1,112 research outputs found

    Old-Growth Forest Dynamics After Fire and Drought in the Sierra Nevada, California, USA

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    Understanding forest ecosystems is important because forests cover approximately one-third of Earth’s land area, store half of Earth’s carbon, shelter half of Earth’s species, and absorb a quarter of new anthropogenic carbon emissions, slowing climate change. This dissertation provides insight into future forest habitat, fuels, species composition, and structure by investigating what happens to snags, seedlings, and trees in an old-growth forest after a low- to moderate-severity fire. Chapter II explores how low- to moderate-severity fire changes snag fall rates. Predicting how long snags will remain standing after fire is essential for managing habitat, understanding chemical cycling in forests, and modeling forest succession and fuels. Pre-fire snags––which tend to be preferred habitat because they include more large-diameter snags in advanced stages of decay––were at least twice as likely to fall as new snags within 3–5 years after fire. Pre-existing snags were most likely to persist five years after fire if they were \u3e 50 cm in diameter, \u3e 20 m tall, and charred on the trunk to heights above 3.7 m. Chapter III examines the effects of fire severity and microclimate on conifer regeneration after fire. Available seed, lower burn severity on the forest floor, more fire-caused tree mortality, and earlier snowmelt during the germination year gave Pinus lambertiana seedlings an advantage over Abies concolor seedlings, suggesting that lower-severity fire could naturally shift forest species composition toward Pinus species, which are more resistant to fire and drought. Chapter IV investigates the effects of lower-severity fire on tree growth by analyzing the tree-ring widths of seven mixed-conifer species throughout the Sierra Nevada. Post-fire growth patterns were not substantially different from growth fluctuations at adjacent unburned plots, suggesting that reintroducing lower-severity fire to forests where fire has been excluded over the last century will not prevent surviving trees from attaining pre-fire growth rates within five years after fire. Chapter V focuses on recruitment of large-diameter trees after fire, analyzing how local post-fire mortality within tree neighborhoods impacts post-fire radial growth of surviving trees. Cause of mortality influenced the relationship between neighborhood change and the growth of surviving trees, and this relationship was different for A. concolor compared to P. lambertiana, suggesting that species differences in cause of mortality could affect the species composition of future large-diameter tree populations. These findings demonstrate that low- to moderate-severity fire can promote Pinus seedlings and trees, exemplifying the concept that ecosystems shift toward species composition and structure that maximize resilience to challenging climate and disturbance regimes. This research was possible because of the existence of a long-term, spatially explicit, observational old-growth forest dataset with annual resolution

    Individualizing Pharmacotherapy: Genetic factors and co-prescribed drugs affecting pharmacotherapy

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    Drug therapies may result in adverse drug reactions or in ineffective therapy. A better prediction which patients will not respond to drug therapy or will develop adverse drug reactions may avoid these events. In this thesis we studied the effect of drug-drug interactions and genetic variation. The exposure to potential life-threatening drug-drug interactions in the elderly general population (≥ 70 years) increased from 1.5 percent in 1992 to 2.9 percent in 2005. About half a percent of all hospital admissions were due to drug-drug interactions. The polymorphism rs622342 in the Organic Cation Transporter 1 and rs2289669 in the Multidrug And Toxin Extrusion 1 were both associated with the glucose lowering effect of metformin. The predictability of the response to metformin increased substantially if also the interaction between both polymorphisms was included. The CYP3A4*1B polymorphisms was associated with adverse drug reactions during simvastatin and atorvastatin therapy. This effect was stronger in women and in patients with the ABCB1 CT or TT genotype. These differences are most likely explained by a lower ABCB1 expression and a higher statin concentration in the hepatocyte. We also studied the association between genetic variation in the CYP2C9 gene and sulphonylurea response, the rs10494366 polymorphisms and sulphonylurea and calcium channel blocker response, genetic variation in the ABCB1 gene and the cholesterol lowering effect of simvastatin, and the association between the rs622342 polymorphism and the response to antiparkinson drugs. The response to drug therapy is better predictable if also the interaction between factors is taken into account

    Effects of intratidal and tidal range variability on circulation and salinity structure in the Cape Fear River Estuary, North Carolina

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    Tidal influences on circulation and the salinity structure are investigated in the largely unstudied Cape Fear River Estuary (CFRE), North Carolina, a partially mixed estuary along the southeast coast of the United States. During two different tidal conditions (high versus low tidal range) and when river flow was low, salinity and velocity data were collected over a semidiurnal tidal cycle in a 2.8 km long transect along the estuary axis. Water level data were recorded nearby. Mechanisms that influence salt transport characteristics are diagnosed from an analysis of the field data. Specifically, we investigated the relationship between tidal range and salinity through comparison of along-channel circulation characteristics, computed salt fluxes, and coefficients of vertical eddy diffusivity (Kz) based on a parameterization and on salt budget analysis. Findings indicate up-estuary tidally driven salt fluxes resulting from oscillatory salt transport are dominant near the pycnocline, while mean advective transport dominates near the bottom during both tidal range periods. Earlier research related to salt transport in estuaries with significant gravitational circulation suggests that up-estuary salt transport increases during low tidal ranges as a result of increased gravitational circulation. In the CFRE, in contrast, net (tidally averaged) near-bottom along-channel velocities are greater during higher tidal range conditions than during lower tidal range conditions. Findings indicate stronger tidal forcing and associated mixing contribute to greater near-bottom salinity gradients and, consequently, increased baroclinic circulation. Lower near-bottom salinities during the higher tidal range period are a result of a combination of increased vertical turbulent salt fluxes near the pycnocline and increased bottom-generated mixing

    Alcohol homograph priming in alcohol-dependent inpatients

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    Item does not contain fulltextAim: Alcohol dependency is characterized by alcohol-related interpretation biases (IBs): Individuals with high levels of alcohol consumption generate more alcohol-related than alcohol-unrelated interpretations in response to ambiguous alcohol-related cues. However, a response bias could be an alternative account, meaning that individuals with high levels of alcohol consumption generate more alcohol-related IBs because of a greater baseline tendency to endorse alcohol-related responses. Methods: To test this alternative explanation, the present study employed a homograph-priming task, reliability of which was also examined. The sample included 577 clinically diagnosed alcohol-dependent inpatients and 61 control inpatients. Participants completed a homograph priming task (primes: homographs with and without an alcohol-related meaning, target words: alcohol and soft drinks) before commencing their behavioral cognitive treatment at a rehabilitation clinic. Results: Contrary to our expectations, we did not find an enhanced priming effect in alcohol-dependent inpatients. Moreover, there was no correlation between the priming score and levels of harmful drinking (AUDIT scores). Conclusions: The data provide limited support for the existence of alcohol-related IBs, possibly because of the low reliability of the priming task, the features of the task, and the study’s design.8 p

    Restructuring of colloidal aggregates in shear flow: Coupling interparticle contact models with Stokesian dynamics

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    A method to couple interparticle contact models with Stokesian dynamics (SD) is introduced to simulate colloidal aggregates under flow conditions. The contact model mimics both the elastic and plastic behavior of the cohesive connections between particles within clusters. Owing to this, clusters can maintain their structures under low stress while restructuring or even breakage may occur under sufficiently high stress conditions. SD is an efficient method to deal with the long-ranged and many-body nature of hydrodynamic interactions for low Reynolds number flows. By using such a coupled model, the restructuring of colloidal aggregates under stepwise increasing shear flows was studied. Irreversible compaction occurs due to the increase of hydrodynamic stress on clusters. Results show that the greater part of the fractal clusters are compacted to rod-shaped packed structures, while the others show isotropic compaction.Comment: A simulation movie be found at http://www-levich.engr.ccny.cuny.edu/~seto/sites/colloidal_aggregates_shearflow.htm

    A predictive model for reproductive performance following abortion in thoroughbred mares

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    Pregnancy losses include early embryonic death (EED) and later (postimplantation) abortion. Abortions, particularly Equid herpesvirus (EHV-1) abortion epizootics, cause severe economic and production losses. The long-term effects of EHV-1 and other abortions on subsequent reproductive performance in broodmare populations, however, remain undefined. This study described the relationships of EED and abortion with the following reproductive outcomes in thoroughbred systems: breeding efficiency, month of last breeding, subsequent pregnancy and live foal rates. A prospective cohort study in broodmare populations following EHV-1 epizootics on two South African farms was used to develop predictive models of the relative influences and interactions of reproductive variables associated with EHV-1 and other abortion causes on reproductive performance. EED predicted all the reproductive outcomes. Abortion predicted increased effort and month of breeding to establish pregnancy, but not becoming pregnant or foaling. Increasing age predicted decreased reproductive efficiency, and pregnancy and foaling probabilities. Mare reproductive status predicted breeding efficiency and the last month of breeding, but not establishing pregnancy. The last month of breeding predicted efficiency, pregnancy and foaling. Interestingly, breeding in the first month of the season was associated with an improved probability of pregnancy among barren mares.Includes bibliographical referencesEquine Research Centre of the University of Pretoria’s Faculty of Veterinary Sciencehttp://veterinaryrecord.bmj.com/hb2013ab201

    No preconscious attentional bias towards itch in healthy individuals

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    Rapidly attending towards potentially harmful stimuli to prevent possible damage to the body is a critical component of adaptive behavior. Research suggests that individuals display an attentional bias, i.e., preferential allocation of attention, for consciously perceived bodily sensations that signal potential threat, like itch or pain. Evidence is not yet clear whether an attentional bias also exists for stimuli that have been presented for such a short duration that they do not enter the stream of consciousness. This study investigated whether a preconscious attentional bias towards itch-related pictures exists in 127 healthy participants and whether this can be influenced by priming with mild itch-related stimuli compared to control stimuli. Mild itch was induced with von Frey monofilaments and scratching sounds, while control stimuli where of matched modalities but neutral. Attentional bias was measured with a subliminal pictorial dot-probe task. Moreover, we investigated how attentional inhibition of irrelevant information and the ability to switch between different tasks, i.e., cognitive flexibility, contribute to the emergence of an attentional bias. Attentional inhibition was measured with a Flanker paradigm and cognitive flexibility was measured with a cued-switching paradigm. Contrary to our expectations, results showed that participants attention was not biased towards the itch-related pictures, in facts, attention was significantly drawn towards the neutral pictures. In addition, no effect of the itch-related priming was observed. Finally, this effect was not influenced by participants' attentional inhibition and cognitive flexibility. Therefore, we have no evidence for a preconscious attentional bias towards itch stimuli. The role of preconscious attentional bias in patients with chronic itch should be investigated in future studies

    Entanglement between Demand and Supply in Markets with Bandwagon Goods

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    Whenever customers' choices (e.g. to buy or not a given good) depend on others choices (cases coined 'positive externalities' or 'bandwagon effect' in the economic literature), the demand may be multiply valued: for a same posted price, there is either a small number of buyers, or a large one -- in which case one says that the customers coordinate. This leads to a dilemma for the seller: should he sell at a high price, targeting a small number of buyers, or at low price targeting a large number of buyers? In this paper we show that the interaction between demand and supply is even more complex than expected, leading to what we call the curse of coordination: the pricing strategy for the seller which aimed at maximizing his profit corresponds to posting a price which, not only assumes that the customers will coordinate, but also lies very near the critical price value at which such high demand no more exists. This is obtained by the detailed mathematical analysis of a particular model formally related to the Random Field Ising Model and to a model introduced in social sciences by T C Schelling in the 70's.Comment: Updated version, accepted for publication, Journal of Statistical Physics, online Dec 201

    Alteration in the plasma concentration of a DAAO inhibitor, 3-methylpyrazole-5-carboxylic acid, in the ketamine-treated rats and the influence on the pharmacokinetics of plasma d-tryptophan

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    A determination method for 3-methylpyrazole-5-carboxylic acid (MPC), an inhibitor of d-amino acid oxidase (DAAO), in rat plasma was developed by using high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). The structural isomer of MPC, 3-methylpyrazole-4-carboxylic acid, was used as an internal standard, and the intra- and inter-day accuracies and precisions were satisfactory for the determination of plasma MPC

    Quintessential Maldacena-Maoz Cosmologies

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    Maldacena and Maoz have proposed a new approach to holographic cosmology based on Euclidean manifolds with disconnected boundaries. This approach appears, however, to be in conflict with the known geometric results [the Witten-Yau theorem and its extensions] on spaces with boundaries of non-negative scalar curvature. We show precisely how the Maldacena-Maoz approach evades these theorems. We also exhibit Maldacena-Maoz cosmologies with [cosmologically] more natural matter content, namely quintessence instead of Yang-Mills fields, thereby demonstrating that these cosmologies do not depend on a special choice of matter to split the Euclidean boundary. We conclude that if our Universe is fundamentally anti-de Sitter-like [with the current acceleration being only temporary], then this may force us to confront the holography of spaces with a connected bulk but a disconnected boundary.Comment: Much improved exposition, exponent in Cai-Galloway theorem fixed, axionic interpretation of scalar explained, JHEP version. 33 pages, 3 eps figure