777 research outputs found

    Effect of cognitive bias modification-memory on depressive symptoms and autobiographical memory bias: Two independent studies in high-ruminating and dysphoric samples

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    Item does not contain fulltextMemory bias is a risk factor for depression. In two independent studies, the efficacy of one CBM-Memory session on negative memory bias and depressive symptoms was tested in vulnerable samples. We compared positive to neutral (control) CBM-Memory trainings in highly-ruminating individuals (N=101) and individuals with elevated depressive symptoms (N=100). In both studies, participants studied positive, neutral, and negative Swahili words paired with their translations. In five study-test blocks, they were then prompted to retrieve either only the positive or neutral translations. Immediately following the training and one week later, we tested cued recall of all translations and autobiographical memory bias; and also measured mood, depressive symptoms, and rumination. Retrieval practice resulted in training-congruent recall both immediately after and one week after the training. Overall, there was no differential decrease in symptoms or difference in autobiographical memory bias between the training conditions. In the dysphoric but not in the high-ruminating sample, the positive training resulted in positive autobiographical bias only in dysphoric individuals with positive pre-existing bias. We conclude that one session of positive retrieval-based CBM-Memory may not be enough to yield symptom change and affect autobiographical memory bias in vulnerable individuals.17 p

    Local Heterotic Torsional Models

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    We present a class of smooth supersymmetric heterotic solutions with a non-compact Eguchi-Hanson space. The non-compact geometry is embedded as the base of a six-dimensional non-Kahler manifold with a non-trivial torus fiber. We solve the non-linear anomaly equation in this background exactly. We also define a new charge that detects the non-Kahlerity of our solutions.Comment: 24 pages, harvmac; v2: published version, reference adde

    Non-existence of a dilaton gravity action for the exact string black hole

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    We prove that no local diffeomorphism invariant two-dimensional theory of the metric and the dilaton without higher derivatives can describe the exact string black hole solution found a decade ago by Dijkgraaf, Verlinde and Verlinde. One of the key points in this proof is the concept of dilaton-shift invariance. We present and solve (classically) all dilaton-shift invariant theories of two-dimensional dilaton gravity. Two such models, resembling the exact string black hole and generalizing the CGHS model, are discussed explicitly.Comment: 24 pages, 3 eps-figures, revised version (more references, clarified some of the discussion

    Positivity constraints for lepton polarization in neutrino deep inelastic scattering

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    We consider the spin polarization of leptons produced in neutrino and antineutrino nucleon deep inelastic scattering, via charged currents, and we study the positivity constraints on the spin components in a model independent way. These results are very important, in particular in the case of τ±\tau^{\pm} leptons, because the polarization information is crucial in all future neutrino oscillation experiments.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Atmospheres of Magnetized Neutron Stars: Vacuum Polarization and Partially Ionized Models

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    We construct hydrogen atmosphere models for magnetized neutron stars in radiative equilibrium with surface fields B=10^12-5x10^14 G and effective temperatures T_eff a few x 10^5-10^6 K by solving the full radiative transfer equations for both polarization modes in the magnetized hydrogen plasma. The atmospheres directly determine the characteristics of thermal emission from isolated neutron stars. We study the effects of vacuum polarization and bound atoms on the atmosphere structure and spectra. For the lower magnetic field models (B 10^12 G), the spectral features due to neutral atoms lie at extreme UV and very soft X-ray energies and therefore are not likely to be observed. However, the continuum flux is also different from the fully ionized case, especially at lower energies. For the higher magnetic field models, we find that vacuum polarization softens the high energy tail of the thermal spectrum. We show that this depression of continuum flux strongly suppresses not only the proton cyclotron line but also spectral features due to bound species; therefore spectral lines or features in thermal radiation are more difficult to observe when the neutron star magnetic field is > 10^14 G.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Adv Sp Res: Proceedings of the 34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, E1.4 "High Energy Studies of Supernova Remnants and Neutron Stars

    Supersymmetric non-linear sigma-models with boundaries revisited

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    We study two-dimensional supersymmetric non-linear sigma-models with boundaries. We derive the most general family of boundary conditions in the non-supersymmetric case. Next we show that no further conditions arise when passing to the N=1 model. We present a manifest N=1 off-shell formulation. The analysis is greatly simplified compared to previous studies and there is no need to introduce non-local superspaces nor to go (partially) on-shell. Whether or not torsion is present does not modify the discussion. Subsequently, we determine under which conditions a second supersymmetry exists. As for the case without boundaries, two covariantly constant complex structures are needed. However, because of the presence of the boundary, one gets expressed in terms of the other one and the remainder of the geometric data. Finally we recast some of our results in N=2 superspace and discuss applications.Comment: LaTeX, 23 page

    Geometric Constructions of Nongeometric String Theories

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    We advocate a framework for constructing perturbative closed string compactifications which do not have large-radius limits. The idea is to augment the class of vacua which can be described as fibrations by enlarging the monodromy group around the singular fibers to include perturbative stringy duality symmetries. As a controlled laboratory for testing this program, we study in detail six-dimensional (1,0) supersymmetric vacua arising from two-torus fibrations over a two-dimensional base. We also construct some examples of two-torus fibrations over four-dimensional bases, and comment on the extension to other fibrations.Comment: Explanations clarified, typos corrected, references adde

    Sparticle Spectra and LHC Signatures for Large Volume String Compactifications

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    We study the supersymmetric particle spectra and LHC collider observables for the large-volume string models with a fundamental scale of 10^{11} GeV that arise in moduli-fixed string compactifications with branes and fluxes. The presence of magnetic fluxes on the brane world volume, required for chirality, perturb the soft terms away from those previously computed in the dilute-flux limit. We use the difference in high-scale gauge couplings to estimate the magnitude of this perturbation and study the potential effects of the magnetic fluxes by generating many random spectra with the soft terms perturbed around the dilute flux limit. Even with a 40% variation in the high-scale soft terms the low-energy spectra take a clear and predictive form. The resulting spectra are broadly similar to those arising on the SPS1a slope, but more degenerate. In their minimal version the models predict the ratios of gaugino masses to be M_1 : M_2 : M_3=(1.5 - 2) : 2 : 6, different to both mSUGRA and mirage mediation. Among the scalars, the squarks tend to be lighter and the sleptons heavier than for comparable mSUGRA models. We generate 10 fb^{-1} of sample LHC data for the random spectra in order to study the range of collider phenomenology that can occur. We perform a detailed mass reconstruction on one example large-volume string model spectrum. 100 fb^{-1} of integrated luminosity is sufficient to discriminate the model from mSUGRA and aspects of the sparticle spectrum can be accurately reconstructed.Comment: 42 pages, 21 figures. Added references and discussion for section 3. Slight changes in the tex

    A Step Beyond the Bounce: Bubble Dynamics in Quantum Phase Transitions

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    We study the dynamical evolution of a phase interface or bubble in the context of a \lambda \phi^4 + g \phi^6 scalar quantum field theory. We use a self-consistent mean-field approximation derived from a 2PI effective action to construct an initial value problem for the expectation value of the quantum field and two-point function. We solve the equations of motion numerically in (1+1)-dimensions and compare the results to the purely classical evolution. We find that the quantum fluctuations dress the classical profile, affecting both the early time expansion of the bubble and the behavior upon collision with a neighboring interface.Comment: 12 pages, multiple figure