1,981 research outputs found

    F(750), We Miss You as a Bound State of 6 Top and 6 Antitop Quarks, Multiple Point Principle

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    We review our speculation, that in the pure Standard Model the exchange of Higgses, including also the ones "eaten by W±W^{\pm} and Z", and of gluons together make a bound state of 6 top plus 6 anti top quarks bind so strongly that its mass gets down to about 1/3 of the mass of the collective mass 12 mtm_t of the 12 constituent quarks. The true importance of this speculated bound state is that it makes it possible to uphold, even inside the Standard Mode, our proposal for what is really a new law of nature saying that there are several phases of empty space, vacua, all having very small energy densities (of the order of the present energy density in the universe). The reason suggested for believing in this new law called the "Multiple (Criticality) Point Principle" is, that estimating the mass of the speculated bound state using the "Multiple Point Principle" leads to two consistent mass-values; and they even agree with a crude bag-model like estimate of the mass of this bound state. Very, unfortunately, the statistical fluctuation so popular last year, when interpreted as the digamma resonance F(750), turned out not to be a real resonance, because our estimated bound state mass is just around the mass of 750 GeV.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figures, Corfu Summer Institute 2016 "School and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity", 31 August - 23 September, 2016, Corfu, Greec

    Citrate synthase activity does not account for age-related differences in maximum aerobic performance in House Sparrows (Passer domesticus).

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    We measured basal (BMR) and peak metabolic rates (PMR) in juvenile and adult House Sparrows. Juvenile birds had significantly higher BMR, but lower PMR than adult birds, despite having statistically indistinguishable body masses. We then evaluated the relation between PMR and masses of central and peripheral organs and found that pectoral muscle mass best correlated with PMR in both groups, accounting for about 35% of the variation in PMR. Because citrate synthase (CS) has such major importance in affecting the first committed step in the tricarboxylic acid cycle, we characterized CS activity levels In extracted muscles to see if this better explained age-related differences in peak aerobic performance. Surprisingly, juvenile sparrows had significantly higher CS activity levels than adults (197.8 vs. 179.0 μM g-1 min -1, respectively).This higher enzyme activity in juveniles was completely offset by their significantly smaller proportion of flight musculature relative to body mass (17.7 % in adults vs. 15.3% in juveniles). Consequently, ontogenetic changes in relative sizes of organs best accounts for agerelated differences in peak metabolic rate

    Experiments on clinical observation and judgement in the assessment of depression: profiled videotapes and Judgement Analysis

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    Variations within and between observer-judges reduce the accuracy of clinical research. Judgement Analysis allows strategies to be developed and applied which reduce variation in judgement. The prediction that the removal of important sources of error variance by this means would reduce the likelihood of committing a Type 2 Error was supported by the application of Judgement Analysis to assessments by 15 psychiatrists of 92 patients in a clinical trial of 2 antidepressive treatments. The statistical significance of differences between the effect of the treatments on the severity of depression was increased, and significant differences appeared earlier. Ten stimulated patient profiles were also converted into narrative case histories, enacted by experienced psychiatrists or psychologists and videotaped. The participants' judgements of the overall severity of the depression were in good agreement with those they had made on the original cases. Videotapes so prepared help training to reduce variation in observation, just as Judgement Analysis can lead to reductions in the variation of judgemen

    Har opbevaringen af ensilage fundet sin blivende form?

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    Har opbevaringen af ensilage fundet sin blivende form

    A Prismatic Analyser concept for Neutron Spectrometers

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    A development in modern neutron spectroscopy is to avoid the need of large samples. We demonstrate how small samples together with the right choice of analyser and detector components makes distance collimation an important concept in crystal analyser spectrometers. We further show that this opens new possibilities where neutrons with different energies are reflected by the same analyser but counted in different detectors, thus improving both energy resolution and total count rate compared to conventional spectrometers. The technique can be combined with advanced focusing geometries and with multiplexing instrument designs. We present a combination of simulations and data with 3 energies from one analyser. The data was taken on a prototype installed at PSI, Switzerland, and shows excellent agreement with the predictions. Typical improvements will be 2 times finer resolution and a factor 1.9 in flux gain compared to a Rowland geometry or 3 times finer resolution and a factor 3.2 in flux gain compared to a single flat analyser slab

    Spin liquid in a single crystal of the frustrated diamond lattice antiferromagnet CoAl2O4

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    We study spin liquid in the frustrated diamond lattice antiferromagnet CoAl2O4 by means of single crystal neutron scattering in zero and applied magnetic field. The magnetically ordered phase appearing below TN=8 K remains nonconventional down to 1.5 K. The magnetic Bragg peaks at the q=0 positions remain broad and their profiles have strong Lorentzian contribution. Additionally, they are connected by weak diffuse streaks along the directions. These observations are explained within the spiral spin liquid model as short-range magnetic correlations of spirals populated at these finite temperatures, as the energy minimum around q=0 is flat and the energy of excited states with q=(111) is low. The agreement is only qualitative, leading us to suspect that microstructure effects are also important. Magnetic field significantly perturbs spin correlations. The 1.5 K static magnetic moment increases from 1.58 mB/Co at zero field to 2.08 mB/Co at 10 T, while the magnetic peaks, being still broad, acquire almost Gaussian profile. Spin excitations are rather conventional spin waves at zero field, resulting in the exchange parameters J1=0.92(1) meV, J2=0.101(2) meV and the anisotropy term D=-0.0089(2) meV for CoAl2O4. The application of a magnetic field leads to a pronounced broadening of the excitations at the zone center, which at 10 T appear gapless and nearly featureless