477 research outputs found

    An Alternive to Critical Point Drying for Preparing Meat Emulsions for Scanning Electron Microscopy

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    A rapid sample drying technique is described which is useful for the simultaneous preparation of large numbers of samples as an alternative to critical point drying. The cryofractured face of meat emulsions was visualized after appl ying this technique . The fine structure of 1 ipids and proteins were found to be well preser ved in comparison to other reports which used critical point dried meat emulsions. Lipid was readily discerned from the protein matrix by selective fixation of the components in duplicate samples . Stereo imaging was useful in enhancing the texture of the cryofractured surface and as an aid in differentiating the protein matrix from the fat component of meat emulsions

    Effects of early castration on carcass composition, yield and quality characteristics of meat from young reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) bulls and steers

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    Thirty male reindeer; n=16 bulls (control treatment) and n=14 steers (castrated males) were used to evaluate the effects of early castration on carcass yield and meat quality attributes. The reindeer were castrated at 2 and 13 months of age, and then slaughtered at 2 and 3 years of age. Live weights and carcass weights were significantly highest in the 3 year old bulls and steers. Dressing percentage did not differ between the 2 and 3 year old reindeer steers castrated at 2 months; however these values were higher than for 2 year old steers castrated at 13 months. Meat ultimate pH values (measured in the striploin; LD) were significantly highest in 2 year old steers castrated at 13 months and their corresponding control group of 2 year old bulls, indicating low muscle glycogen stores at slaughter. Castration had an effect on fat content with 3 year old steers having a higher fat content than bulls. No significant differences were found in any sensory attribute when the trained panel compared the meat from 2 year old reindeer bulls and steers. Abstract in Swedish / Sammanfattning:Effekter av tidig kastrering på slaktkroppssammansättning, styckningsutbyte och köttkvalitet hos unga renarTrettio hanrenar; n=16 tjurar (kontrolldjur) och n=14 kastrater (härkar) ingick i denna studie för att utvärdera effekterna av tidig kastrering på slaktkroppssammansättning och köttkvalitetsparametrar. Renarna kastrerades vid 2 respektive 13 månaders ålder och slaktades sedan när de var antingen 2 eller 3 år gamla. Levandevikt och slaktkroppsvikt var högst för 3 år gamla tjurar och härkar. Slaktutbytet skiljde sig inte mellan 2 och 3 år gamla härkar som kastrerats vid 2 månaders ålder, men deras slaktutbyte var högre än för de 2-åriga härkarna som kastrerats vid 13 månaders ålder. Köttets pH-värde (mätt i ytterfilén) var signifikant högst hos de 2-åriga härkarna som kastrerats vid 13 månaders ålder och deras tillhörande kontrollgrupp av 2-åriga tjurar, vilket tydde på låga nivåer av muskelglykogen vid slakt. Kastrering hade en signifikant effekt på fettinnehållet i slaktkropparna hos de 3-åriga renarna, med de högsta fetthalterna hos härkarna. Inga skillnader i ätkvalitet rapporterades när kött från 2-åriga rentjurar och härkar jämfördes

    Feeding soy or fish meal to Alaskan reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) – effects on animal performance and meat quality

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    Fourteen reindeer (8 steers and 6 females) were used to compare the effects of two different reindeer diets (a feed mix based on barley, brome hay and soybean meal (SBM) or fishmeal (WFM) as protein source) on animal growth performance, feed conversion efficiency and ultimate meat quality. Samples from free-ranging reindeer (n=4; 2 steers and 2 females) on the Seward Peninsula were included to provide comparisons with the traditional reindeer meat produced in Alaska. No significant difference was observed in overall weight gain between the WFM and SBM animals or between females and steers; however, the feed conversion efficiency was significantly higher for the reindeer fed the WFM mix. Carcass dressing percentage from the SBM group was higher compared with the WFM animals. No differences were found in live weight, carcass characteristics, meat pH, temperature decline, shear force, meat color or cooking loss when comparing the treatment groups. The meat samples (M. longissimus) from the free-range group had the highest amount of omega-3 fatty acids and also the highest amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Meat from the animals fed SBM was significantly higher in triglyceride content and lower in phospholipid content compared with the two other groups. No significant differences were found when the trained panel compared the sensory attributes of the meat. Off-flavor attributes related to “wild’ or “gamey” flavor was reported by consumers for samples from the WFM and free-range reindeer (15 and 24 per cent of the consumers, respectively). No “fish-related” flavor was reported. In conclusion, no negative effects in either animal performance or meat quality characteristics by using fish meal as opposed to soybean meal as a protein supplement in a milled reindeer diet were found.Abstract in Swedish / Sammandrag:Utfordring av ren med soja- eller fiskmjøl – effekter på tillväxt, foderutnyttjande och köttkvalitet I vår undersökning ingick 14 renar (8 kastrerade sarvar (härkar)och 6 vajor) för att jämföra effekter av två olika renfoder (baserade på korn, hö och soja- (SBM) eller fiskmjöl (WFM) som proteintillskott) med avseende på tillväxt, foderutnyttjande och köttkvalitet. Köttprover från naturbetande renar (n=4; 2 härkar och 2 vajor) från Seward Peninsula inkluderades i studien för att representera kvaliteten på traditionellt producerat renkött från Alaska. Inga signifikanta skillnader i tillväxt observerades, varken mellan SBM- och WFM-grupperna eller mellan härkar och vajor. Foderutnyttjandet var dock signifikant bättre hos WFM-renarna. Slaktutbytet var högst för renarna i SBM-gruppen, däremot rapporterades inga skillnader i levandevikt, slaktkroppsegenskaper, pH-värde och temperatur i ytterfilén, skärmotstånd, färg eller vattenhållande förmåga i köttet när de tre grupperna av renar jämfördes (SBM, WFM och naturbetande djur). Köttet från de naturbetande renarna hade det signifikant högsta innehållet av både omega-3-fettsyror och av fleromättade fettsyror. Kött från SBM-renarna hade det högsta innehållet av triglycerider och det lägsta innehållet av fosfolipider jämfört med de andra två grupperna. Den tränade smakpanelen kunde inte hitta några skillnader i sensoriska egenskaper hos köttet från renarna i de tre olika grupperna. I en konsumentundersökning rapporterades kommentarer om olika ”vilt-relaterade” bismaker i kött från naturbetande renar (24% av konsumenterna) och från WFM-gruppen (15% av konsumenterna), men inga ”fisk-liknande” bismaker i köttet kunde påvisas. Att byta ut sojamjöl mot fiskmjöl som proteintillskott i renfoder hade inga negativa effekter på renarnas tillväxt, foderutnyttjande eller på renköttets kvalitet

    “Dogged” Search of Fresh Nakhla Surfaces Reveals New Alteration Textures

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    Special Issue: 74th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, August 8-12, 2011, London, U.K.International audienceCarbonaceous chondrites are considered as amongst the most primitive Solar System samples available. One of their primitive characteristics is their enrichment in volatile elements.This includes hydrogen, which is present in hydrated and hydroxylated minerals. More precisely, the mineralogy is expected to be dominated by phyllosilicates in the case of CM chondrites, and by Montmorillonite type clays in the case of CI. Here, in order to characterize and quantify the abundance of lowtemperature minerals in carbonaceous chondrites, we performed thermogravimetric analysis of matrix fragments of Tagish Lake, Murchison and Orgueil

    General framework for fluctuating dynamic density functional theory

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    We introduce a versatile bottom-up derivation of a formal theoretical framework to describe (passive) soft-matter systems out of equilibrium subject to fluctuations. We provide a unique connection between the constituent-particle dynamics of real systems and the time evolution equation of their measurable (coarse-grained) quantities, such as local density and velocity. The starting point is the full Hamiltonian description of a system of colloidal particles immersed in a fluid of identical bath particles. Then, we average out the bath via Zwanzig's projection-operator techniques and obtain the stochastic Langevin equations governing the colloidal-particle dynamics. Introducing the appropriate definition of the local number and momentum density fields yields a generalisation of the Dean-Kawasaki (DK) model, which resembles the stochastic Navier-Stokes (NS) description of a fluid. Nevertheless, the DK equation still contains all the microscopic information and, for that reason, does not represent the dynamical law of observable quantities. We address this controversial feature of the DK description by carrying out a nonequilibrium ensemble average. Adopting a natural decomposition into local-equilibrium and nonequilibrium contribution, where the former is related to a generalised version of the canonical distribution, we finally obtain the fluctuating-hydrodynamic equation governing the time-evolution of the mesoscopic density and momentum fields. Along the way, we outline the connection between the ad-hoc energy functional introduced in previous DK derivations and the free-energy functional from classical density-functional theory (DFT). The resultant equation has the structure of a dynamical DFT (DDFT) with an additional fluctuating force coming from the random interactions with the bath. We show that our fluctuating DDFT formalism corresponds to a particular version of the fluctuating NS equations, originally derived by Landau and Lifshitz. Our framework thus provides the formal apparatus for ab-initio derivations of fluctuating DDFT equations capable of describing the dynamics of soft-matter systems in and out of equilibrium. We believe that the derivation offered here represents the current state of the art in the field

    Final Reports of the Stardust ISPE: Seven Probable Interstellar Dust Particles

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    The Stardust spacecraft carried the first spaceborne collector specifically designed to capture and return a sample of contemporary interstellar dust to terrestrial laboratories for analysis [1]. The collector was exposed to the interstellar dust stream in two periods in 2000 and 2002 with a total exposure of approximately 1.8 10(exp 6) square meters sec. Approximately 85% of the collector consisted of aerogel, and the remainder consisted of Al foils. The Stardust Interstellar Preliminary Examination (ISPE) was a consortiumbased effort to characterize the collection in sufficient detail to enable future investigators to make informed sample requests. Among the questions to be answered were these: How many impacts are consistent in their characteristics with interstellar dust, with interplanetary dust, and with secondary ejecta from impacts on the spacecraft? Are the materials amorphous or crystalline? Are organics detectable? An additional goal of the ISPE was to develop or refine the techniques for preparation, analysis, and curation of these tiny samples, expected to be approximately 1 picogram or smaller, roughly three orders of magnitude smaller in mass than the samples in other small particle collections in NASA's collections - the cometary samples returned by Stardust, and the collection of Interplanetary Dust Particles collected in the stratosphere
