17 research outputs found

    Creating the model for the implementation of marketing attributes which determine domestic enterprises competitiveness

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    Global market and establishing new competitive relations require a new approach to business organization management, both in the conceptional and organizational sense. Modern organizations that are actively and continually applying modern management methods and techniques have significantly better chances to strenghten their competitive ability on the global market and to take a stable market position with the perspective for further market growth. Therefore, it is necessary for domestic enterprises to implement those management techniques which emphasize long-lasting orientation towards competitiveness - relationship marketing, business quality standardization, as well as other management techniques based on knowledge. Implementation of modern management techniques is an essential precondition for a successful business performance of domestic enterprises. Misunderstanding of marketing is typical for transition economies. Domestic business organizations have to use foreign business experiences in the process of business internationalization, which means that they have to apply actively the concept of integrated marketing. This paper provides an overview of reserch results regarding the managers' attitudes of domestic companies about the need of improving the marketing practice. Also, the overview of the model for applying the marketing attributes which determine the competitiveness of domestic companies has been provided

    Istraživanje atributa benčmarkinga koji determinišu poslovnu izvrsnost

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    Stalna promena postala je način života u svetu biznisa. U stvari, da bi se danas održala konkurentnost, potrebno je da se pored pa- žnje koja se posvećuje poboljšanju posla koji se danas obavlja misli i na to šta treba da se preduzme da bi se izdržala konkurencija i opstalo u budućnosti. Naime, uspešni poslovni subjekti u sve turbulentnijem okruženju moraju da uvažavaju činjenicu da je poslovna izvrsnost osnovna determinanta koja obezbeđuje njihov opstanak, razvoj i rast. Zbog toga ocena stanja poslovne izvrsnosti i postavljenih ciljeva mora da se meri kao i sve drugo putem tehnike benčmarkinga, kako u slučaju usavršavanja proizvoda, usluga i procesa, tako i kod projektovanog razvoja. Poslovni subjekt treba, prema autoru Piteru Drakeru (Piter Drucker), da se u određenim intervalima kritički osvrne na rezultate postignute u poslovnoj izvrsnosti. Benčmarking omoguća- va poslovnim subjektima da sagledaju svoju tržišnu poziciju i na bazi učenja, prevashodno od tržišnih lidera, unaprede svoju konkurentsku prednost. Nepostojanje modela za brzu ocenu poslovne izvrsnosti zasnovanog na kvantifikovanim atributima koji je determinišu otežava prethodno utvrđivanje stanja konkurentske prednosti. Kreirani model (CB MODEL) za ocenu atributa benčmarkinga koji determinišu poslovnu izvrsnost poslovnog subjekta u sadašnjosti i u budućnosti i edukacija s provedena na bazi utvrđene ocene znače aktueli- zaciju novih znanja, koja neutrališu uočene probleme i omogućuju top-menadžmentu poslovnog subjekta donošenje brze i efikasne odluke koja povećava verovatnoću njegovog opstanka, razvoja i rasta

    QFD method application in the process of hotel service quality improvement

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    QFD method has been applied mainly in industrial companies. The service is intangible product that has its own specificities, and the market of hotel services in our country is becoming saturated. The aim of this paper is the identification of the most important quality characteristics (technical characteristics) of the hotel service and the direction of the hotel management activities to those characteristics that can be related to the highest number of stated customer requirements. Therefore, the result of the research is to define the key characteristics of the service quality and key activities in the design of the service that lead to customer satisfaction and achieving a competitive advantage in the market. Considering the results of the previous QFD method research, especially in the domain of this type of services, and especially in our country, one might say that even a small contribution to this matter is visible and could give impetus, not only for further research in this field, but also for the concrete application of the obtained solutions.Publishe

    Development of integrated management systems in SMEs in Serbia

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    Due to processes occurring on the global market, enterprises have to pay more attention to meeting users\u27 requirements. Namely, market competition has influenced a change in the enterprise\u27s strategy and its orientation towards acustomer, as an imperative of its business operations. In recent years, a process of integrating various management systems has been occurring, giving rise to the networking of several international standards aimed at creating the enterprise capable of meeting all customers\u27 needs on the market. Conforming to the changes on the market, the sector of small and medium enterprises must comply with new business conditions, which is a considerable effort for the entire enterprise. Namely, market requirements for safe and sound food, permanent enhancement of production processes, measurement of customers\u27 satisfaction, concern for the environment, social accountability, etc., stand for just a part of characteristics that SMEs have to possess in order to survive on the market. Therefore, to solve these issues successfully,a solution for smes may be in setting up clusters as a way to strengthen this sector in the process of business internationalization

    Implementation of certification schemes in the Balkan agro-food sector

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    Standardization and the use of certification schemes affect economy competitiveness in general, and therefore the agro-food sector as well - certification according to quality standards is a pre-condition for increasing the competitiveness of agro-food industry. Implementation of quality assurance systems in the agro-food sector and in the retail chains of the Balkan countries are covered in this paper. The Balkan countries mainly focus on the mandatory standards, whereas the non-mandatory ones are almost exclusively used by the country market leaders. It is also the case with the retail chains which by expanding their network also expand the range of standards, and therefore increase the level of competitiveness. This paper provides the information on standardization and implementation of certification schemes in the agro-food industry and retailers in the Balkan Region, also connection of competitiveness and implementation of standards. As the authors of this review know, the consolidated data of this type have not been presented yet

    Primena 5S alata kao polazne osnove u reinženjeringu poslovnih procesa

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    The paper deals with the analysis of elements which represent a starting point in implementation of a business process reengineering. We have used Lean tools through the analysis of 5S model in our research. On the example of finalization of the finished transmitter in IHMT-CMT production, 5S tools were implemented with a focus on Quality elements although the theory shows that BPR and TQM are two opposite activities in an enterprise. We wanted to distinguish the significance of employees’ self-discipline which helps the process of product finalization to develop in time and without waste and losses. In addition, the employees keep their work place clean, tidy and functional.U ovom radu analizirani su elementi koji bi predstavljali polaznu osnovu za u primeni reinženjeringa poslovnih procesa. Kao polazna osnova upotrebljen je Lean alat kroz analizu 5S modela. Na primeru finalizacije izrade gotovog transmitera u proizvodnji IHMT-CMT-a ustavonljeni su i primenjeni 5S alati, ali sa zadrškom na elemente kvaliteta iako teorija ukazuje za su BPR i TQM dve suprotne aktivnosti u preduzeću. Suština rada je samodisciplina zaposlenih na radnom mestu, koja pomaže da se proces finalizacije proizvoda odvija pravovremeno, bez otpada i gubitaka i da zaposleni stalno održavaju radno mesto uredno, čisto i funkcionalno

    Forecast for the domestic economy and national competitiveness

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    The globalization of markets, the fourth industrial revolution - Industry 4.0, and the post-pandemic business paradigm affected not only domestic enterprises but enterprises around the world as well. Forecasts regarding GDP growth, unemployment rates and competitiveness are provided and discussed by various organizations (World Bank, European Central Bank, World Economic Forum etc.). Additionally, a large number of quarterly reports on various metrics for almost every country are published. In this paper the existing data and reports published by some of the noted organizations are analyzed. The goal is to provide a concise and informative overview on potential domestic macro-economic trends, on national competitiveness and on the competitiveness of domestic enterprises. The overview is conceptualized through discussing existing and potential economic forecasts based on reports. The paper provides a solid basis for future research in the domain of domestic economy and national competitiveness. The paper also provides suggestions and guidelines for improving the competitiveness of domestic enterprises

    Big five, narcissism and entrepreneurial intentions: Serbian students case

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    The paper examines the influence of the dimensions of Big Five and Narcissism on dimensions of the Theory of Planned Behavior and Entrepreneurial intentions. The moderating effect of the item Student success (the perception of the students on their success) in studying on these relationships was also examined. The research was carried out in Serbia, and the respondents were students. The sample included 400 respondents. Extroversion, Openness to experience and Narcissism have the strongest positive influence on the Theory of Planned Behavior dimensions and Entrepreneurial intention dimension. The influence of Conscientiousness is positive, but somewhat weaker and concentrated on the Subjective norm dimension. Neuroticism has a weak negative influence, while the correlation analysis showed that there is a statistically significant negative influence on the Theory of Planned Behavior dimensions. Agreeableness has no influence, with the exception of one statistically significant and positive correlation with the Subjective norm dimension. In the case of Low Student success, Extroversion and Narcissism has a stronger positive effect on the Theory of Planned Behavior dimensions and Entrepreneurial intention dimension than in the case of High Student success. In general, narcissistic persons have a high opinion of themselves, are full of self-confidence, and are highly motivated to be successful, rich, and admired by other people. They see entrepreneurship as an opportunity to achieve what they think they deserve. Suggestions are made regarding the use of these potentials and the translation of a negative phenomenon, such as narcissism, into something useful for society

    Obrazovne inovacije u funkciji poboljšanja IKT sposobnosti kod studenata

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    Information technology has lately become an integral part of the educational system. Application of modern digital technologies in teaching has changed teaching methods. This research is based on forming a teaching model in order to improve the level of ICT knowledge and skills of students applicable in the area of technical sciences. The objective of this research is to establish a methodology to improve and adapt curricula with the goal of enhancing digital competences of learners according to European standards and the needs of teaching at technical faculties.Informacijske su tehnologije u posljednje vrijeme postale sastavni dio obrazovnog sustava. Primjena suvremenih digitalnih tehnologija u nastavi utjecala je na promjenu metoda poučavanja. Ovo se istraživanje temelji na oblikkovanju modela poučavanja sa svrhom poboljšanja razine studentskih IKT znanja i vještina primjenjivih u području tehničkih znanosti. Cilj je ovoga istraživanja uspostava metodologije za poboljšanje i prilagodbu kurikula kako bi se studentske digitalne kompetencije poboljšale i bile u skladu s europskim standardima i potrebama nastave na tehničkim fakultetima


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    Autori u ovom radu analiziraju neophodnost primene savremenog koncepta preduzetništva u organizacijama u funkciji ostvarivanja ciljeva poslovne izrsnosti. Preduzetničko ponašanje jeste način razmišljanja, opredeljen kreativnim pristupom poslovanju, koji sve više poprima oblik korporativnog preduzetništva. Suština je u prihvatanju rizika i promena zasnovanim na inovativnom delovanju, koje stvaraju uslove za razvoj poslovnih subjekata i privrede u celini. Model za unapređenje kvaliteta poslovanja domaćih preduzeća po osnovu primene koncepta korporativnog preduzetništva podrazumeva sledeće elemente: zadovoljenje zahteva korisnika, procesni pristup upravljanju organizacijom, kao i stalno unapređenje poslovanja