2,578 research outputs found

    Scheduling aircraft landings - the static case

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    This is the publisher version of the article, obtained from the link below.In this paper, we consider the problem of scheduling aircraft (plane) landings at an airport. This problem is one of deciding a landing time for each plane such that each plane lands within a predetermined time window and that separation criteria between the landing of a plane and the landing of all successive planes are respected. We present a mixed-integer zero–one formulation of the problem for the single runway case and extend it to the multiple runway case. We strengthen the linear programming relaxations of these formulations by introducing additional constraints. Throughout, we discuss how our formulations can be used to model a number of issues (choice of objective function, precedence restrictions, restricting the number of landings in a given time period, runway workload balancing) commonly encountered in practice. The problem is solved optimally using linear programming-based tree search. We also present an effective heuristic algorithm for the problem. Computational results for both the heuristic and the optimal algorithm are presented for a number of test problems involving up to 50 planes and four runways.J.E.Beasley. would like to acknowledge the financial support of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Australia

    Young LMC clusters: the role of red supergiants and multiple stellar populations in their integrated light and CMDs

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    The optical integrated spectra of three LMC young stellar clusters (NGC 1984, NGC 1994 and NGC 2011) exhibit concave continua and prominent molecular bands which deviate significantly from the predictions of single stellar population (SSP) models. In order to understand the appearance of these spectra, we create a set of young stellar population (MILES) models, which we make available to the community. We use archival International Ultraviolet Explorer integrated UV spectra to independently constrain the cluster masses and extinction, and rule out strong stochastic effects in the optical spectra. In addition, we also analyze deep colour-magnitude diagrams of the clusters to provide independent age determinations based on isochrone fitting. We explore hypotheses including age-spreads in the clusters, a top-heavy initial mass function, different SSP models and the role of red supergiant stars (RSG). We find that the strong molecular features in the optical spectra can only be reproduced by modeling an increased fraction of about 20 per cent by luminosity of RSG above what is predicted by canonical stellar evolution models. Given the uncertainties in stellar evolution at Myr ages, we cannot presently rule-out the presence of Myr age-spreads in these clusters. Our work combines different wavelengths as well as different approaches (resolved data as well as integrated spectra for the same sample) in order to reveal the complete picture. We show that each approach provides important information but in combination can we better understand the cluster stellar populations.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Recovering star formation histories: Integrated-light analyses vs stellar colour-magnitude diagrams

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    Accurate star formation histories (SFHs) of galaxies are fundamental for understanding the build-up of their stellar content. However, the most accurate SFHs - those obtained from colour-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) of resolved stars reaching the oldest main sequence turnoffs (oMSTO) - are presently limited to a few systems in the Local Group. It is therefore crucial to determine the reliability and range of applicability of SFHs derived from integrated light spectroscopy, as this affects our understanding of unresolved galaxies from low to high redshift. To evaluate the reliability of current full spectral fitting techniques in deriving SFHs from integrated light spectroscopy by comparing SFHs from integrated spectra to those obtained from deep CMDs of resolved stars. We have obtained a high signal--to--noise (S/N \sim 36.3 per \AA) integrated spectrum of a field in the bar of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) using EFOSC2 at the 3.6 meter telescope at La Silla Observatory. For this same field, resolved stellar data reaching the oMSTO are available. We have compared the star formation rate (SFR) as a function of time and the age-metallicity relation (AMR) obtained from the integrated spectrum using {\tt STECKMAP}, and the CMD using the IAC-star/MinnIAC/IAC-pop set of routines. For the sake of completeness we also use and discuss other synthesis codes ({\tt STARLIGHT} and {\tt ULySS}) to derive the SFR and AMR from the integrated LMC spectrum. We find very good agreement (average differences \sim 4.1 %\%) between the SFR(t) and the AMR obtained using {\tt STECKMAP} on the integrated light spectrum, and the CMD analysis. {\tt STECKMAP} minimizes the impact of the age-metallicity degeneracy and has the advantage of preferring smooth solutions to recover complex SFHs by means of a penalized χ2\chi^2. [abridged]Comment: 23 pages, 24 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A (6 Sep 2015

    Half-Twisted Correlators from the Coulomb Branch

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    We compute correlators of chiral operators in half-twisted (0,2) supersymmetric gauged linear sigma models. Our results give simple algebraic formulas for a (0,2) generalization of genus zero Gromov-Witten invariants of compact toric varieties. We derive compact expressions for deformed quantum cohomology relations and apply our general method to several examples.Comment: 21 pages, LaTex; typos corrected; some discussion adde

    A SAURON study of dwarf elliptical galaxies in the Virgo Cluster: kinematics and stellar populations

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    Dwarf elliptical galaxies (dEs) are the most common galaxy type in nearby galaxy clusters; even so, many of their basic properties have yet to be quantified. Here we present the results of our study of 4 Virgo dwarf ellipticals obtained with the SAURON integral field unit on the William Herschel Telescope (La Palma, Spain). While traditional long-slit observations are likely to miss more complicated kinematic features, with SAURON we are able to study both kinematics and stellar populations in two dimensions, obtaining a much more detailed view of the mass distribution and star formation histories. What is visible even in such a small sample is that dEs are not a uniform group, not only morphologically, but also as far as their kinematic and stellar population properties are concerned. We find the presence of substructures, varying degrees of flattening and of rotation, as well as differences in age and metallicity gradients. We confirm that two of our galaxies are significantly flattened, yet non-rotating objects, which makes them likely triaxial systems. The comparison between the dwarf and the giant groups shows that dEs could be a low-mass extension of Es in the sense that they do seem to follow the same trends with mass. However, dEs as progenitors of Es seem less likely as we have seen that dEs have much lower abundance ratios.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures; to appear in the proceedings of the JENAM 2010 Symposium on Dwarf Galaxies (Lisbon, September 9-10, 2010); minor edits and references adde

    D-branes Wrapped on Fuzzy del Pezzo Surfaces

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    We construct classical solutions in quiver gauge theories on D0-branes probing toric del Pezzo singularities in Calabi-Yau manifolds. Our solutions represent D4-branes wrapped around fuzzy del Pezzo surfaces. We study the fluctuation spectrum around the fuzzy CP^2 solution in detail. We also comment on possible applications of our fuzzy del Pezzo surfaces to the fuzzy version of F-theory, dubbed F(uzz) theory.Comment: 1+42 pages, 9 figures v2: references added v3: statements on the structure of the Yukawa couplings weakened. published versio

    Dibaryons from Exceptional Collections

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    We discuss aspects of the dictionary between brane configurations in del Pezzo geometries and dibaryons in the dual superconformal quiver gauge theories. The basis of fractional branes defining the quiver theory at the singularity has a K-theoretic dual exceptional collection of bundles which can be used to read off the spectrum of dibaryons in the weakly curved dual geometry. Our prescription identifies the R-charge R and all baryonic U(1) charges Q_I with divisors in the del Pezzo surface without any Weyl group ambiguity. As one application of the correspondence, we identify the cubic anomaly tr R Q_I Q_J as an intersection product for dibaryon charges in large-N superconformal gauge theories. Examples can be given for all del Pezzo surfaces using three- and four-block exceptional collections. Markov-type equations enforce consistency among anomaly equations for three-block collections.Comment: 47 pages, 11 figures, corrected ref

    VLBI observations of GRB afterglows

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    Once the afterglow from a GRB has been detected in the radio, Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations can provide a resolution of 1 milliarcsecond or better and absolute astrometry at a similar level. We will review the VLBI programs carried out to date which include observations of G970508, G980329, G980425, and G980703. All of these objects are found to be very compact (size 〈 1 mas) even months after the burst. This is consistent with the predictions of fireball models. Our ultimate goal is a direct measurement of the morphology and expansion of a GRB afterglow

    "Holey Sheets" - Pfaffians and Subdeterminants as D-brane Operators in Large N Gauge Theories

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    In the AdS/CFT correspondence, wrapped D3-branes (such as "giant gravitons") on the string theory side of the correspondence have been identified with Pfaffian, determinant and subdeterminant operators on the field theory side. We substantiate this identification by showing that the presence of pairs of such operators in a correlation function of a large N gauge theory naturally leads to a modified 't Hooft expansion including also worldsheets with boundaries. This happens independently of supersymmetry or conformal invariance.Comment: 39 pages, 10 figures, harvma