8 research outputs found

    High thermal neutron flux effects on structural and macroscopic properties of alkali-borosilicate glasses used as neutron guide substrate

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    The behaviour of four alkali-borosilicate glasses under homogeneous thermal neutron irradiation has been studied. These materials are used for the manufacturing of neutron guides which are installed in most facilities as devices to transport neutrons from intense sources such as nuclear reactors or spallation sources up to scientific instruments. Several experimental techniques such as Raman, NMR, SANS and STEM have been employed in order to understand the rather different macroscopic behaviour under irradiation of materials that belong to a same glass family. The results have shown that the remarkable glass shrinking observed for neutron doses below 0.5 · 10 18 n/cm 2 critically depends upon the presence of domains where silicate and borate network do not mix

    Why neutron guides may end up breaking down? Some results on the macroscopic behaviour of alkali-borosilicate glass support plates under neutron irradiation

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    In this paper we report on a first part of a study on the mechanisms leading to brittle fracture in neutron guides made of glass as structural element. Such devices are widely used to deliver thermal and cold neu tron beams to experimental lines in most large neutron research facilities. We present results on macroscopic properties of samples of guide glass substrates which are subjected to neutron irradiation at relatively large fluences. The results show a striking dependence of some of the macroscopic properties such as density, shape or surface curvature upon the specific chemical composition of a given glass. The relevance of the present findings for the installation of either replacement guides at the existing facilities or for the deployment of instruments for ongoing projects such as the European Spallation Source is briefly discussed

    The H5 guide system - the latest innovative guide system at the ILL

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    The H5 program with the complete rebuild of the guide system and the upgrade or renovation of all instruments leads to a tremendous increase of the instrument performances. The improvement was obtained both in terms of more useful flux and upgrade of the different instruments (e.g. higher field density for IN15). In addition, the industrial application instrument D50 offers an addition to the ILL instrument suite (see p. 27 in this issue). With the commissioning of the new spin echo spectrometer WASP in 2016, the H5 program will be completed and a considerable improvement for the ILL instrument park will be finalized