259 research outputs found

    Early stage litter decomposition rates for Swiss forests

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    The decomposition of belowground and aboveground tree litter was studied on five forest sites across Switzerland, ranging from 480 to 1500 m in altitude, and including calcareous and acidic soils. In addition to decomposition of local litter types (Picea abies, Fagus sylvatica, Castanea sativa), the decomposition of a standard beech litter was studied on all sites. After 2years of decomposition, mass loss ranged from 18 to 71% across the different sites and litter types. The lowest decomposition rates were observed for beech roots, while mass loss was greatest for both spruce needles and spruce roots at the low-altitude site. Mass loss during the first winter correlated best with the content of water-soluble substances. After 1year of incubation, mass loss of the standard litter varied less than did mass loss of local litter, but variance increased during the second year for aboveground litter. These observations indicate a smaller climatic influence on litter breakdown at the beginning of the decomposition process. Litter mass loss could be described using an exponential model with a decay constant depending on either lignin/N ratio or Mn content of the litter and annual soil temperature and throughfall precipitation as climatic variables. Modelling the observed mass loss indicated a strong influence of litter quality in the first 2years of decomposition, confirming the field data from the standard litter experiment. The experiment will continue for some years and is expected to yield additional data on long-term decompositio

    Experimental comparison of relative RT-qPCR quantification approaches for gene expression studies in poplar

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>RT-qPCR is a powerful tool for analysing gene expression. It depends on measuring the increase in fluorescence emitted by a DNA-specific dye during the PCR reaction. For relative quantification, where the expression of a target gene is measured in relation to one or multiple reference genes, various mathematical approaches are published. The results of relative quantification can be considerably influenced by the chosen method.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We quantified gene expression of superoxide dismutase (<it>SOD</it>) and ascorbate peroxidase (<it>APX</it>) in the roots of two black poplar clones, 58-861 and Poli, which were subjected to drought stress. After proving the chosen reference genes actin (<it>ACT</it>), elongation factor 1 (<it>EF1</it>) and ubiquitin (<it>UBQ</it>) to be constantly expressed in the different watering regimes, we applied different approaches for relative quantification to the same raw fluorescence data. The results obtained using the comparative Cq method, LinRegPCR, qBase software and the Pfaffl model showed a good correlation, whereas calculation according to the Liu and Saint method produced highly variable results. However, it has been shown that the most reliable approach for calculation of the amplification efficiency is using the mean increase in fluorescence during PCR in each individual reaction. Accordingly, we could improve the quality of our results by applying the mean amplification efficiencies for each amplicon to the Liu and Saint method.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>As we could show that gene expression results can vary depending on the approach used for quantification, we recommend to carefully evaluate different quantification approaches before using them in studies analysing gene expression.</p

    Shotgun Metagenomics of Deep Forest Soil Layers Show Evidence of Altered Microbial Genetic Potential for Biogeochemical Cycling

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    Soil microorganisms such as Bacteria and Archaea play important roles in the biogeochemical cycling of soil nutrients, because they act as decomposers or are mutualistic or antagonistic symbionts, thereby influencing plant growth and health. In the present study, we investigated the vertical distribution of soil metagenomes to a depth of 1.5 m in Swiss forests of European beech and oak species on calcareous bedrock. We explored the functional genetic potential of soil microorganisms with the aim to disentangle the effects of tree genus and soil depth on the genetic repertoire, and to gain insight into the microbial C and N cycling. The relative abundance of reads assigned to taxa at the domain level indicated a 5–10 times greater abundance of Archaea in the deep soil, while Bacteria showed no change with soil depth. In the deep soil there was an overrepresentation of genes for carbohydrate-active enzymes, which are involved in the catalyzation of the transfer of oligosaccharides, as well as in the binding of carbohydrates such as chitin or cellulose. In addition, N-cycling genes (NCyc) involved in the degradation and synthesis of N compounds, in nitrification and denitrification, and in nitrate reduction were overrepresented in the deep soil. Consequently, our results indicate that N-transformation in the deep soil is affected by soil depth and that N is used not only for assimilation but also for energy conservation, thus indicating conditions of low oxygen in the deep soil. Using shotgun metagenomics, our study provides initial findings on soil microorganisms and their functional genetic potential, and how this may change depending on soil properties, which shift with increasing soil depth. Thus, our data provide novel, deeper insight into the “dark matter” of the soil

    Identification of dominant bacterial phylotypes in a cadmium-treated forest soil

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    The presence of heavy metals in soils can lead to changes in microbial community structure, characterized by the dominance of groups that are able to tolerate contamination. Such groups may provide good microbial indicators of heavy-metal pollution in soil. Through terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) profiling, changes in the bacterial community structure of an acidic forest soil that had been incubated with cadmium (Cd) for 30 days were investigated. T-RFLP revealed, in particular, three operational taxonomic units (OTUs) strongly dominating in relative abundance in the contaminated soil. By cloning of the amplified 16S rRNA genes and partial sequencing of 25 clones, these three dominant OTUs were phylogenetically characterized. One dominant OTU in the cadmium-contaminated soil was derived from Betaproteobacteria, genus Burkholderia, and the other two were from uncultured members of the class Actinobacteria, closely related to the genus Streptomyces. To confirm T-RFLP data, four primers were designed on the basis of this study's dominant sequences, targeting the OTUs corresponding to Burkholderia or Actinobacteria. Real-time PCR showed that Burkholderia target sequences were more abundant in cadmium-treated soil (7.8 × 107± 3.0 × 107 targets g−1 soil) than in untreated soil (4.0 × 106± 8.9 × 105 targets g−1 soil). It was concluded that the genus Burkholderia includes species that may be particularly dominant under cadmium contaminatio

    Species-specific effects of polyploidisation and plant traits of Centaurea maculosa and Senecio inaequidens on rhizosphere microorganisms

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    Invasive plant species represent a threat to terrestrial ecosystems, but their effects on the soil biota and the mechanisms involved are not yet well understood. Many invasive species have undergone polyploidisation, leading to the coexistence of various cytotypes in the native range, whereas, in most cases, only one cytotype is present in the introduced range. Since genetic variation within a species can modify soil rhizosphere communities, we studied the effects of different cytotypes and ranges (native diploid, native tetraploid and introduced tetraploid) of Centaurea maculosa and Senecio inaequidens on microbial biomass carbon, rhizosphere total DNA content and bacterial communities of a standard soil in relation to plant functional traits. There was no overall significant difference in microbial biomass between cytotypes. The variation of rhizosphere total DNA content and bacterial community structure according to cytotype was species specific. The rhizosphere DNA content of S. inaequidens decreased with polyploidisation in the native range but did not vary for C. maculosa. In contrast, the bacterial community structure of C. maculosa was affected by polyploidisation and its diversity increased, whereas there was no significant change for S. inaequidens. Traits of S. inaequidens were correlated to the rhizosphere biota. Bacterial diversity and total DNA content were positively correlated with resource allocation to belowground growth and late flowering, whereas microbial biomass carbon was negatively correlated to investment in reproduction. There were no correlations between traits of the cytotypes of C. maculosa and corresponding rhizosphere soil biota. This study shows that polyploidisation may affect rhizosphere bacterial community composition, but that effects vary among plant species. Such changes may contribute to the success of invasive polyploid genotypes in the introduced rang

    Distribution of cadmium in leaves of Thlaspi caerulescens

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    Knowledge of the intracellular distribution of Cd in leaves is necessary in order to understand the mechanisms of hyperaccumulation in Thlaspi caerulescens. Ganges and Prayon, two ecotypes accumulating Cd to different levels, were grown in nutrient medium containing varying concentrations (0, 5, 10, 50, and 100 ÎźM) of Cd. Several different approaches were combined in this study to (i) validate the results obtained by a specific method and (ii) establish the link between observations and measurements performed at different scales. In both ecotypes, Cd, localized by autoradiography, was found mainly at the edges of the leaves, but also in points of higher concentration spread over the whole limb surface. This localization was clearly correlated with the necrotic spots observed on Prayon leaves. Scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis (cryo-SEM-EDXMA) and tissue fractionation (apoplasm, cell walls, mesophyll protoplasts, and lower epidermis) showed that Cd had similar patterns of distribution in leaf cells of both ecotypes. Cadmium was found both inside the cells and in the cell walls, mainly in the large epidermal cells but also in small epidermal cells. All the methods used agreed well and the results indicated that metal storage in the plants studied involves more than one compartment and that Cd is stored principally in the less metabolically active parts of leaf cell

    Pattern of Elemental Release During the Granite Dissolution Can Be Changed by Aerobic Heterotrophic Bacterial Strains Isolated from Damma Glacier (Central Alps) Deglaciated Granite Sand

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    Colonisation and weathering of freshly deglaciated granite are key processes in initial soil formation and development. We have obtained 438 isolates from granite sand covering glacial toe, 284 isolates at 22°C and 154 at 4°C incubation temperatures, respectively, to obtain cultures for the investigation of their weathering capabilities under laboratory conditions. The isolation of bacteria from granite sand was performed on rich-, intermediate- and low-nutrient-content solid media. Isolates were identified by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. According to the genera-associated weathering capabilities described in the literature and according to their abundance in our culture collection, we selected eight strains to analyse their effects on the weathering dynamics of granite sand during the batch culture experiment. Analysis of culturable bacteria showed higher species richness among isolates from 22°C than from 4°C incubations. In the R2A and 1/100 Ravan media, we observed the highest species richness of isolates obtained at 22°C and 4°C incubation temperatures, respectively. The obtained 16S rRNA sequences revealed the presence of alpha-, beta- and gamma-proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Actinobacteria and Bacteroidetes. The most numerous group of isolates was distantly related to Collimonas representatives, and according to the sequences of the 16S rRNA genes, they can form a new genus. Isolates from this group had the capability of causing increased dissolution rates for Fe, W, Ni and Rb. In general, at each sampling during the 30-day experiment, every strain showed a unique weathering profile resulting from differential rates of the dissolution and the precipitation of different minerals in the batch culture. Consequently, the presence of different strains, their growth stage and changes in proportions of strains in the bacterial community can affect further soil development and the successive colonisation by plant

    Soil organic matter, rather than temperature, determines the structure and functioning of subarctic decomposer communities

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    The impacts of climate change on ecosystem structure and functioning are likely to be strongest at high latitudes due to the adaptation of biota to relatively low temperatures and nutrient levels. Soil warming is widely predicted to alter microbial, invertebrate, and plant communities, with cascading effects on ecosystem functioning, but this has largely been demonstrated over short-term (Peer reviewe

    Bacterial community structure and activity in different Cd-treated forest soils

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    In this study we compared indicators of Cd bioavailability (water extracts, Lakanen extracts, free ions) and ecotoxicity in forest soils with contrasting physico-chemical characteristics. Soil samples were treated with CdCl2 solutions (0, 0.1, 1, 10 and 100 mM) and incubated for 30 days. Microbial activity indexes (acid phosphatase, β-glucosidase, basal respiration) and changes in bacterial community structure using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) fingerprinting were investigated. The Cd concentrations measured ranged from 1% to 37% of the total additions in water extracts, to higher levels in Lakanen extracts. Effects of Cd were observed at bioavailable concentrations exceeding United Nations/European Economic Commission UN/ECE guidelines for total Cd in the soil solution. Basal respiration was the most affected index, while enzymatic activities showed variable responses to the Cd treatments. We also noticed that soils with pH higher than 6.7 and clay content higher than 50% showed inhibition of basal respiration but no marked shift in bacterial community structure. Soils with lower pH (pH <5.8) with less clay content (<50%) showed in addition strong changes in the bacterial community structure. Our results provide evidence for the importance of relating the effects of Cd on the soil communities to soil properties and to bioavailabilit
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