42 research outputs found

    Testing double auction as a component within a generic market model architecture

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    Since the first multi-agents based market simulations in the nineties, many different artificial stock market models have been developped. There are mainly used to reproduce and understand real markets statistical properties such as fat tails, volatility clustering and positive auto-correlation of absolute returns. Though they share common goals, these market models are most of the time different one from another: some are based on equations, others on complex microstructures, some are synchronous, others are asynchronous. It is hence hard to understand which characteristic of the market model used is at the origin of observed statistical properties. To investigate this question, we propose a generic model of artificial markets architecture which allows to freely compose modules coming from existing market models. To illustrate this formalism, we implement these components to propose a model of an asynchronous double auction based on an order-book and show that many stylized facts of real stock markets are reproduced with our model.multi-agent; orderbook; double auction; simulation; financial markets; stylized facts

    Testing double auction as a component within a generic market model architecture

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    Since the first multi-agents based market simulations in the nineties, many different artificial stock market models have been developped. There are mainly used to reproduce and understand real markets statistical properties such as fat tails, volatility clustering and positive auto-correlation of absolute returns. Though they share common goals, these market models are most of the time different one from another: some are based on equations, others on complex microstructures, some are synchronous, others are asynchronous. It is hence hard to understand which characteristic of the market model used is at the origin of observed statistical properties. To investigate this question, we propose a generic model of artificial markets architecture which allows to freely compose modules coming from existing market models. To illustrate this formalism, we implement these components to propose a model of an asynchronous double auction based on an order-book and show that many stylized facts of real stock markets are reproduced with our model

    Hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF1α) gene expression in human shock states.

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    International audienceABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION: Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF1) controls the expression of genes involved in the cellular response to hypoxia. No information is available on its expression in critically ill patients. Thus, we designed the first clinical study in order to evaluate the role of HIF1α as a prognosis marker in patients suffering from shock. METHODS: Fifty consecutive adult patients with shock and 11 healthy volunteers were prospectively enrolled in the study. RNA was extracted from whole blood samples and expression of HIF1α was assessed over the first four hours of shock. The primary objective was to assess HIF1α as a prognostic marker in shock. Secondary objectives were to evaluate the role of HIF1α as a diagnostic and follow-up marker. Patient survival was evaluated at day 28. RESULTS: The causes of shock were sepsis (78%), hemorrhage (18%), and cardiac dysfunction (4%). HIF1α expression was significantly higher in the shock patients than in the healthy volunteers (121 (range: 72-168) versus 48 (range: 38-54) normalized copies, P <0.01), whatever the measured isoforms. It was similar in non-survivors and survivors (108 (range 84-183) versus 121(range 72-185) normalized copies, P = 0.92), and did not significantly change within the study period. CONCLUSIONS: The present study is the first to demonstrate an increased expression of HIF1α in patients with shock. Further studies are needed to clarify the potential association with outcome. Our findings reinforce the value of monitoring plasma lactate levels to guide the treatment of shock

    The Everyday Life of a “Red School”. The Multidimensional Politicisation of Sport in the German Democratic Republic through the Example of the Deutsche Hochschule fĂŒr Körperkultur in Leipzig (1969-1990)

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    Le sport a Ă©tĂ© un des rares domaines, oĂč l’Allemagne de l’Est a atteint l’excellence mondiale, avec 519 mĂ©dailles olympiques, dont 192 en or. Toutefois, pour les dirigeants est-allemands, « le sport n’est pas un objectif en soi, c’est un moyen d’atteindre cet objectif », comme l’a prononcĂ© Erich Honecker en 1948. Certes, la RDA a brillĂ© lors des compĂ©titions internationales, mais au prix d’un contrĂŽle permanent de la part des autoritĂ©s (moyens humains et financiers importants, dopage systĂ©matique, culte du secret, encadrement idĂ©ologique strict). Le but pour le SED est ici de transmettre une image de puissance Ă  travers le sport. Dans ce systĂšme, l’École supĂ©rieure allemande pour la culture physique de Leipzig (Deutsche Hochschule fĂŒr Körperkultur) a jouĂ© un rĂŽle de courroie de transmission entre les dirigeants politiques et les sportifs. FondĂ©e en 1950 et active jusqu’en 1990, elle avait pour but de former la majoritĂ© des entraĂźneurs du pays. Elle constitue en cela un miroir des mĂ©canismes en Ɠuvre dans le sport est-allemand. À travers des outils dĂ©veloppĂ©s par l’Alltagsgeschichte (histoire du quotidien), ce travail se propose d’étudier non seulement les processus de contrĂŽle et de politisation mis en place par le rĂ©gime du SED afin de s’assurer de la rĂ©alisation des objectifs fixĂ©s, mais aussi les consĂ©quences de la prĂ©valence de cette idĂ©ologie sur la vie quotidienne et les rĂ©sultats du travail de l’ensemble des acteurs prĂ©sents au sein de l’École. Cette Ă©tude portera sur la pĂ©riode allant de 1969, date de la rĂ©forme de l’École l’orientant vers le haut-niveau, Ă  1990, date de sa dissolution par le gouvernement de Saxe, nouvellement refondĂ©.Sport has been one of few domains, where East Germany reached global excellency by gaining 592 Olympic medals, including 192 titles. However, according to the East German leaders “sport is not a goal by itself, but a way to reach that goal”, as Erich Honecker said in 1948. The GDR was brilliantly successful at international competitions, though its government had to permanently control sports activity through high financial and human means, systematical doping practices, high confidentiality, and a very strict ideological supervision. For the SED, spreading an image of power was the main goal assigned to sport. In this system, the German College of Physical Culture of Leipzig (Deutsche Hochschule fĂŒr Körperkultur) was considered as a place of transmission between political rulers and athletes. The College has been active between 1950 and 1990 and was required to train the majority of trainers in the country. Therefore, it is a mirror of the whole East German sport system. With the methods of the Alltagsgeschichte (history of everyday life), I will deal in this dissertation with the control and politicisation mechanism, set by the SED regime in order to monitor the realisation of those goals. I will also focus on the consequences of the supremacy of ideology on the every day life and the work of all parties within the College. This work will consider the period between 1969 and 1990, i. e. between the reform of the College towards competitive sport and its dissolution by the newly recreated government of Saxony

    Compte rendu d'ouvrage: Zelba, Dans le mĂȘme bateau

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    Zelba, Dans le mĂȘme bateau, Paris : Futuropolis, 2019 (160 p.). ISBN : 978-2-7548-2852-9 Wiebke Petersen, Zelba de son nom de plume, est une auteure de bande dessinĂ©e installĂ©e en France depuis la fin des annĂ©es 1990, mais nĂ©e en 1973 Ă  Aix-la-Chapelle. Durant cette enfance passĂ©e dans ce qui est encore Ă  l’époque l’Allemagne de l’Ouest, elle pratique Ă  haut niveau l’aviron, prĂšs d’Essen. Elle devient d’ailleurs en 1991 championne du monde junior du « deux sans barreur », une carriĂšre de spo..

    Le quotidien d'une "Ă©cole rouge". La politisation protĂ©iforme du sport en RĂ©publique DĂ©mocratique Allemande, Ă  l'exemple de la Deutsche Hochschule fĂŒr Körperkultur de Leipzig (1969-1990)

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    Sport has been one of few domains, where East Germany reached global excellency by gaining 592 Olympic medals, including 192 titles. However, according to the East German leaders “sport is not a goal by itself, but a way to reach that goal”, as Erich Honecker said in 1948. The GDR was brilliantly successful at international competitions, though its government had to permanently control sports activity through high financial and human means, systematical doping practices, high confidentiality, and a very strict ideological supervision. For the SED, spreading an image of power was the main goal assigned to sport. In this system, the German College of Physical Culture of Leipzig (Deutsche Hochschule fĂŒr Körperkultur) was considered as a place of transmission between political rulers and athletes. The College has been active between 1950 and 1990 and was required to train the majority of trainers in the country. Therefore, it is a mirror of the whole East German sport system. With the methods of the Alltagsgeschichte (history of everyday life), I will deal in this dissertation with the control and politicisation mechanism, set by the SED regime in order to monitor the realisation of those goals. I will also focus on the consequences of the supremacy of ideology on the every day life and the work of all parties within the College. This work will consider the period between 1969 and 1990, i. e. between the reform of the College towards competitive sport and its dissolution by the newly recreated government of Saxony.Le sport a Ă©tĂ© un des rares domaines, oĂč l’Allemagne de l’Est a atteint l’excellence mondiale, avec 519 mĂ©dailles olympiques, dont 192 en or. Toutefois, pour les dirigeants est-allemands, « le sport n’est pas un objectif en soi, c’est un moyen d’atteindre cet objectif », comme l’a prononcĂ© Erich Honecker en 1948. Certes, la RDA a brillĂ© lors des compĂ©titions internationales, mais au prix d’un contrĂŽle permanent de la part des autoritĂ©s (moyens humains et financiers importants, dopage systĂ©matique, culte du secret, encadrement idĂ©ologique strict). Le but pour le SED est ici de transmettre une image de puissance Ă  travers le sport. Dans ce systĂšme, l’École supĂ©rieure allemande pour la culture physique de Leipzig (Deutsche Hochschule fĂŒr Körperkultur) a jouĂ© un rĂŽle de courroie de transmission entre les dirigeants politiques et les sportifs. FondĂ©e en 1950 et active jusqu’en 1990, elle avait pour but de former la majoritĂ© des entraĂźneurs du pays. Elle constitue en cela un miroir des mĂ©canismes en Ɠuvre dans le sport est-allemand. À travers des outils dĂ©veloppĂ©s par l’Alltagsgeschichte (histoire du quotidien), ce travail se propose d’étudier non seulement les processus de contrĂŽle et de politisation mis en place par le rĂ©gime du SED afin de s’assurer de la rĂ©alisation des objectifs fixĂ©s, mais aussi les consĂ©quences de la prĂ©valence de cette idĂ©ologie sur la vie quotidienne et les rĂ©sultats du travail de l’ensemble des acteurs prĂ©sents au sein de l’École. Cette Ă©tude portera sur la pĂ©riode allant de 1969, date de la rĂ©forme de l’École l’orientant vers le haut-niveau, Ă  1990, date de sa dissolution par le gouvernement de Saxe, nouvellement refondĂ©

    Le sport professionnel dans les nouveaux LĂ€nder allemands : conserver l’hĂ©ritage de la RDA ou effacer le passé ?

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    IntroductionLe sport de haut-niveau — et en particulier le football — est Ă  considĂ©rer comme un phĂ©nomĂšne de « loupe sociale » pour reprendre la formulation de Jean-Michel De Waele. Par les foules qu’elle attire dans les stades, par sa mĂ©diatisation et par son caractĂšre hautement symbolique en tant qu’affrontement entre reprĂ©sentants d’un État, d’une ville ou d’un groupe social, la rencontre sportive agit comme un miroir grossissant, voire comme un catalyseur de phĂ©nomĂšnes identitaires. Elle..

    Sport und internationale Selbstdarstellung der DDR (1970–1990)

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    L’accueil d’étudiants Ă©trangers et le sport de haut-niveau Ă©taient vus par le rĂ©gime est-allemand avant tout comme un outil de promotion internationale et comme un moyen de renforcer un certain soft power. En cela, ils ont fait l’objet d’une instrumentalisation permanente par les instances du SED. Cet article se propose d’étudier, Ă  travers l’exemple de la Deutsche Hochschule fĂŒr Körperkultur, une acadĂ©mie pour le sport situĂ©e Ă  Leipzig, les modalitĂ©s de la mise en place de cette politique destinĂ©e principalement aux ressortissants africains, asiatiques et latino-amĂ©ricains, ainsi que les raisons de son Ă©chec.Das sogenannte AuslĂ€nderstudium und der Leistungssport wurden vom Regime der DDR vor allem als Teile einer Selbstdarstellungsstrategie betrachtet, um seine Soft Power zu erhöhen. Deswegen wurden sie von der SED-Regierung systematisch fĂŒr politische Zwecke benutzt. In diesem Artikel wird am Beispiel der Deutschen Hochschule fĂŒr Körperkultur Leipzig untersucht, wie diese auf afrikanische, asiatische und lateinamerikanische Studenten gerichtete Politik durchgesetzt wurde, und weshalb sie letzten Endes gescheitert ist

    ExcÚs et sobriété. Construire, pratiquer et représenter la mesure et la démesure. Introduction

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    International audienceArticle introduction au 10Ú numéro de la revue Trajectoires, revue des jeunes chercheurs du CIERA