2,139 research outputs found

    The Affect Misattribution Procedure.

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    The Affect Misattribution Procedure (AMP) has been forwarded as one of the most promising alternatives to the Implicit Association Test and the evaluative-priming task for measuring attitudes such as prejudice indirectly. We investigated whether the AMP is indeed able to detect an evaluative out-group bias. In contrast to recent conclusions about the robustness of AMP effects, six out of seven pilot studies indicated that participants did not show any prejudice effects in the AMP. Yet, these pilot studies were not fully conclusive with regard to our research question because they investigated different domains of prejudice, used small sample sizes, and employed a modified AMP version. In a preregistered, high-powered AMP study, we therefore examined whether the standard AMP does reveal prejudice against Turks, the biggest minority in Germany, and found a significant, albeit very small prejudice effect. We discuss possible reasons for the AMP's weak sensitivity to evaluations in socially sensitive domains

    Overcoming the product-service model adoption obstacles

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    Product-Service Systems (PSS) benefits are not limited to its providers and costumers, but the whole society might also take advantage from its sustainability impact. Nevertheless, many PSS projects still fail, and lots of customers stick to buying mere products or services in a transactional rather than a relational context. Shifting to the PSS paradigm requires a mind-set/organizational culture change both from the PSS’ provider and customer. On one hand, the manufacturing companies should change from production scale to use scale, therefore producing fewer products that will be more used, and the profit will be rather based on the services they provide. On the other hand, the customer must be flexible to give up product property in favor to product use when it pays off in the long term. Not surprisingly, this paradigm shift creates some obstacles that could deter companies from adapting the product-service concept, as a successful PSS will require different societal infrastructure, human structures and organizational layouts in order to function in a sustainable manner. This paper analyses the benefits and obstacles from/for PSS and proposes a self-assessment questionnaire that point to the needed business model changes in companies interested in adopting PSS

    Water dynamics, phytoplankton biomass and size structure of a shalow freshwater subtropical lake (Itapeva Lake, South of Brazil)

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    Regular tools used to characterize the phytoplankton community structure are taxonomic composition, diversity of species and the classification of organisms according to their size. The main objective of this study was to characterize the phytoplankton size structure of the Itapeva lake, south of Brazil, considering the biomass (by biovolume) over an annual cycle (December 1998 to August 1999), and to establish a relationship with the physical factors (wind velocity and wind direction). Three fractions in the phytoplankton community were selected: nanoplankton, microplankton and netplankton. The netplankton fraction predominated over the other size fractions and was associated to the abundance of filamentous species, like the diatom Aulacoseira granulata, and the cyanobacteria species Anabaena circinalis and A. spiroides. The succession of phytoplankton size fractions was related directly to disturbance caused by the strong winds and long fetchs, or the lack of them.As principais ferramentas utilizadas para caracterizar a estrutura da comunidade fitoplanctônica são, além da composição taxonômica, da riqueza e da diversidade de espécies, a classificação dos organismos de acordo com o seu tamanho. Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal caracterizar a estrutura de tamanho do fitoplâncton da lagoa Itapeva, sul do Brasil, em função da biomassa (por biovolume) durante um ciclo anual (dezembro de 1998 a agosto de 1999), e estabelecer relações com os fatores físicos, velocidade e direção de vento, que atuaram diretamente na lagoa. As três frações que melhor representaram a comunidade fitoplanctônica foram: nanoplâncton, microplâncton e netplâncton. A predominância da fração netplanctônica sobre as demais se deve à abundância de espécies filamentosas, como a diatomácea Aulacoseira granulata, e as cianobactérias Anabaena circinalis e A. spiroides. As sucessões das frações de tamanho do fitoplâncton estiveram relacionadas diretamente à ação de distúrbios intensos provocados pelos fortes ventos e longo fetch, ou a falta deste

    Development of Design Support Tool for New Lean Production Systems

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    Application of the Lean philosophy during the design of a new production system might result in a production system which is more Lean from the beginning and needs less improvement during its lifetime. In this paper a design support tool for new Lean production systems is presented. It combines the theory on Lean and production system design. The design support tool consists of three elements with a strong interaction. The first element of the tool prescribes the steps in the design of a production system in general. The second element illustrates the flow of different types of information during the design process. The third element consists of guidelines for Lean design. Following the workflow that combines the three elements should result in a new Lean based production syste

    Universitäre Bildung in Deutschland

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    In this book, university education in Germany is subjected to a comprehensive examination and evaluation from an ideological, historical and contemporary perspective. This multi-perspectival approach addresses two research objectives: Methodologically, there are few political science studies that combine the classical history of ideas with concrete policy area research. Content-wise, this book furthermore represents the first complete report on higher education policy and amendments to higher education legislation in North Rhine-Westphalia under different state governments between 2005 and 2019.PublishedDie universitäre Bildung in Deutschland wird in ideentheoretischer, historischer und aktualitätsbezogener Perspektive einer umfassenden Betrachtung und Bewertung unterzogen. Mit dieser multiperspektivischen Herangehensweise werden zwei Forschungsdesiderate adressiert: Methodisch gibt es in der Politikwissenschaft selten Untersuchungen, die klassische Ideengeschichte mit konkreter Politikfeldforschung verbinden. Inhaltlich wird zudem die erste Gesamtdarstellung der Hochschulpolitik in Nordrhein-Westfalen unterschiedlicher Landesregierungen und Hochschulgesetznovellierungen zwischen 2005 und 2019 vorgelegt. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Manuel Becker, Jahrgang 1984, ist Geschäftsführer und Kustos des Instituts für Politische Wissenschaft und Soziologie der Rheinischen-Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn

    Universitäre Bildung in Deutschland: Ideengeschichtliche Perspektiven und aktuelle Herausforderungen in NRW

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    Die universitäre Bildung in Deutschland wird in ideentheoretischer, historischer und aktualitätsbezogener Perspektive einer umfassenden Betrachtung und Bewertung unterzogen. Mit dieser multiperspektivischen Herangehensweise werden zwei Forschungsdesiderate adressiert: Methodisch gibt es in der Politikwissenschaft selten Untersuchungen, die klassische Ideengeschichte mit konkreter Politikfeldforschung verbinden. Inhaltlich wird zudem die erste Gesamtdarstellung der Hochschulpolitik in Nordrhein-Westfalen unterschiedlicher Landesregierungen und Hochschulgesetznovellierungen zwischen 2005 und 2019 vorgelegt.In this book, university education in Germany is subjected to a comprehensive examination and evaluation from an ideological, historical and contemporary perspective. This multi-perspectival approach addresses two research objectives: Methodologically, there are few political science studies that combine the classical history of ideas with concrete policy area research. Content-wise, this book furthermore represents the first complete report on higher education policy and amendments to higher education legislation in North Rhine-Westphalia under different state governments between 2005 and 2019
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