49 research outputs found

    The Effect of Organizational Climate to Employee Engagement in a Private Educational Institution

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    Many structures have been investigated over the years as possible predictors of work involvement, some have been important and others have not been so important. In this context, one particular structure that has received little attention is the organizational climate. Thus, this study was conducted to explore the effect of organizational climate to employee engagement in a private educational institutional setting. The study used a descriptive research design involving 105 regular faculty of the tertiary department of a private tertiary school for the 2nd Semester of SY 2019-2020. This study used a modified questionnaire as a data gathering tool. The results of the study showed that the private tertiary school has a very good organizational climate in terms of rewards and clarity but poor in terms of flexibility, responsibility, and standards. Nonetheless, the results proved that the employees of the private tertiary school are very highly engaged in their respective jobs. Furthermore, the results proved that overall Organizational Climate affects employee engagement. Among climate dimensions, only clarity and rewards significantly affect employee engagement. The better the climate in terms of the two dimensions, the higher the level of employee engagement

    Marcatori plasmatici ed urinari di danno renale acuto dopo chirurgia maggiore.

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    L'insufficienza renale acuta è una sindrome che determina un’improvvisa riduzione della funzionalità renale con conseguente ritenzione nell’organismo di cataboliti azotati (iperazotemia e ipercreatininemia) e compromissione anche delle altre funzioni renali (endocrino-metaboliche e di mantenimento dell’equilibrio idro-elettrolitico). Molti paziente sottoposti a interventi di chirurgia maggiore presentano un rischio elevato di sviluppare insufficienza renale acuta durante il ricovero in terapia intensiva. Questo studio e' finalizzato alla validazione di biomarker diagnostici plasmatici ed urinari (HSP70, NGAL, albuminuria, cistatina C, gamma GT, LDH) per la diagnosi precoce di danno renale acuto, possibilmente in fase pre-clinica

    Em busca de contribuições Schumpeteriana à Teoria da Regulação: as telecomunicações brasileira numa perspectiva evolucionária.

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    Teoria Schuteriana e Economia da Regulação: o papel do progresso tecnologico e da inovação no arcabouço regulatório do setor de telecomunicações brasileira no período recente.Infrastructure is the part of the economy that requires the most overview from the state. The state enforces quality control through regulation. From the 1970s on, most of the literature dealing with this issue is based on the so-called "Institutionalist" schools, with New Institutional Economics (in Portuguese, Nova Economia Institucional, NEI). Despite the advances made in this field, theoretical and empirical results remain lacking. One particular issue is that of changing technological conditions that alter the effectiveness of now-outdated regulations. In this sense, the contributions of the Economics of Regulation and the New Institutional Economics lack of evolutionary elements, arguably Schumpeterian elements. This work investigates how Schumpeter's ideas can be applied to regulation-related economics. In particular the issue how firms apply technological progress and innovative strategies is addressed. In short, this work's main research question can be posed as: can the roles of technological progress and innovation theory on regulation be understood? One assumption made in this work is that the effects of technological progress on regulated sectors cannot be ignored. Beginning in 1990s, new regulatory frameworks have emerged. The regulations that were in place until then have been made less important than those newer approaches. Empirical results presented in this work show that institutional and technological changes had a big impact on the telecom sector. Anatel, the industry's watchdog, had to adapt to these changing circumstances. Its role became more complex and required it to understand the new market structure and the firms' behaviors in response to these changes

    Communicative performance and vocabulary domain in preschool preterm infants

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    Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate and compare the performance of children in preschool age who were born premature and term, without neurological injury, regarding receptive and expressive language skills, and to reflect on the importance of these skills for performance in preschool. Materials and Methods: Two groups named Preterm Group and Comparison Group, each composed by 40 children, as well as 80 legal representatives (mothers) and 80 teachers of the participants. To pair the groups, we considered chronological age (months), sex, educational level, type of school (public or private) and socioeconomic status. To assess the groups we used structured and semi-structured Observation of Communicative Behavior and applied the ABFW Child Language Test - Part B-Vocabulary and the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test. To assess the legal representatives we applied an anamnesis questionnaire and the MacArthur Communicative Development Inventory. The assessment of the teachers consisted of the MacArthur Communicative Development Inventory and a Student Assessment Protocol developed by the authors. Results: For the observation of communicative behavior, the categories with the highest losses were: narrative, maintaining dialogic activities and attention difficulties. In the ABFW Child Language Test and Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test there were statistically significant differences. In the MacArthur Communicative Development Inventory there were statistically significant differences in expressive vocabulary, but no differences in receptive vocabulary, for both the mothers and the teachers.  Conclusion: Children born prematurely with low risk of neurological sequelae in preschool age may have greater difficulties in linguistic performance than their peers born to term