19 research outputs found
Optimization of the Performance of Earth Mortars at Elevated Temperatures
Publisher Copyright: © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024.This study investigates the behavior of three earth mortars exposed to elevated temperatures, considering the nature of the aggregates used. Earth mortars made from a combination of a silty-clay earth, silica-calcareous sand (S) and fired bricks waste (W) were investigated. One volumetric fractions of sand/earth and two percentages of sand/fire bricks waste substitution were considered and test specimens were prepared for each mortar. After drying to have constant mass, tests were carried out to determine physical and mechanical properties at room temperature and after being subjected to heating-cooling cycles at temperatures of 200 â, 400 â, 600 â and 800 â. Notable observations were made, in particular the negative effect of the silico-calcareous sand fraction after 400 â. At the highest temperature of 800 â, mortar containing sand showed significant degradation due to decarbonation of the calcareous aggregate. The effect of using fire bricks waste as additional aggregate was very positive. The results obtained can be used to optimize the performance of earth mortars at elevated temperatures.authorsversionpublishe
A methodology to obtain an analytical formula for the elastic modulus of lightweight aggregate concrete
This work proposes a methodology to predict the elastic modulus of lightweight aggregate concretes. To this end an analytical formula is achieved by curve fitting experimental results from 135 concrete samples made of 45 different mixes. The validation of the proposed methodology is carried out by applying the obtained analytical formula to a set of 90 concrete samples made of 30 different mixes. Comparisons with other methods applied to predicting the elastic modulus of lightweight aggregate concretes indicate that the results show good agreement and suggest that the proposed methodology could be applied in practical situations
Contribution des fibres de polypropylÚne et métalliques à l'amélioration du comportement du béton soumis à une température élevée
Le but de ce travail de recherche est d'étudier l'effet de fibres de polypropylÚne et de fibres métalliques sur le comportement du béton soumis à une température élevée. D'une part, les fibres de polypropylÚne ont été ajoutées au béton pour améliorer sa stabilité thermique, et d'autre part les fibres métalliques ont été ajoutées au béton pour améliorer ses propriétés mécaniques résiduelles. De nouvelles formulations de béton ont ensuite été définies, en utilisant un cocktail de fibres de polypropylÚne et métalliques, afin d'améliorer à la fois la stabilité thermique et les propriétés mécaniques résiduelles du béton. Quatre familles de bétons ont été étudiées : - bétons témoins sans fibres, - bétons contenant des fibres de polypropylÚne, - bétons contenant des fibres métalliques, et bétons contenant un cocktail de fibres de polypropylÚne et métalliques. Trois rapports eau/ciment sont utilisés : 0.30, 0.45 et 0.61. Les éprouvettes de béton, issues de ces compositions, ont été soumises à des cycles de chauffage refroidissement de la température ambiante à une température de consigne de 150C, 300C, 450C et 600 C. La vitesse de chauffage a été fixée à 1 C.min-1. Les teneurs en fibres étaient de 0.11, 0.17 ou 0.22 % en proportion volumique pour les fibres de polypropylÚne et de 0.25, 0.38 ou 0.51 % pour les fibres métalliques. Les proportions volumiques de cocktail de fibres étaient de 0.49, 0.60, 0.62 et 0.73%. La stabilité thermique, les propriétés mécaniques (résistance en compression, résistance en traction, module d'élasticité), la porosité initiale et résiduelle des bétons formulés ont été analysées. La perte de masse des éprouvettes lors des différents chauffages a été aussi mesurée.Cette étude expérimentale aboutit à la formulation de bétons dont à la fois la stabilité à haute température et le comportement mécanique aprÚs refroidissement sont améliorés.The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of polypropylene and steel fibres on the behaviour of concrete subjected to high temperature. Polypropylene fibres were added to the studied concrete mixes in order to improve the concrete thermal stability. Steel fibres were added to the studied concrete mixes in order to improve the concrete residual mechanical properties. News concretes mixes were then designed by adding a cocktail of polypropylene fibres and steel fibres in order to improve both the thermal stability and the residual mechanical properties of the studied concrete. Four groups of concrete mixes were studied: - concretes without fibres, - concretes with polypropylene fibres, - concretes with steel fibres, and - concretes with a cocktail of polypropylene and steel fibres. Three water/cement ratios were used: 0.30, 0.45 and 0.61. The concrete specimens were subjected to various heating cooling cycles from the room temperature to 150C, 300C, 450C and 600 C. The heating rate was fixed at 1 C.min-1. The amounts of fibres in the concrete were 0.11%, 0.17% or 0.22% in volume for polypropylene fibres and 0.25%, 0.38% or 0.51% in volume for steel fibres. The amounts of fibres in concrete with a cocktail of polypropylene and steel fibres were 0.49, 0.60, 0.62 and 0.73%, in volume. The thermal stability, the initial and residual mechanical properties (compressive strength, tensile strength, modulus of elasticity), the porosity and the mass loss of the studied concrete mixes were investigated.This experimental study shows a way to design a concrete mix in order to improve both the thermal stability and the residual mechanical properties.CERGY PONTOISE-Bib. electronique (951279901) / SudocSudocFranceF
Caractérisation du comportement mécanique des bétons de sol
International audience RĂSUMĂ. Les travaux de recherche prĂ©sentĂ©s concernent plusieurs formulations constituĂ©es de sable, d'argile, de ciment et d'eau. DiffĂ©rents taux de substitution de sable par l'argile et deux dosages en ciment sont testĂ©s. L'objectif est d'amĂ©liorer la connaissance des mĂ©canismes de dĂ©formation et de rupture des bĂ©tons de sol et d'analyser l'influence des paramĂštres de formulation sur leurs propriĂ©tĂ©s mĂ©caniques. Des essais de compression simple sont menĂ©s afin de dĂ©terminer le module d'Young (Estat), le coefficient de poisson (Îœ) et la rĂ©sistance Ă la rupture (fc) de ces matĂ©riaux. La dĂ©gradation des propriĂ©tĂ©s Ă©lastiques en fonction de la contrainte axiale est Ă©galement Ă©valuĂ©e, en rĂ©alisant des essais de compression cycliques. Par ailleurs des mesures par ultra-son du module d'Young dynamique (Edyn) ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es. Les rĂ©sultats montrent un plus fort impact de la teneur en argile du sol sur les propriĂ©tĂ©s Ă©lastiques que sur les rĂ©sistances Ă la rupture. La prĂ©diction du module par les mĂ©thodes non destructives est fortement liĂ©e Ă la valeur de Îœ, qui varie selon la teneur en argile du sol. Enfin, les valeurs expĂ©rimentales sont comparĂ©es aux valeurs calculĂ©es Ă partir des formules de l'EC2 et de l'ACI. </p
Influence of lightweight aggregates on the physical and mechanical residual properties of concrete subjected to high temperatures
International audienc
Aggregateâs influence on thermophysical concrete properties at elevated temperature
International audienc
Ătude parametrique de matĂ©riaux modĂšlesâ: aide au dimensionnement des ouvrages souterrains issus de mĂ©langes sol-ciment
Le Deep Soil Mixing est une technique dâamĂ©lioration de sols dont la part de marchĂ© devient non nĂ©gligeable. Les progrĂšs technologiques dans le domaine permettent aujourdâhui dâenvisager la rĂ©alisation dâouvrages permanents. Lâutilisation structurelle du matĂ©riau sol-ciment nâest cependant pas encore rĂ©glementĂ©e comme le bĂ©ton avec lâEurocodeâ2, ni validĂ©e par un nombre suffisant dâĂ©tudes de durabilitĂ©. Ces problĂ©matiques ont donc fait lâobjet dâun travail de recherche au sein du laboratoire de mĂ©canique et matĂ©riaux du gĂ©nie civil (L2MGC) avec le soutien de la FĂ©dĂ©ration Nationale des Travaux Publics (FNTP) et de lâentreprise «âSpie Fondationsâ». Cet article prĂ©sente de maniĂšre synthĂ©tique le rĂ©sultat des travaux expĂ©rimentaux qui ont Ă©tĂ© conduits afin de mieux comprendre lâinfluence des paramĂštres de formulation et des conditions dâexposition sur le comportement du matĂ©riau. LâĂ©tude met tout dâabord en Ă©vidence le lien entre la conductivitĂ© hydraulique du matĂ©riau et le diamĂštre caractĂ©ristique des pores. Des relations mathĂ©matiques sont ensuite proposĂ©es afin dâestimer les propriĂ©tĂ©s mĂ©caniques du matĂ©riau. Puis, les propriĂ©tĂ©s rĂ©siduelles du matĂ©riau sont analysĂ©es en situation de vieillissement accĂ©lĂ©rĂ© et Ă haute tempĂ©rature
Influence of chemical and mineralogical composition of concrete aggregates on their behaviour at elevated temperature
International audienc
Influence of recycled coarse aggregates on normal and high performance concrete subjected to elevated temperatures
International audienc
High temperature effects on the properties of limestones: post-fire diagnostics and material's durability
The research aims at investigating the temperature dependency of important properties of construction limestones, in the temperature range that could be reached during fires (200-800 degrees C). Limestones, through their different species and geographical origins, show a great variability in basic properties. The presented data will be useful to the post-fire recovery design of stonework buildings, by supporting the judgement on the perspects of durability based on the post-fire state of stones. The research features six varieties of construction limestones from different zones of France. The tests-colorimetry, ultrasonic P-wave velocity, total porosity, mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP), scanning electron microscope (SEM) observations, capillary water absorption-are performed after high temperature exposure in a controlled furnace oven. The samples and heating conditions are designed to attain a uniform maximum temperature inside the samples. Nondestructive investigation techniques have a great potential usefulness in the perspect of post-fire investigations; on the other hand, the changes in the porous network, porosity and capillarity-investigated in laboratory-are direct indicators of post-fire materials' decay. The individuated temperature-property relationships of the single stone species, as well as correlations between P-wave velocity to porosity and compressive strength, are generally reliable. Finally, the detrimental effect of post-cooling rehydration has been observed through the kinetics of deterioration for all the investigated varieties of limestone. The results demonstrate the need of integrating non-destructive techniques to laboratory tests for cost-effective diagnostics on fire-damaged stonework buildings