368 research outputs found

    Digital onboarding - an integrated conceptualization

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    The effects of emotions as success factor in communication management

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    Die vorliegende Bachelorarbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Bedeutung und Wirkungsweise einer Emotionalisierung im strategischen Kommunikations-management. Es wird der Frage nachgegangen, unter welchen Bedingungen eine Emotionalisierung sinnvoll ist und wann eine erlebnisorientierte Markenpositionierung angestrebt werden sollte. Ziel ist es zu klären, inwiefern eine Emotionalisierung vor dem Hintergrund des heutigen Wertewandels zukünftig tragfähig ist. Die Vermutungen werden auf der Grundlage der Auswertung aktueller Fachliteratur und neurowissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse gestützt. Am Beispiel von drei emotionalisierten Marken sollen die Erfolgs-faktoren einer Emotionalisierung deutlich gemacht werden. Experteninterviews stellen dabei eine ergänzende Informationsquelle dar. Im Ergebnis wird deutlich, dass Menschen zunehmend von ihren Emotionen geleitet werden und diese starken Einfluss auf ihre Entscheidungen haben. Somit können Handlungsempfehlungen für eine erfolgreiche Emotionalisierung im Kommunikationsmanagement gegeben werden.This bachelor thesis deals with the significance and the effect of emotionalisation within strategic communication management. It seeks to answer the question under which conditions emotionalisation makes sense and when an experience-oriented market positioning strategy should be strived for. The aim is to find out how viable emotionalisation will be in the future, set against the backdrop of the current changes in values. These assumptions are based on current specialized literature and neuroscientific knowledge. Three "emotionalised" brands are used as examples to demonstrate the success factors of emotionalisation. Expert interviews are used as an additional source of information. The results clearly show that people are lead more and more by their emotions and that these emotions have a huge impact on their decisions. This information enables recommendations to be made for the successful implementation of emotionalisation in communication management

    Conflitos gerados na relação família x escola

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso, apresentado para obtenção do grau de Licenciatura no curso de Pedagogia da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense, UNESC.O presente trabalho realizado enfoca os conflitos que a escola apresenta por conseqüência de sua relação distante com a família. Muitos pais acreditam que a escola é a responsável por toda a educação de seu filho, cobrando desta, muitas vezes, algo que ela não pode contribuir, sabendo sua função social depende da relação que a família tem em educar seu filho. Assim, seu objetivo central constituiu em compreender a percepção dos professores frente ao papel da família na educação dos filhos. Em um primeiro momento apresenta-se um referencial teórico com os seguintes itens, a História da Educação, em seguida a Educação como Responsabilidade do Estado, o Papel da Família e por fim o Papel da Escola. Nessa busca as leituras foram constante. Utilizou-se, como instrumento importante, a pesquisa de campo, por meio de questionários. Participaram de pesquisa para o presente trabalho, professoras do ensino fundamental, de uma escola privada e outra escola pública. Os resultados revelaram que as professoras esperam muito mais dos pais, e em seus longos anos de carreira não desistem que um dia irá se cumprir essa tão esperada parceria e os conflitos ocorram com menos frequência

    Redes de interação borboletas-plantas : visitação floral em áreas de restinga do Parque Estadual de Itapuã

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    Dentro de uma comunidade, as espécies interagem entre si, formando assim redes de interações complexas que podem ser utilizadas para identificar e descrever processos ecológicos de forma qualitativa e quantitativa. Borboletas nectarívoras são frequentes visitantes florais, e a interação entre elas e as flores é tipicamente mutualista. Formam assim, uma rede recíproca, onde o desaparecimento de uma espécie de uma borboleta consumidora pode levar o desaparecimento de uma planta recurso. No Parque Estadual de Itapuã, ainda não havia registros sobre os padrões de rede entre borboletas-plantas. Deste modo, o presente trabalho avaliou as redes de interações entre borboleta-planta e suas variáveis de conectividade, especialização de rede, generalidade, vulnerabilidade e aninhamento. A rede em questão se mostrou significativamente aninhada (NODF= 28,96) e com uma especialização de rede intermediária (H2’ = 0.405) e conectância baixa (15,6%). A família de borboletas mais representativa foi Nymphalidae e a espécie de planta florida que obteve maior frequência de visitação foi Lantana camara (Verbenaceae).In a biological community, species interact forming complex networks which can be used to identify and describe ecological processes in qualitative and quantitative form. Nectarivore butterflies are frequent flower visitors, and the interaction between them and plant flowers is tipically mutualistic. The network thus formed is reciprocal, where the loss of a consumer butterfly species might lead to the loss of a resource plant. In Itapuã State Park, there were no records of interaction networks between butterflies and plantas. Thus, the present work evaluates butterfly-plant networks through connectivity, network specialization, generality/vulnerability and nestedness. Our observed network was significantly nested (NODF= 28,96) with intermediate specialization (H2’ = 0.405) and low connectance (15,6%). The most representative butterfly family was Nymphalidae and the most visited flowering plant specie was Lantana camara (Verbenaceae)

    Floral homeotic C function genes repress specific B function genes in the carpel whorl of the basal eudicot California poppy (Eschscholzia californica)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The floral homeotic C function gene <it>AGAMOUS </it>(<it>AG</it>) confers stamen and carpel identity and is involved in the regulation of floral meristem termination in <it>Arabidopsis</it>. <it>Arabidopsis ag </it>mutants show complete homeotic conversions of stamens into petals and carpels into sepals as well as indeterminacy of the floral meristem. Gene function analysis in model core eudicots and the monocots rice and maize suggest a conserved function for <it>AG </it>homologs in angiosperms. At the same time gene phylogenies reveal a complex history of gene duplications and repeated subfunctionalization of paralogs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p><it>EScaAG1 </it>and <it>EScaAG2</it>, duplicate <it>AG </it>homologs in the basal eudicot <it>Eschscholzia californica </it>show a high degree of similarity in sequence and expression, although <it>EScaAG2 </it>expression is lower than <it>EScaAG1 </it>expression. Functional studies employing virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) demonstrate that knock down of <it>EScaAG1 </it>and <it>2 </it>function leads to homeotic conversion of stamens into petaloid structures and defects in floral meristem termination. However, carpels are transformed into petaloid organs rather than sepaloid structures. We also show that a reduction of <it>EScaAG1 </it>and <it>EScaAG2 </it>expression leads to significantly increased expression of a subset of floral homeotic B genes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This work presents expression and functional analysis of the two basal eudicot <it>AG </it>homologs. The reduction of <it>EScaAG1 </it>and <it>2 </it>functions results in the change of stamen to petal identity and a transformation of the central whorl organ identity from carpel into petal identity. Petal identity requires the presence of the floral homeotic B function and our results show that the expression of a subset of B function genes extends into the central whorl when the C function is reduced. We propose a model for the evolution of B function regulation by C function suggesting that the mode of B function gene regulation found in <it>Eschscholzia </it>is ancestral and the C-independent regulation as found in <it>Arabidopsis </it>is evolutionarily derived.</p

    Floral homeotic C function genes repress specific B function genes in the carpel whorl of the basal eudicot California poppy (Eschscholzia californica)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The floral homeotic C function gene <it>AGAMOUS </it>(<it>AG</it>) confers stamen and carpel identity and is involved in the regulation of floral meristem termination in <it>Arabidopsis</it>. <it>Arabidopsis ag </it>mutants show complete homeotic conversions of stamens into petals and carpels into sepals as well as indeterminacy of the floral meristem. Gene function analysis in model core eudicots and the monocots rice and maize suggest a conserved function for <it>AG </it>homologs in angiosperms. At the same time gene phylogenies reveal a complex history of gene duplications and repeated subfunctionalization of paralogs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p><it>EScaAG1 </it>and <it>EScaAG2</it>, duplicate <it>AG </it>homologs in the basal eudicot <it>Eschscholzia californica </it>show a high degree of similarity in sequence and expression, although <it>EScaAG2 </it>expression is lower than <it>EScaAG1 </it>expression. Functional studies employing virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) demonstrate that knock down of <it>EScaAG1 </it>and <it>2 </it>function leads to homeotic conversion of stamens into petaloid structures and defects in floral meristem termination. However, carpels are transformed into petaloid organs rather than sepaloid structures. We also show that a reduction of <it>EScaAG1 </it>and <it>EScaAG2 </it>expression leads to significantly increased expression of a subset of floral homeotic B genes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This work presents expression and functional analysis of the two basal eudicot <it>AG </it>homologs. The reduction of <it>EScaAG1 </it>and <it>2 </it>functions results in the change of stamen to petal identity and a transformation of the central whorl organ identity from carpel into petal identity. Petal identity requires the presence of the floral homeotic B function and our results show that the expression of a subset of B function genes extends into the central whorl when the C function is reduced. We propose a model for the evolution of B function regulation by C function suggesting that the mode of B function gene regulation found in <it>Eschscholzia </it>is ancestral and the C-independent regulation as found in <it>Arabidopsis </it>is evolutionarily derived.</p