236 research outputs found

    AgNb7O18 : an ergodic relaxor ferroelectric

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    AgNb7O18 is an ergodic relaxor ferroelectric at room temperature with an incipient transition to the nonergodic state. Electron diffraction confirms a locally polar symmetry, while X-ray diffraction perceives a nonpolar structure. All ions are repelled away from zones where NbO6 octahedra are edge-sharing

    Predicting Relaxation in Strained Epitaxial Layers

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    Strained epitaxial semiconductor layers, much thicker than the critical thickness, have been used as strain-relief buffer layers for many years. The most successful structure developed so far dates back to the 1960\u27s, and consists of a very thick ( ~30 μm) layer in which the misfit is gradually and continuously increased. These structures relax completely and have a sufficiently low threading dislocation density to allow a device structure to be grown on top. This process requires a very high growth rate to produce the buffer layer in a reasonable time, which is only provided by hydride vapourphase epitaxy. Recently, there has been interest in developing thinner structures using both graded and constant composition buffer layers, which, if successful, would resolve this problem. Here, we consider the mechanisms of strain relaxation, paying special attention to the changes in threading dislocation density and surface roughness that occur during misfit relief. An extensive series of experiments shows that the relaxation of constant composition layers, although not following current theoretical models, does appear to follow a simple empirical law. This result suggests an approach which can be used to predict the state of strain in any epitaxial structure, allowing more efficient strain-relief buffer layers to be designed

    Dislocation filters in GaAs on Si

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    Cross section transmission electron microscopy has been used to analyse dislocation filter layers (DFLs) in five similar structures of GaAs on Si that had different amounts of strain in the DFLs or different annealing regimes. By counting threading dislocation (TD) numbers through the structure we are able to measure relative changes, even though the absolute density is not known. The DFLs remove more than 90% of TDs in all samples. We find that the TD density in material without DFLs decays as the inverse of the square root of the layer thickness, and that DFLs at the top of the structure are considerably more efficient than those at the bottom. This indicates that the interaction radius, the distance that TDs must approach to meet and annihilate, is dependent upon the TD density

    Quantitative high-dynamic-range electron diffraction of polar nanodomains in Pb2 ScTaO6

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    Highly B‐site ordered Pb2ScTaO6 crystals are studied as a function of temperature via dielectric spectroscopy and in situ high‐dynamic‐range electron diffraction. The degree of ordering is examined on the local and macroscopic scale and is determined to be 76%. Novel analysis of the electron diffraction patterns provides structural information with two types of antiferroelectric displacements determined to be present in the polar structure. It is then found that a low‐temperature transition occurs on cooling at ≈210 K that is not present on heating. This phenomenon is discussed in terms of the freezing of dynamic polar nanodomains where a high density of domain walls creates a metastable state

    Polarization curling and flux closures in multiferroic tunnel junctions

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    Formation of domain walls in ferroelectrics is not energetically favourable in low-dimensional systems. Instead, vortex-type structures are formed that are driven by depolarization fields occurring in such systems. Consequently, polarization vortices have only been experimentally found in systems in which these fields are deliberately maximized, that is, in films between insulating layers. As such configurations are devoid of screening charges provided by metal electrodes, commonly used in electronic devices, it is wise to investigate if curling polarization structures are innate to ferroelectricity or induced by the absence of electrodes. Here we show that in unpoled Co/PbTiO3/(La,Sr)MnO3 ferroelectric tunnel junctions, the polarization in active PbTiO3 layers 9 unit cells thick forms Kittel-like domains, while at 6 unit cells there is a complex flux-closure curling behaviour resembling an incommensurate phase. Reducing the thickness to 3 unit cells, there is an almost complete loss of switchable polarization associated with an internal gradient

    Growth and characterisation of InAsP/AlGaInP QD laser structures

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    We present a study of metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy of ternary InAsP quantum dots on AlGaInP/GaAs. The properties of InAsP QD laser structures were compared with reference samples containing binary InP QDs. Based on X-ray diffraction, the molar fraction of As in InAsP QDs was estimated to be ~25%. Room temperature liquid contact electro-luminescence measurements revealed a long wavelength shift of the InAsP QD emission to ~775 nm as compared with the InP QD emission at 716 nm and an increased full width at half maximum of the spontaneous emission (71 meV vs 50 meV). As cleaved, 4 mm long and 50 μm wide InAsP QD lasers operated in a pulsed regime at room temperature at ~770 nm with a threshold current density of 155 A/cm2 and a maximum output optical power of at least ~200 mW. The maximum operation temperature was at least 380 K

    Retarding oxidation of copper nanoparticles without electrical isolation and the size dependence of work function

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    Copper nanoparticles (CuNPs) are attractive as a low-cost alternative to their gold and silver analogues for numerous applications, although their potential has hardly been explored due to their higher susceptibility to oxidation in air. Here we show the unexpected findings of an investigation into the correlation between the air-stability of CuNPs and the structure of the thiolate capping ligand: Of the 8 different ligands screened, those with the shortest alkyl chain, -(CH2)2- , and a hydrophilic carboxylic acid end group are found to be the most effective at retarding oxidation in air. We also show that CuNPs are not etched by thiol solutions as previously reported, and address the important fundamental question of how the work function of small supported metal particles scales with particle size. Together these findings set the stage for greater utility of CuNPs for emerging electronic applications

    Nonradiative step facets in semiconductor nanowires

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    One of the main advantages of nanowires for functional applications is their high perfection, which results from surface image forces that act on line defects such as dislocations, rendering them unstable and driving them out of the crystal. Here we show that there is a class of step facets that are stable in nanowires, with no long-range strain field or dislocation character. In zinc-blende semiconductors, they take the form of Σ3 (112) facets with heights constrained to be a multiple of three {111} monolayers. Density functional theory calculations show that they act as nonradiative recombination centers and have deleterious effects on nanowire properties. We present experimental observations of these defects on twin boundaries and twins that terminate inside GaAsP nanowires and find that they are indeed always multiples of three monolayers in height. Strategies to use the three-monolayer rule during growth to prevent their formation are discussed