
A Prismatic Analyser concept for Neutron Spectrometers


A development in modern neutron spectroscopy is to avoid the need of large samples. We demonstrate how small samples together with the right choice of analyser and detector components makes distance collimation an important concept in crystal analyser spectrometers. We further show that this opens new possibilities where neutrons with different energies are reflected by the same analyser but counted in different detectors, thus improving both energy resolution and total count rate compared to conventional spectrometers. The technique can be combined with advanced focusing geometries and with multiplexing instrument designs. We present a combination of simulations and data with 3 energies from one analyser. The data was taken on a prototype installed at PSI, Switzerland, and shows excellent agreement with the predictions. Typical improvements will be 2 times finer resolution and a factor 1.9 in flux gain compared to a Rowland geometry or 3 times finer resolution and a factor 3.2 in flux gain compared to a single flat analyser slab

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