1,798 research outputs found

    Split-beam echosounder observations of natural methane seep variability in the northern Gulf of Mexico

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    A method for positioning and characterizing plumes of bubbles from marine gas seeps using an 18 kHz scientific split-beam echo sounder (SBES) was developed and applied to acoustic observations of plumes of presumed methane gas bubbles originating at approximately 1400 m depth in the northern Gulf of Mexico. A total of 161 plume observations from 27 repeat surveys were grouped by proximity into 35 clusters of gas vent positions on the seafloor. Profiles of acoustic target strength per vertical meter of plume height were calculated with compensation for both the SBES beam pattern and the geometry of plume ensonification. These profiles were used as indicators of the relative fluxes and fates of gas bubbles acoustically observable at 18 kHz and showed significant variability between repeat observations at time intervals of 1 h–7.5 months. Active gas venting was observed during approximately one third of the survey passes at each cluster. While gas flux is not estimated directly in this study owing to lack of bubble size distribution data, repeat surveys at active seep sites showed variations in acoustic response that suggest relative changes in gas flux of up to 1 order of magnitude over time scales of hours. The minimum depths of acoustic plume observations at 18 kHz averaged 875 m and frequently coincided with increased amplitudes of acoustic returns in layers of biological scatterers, suggesting acoustic masking of the gas bubble plumes in these layers. Minimum plume depth estimates were limited by the SBES field of view in only five instances

    Acoustic estimates of methane gas flux from the seabed in a 6000 km2 region in the Northern Gulf of Mexico

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    Seeps of free methane gas escaping the seabed can be found throughout the ocean basins. To understand the role of methane gas seeps in the global carbon cycle—including both gas added to the atmosphere and that which is dissolved and potentially oxidized in the ocean volume—it is important to quantify the amount of methane escaping the seabed. Few large-scale mapping projects of natural methane seeps have been undertaken, however, and even among these, quantitative estimates of flux are rare. Here we use acoustic mapping techniques to survey 357 natural methane seeps in a large region (6000 km2) of the northern Gulf of Mexico and outline a general approach for methane seep mapping using a combination of multibeam and split-beam echo sounders. Using additional measurements collected with a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) together with the acoustic mapping results, we estimate the total gas flux within the 6000 km2 region to be between 0.0013 and 0.16 Tg/yr, or between 0.003 and 0.3% of the current estimates for global seabed methane seepage rates

    Radiative transfer theory for polarimetric remote sensing of pine forest

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    The radiative transfer theory is applied to interpret polarimetric radar backscatter from pine forest with clustered vegetation structures. To take into account the clustered structures with the radiative transfer theory, the scattering function of each cluster is calculated by incorporating the phase interference of scattered fields from each component. Subsequently, the resulting phase matrix is used in the radiative transfer equations to evaluate the polarimetric backscattering coefficients from random medium layers embedded with vegetation clusters. Upon including the multi-scale structures, namely, trunks, primary and secondary branches, as well as needles, we interpret and simulate the polarimetric radar responses from pine forest for different frequencies and looking angles. The preliminary results are shown to be in good agreement with the measured backscattering coefficients at the Landes maritime pine forest during the MAESTRO-1 experiment

    The Effects of Urban Public Transit Investment on Traffic Congestion and Air Quality

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    Traffic congestion is ubiquitous across urban roadways, and the adverse health effects accompanying deteriorating air quality are an ongoing concern. Beyond these local effects, transportation is also a major contributor of greenhouse gas emissions and is thus a significant element of the climate change debate. A contentious issue currently confronting transportation analysts and policy-makers is what the effects of public transit investment on traffic congestion and on air quality are and therefore what the appropriate level of public transit investment should be. While public transit receives plenty of political support for its “green” reputation and its contribution to sustainability, there have been relatively few studies examining the ex post–effects of public transit investment on traffic congestion or air quality. In this chapter, we review our theoretical and empirical research on the effects of public transit investment on congestion, the demand for automobile travel, and air quality

    Gourd des Aillères (Sauvain). Palynological study of the sequence 260-655 cm

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    Chapitre du livret-guide de XLI International Moor Excursion 2017. September 3-9, 2017, excursion Hautes Chaumes du Forez , description du diagramme pollinique sur le Tardiglaciaire du Gourd des Aillères (Sauvain, Loire

    Automated Grain Yield Behavior Classification

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    A method for classifying grain stress evolution behaviors using unsupervised learning techniques is presented. The method is applied to analyze grain stress histories measured in-situ using high-energy X-ray diffraction microscopy (HEDM) from the aluminum-lithium alloy Al-Li 2099 at the elastic-plastic transition (yield). The unsupervised learning process automatically classified the grain stress histories into four groups: major softening, no work-hardening or softening, moderate work-hardening, and major work-hardening. The orientation and spatial dependence of these four groups are discussed. In addition, the generality of the classification process to other samples is explored

    Methods for Collecting and Using Backscatter Field Calibration Information for the Reson 7000 Series Multibeams

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    In support of Integrated Ocean and Coastal Mapping, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Office of Coast Survey collects meaningful acoustic backscatter as a ancillary product of its navigational charting mission. Many of NOAA’s field units have Reson 7000 series multibeam echosounders which have been shown to have decidedly non-linear response characteristics under certain high signal conditions. This non-linear behavior significantly increases the complexity of the radiometric corrections required to make use of backscatter under a variety of processing paradigms. Avoiding operating these systems in the non-linear operational domain is a simpler approach. However, the onset of non-linear behavior is not a simple function of the output signal level but instead depends on a number of tunable settings. Here we present a method for both determining the onset of non-linear behavior in any installed Reson 7000 series sonar and monitoring the system during real-time acquisition to ensure the system is operating in a linear fashion. In general this information improves the operator’s understanding of the system status and can lead to additional post processing advantages

    Protracted Social Conflict: A Reconceptualization and Case Analysis

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    What are the necessary components of protracted social conflict (PSC)? The works of Edward Azar have laid the foundation as to how PSC is approached in modern scholarship by identifying four necessary components: effective participation, security, distinctive identity, and social recognition of identity. However, do these components account for all of the descriptive and sustaining aspects of PSC? How are these components measured? Furthermore, testing and verification of these components has been limited. Of specific interest to this dissertation, then, is how the theory of PSC is organized and what its theoretically necessary components truly are. This dissertation reconceputalizes and tests the theoretic components of PSC using the historical-comparative approach with Boolean and confirmatory factor analysis methodologies. A new theoretical framework is applied to the Arab-Israeli and Northern Ireland conflicts. The purpose of this research project, therefore, is to present, test, and justify a theoretical reconceptualization of the necessary components of PS
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