33 research outputs found

    Kinetic mechanism of human dUTPase, an essential nucleotide pyrophosphatase enzyme

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    Human dUTPase is essential in controlling relative cellular levels of dTTP/ dUTP, both of which can be incorporated into DNA. The nuclear isoform of the enzyme has been proposed as a promising novel target for anticancer chemotherapeutic strategies. The recently determined three-dimensional structure of this protein in complex with an isosteric substrate analogue allowed in-depth structural characterization of the active site. However, fundamental steps of the dUTPase enzymatic cycle have not yet been revealed. This knowledge is indispensable for a functional understanding of the molecular mechanism and can also contribute to the design of potential antagonists. Here we present detailed pre-steady-state and steady-state kinetic investigations using a single tryptophan fluorophore engineered into the active site of human dUTPase. This sensor allowed distinction of the apoenzyme, enzyme-substrate, and enzyme product complexes. We show that the dUTP hydrolysis cycle consists of at least four distinct enzymatic steps: (i) fast substrate binding, (ii) isomerization of the enzyme-substrate complex into the catalytically competent conformation, (iii) a hydrolysis (chemical) step, and (iv) rapid, nonordered release of the products. Independent quenched-flow experiments indicate that the chemical step is the rate-limiting step of the enzymatic cycle. To follow the reaction in the quenched-flow, we devised a novel method to synthesize gamma-(32) P-labeled dUTP. We also determined by indicator-based rapid kinetic assays that proton release is concomitant with the rate-limiting hydrolysis step. Our results led to a quantitative kinetic model of the human dUTPase catalytic cycle and to direct assessment of relative flexibilities of the C-terminal arm, critical for enzyme activity, in the enzyme-ligand complexes along the reaction pathway

    dUTPase based switch controls transfer of virulence genes in order to preserve integrity of the transferred mobile genetic elements

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    dUTPases ubiquitously regulate cellular dUTP levels to preserve genome integrity. Recently, several other cellular processes were reported to be controlled by dUTPases including the horizontal transfer of Staphylococcus aureus pathogenicity islands (SaPI). SaPIs are mobil genetic elements that encode virulence enhancing factors e.g. toxins. Here, phage dUTPases were proposed to counteract the repressor protein (Stl) and promote SaPI excision and transfer. A G protein-like mechanism was proposed which is unexpected in light of the kinetic mechanism of dUTPase. Here we investigate the molecular mechanism of SaPI transfer regulation, using numerous dUTPase variants and a wide range of in vitro methods (steady-state and transient kinetics, VIS and fluorescence spectroscopy, EMSA, quartz crystal microbalance, X-ray crystallography). Our results unambiguously show that Stl inhibits the enzymatic activity of dUTPase in the nM concentration range and dUTP strongly inhibits the dUTPase: Stl complexation. These results identify Stl as a highly potent dUTPase inhibitor protein and disprove the G protein-like mechanism. Importantly, our results clearly show that the dUTPase:dUTP complex is inaccessible to the Stl repressor. Unlike in small GTPases, hydrolysis of the substrate nucleoside triphosphate (dUTP in this case) is required prior to the interaction with the partner (Stl repressor in this case). We propose that dUTPase can efficiently interact with Stl and induce SaPI excision only if the cellular dUTP level is low (i.e. when dUTPase resides mainly in the apo enzyme form) while high dUTP levels would inhibit SaPI transfer. This mechanism may serve the preservation of the integrity of the transferred SaPI genes and links the well-known metabolic role of dUTPases to their newly revealed regulatory function in spread of virulence factors

    Attention and speech-processing related functional brain networks activated in a multi-speaker environment

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    Human listeners can focus on one speech stream out of several concurrent ones. The present study aimed to assess the whole-brain functional networks underlying a) the process of focusing attention on a single speech stream vs. dividing attention between two streams and 2) speech processing on different time-scales and depth. Two spoken narratives were presented simultaneously while listeners were instructed to a) track and memorize the contents of a speech stream and b) detect the presence of numerals or syntactic violations in the same (“focused attended condition”) or in the parallel stream (“divided attended condition”). Speech content tracking was found to be associated with stronger connectivity in lower frequency bands (delta band- 0,5–4 Hz), whereas the detection tasks were linked with networks operating in the faster alpha (8–10 Hz) and beta (13–30 Hz) bands. These results suggest that the oscillation frequencies of the dominant brain networks during speech processing may be related to the duration of the time window within which information is integrated. We also found that focusing attention on a single speaker compared to dividing attention between two concurrent speakers was predominantly associated with connections involving the frontal cortices in the delta (0.5–4 Hz), alpha (8–10 Hz), and beta bands (13–30 Hz), whereas dividing attention between two parallel speech streams was linked with stronger connectivity involving the parietal cortices in the delta and beta frequency bands. Overall, connections strengthened by focused attention may reflect control over information selection, whereas connections strengthened by divided attention may reflect the need for maintaining two streams in parallel and the related control processes necessary for performing the tasks.</div

    Efficacy and safety of the biosimilar infliximab CT-P13 treatment in inflammatory bowel diseases: a prospective, multicentre, nationwide cohort

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    Background and Aims: Biosimilar infliximab CT-P13 is approved for all indications of the originator product in Europe. Prospective data on its efficacy, safety, and immunogenicity in inflammatory bowel diseases are lacking. Methods: A prospective, nationwide, multicentre, observational cohort was designed to examine the efficacy, safety, and immunogenicity of CT-P13 infliximab biosimilar in the induction treatment of Crohn’s disease [CD] and ulcerative colitis [UC]. Demographic data were collected and a harmonised monitoring strategy was applied. Early clinical remission, response, and early biochemical response were evaluated at Week 14, steroid-free clinical remission was evaluated at Week 30. Therapeutic drug level was monitored using a conventional enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: In all, 210 consecutive inflammatory bowel disease [126 CD and 84 UC] patients were included in the present cohort. At Week 14, 81.4% of CD and 77.6% of UC patients showed clinical response and 53.6% of CD and 58.6% of UC patients were in clinical remission. Clinical remission rates at Week 14 were significantly higher in CD and UC patients who were infliximab naïve, compared with those with previous exposure to the originator compound [ p < 0.05]. Until Week 30, adverse events were experienced in 17.1% of all patients. Infusion reactions and infectious adverse events occurred in 6.6% and 5.7% of all patients, respectively. Conclusions: This prospective multicentre cohort shows that CT-P13 is safe and effective in the induction of clinical remission and response in both CD and UC. Patients with previous infliximab exposure exhibited decreased response rates and were more likely to develop allergic reactions

    Proteins with Complex Architecture as Potential Targets for Drug Design: A Case Study of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    Lengthy co-evolution of Homo sapiens and Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the main causative agent of tuberculosis, resulted in a dramatically successful pathogen species that presents considerable challenge for modern medicine. The continuous and ever increasing appearance of multi-drug resistant mycobacteria necessitates the identification of novel drug targets and drugs with new mechanisms of action. However, further insights are needed to establish automated protocols for target selection based on the available complete genome sequences. In the present study, we perform complete proteome level comparisons between M. tuberculosis, mycobacteria, other prokaryotes and available eukaryotes based on protein domains, local sequence similarities and protein disorder. We show that the enrichment of certain domains in the genome can indicate an important function specific to M. tuberculosis. We identified two families, termed pkn and PE/PPE that stand out in this respect. The common property of these two protein families is a complex domain organization that combines species-specific regions, commonly occurring domains and disordered segments. Besides highlighting promising novel drug target candidates in M. tuberculosis, the presented analysis can also be viewed as a general protocol to identify proteins involved in species-specific functions in a given organism. We conclude that target selection protocols should be extended to include proteins with complex domain architectures instead of focusing on sequentially unique and essential proteins only

    FTO Intronic SNP Strongly Influences Human Neck Adipocyte Browning Determined by Tissue and PPARγ Specific Regulation

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    Brown adipocytes, abundant in deep-neck (DN) area in humans, are thermogenic with anti-obesity potential. FTO pro-obesity rs1421085 T-to-C single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) shifts differentiation program towards white adipocytes in subcutaneous fat. Human adipose-derived stromal cells were obtained from subcutaneous neck (SC) and DN fat of nine donors, of which 3-3 carried risk-free (T/T), heterozygous or obesity-risk (C/C) FTO genotypes. They were differentiated to white and brown (long-term Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) stimulation) adipocytes; then, global RNA sequencing was performed and differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were compared. DN and SC progenitors had similar adipocyte differentiation potential but differed in DEGs. DN adipocytes displayed higher browning features according to ProFAT or BATLAS scores and characteristic DEG patterns revealing associated pathways which were highly expressed (thermogenesis, interferon, cytokine, and retinoic acid, with UCP1 and BMP4 as prominent network stabilizers) or downregulated (particularly extracellular matrix remodeling) compared to SC ones. Part of DEGs in either DN or SC browning was PPARγ-dependent. Presence of the FTO obesity-risk allele suppressed the expression of mitochondrial and thermogenesis genes with a striking resemblance between affected pathways and those appearing in ProFAT and BATLAS, underlining the importance of metabolic and mitochondrial pathways in thermogenesis. Among overlapping regulatory influences that determine browning and thermogenic potential of neck adipocytes, FTO genetic background has a thus far not recognized prominence