28 research outputs found

    Indicación de las distintas técnicas de expansión rápida del paladar quirúrgicamente asistida y comparativa de la estabilidad

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    La edad del paciente ha sido considerada por la mayoría de autores un parámetro esencial en la elección entre expansión ortopédica y expansión rápida del paladar quirúrgicamente asistida (SARPE) para tratar las discrepancias transversales maxilomandibulares. La mayoría de los autores coinciden en que la edad límite para realizar disyunción ortopédica sin necesidad de intervención quirúrgica son los 15 años de edad. Por lo que la opción terapéutica de elección para la corrección de discrepancias transversales depende principalmente de la madurez esqueletal del paciente y de la magnitud de la discrepancia transversal. Según Silverstein et al. las discrepancias transversales maxilomandibulares menores de 5 mm requieren expansión ortodóncica u ortopédica para su correción, sin embargo discrepancias transversales mayores a 5 mm en pacientes con madurez esqueletal requieren de SARPE

    Radiographic differences observed following apexification vs revascularization in necrotic immature molars and incisors: a follow-up study of 18 teeth

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    Purpose To evaluate the efectiveness of apexifcation versus revascularization in the treatment of necrotic immature teeth and determine which strategy afords the greatest radiological success rate. Methods An analysis was made of 18 teeth subjected to mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) apical plugging and regenerative endodontic treatment, assessing healing of the apical lesions and the changes in root dimensions. Results Signifcantly greater root growth was observed with revascularization in terms of the percentage change in length (12.75% at 6 months) and dentin thickness (34.57% at 6 months) (p<0.05). There were no signifcant diferences between the two treatments in terms of the apical healing scores after 6 months of follow-up (p>0.05). Conclusion Apexifcation with an MTA apical plug and pulp regeneration are reliable treatments for non-vital immature teeth. The radiographic outcomes are comparable between the immature teeth subjected to MTA apexifcation versus those subjected to revascularization. The results of the present study indicate a greater increase in root length and width with regenerative endodontic treatment

    Efficacy and predictability of maxillary and mandibular expansion with the Invisalign® system

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    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and predictability of upper and lower orthodontic expansion with the Invisalign® system. From a sample of 167 patients; 64 upper and 51 lower arches were randomly selected from patients who had been

    Apexification with mineral trioxide aggregate plug in the upper anterior teeth: Presentation of three clinical cases

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    AbstrAct Introduction: the aim is to describe the treatment of three immature permanent incisors associated to apical periodontitis, based on the placement of an apical mineral trioxide aggregate (MtA) plug for apexification. case series: Apexification was carried out by opening the pulp chamber, with debridement of the canal following anesthesia and isolation of the tooth. the canal was filled with pure calcium hydroxide in powder form, dissolved in saline solution for one week, and the aperture was sealed with IrM (Dentsply, Germany). One week later, the calcium hydroxide was removed and an MtA apical plug was positioned, sealing with a humid cotton pellet and IrM (Dentsply, Germany). After setting of the MtA, conventional endodontic treatment was carried out using gutta-percha, with definitive restoration of the tooth. conclusion: All three cases, treated with MtA showed complete apical repair with rounding of the apex at radiographi

    Análisis socioambiental de las playas puerto velero y caño dulce en Tubará, atlántico, Colombia

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    Este trabajo presenta resultados de un proyecto de investigación que tiene por objetivo determinar indicadores sociales y ambientales que afectan la calidad del agua de las playas de Puerto Velero y Caño Dulce en el municipio de Tubará, Atlántico, Colombia. Los monitoreos se realizan una vez al mes en tres puntos a lo largo de las dos playas. Entre octubre de 2012 y abril de 2013, se han realizado siete monitoreos en el aspecto social, de parámetros como: servicios domiciliarios, tenencia de propiedad, impuestos al municipio, número de trabajos en las casetas y ocupación de visitantes; y en lo ambiental los parámetros pH, oxígeno disuelto, conductividad, sólidos disueltos totales, grasas y aceites, coliformes totales y fecales. Los resultados de las mediciones y análisis fisicoquímicos muestran que la calidad del agua en estas playas presenta niveles aceptables, sólo en casos aislados se sobrepasan los límites establecidos por la normativa nacional.This paper presents results of an ongoing research project that aims to determine social and environmental indicators that affect water quality of Puerto Velero beach and Caño Dulce beach in Tubará, Atlántico, Colombia. The monitoring is carried out once a month at three points along the two beaches. So far, 7 monitoring campaigns from October 2012 to April 2013 have been carried out, measuring social aspects as: Residential Services, Possession of Property, the Municipality Tax, and Number of Jobs in the sheds and Occupation of visitors; and environmental parameters like pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, total dissolved solids, oils and grease, total and fecal coliforms. The measurements results and physicochemical analyzes show that the water quality at these beaches has acceptable levels, only in specific cases exceed the permissible limits established by national law

    Educación ambiental y sociedad. Saberes locales para el desarrollo y la sustentabilidad

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    Skeletal, Dentoalveolar and Dental Changes after &ldquo;Mini-Screw Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion&rdquo; Evaluated with Cone Beam Computed Tomography

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate skeletal, dentoalveolar and dental changes after Mini-screw Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion (MARPE) using tooth bone-borne expanders in adolescent patients after analyzing different craniofacial references by Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) and digital model analysis. This prospective, non-controlled intervention study was conducted on fifteen subjects (mean age 17 &plusmn; 4 years) with transversal maxillary deficiency. Pre (T1) and post-expansion (T2) CBCTs and casts were taken to evaluate changes at the premolars and first molar areas. To compare means between two times, paired samples t- or Wilcoxon test were used following criteria. Significant skeletal changes were found after treatment for Nasal width and Maxillary width with means of 2.1 (1.1) mm and 2.5 (1.6) mm (p &lt; 0.00005). Midpalatal suture showed a tendency of parallel suture opening in the axial and coronal view. For dentoalveolar changes, a significant but small buccal bone thickness (BBT) reduction was observed in all teeth with a mean reduction of 0.3 mm for the right and left sides, especially for the distobuccal root of the first molar on the left side (DBBTL1M) [IC95%: (&minus;0.6; &minus;0.2); p = 0.001] with 0.4 (0.4) mm. However, a significant augmentation was observed for the palatal bone thickness (PBT) on the left side. The buccal alveolar crest (BACL) and dental inclination (DI) showed no significant changes after treatment in all the evaluated teeth. MARPE using tooth bone-borne appliances can achieve successful skeletal transverse maxillary expansion in adolescent patients, observing small dentoalveolar changes as buccal bone thickness (BBT) reduction, which was not clinically detectable. Most maxillary expansions derived from skeletal expansion, keeping the alveolar bone almost intact with minor buccal dental tipping