907 research outputs found

    Water Management Districts in North Dakota

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    Insights into Nuclear Clusters in 28^{28}Si via Resonant Radiative Capture Measurements

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    International audienceThe heavyion radiative capture reaction 12C(16O,γ\gamma)28Si has been studied at three energies on( ELab = 20.0 and 21.2 MeV) and off( ELab = 20.7 MeV) resonance at Triumf (Vancouver) using the stateoftheart Dragon 0° spectrometer and its very efficient associated BGO γ\gamma array. Intermediate states around Ex = 11.5 MeV, carrying a large part of the resonant flux have been observed for the first time in this system. The nature of those doorway states is discussed in terms of recently calculated cluster bands in 28Si. The results are compared to a recent similar investigation of the 12C(12C,γ\gamma)24Mg reaction

    Prognostic implications of the Quebec Task Force classification of back-related leg pain: An analysis of longitudinal routine clinical data

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    Background: Low back pain (LBP) patients with related leg pain have a more severe profile than those with local LBP and a worse prognosis. Pain location above or below the knee and the presence of neurological signs differentiate patients with different profiles, but knowledge about the prognostic value of these subgroups is sparse. The objectives of this study were (1) to investigate whether subgroups consisting of patients with Local LBP only, LBP + leg pain above the knee, LBP + leg pain below the knee, and LBP + leg pain and neurological signs had different prognoses, and (2) to determine if this was explained by measured baseline factors. Methods. Routine clinical data were collected during the first visit to an outpatient department and follow-ups were performed after 3 and 12 months. Patients were divided into the four subgroups and associations between subgroups and the outcomes of activity limitation, global perceived effect (GPE) after 3 months, and sick leave after 3 months were tested by means of generalised estimating equations. Models were univariate (I), adjusted for duration (II), and adjusted for all baseline differences (III). Results: A total of 1,752 patients were included, with a 76% 3-month and 70% 12-month follow-up. Subgroups were associated with activity limitation in all models (p < 0.001). Local LBP had the least and LBP + neurological signs the most severe limitations at all time-points, although patients with neurological signs improved the most. Associations with GPE after 3 months were only significant in Model I. Subgroups were associated with sick leave after 3 months in model I and II, with sick leave being most frequent in the subgroup with neurological signs. No significant differences were found in any pairwise comparisons of patients with leg pain above or below the knee. Conclusions: Subgrouping LBP patients, based on pain location and neurological signs, was associated with activity limitation and sick leave, but not with GPE. The presence of neurological signs and pain in the leg both have prognostic implications but whether that leg pain without neurological signs is above or below the knee does not

    Decay Modes of Narrow Molecular Resonances

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    présenté par Sandrine Courtin (DRS-IPHC)The heavy-ion radiative capture reactions 12C(12C,γ)24Mg^{12}C(^{12}C,\gamma)^{24}Mg and 12C(16O,γ)28Si^{12}C(^{16}O,\gamma)^{28}Si have been performed on and off resonance at TRIUMF using the Dragon separator and its associated BGO array. The decay of the studied narrow resonances has been shown to proceed predominantly through quasi-bound doorway states which cluster and deformed configurations would have a large overlap with the entry resonance states

    Patients with low back pain differ from those who also have leg pain or signs of nerve root involvement - A cross-sectional study

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    Background: Leg pain associated with low back pain (LBP) is recognized as a risk factor for a poor prognosis, and is included as a component in most LBP classification systems. The location of leg pain relative to the knee and the presence of a positive straight leg raise test have been suggested to have clinical implications. To understand differences between such leg pain subgroups, and whether differences include potentially modifiable characteristics, the purpose of this paper was to describe characteristics of patients classified into the Quebec Task Force (QTF) subgroups of: 1) LBP only, 2) LBP and pain above the knee, 3) LBP and pain below the knee, and 4) LBP and signs of nerve root involvement. Methods. Analysis of routine clinical data from an outpatient department. Based on patient reported data and clinical findings, patients were allocated to the QTF subgroups and described according to the domains of pain, activity limitation, work participation, psychology, general health and clinical examination findings. Results: A total of 2,673 patients aged 18-95 years (median 47) who were referred for assessment of LBP were included. Increasing severity was consistently observed across the subgroups from LBP only to LBP with signs of nerve root involvement although subgroup differences were small. LBP patients with leg pain differed from those with LBP only on a wide variety of parameters, and patients with signs of nerve root involvement had a more severe profile on almost all measures compared with other patients with back-related leg pain. Conclusion: LBP patients with pain referral to the legs were more severely affected than those with local LBP, and patients with signs of nerve root involvement were the ones most severily affected. These findings underpin the concurrent validity of the Quebec Task Force Classification. However, the small size of many between-subgroup differences amid the large variability in this sample of cross-sectional data also underlines that the heterogeneity of patients with LBP is more complex than that which can be explained by leg pain patterns alone. The implications of the observed differences also require investigation in longitudinal studies

    Global non-axisymmetric perturbation configurations in a composite disc system with an isopedic magnetic field: relation between dark matter halo and magnetic field

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    We study global non-axisymmetric stationary perturbations of aligned and unaligned logarithmic spiral configurations in an axisymmetric composite differentially rotating disc system of scale-free stellar and isopedically magnetized gas discs coupled by gravity. The gas disc is threaded across by a vertical magnetic field BzB_z with a constant dimensionless isopedic ratio λ≡2πGΣ(g)/Bz\lambda\equiv 2\pi\sqrt{G} \Sigma^{(g)}/B_z of surface gas mass density Σ(g)\Sigma^{(g)} to BzB_z with GG being the gravitational constant. Our exploration focuses on the relation between λ\lambda and the dark matter amount represented by a ratio f≡Φˉ/Φf\equiv\bar{\Phi}/\Phi in order to sustain stationary perturbation configurations, where Φˉ\bar{\Phi} is the gravitational potential of a presumed axisymmetric halo of dark matter and Φ\Phi is the gravitational potential of the composite disc matter. High and low λ\lambda values correspond to relatively weak and strong magnetic fields given the same gas surface mass density, respectively. The main goal of our model analysis is to reveal the relation between isopedic magnetic fields and dark matter halo in spiral galaxies with globally stationary perturbation configurations. Our results show that, fairly strong yet realistic magnetic fields require a considerably larger amount of dark matter in aligned and unaligned cases than weak or moderate magnetic field strengths. We discuss astrophysical and cosmological implications of our findings. For examples, patterns and pattern speeds of galaxies may change during the course of galactic evolution. Multiple-armed galaxies may be more numerous in the early Universe. Flocculent galaxies may represent the transitional phase of pattern variations in galaxies.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Paleomagnetism of Jurassic Rocks in the Western Sierra Nevada Metamorphic Belt and its Bearing on the Structural Evolution of the Sierra Nevada Block

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    The western metamorphic belt of the Sierra Nevada consists of two eugeosynclinal terranes separated by the Melones and Sonora faults. Subvertical, bedded Mesozoic volcanic rocks metamorphosed to low greenschist facies predominate to the west, whereas Paleozoic metamorphic rocks of higher grade and greater structural complexity predominate to the east. In order to study the structural development of the faults, 121 samples of basalt and diabase were collected for paleomagnetic analysis from three Jurassic formations, the Logtown Ridge and Penon Blanco formations west of the Melones fault and the Sonora dike swarm to the east of the Sonora fault. A northwesterly, downward directed magnetization occurs in each unit. Three fold tests and a conglomerate test on the two formations west of the faults show that the magnetization is secondary, postdating Nevadan (Late Jurassic) folding and is probably coeval with peak metamorphism. An average of five paleomagnetic poles from the Sierra Nevada, three derived from the secondary magnetizations given herein and two previously published, all of probable Kimmeridgian age, yields λ′=67.2°N, ϕ′=161.2°E, and α95 =6.5°. Southeasterly magnetizations also occur in the Logtown Ridge Formation and Sonora dike swarm. Directions from the Sonora dikes are approximately antipodal to the secondary directions and are reversed; magnetizations from the Logtown Ridge Formation yield similar results only if corrected for the tilt of bedding. The Logtown Ridge magnetizations (tilt-corrected) yield a pole position near to that expected for North America. The data from the Sonora dikes require a tilt correction of 25°-30° toward the south-southwest about a horizontal axis parallel to the regional structure in order to yield a North American pole position. We conclude that the eastern wall rocks of the Melones and Sonora faults have been rotated 25°-30° in response to Nevadan deformation in contrast to the western wall rocks, which have been rotated about 90°

    Continuous Deployment Transitions at Scale

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    Predictable, rapid, and data-driven feature rollout; lightning-fast; and automated fix deployment are some of the benefits most large software organizations worldwide are striving for. In the process, they are transitioning toward the use of continuous deployment practices. Continuous deployment enables companies to make hundreds or thousands of software changes to live computing infrastructure every day while maintaining service to millions of customers. Such ultra-fast changes create a new reality in software development. Over the past four years, the Continuous Deployment Summit, hosted at Facebook, Netflix, Google, and Twitter has been held. Representatives from companies like Cisco, Facebook, Google, IBM, Microsoft, Netflix, and Twitter have shared the triumphs and struggles of their transition to continuous deployment practices—each year the companies press on, getting ever faster. In this chapter, the authors share the common strategies and practices used by continuous deployment pioneers and adopted by newcomers as they transition and use continuous deployment practices at scale

    Polydnavirus genomes reflect their dual roles as mutualists and pathogens

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    AbstractSymbionts often exhibit significant reductions in genome complexity while pathogens often exhibit increased complexity through acquisition and diversification of virulence determinants. A few organisms have evolved complex life cycles in which they interact as symbionts with one host and pathogens with another. How the predicted and opposing influences of symbiosis and pathogenesis affect genome evolution in such instances, however, is unclear. The Polydnaviridae is a family of double-stranded (ds) DNA viruses associated with parasitoid wasps that parasitize other insects. Polydnaviruses (PDVs) only replicate in wasps but infect and cause severe disease in parasitized hosts. This disease is essential for survival of the parasitoid's offspring. Thus, a true mutualism exists between PDVs and wasps as viral transmission depends on parasitoid survival and parasitoid survival depends on viral infection of the wasp's host. To investigate how life cycle and ancestry affect PDVs, we compared the genomes of Campoletis sonorensis ichnovirus (CsIV) and Microplitis demolitor bracovirus (MdBV). CsIV and MdBV have no direct common ancestor, yet their encapsidated genomes share several features including segmentation, diversification of virulence genes into families, and the absence of genes required for replication. In contrast, CsIV and MdBV share few genes expressed in parasitized hosts. We conclude that the similar organizational features of PDV genomes reflect their shared life cycle but that PDVs associated with ichneumonid and braconid wasps have likely evolved different strategies to cause disease in the wasp's host and promote parasitoid survival

    Genome-wide association study of dental caries in the Hispanic Communities Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL)

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    Dental caries is the most common chronic disease worldwide, and exhibits profound disparities in the USA with racial and ethnic minorities experiencing disproportionate disease burden. Though heritable, the specific genes influencing risk of dental caries remain largely unknown. Therefore, we performed genome-wide association scans (GWASs) for dental caries in a population-based cohort of 12 000 Hispanic/Latino participants aged 18–74 years from the HCHS/SOL. Intra-oral examinations were used to generate two common indices of dental caries experience which were tested for association with 27.7 M genotyped or imputed single-nucleotide polymorphisms separately in the six ancestry groups. A mixed-models approach was used, which adjusted for age, sex, recruitment site, five principal components of ancestry and additional features of the sampling design. Meta-analyses were used to combine GWAS results across ancestry groups. Heritability estimates ranged from 20–53% in the six ancestry groups. The most significant association observed via meta-analysis for both phenotypes was in the region of the NAMPT gene (rs190395159; P-value = 6 × 10−10), which is involved in many biological processes including periodontal healing. Another significant association was observed for rs72626594 (P-value = 3 × 10−8) downstream of BMP7, a tooth development gene. Other associations were observed in genes lacking known or plausible roles in dental caries. In conclusion, this was the largest GWAS of dental caries, to date and was the first to target Hispanic/Latino populations. Understanding the factors influencing dental caries susceptibility may lead to improvements in prediction, prevention and disease management, which may ultimately reduce the disparities in oral health across racial, ethnic and socioeconomic strata
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