227 research outputs found

    Photon echo quantum memories in inhomogeneously broadened two level atoms

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    Here we propose a solid-state quantum memory that does not require spectral holeburning, instead using strong rephasing pulses like traditional photon echo techniques. The memory uses external broadening fields to reduce the optical depth and so switch off the collective atom-light interaction when desired. The proposed memory should allow operation with reasonable efficiency in a much broader range of material systems, for instance Er3+ doped crystals which have a transition at 1.5 um. We present analytic theory supported by numerical calculations and initial experiments.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    The Unmet Need for Interpreting Provision in UK Primary Care

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    Background: With increasing globalisation, the challenges of providing accessible and safe healthcare to all are great. Studies show that there are substantial numbers of people who are not fluent in English to a level where they can make best use of health services. We examined how health professionals manage language barriers in a consultation.Methods and Findings: This was a cross-sectional study in 41 UK general practices. Health professionals completed a proforma for a randomly allocated consultation session. Seventy-seven (63%) practitioners responded, from 41(59%) practices. From 1008 consultations, 555 involved patients who did not have English as a first language; 710 took place in English; 222 were in other languages, the practitioner either communicating with the patient in their own language/using an alternative language. Seven consultations were in a mixture of English/patient's own language. Patients' first languages numbered 37 (apart from English), in contrast to health practitioners, who declared at least a basic level of proficiency in 22 languages other than English. The practitioner's reported proficiency in the language used was at a basic level in 24 consultations, whereas in 21, they reported having no proficiency at all. In 57 consultations, a relative/friend interpreted and in 6, a bilingual member of staff/community worker was used. Only in 6 cases was a professional interpreter booked. The main limitation was that only one random session was selected and assessment of patient/professional fluency in English was subjective.Conclusions: It would appear that professional interpreters are under-used in relation to the need for them, with bilingual staff/family and friends being used commonly. In many cases where the patient spoke little/no English, the practitioner consulted in the patient's language but this approach was also used where reported practitioner proficiency was low. Further research in different setting is needed to substantiate these findings

    A discursive approach to narrative accounts of hearing voices and recovery

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    Substantive objective: To research the range of discursive constructions ‘recovered’ voice hearers employ to describe hearing voices and the implications for positioning and subjectivity (what can be thought and felt) using each construction. Methodological objective and method: To explore a ‘sympathetic’ application of Foucauldian discourse analysis, adapting Willig’s (2008 Willig, C. 2008. Introducing Qualitative Research in Psychology, Maidenhead: Open University Press. ) method, analysing two published accounts. Results and conclusions: Heterogeneous discursive constructions for talking about hearing voices were identified, including: ‘many-’selves’’, ‘taking-the-lead-in-your-own-recovery’, ‘voices-as-an-’imagined-world’’ and ‘voices-as-a-coping-strategy-for-dealing-with-trauma’. The discourse of the biomedical model was not prominent, suggesting alternate discursive constructions may create subjects with a greater capacity for ‘living with voices’ and create a subjectivity from which vantage point the experience holds meaning and value and can be integrated into life experiences. This research may have useful clinical applications for mental health services aiming to collaboratively explore service users’ ways of understanding hearing voices

    Voice-selective prediction alterations in nonclinical voice hearers

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    Auditory verbal hallucinations (AVH) are a cardinal symptom of psychosis but also occur in 6-13% of the general population. Voice perception is thought to engage an internal forward model that generates predictions, preparing the auditory cortex for upcoming sensory feedback. Impaired processing of sensory feedback in vocalization seems to underlie the experience of AVH in psychosis, but whether this is the case in nonclinical voice hearers remains unclear. The current study used electroencephalography (EEG) to investigate whether and how hallucination predisposition (HP) modulates the internal forward model in response to self-initiated tones and self-voices. Participants varying in HP (based on the Launay-Slade Hallucination Scale) listened to self-generated and externally generated tones or self-voices. HP did not affect responses to self vs. externally generated tones. However, HP altered the processing of the self-generated voice: increased HP was associated with increased pre-stimulus alpha power and increased N1 response to the self-generated voice. HP did not affect the P2 response to voices. These findings confirm that both prediction and comparison of predicted and perceived feedback to a self-generated voice are altered in individuals with AVH predisposition. Specific alterations in the processing of self-generated vocalizations may establish a core feature of the psychosis continuum.The Authors gratefully acknowledge all the participants who collaborated in the study, and particularly Dr. Franziska Knolle for feedback on stimulus generation, Carla Barros for help with scripts for EEG time-frequency analysis, and Dr. Celia Moreira for her advice on mixed linear models. This work was supported by the Portuguese Science National Foundation (FCT; grant numbers PTDC/PSI-PCL/116626/2010, IF/00334/2012, PTDC/MHCPCN/0101/2014) awarded to APP

    Application of dense offshore tsunami observations from Ocean Bottom Pressure Gauges (OBPGs) for tsunami research and early warnings

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    We introduce a new data source of dense deep-ocean tsunami records 7 from Ocean Bottom Pressure Gauges (OBPGs) which are attached to Ocean Bottom 8 Seismometers (OBS) and apply them for far-field and near-field tsunami warnings. 9 Tsunami observations from OBPGs are new sources of deep-ocean tsunami 10 observations which, for the first time, provide dense tsunami data with spacing 11 intervals in the range of 10–50 km. Such dense data are of importance for tsunami 12 research and warnings and are capable of providing new insights into tsunami 13 characteristics. Here, we present a standard procedure for the processing of the 14 OBPG data and extraction of tsunami signals out of these high-frequency data. 15 Then, the procedure is applied to two tsunamis of 15 July 2009 Mw 7.8 Dusky 16 Sound (offshore New Zealand) and 28 October 2012 Mw 7.8 Haida Gwaii (offshore 17 Canada). We successfully extracted 30 and 57 OBPG data for the two aforesaid 18 tsunamis, respectively. Numerical modeling of tsunami was performed for both 19 tsunamis in order to compare the modeling results with observation and to use the 20 modeling results for the calibration of some of the OBPG data. We successfully 21 employed the OBPG data of the 2012 Haida Gwaii tsunami for tsunami forecast by 22 applying a data assimilation technique. Our results, including two case studies, 23 demonstrate the high potential of OBPG data for contribution to tsunami research 24 and warnings. The procedure developed in this study can be readily applied for the 2526 extraction of tsunami signals from OBPG data

    The Cultural Project : Formal Chronological Modelling of the Early and Middle Neolithic Sequence in Lower Alsace

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    Starting from questions about the nature of cultural diversity, this paper examines the pace and tempo of change and the relative importance of continuity and discontinuity. To unravel the cultural project of the past, we apply chronological modelling of radiocarbon dates within a Bayesian statistical framework, to interrogate the Neolithic cultural sequence in Lower Alsace, in the upper Rhine valley, in broad terms from the later sixth to the end of the fifth millennium cal BC. Detailed formal estimates are provided for the long succession of cultural groups, from the early Neolithic Linear Pottery culture (LBK) to the Bischheim Occidental du Rhin Supérieur (BORS) groups at the end of the Middle Neolithic, using seriation and typology of pottery as the starting point in modelling. The rate of ceramic change, as well as frequent shifts in the nature, location and density of settlements, are documented in detail, down to lifetime and generational timescales. This reveals a Neolithic world in Lower Alsace busy with comings and goings, tinkerings and adjustments, and relocations and realignments. A significant hiatus is identified between the end of the LBK and the start of the Hinkelstein group, in the early part of the fifth millennium cal BC. On the basis of modelling of existing dates for other parts of the Rhineland, this appears to be a wider phenomenon, and possible explanations are discussed; full reoccupation of the landscape is only seen in the Grossgartach phase. Radical shifts are also proposed at the end of the Middle Neolithic

    The Spectacle of Crime, Digitized

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    International audienceOne of the most significant features of the television series CSI: Crime Scene Investigationis its central preoccupation – forensic evidence – and the profession practised by its major characters – forensic science. Scientific inscriptions consistently allow the crime scene investigators (CSIs) to determine 'evidence' and 'truths' that otherwise elude them. At the same time, the dazzling digital effects used to punctuate key moments in each episode inevitably reference scientific technologies and the knowledge about reality that these promise. The success of the CSIs in every episode is premised upon knowledge guaranteed by scientific inscriptions and is itself an inscription of ways of seeing human bodies and the social body, represented by police scientists working to ensure public safety – a healthy social body. And it is also about how bodies, individual and social, are constituted as information, made knowable and validated by scientific instruments and procedures used to produce evidence

    Single nucleotide polymorphisms in bone turnover-related genes in Koreans: ethnic differences in linkage disequilibrium and haplotype

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Osteoporosis is defined as the loss of bone mineral density that leads to bone fragility with aging. Population-based case-control studies have identified polymorphisms in many candidate genes that have been associated with bone mass maintenance or osteoporotic fracture. To investigate single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that are associated with osteoporosis, we examined the genetic variation among Koreans by analyzing 81 genes according to their function in bone formation and resorption during bone remodeling.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We resequenced all the exons, splice junctions and promoter regions of candidate osteoporosis genes using 24 unrelated Korean individuals. Using the common SNPs from our study and the HapMap database, a statistical analysis of deviation in heterozygosity depicted.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We identified 942 variants, including 888 SNPs, 43 insertion/deletion polymorphisms, and 11 microsatellite markers. Of the SNPs, 557 (63%) had been previously identified and 331 (37%) were newly discovered in the Korean population. When compared SNPs in the Korean population with those in HapMap database, 1% (or less) of SNPs in the Japanese and Chinese subpopulations and 20% of those in Caucasian and African subpopulations were significantly differentiated from the Hardy-Weinberg expectations. In addition, an analysis of the genetic diversity showed that there were no significant differences among Korean, Han Chinese and Japanese populations, but African and Caucasian populations were significantly differentiated in selected genes. Nevertheless, in the detailed analysis of genetic properties, the LD and Haplotype block patterns among the five sub-populations were substantially different from one another.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Through the resequencing of 81 osteoporosis candidate genes, 118 unknown SNPs with a minor allele frequency (MAF) > 0.05 were discovered in the Korean population. In addition, using the common SNPs between our study and HapMap, an analysis of genetic diversity and deviation in heterozygosity was performed and the polymorphisms of the above genes among the five populations were substantially differentiated from one another. Further studies of osteoporosis could utilize the polymorphisms identified in our data since they may have important implications for the selection of highly informative SNPs for future association studies.</p
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