1,146 research outputs found
Actividades que desvirtúan en rol del enfermero en los centros de salud del departamento de San Martín, Mendoza
Si bien es cierto que todos los enfermeros de centros de salud, recibieron una preparación similar a cualquier otro profesional de enfermería, no a todos les toca desempeñarse en igualdad de condiciones y es allí donde la diversidad de situaciones pone a prueba sus capacidades y habilidades para resolver problemas y las destrezas comunitarias sociales y de liderazgo. El enfermero que cumple funciones en un centro de salud tiene diferentes fines a cumplir: el primero es el tratamiento de enfermedades para lograr la recuperación de la salud y el segundo, está vinculado a la prevención y a la concientización; aquí lo que se pretende es educar a la población sobre los riesgos de algunas enfermedades y sobre cómo prevenirlas. Con esto los enfermeros ponen sus servicios y conocimientos al alcance de cada individuo, de cada familia y de cada comunidad. Pero muchas veces estas funciones se ven desvirtuadas debido a que el profesional debe realizar tareas ajenas a su labor como son tareas de limpieza, labores de mantenimiento y traslado de elementos y medicamentos o administrativas. El presente trabajo de investigación tiene por objetivo determinar cuáles son las actividades que desvirtúan el rol enfermero en los Centros de Salud del Departamento de San Martín, Mendoza, entre los meses de Marzo a Mayo del 2011.Fil: Montenegro, Beatriz. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería..Fil: Rosales, Santiago. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería..Fil: Rosas, Carmen. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería.
Evaluación de control interno mediante método COSO I a la Jefatura de Talento Humano del Hospital Municipal de la Mujer y el Niño, período enero 2013- junio 2014
En la evaluación realizada a la Jefatura de Talento Humano del Hospital Municipal de la Mujer y el Niño, se pudo evidenciar algunas falencias en la aplicación de las Normas de Control Interno y en las Normas Técnicas emitidas por la Contraloría General del Estado y por la Secretaría Nacional Técnica de Desarrollo de Recursos Humanos y Remuneraciones del Sector Público, respectivamente.
Los principales resultados obtenidos de la evaluación son: Falta de un Sistema de Control Interno apropiado a las necesidades del Hospital, ausencia de un plan de talento humano, incumplimiento del proceso de concursos de méritos y oposición para el reclutamiento y selección del personal, también no se considera el proceso de evaluación del desempeño y no se cumple con el plan de capacitación diseñado por la Jefatura de Talento Humano.
Con el fin de poner en práctica nuestras recomendaciones, el Director en coordinación con el Jefe Administrativo, Jefe de Talento Humano y el resto del personal, diseñarán e implementarán un Sistema de Control Interno que proporcione seguridad razonable en el logro de los objetivos institucionales y que ayude a la inserción de personal idóneo a la Institución.In the evaluation conducted at the Headquarters of Human Talent Municipal Hospital for Women and Children was evident some weaknesses in the implementation of the Standards and Internal Control in the Technical Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the State and the National Technical Secretariat for Development of Human Resources and Remuneration of the Public Sector.
The main results of the evaluation are: Lack of proper internal control system to the needs of the Hospital, the absence of a plan of human talent, breach of competition process merits and opposition to the recruitment and selection of personnel, it will considering the performance evaluation process and is not satisfied with the training plan designed by the Head of Talent.
In order to carry out our recommendations, the Director in coordination with the Chief Administrative Officer, Chief Human Resource and other staff, will have to design and implement a system of internal controls to provide reasonable assurance on the achievement of corporate goals and help the insertion of personnel suitable to the institution.Contador Público AuditorCuenc
Speech audiometry in English, Portuguese, and Spanish
This paper is a review of speech audiometry materials in the following languages: English, Portuguese and Spanish
Experimental investigation on the alkali silica reaction effect on concrete strength degradation
Alkali Silica Reaction (ASR) is a significant cause of premature concrete deterioration. This internal reaction is a result of alkali hydroxides in pore solution that reacts with reactive silica found in certain aggregates. Once the silica is released from the aggregate an alkali-silica rich gel forms. ASR has been analysed for approximately 80 years, and has been a concern for the mechanical capacity of the affected structures.
Under natural environment, the ASR reaction usually does take a few years to appear and show damage; Since the project time frame has been set as 8 months, the ASR reaction has to be accelerated to suit the time frame by using highly reactive aggregate, adding chemicals and placing the sample in hot water or oven.
The Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads has concerns that some of concrete bridges been affected by ASR. They are interested on the strengths (compressive and tensile) reduction cause by the reaction. In addition, they desire to know possible methods and remedies to minimise or even stop the reaction into the structure.
The aggregate was first tested for reactivity using American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM C 1260) – Standard test method for potential alkali reactivity of aggregates (mortar bar method); mortar bar (200 mm x 50 mm x 50 mm) and cylinder (200 mm x 50 mm) were casted. Regular expansion measurements were taken. Flexural strength test were conducted on the mortar bars at 155 days.
Tests planned methodology: eighteen concrete cylinders (200 mm x 100 mm) were casted. Nine samples were casted according to Australian Standards and were left in the moisture and left in moisture room; and the remaining specimens were placed in sodium hydroxide (NaOH) mixture and after curing, specimens were left in the oven at high temperature (80oC); as previous researches and testings have shown moisture is an important factor to activate the alkali-silica gel, which will then expand and consequently will cause cracks on concrete structure, these cracks were measured, and then compression and indirect tensile tests were conducted.
Compression strength was reduced by 2.54% at from 28 days to 80 days after casting for cylinder standard size and smaller cylinders had presented
reduction 47.3% at 114 days. Indirect tensile strengths percentage reductions were measured at 28, 49 and 77 days: 2.28%, 7.79% and 12.09% respectively. Bending test had percentage reduction of 41.45% at 132 days.
The crack will be analysed according to width and related to the stiffness of the structure and from tensile strength results the percentage of tensile lost will be recorded and associated to moisture and crack width.
Overall results will be related to field structure. Those results will give a guide about the tensile capacity of their structures.
Suggestions of methodology to prevent and/or mitigate ASR reaction on existing and new structures, focusing on existing structures mitigation and diagnosis
Construir para sentir, aprender a ensinar
O presente Relatório de Estágio surge no âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Prática de Ensino
Supervisionada, integrada no plano de estudos do Mestrado em Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino
Básico e de Matemática e Ciências Naturais no 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. O presente documento
tem como objetivo refletir sobre a prática pedagógica da mestranda, nos dois contextos de ensino,
1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino Básico, com base nos saberes pedagógicos, didáticos, científicos e
humanos, sustentada por diferentes pressupostos teóricos e legais. Ao longo do percurso
formativo, a intervenção no contexto educativo assentou numa metodologia com características
de investigação-ação, incluindo momentos de observação, planificação, ação e reflexão pósação.
Desta forma, o documento destaca a diversidade de experiências enriquecedoras e
significativas que possibilitaram o crescimento pessoal e profissional da mestranda. Ademais,
enfatizou-se um processo de ensino e de aprendizagem reflexivo, construtivista e inclusivo, em
que os momentos de cooperação e colaboração mostraram ser essenciais para o
desenvolvimento e construção da identidade docente. O Relatório de Estágio tem como objetivo
revelar as inúmeras intervenções educativas executadas, pela mestranda, nos diferentes
contextos educativos, procurando enquadrar os recursos e as estratégias às necessidades e
interesses das crianças das diferentes turmas. No que diz respeito à dimensão investigativa,
presente neste Relatório de Estágio, procurou-se estudar as potencialidades do Geoplano, do
Geoboard e da Inteligência Artificial, no desenvolvimento das capacidades de abstração,
visualização e comunicação matemática, numa abordagem contextualizada da Matemática, integrando a obra "A ovelha que fazia Múuuu", de Isabel Fernandes Pinto.This Internship Report is part of the Curricular Unit of Supervised Teaching Practice, integrated in
the study plan of the Master's Degree in Teaching of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education and of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences in the 2nd Cycle of Basic Education. This document aims to
reflect on the pedagogical practice of the master's student, in the two teaching contexts, 1st and
2nd Cycles of Basic Education, based on pedagogical, didactic, scientific and human knowledge,
supported by different theoretical and legal assumptions. Throughout the training path, the
intervention in the educational context was based on an action-research methodology, including
moments of observation, planning, action and reflection. Therefore, the document demonstrates
enriching and significant experiences, which enabled the personal and professional development
of the master's student. In addition, a reflective, constructivist and inclusive teaching and learning
process was privileged, in which moments of cooperation and collaboration were important for
the promotion of teacher identity. The Internship Report aims to reveal the numerous educational
interventions carried out by the master's student in different educational contexts, seeking to
frame resources and strategies to the needs and interests of children in different classes. With
regard to the investigative dimension, present in this Internship Report, we sought to study the
potentialities of the Geoplane, the Geoboard and Artificial Intelligence, in the development of
abstraction, visualization and mathematical communication skills, in a contextualized approach to
Mathematics, integrating the work "The sheep that made Múuuu", by Isabel Fernandes Pinto
Nivel de morosidad y su incidencia en la rentabilidad caso: Caja municipal de ahorro y crédito Super Credicaja S.A., Arequipa 2019
La presente investigación está fundamentada en el nivel morosidad y la incidencia que genera en la rentabilidad de una entidad no bancaria del sistema financiero nacional peruano, no obstante, para el presente caso de estudio, se examina estas 2 variables de la Caja Municipal de ahorro y crédito Super Credicaja S.A., ya que se tiene como objetivo general, analizar el nivel de morosidad y las repercusiones que genera en la rentabilidad. Se lleva a cabo el análisis del resultado económico de la empresa con el uso de dos herramientas muy indispensables las cuales son el estado de situación financiera y el estado de resultados y de esta manera se pueda tomar las mejores decisiones estratégicas, específicamente nos referimos a la propuesta de mejora en donde se plantea analizar los riesgos mediante la evaluación de un crédito y de esa forma se propone nuevos reglamentos o modificaciones de mejora en el reglamento general de Créditos y recuperaciones de la Caja Municipal de ahorro y crédito Super Credicaja S.A, se determinó que la entidad en todo el periodo 2019 cumplió con los nuevos cambios a cabalidad ya que habiendo realizado una comparativa al diagnóstico situacional de los dos periodos 2018-2019 se concluye que el nivel de morosidad disminuyó , logrando con ello la recuperación en la cartera vencida y judicial para el año 2019 y así mismo el incremento de la rentabilidadTesi
Auditoría de gestión a la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Corporación Latina del cantón Chunchi, provincia de Chimborazo, del 1 de enero al 31 de diciembre del 2013
El crecimiento del cooperativismo en el Ecuador ha permitido ocupar un importante lugar dentro del Sistema Financiero, desarrollando el nivel de vida de personas de clase media y baja, basados en los principios de solidaridad, democracia y equidad. En el presente trabajo investigativo se realizó en la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito “Corporación Latina” del Cantón Chunchi, período del 1 de Enero al 31 de Diciembre del 2013, con el objetivo de desarrollar una Auditoría de Gestión que permita verificar, evaluar y controlar todas las actividades desempeñadas en la cooperativa, logrando así una mayor eficiencia, eficacia y economía en la consecución de sus metas y objetivos propuestos. El presente trabajo está desarrollado bajos los principios de auditoría generalmente aceptados, normas y código de ética, aportando al conocimiento para entender la responsabilidad y beneficios que genera una auditoría de gestión. La metodología utilizada fue descriptiva, exploratoria, no experimental, deductiva y analítica, para el desarrollo de la misma se utilizó técnicas de Auditoría tales como las guías de entrevistas, encuestas, observación y cuestionarios de control interno mediante el método COSO. Dentro de la propuesta contiene los tres archivos tales como el archivo de planificación, archivo permanente y archivo de análisis o ejecución, mediante estos, se pudo encontrar las debilidades que se presenta en la institución, a través de los resultados se elaboró un informe que ayude a la Cooperativa a un desempeño eficiente y una correcta utilización de los recursos. La Auditoría de Gestión de la institución es muy fundamental ya que ayudó a la evaluación de la eficiencia, eficacia y economía del desempeño del personal y la optimización de los recursos disponibles, lo que permitió el mejoramiento continuo de la Cooperativa.Toda institución debería aplicarse Auditorías de Gestión, misma que evalúa su gestión y permita identificar el grado de cumplimiento de los controles internos para determinar cuan eficientes y confiables son los mismos.The cooperatives growth in Ecuador has made cooperatives be in an important position among the financial system of the country. It has helped people improve their medium and low class standard of living based on the solidarity, democracy and equality principles. This research work was done in the Saving and Credit Cooperative "Corporation Latina" in the Canton of Chunchi, from January 1st to December 31st, 2013. The objective was to develop an audit management that enables the managers to verify, assess, and control all the activities carried out in the cooperative. The aim is to reach efficiency, efficacy, economy, ethics, ecology equality when pursuing their goals and objectives. This work has been developed under the auditing principles, norms and ethics codes which are generally accepted in order to contribute with the necessary knowledge to understand about the responsibility and the benefits that a management audit produces.
The methodology used was descriptive, exploratory, non experimental, deductive and analytic. In order to develop this audit several auditing techniques such as interview, surveys, observation, and internal control questionnaire guides were used by means of the method COSO II. This proposal contains some files such as a permanent file and a current file. With these, it was easy to find the weaknesses that the institution has. The results generated the preparation of a report what will help the cooperative to have an adequate management and the correct use of its resources. Every institution should apply a Management Audit since it assesses management and allows identifying the degree to which internal control is accomplished and to determine how efficient and reliable it is
Catalytic Dehydration of Glycerine to Acrolein
The biodiesel production yields glycerine as a by-product in quantities around 10 vol% of produced biodiesel. Acrolein can be obtained from glycerine by a dehydration reaction. Catalytic processes in gas phase have been developed to obtain acrolein from a renewable feedstock using heterogeneous catalysts. The main process variables are the reaction temperature, the concentration of glycerol in water, and the space velocity in fixed-bed reactors. A thermodynamic study of the equilibrium has been made to estimate the conversion to equilibrium as a function of temperature. The reactors have been heated usually between 523 and 603 K. Generally, an aqueous glycerol solution is preheated in a preheating zone at a temperature enough to vaporize the feedstock, between 473 and 533 K, depending on the concentration of reactant required in the feed. Some of the most active catalysts in the gas-phase reaction (yield >70%) were NH4-La-β zeolite, Pd/LaY zeolite, hierarchical ZSM-5, WO3/ZrO2, WO3/TiO2, ZrOx-NbOx, WOx-NbOx, WO3-SiO2/ZrO2, NbOx-WOx/Al2O3, H3PO4-MCM-41, SAPO-40, NbPSi, Pd-H3PW12O40/Zr-MCM-41, H3PW12O40/Cs-SBA-15, H3PW12O40/Nb2O5, Cs-doped H4SiW12O40/Al2O3, H4SiW12O40/TiO2, and H4SiW12O40/SiO2
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