with the measured nucleation rates. The same scaling factors are also used to compare calculated critical supersaturations with experimental data obtained from this investigation and a variety of other sources. The agreement is good in all cases. The nucleation rate measurements and the critical supersaturation data from this investigation reveal anomalous behavior for ethanol near 260 K and for n‐propanol near 275 K

    Research in Economic Education: Five New Initiatives

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    Research is essential for improvement in teaching and learning economics. William E. Becker et al. (1991) called for new research on the relative merits of multiple-choice and essay tests, on the lasting effects of course work in economics, and on the effects of instructors, instructional techniques, and new technologies on student learning. To respond to the call, the Committee on Economic Education (CEE) of the American Economic Association recruited Robin Bartlett, William Becker, W. Lee Hansen, Peter Kennedy, and the authors to organize a conference that would jump-start new research projects

    The Deviance of the Zookeepers

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    In May 1968 Alvin Gouldner published his attack on the ‘Becker School’ of sociology (‘The Sociologist as Partisan’). The essay was a sometimes sarcastic and brutal but characteristically insightful and sharp critique of what he called the ‘Becker School’ of sociology – especially as it related to law-breaking and norm-transgressing outsiders. In attacking the failure of ‘sceptical deviancy theory’ to confront the wider structural sources of power and authority, its seeming inability to address gross social divisions of wealth and status, and its lack of attention to the larger political and economic interests that were embedded in departments of State and industrial and financial corporations alike, Gouldner pinpointed with some accuracy the radical motivations of the soon-to-emerge ‘new criminology’ – in both its ‘left idealist’ and ‘left realist’ guises. What Gouldner’s essay really exposed was a certain kind of ‘deviant imagination’ (c.f., Pearson, 1975) prevalent in the emerging critical criminologies of 1960s America (and then the UK, see Young, 1969). In this paper I use Gouldner’s essay as a lens to investigate the ‘deviant imagination’ of contemporary critical criminologies and ask: who are the zookeepers of contemporary criminology and what is their deviant imagination
