188 research outputs found

    Discovering Business Area Effects to Process Mining Analysis Using Clustering and Influence Analysis

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    A common challenge for improving business processes in large organizations is that business people in charge of the operations are lacking a fact-based understanding of the execution details, process variants, and exceptions taking place in business operations. While existing process mining methodologies can discover these details based on event logs, it is challenging to communicate the process mining findings to business people. In this paper, we present a novel methodology for discovering business areas that have a significant effect on the process execution details. Our method uses clustering to group similar cases based on process flow characteristics and then influence analysis for detecting those business areas that correlate most with the discovered clusters. Our analysis serves as a bridge between BPM people and business, people facilitating the knowledge sharing between these groups. We also present an example analysis based on publicly available real-life purchase order process data.Comment: 12 pages. Paper accepted in 23rd International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS 2020) to be published in a proceedings edition of the Lecture Notes in Business Information Processin

    Stress-induced aggression in heterozygous TPH2 mutant mice is associated with alterations in serotonin turnover and expression of 5-HT6 and AMPA subunit 2A receptors

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    Background: The contribution of gene-environment interactions that lead to excessive aggression is poorly understood. Environmental stressors and mutations of the gene encoding tryptophan hydroxylase-2 (TPH2) are known to influence aggression. For example, TPH2 null mutant mice (Tph2−/−) are naturally highly aggressive, while heterozygous mice (Tph2+/−) lack a behavioral phenotype and are considered endophenotypically normal. Here we sought to discover whether an environmental stressor would affect the phenotype of the genetically ‘susceptible’ heterozygous mice (Tph2+/−). Methods: Tph2+/− male mice or Tph2+/+ controls were subjected to a five-day long rat exposure stress paradigm. Brain serotonin metabolism and the expression of selected genes encoding serotonin receptors, AMPA receptors, and stress markers were studied. Results: Stressed Tph2+/− mice displayed increased levels of aggression and social dominance, whereas Tph2+/+ animals became less aggressive and less dominant. Brain tissue concentrations of serotonin, its precursor hydroxytryptophan and its metabolite 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid were significantly altered in all groups in the prefrontal cortex, striatum, amygdala, hippocampus and dorsal raphe after stress. Compared to non-stressed animals, the concentration of 5-hydroxytryptophan was elevated in the amygdala though decreased in the other brain structures. The overexpression of the AMPA receptor subunit, GluA2, and downregulation of 5-HT6 receptor, as well as overexpression of c-fos and glycogen-synthase-kinase-3β (GSK3-β), were found in most structures of the stressed Tph2+/− mice. Limitations: Rescue experiments would help to verify causal relationships of reported changes. Conclusions: The interaction of a partial TPH2 gene deficit with stress results in pathological aggression and molecular changes, and suggests that the presence of genetic susceptibility can augment aggression in seemingly resistant phenotypes. © 2020 The Authors602805Seventh Framework Programme, FP7Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG: CRC TRR 58 A1/A5Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, H2020: 728018Russian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR: 15-04-03602Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFGRussian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBRThe authors’ work reported here was supported Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG: CRC TRR 58 A1/A5), the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013) under Grant No. 602805 (Aggressotype) and the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant No. 728018 (Eat2beNICE) (to KPL and TS), the “5-100” Russian Academic Excellence Project (to KPL and TS) and the Russian Foundation of Basic Research (RFBR Grant No. 15-04-03602 to TS). We appreciate the valuable technical help of Dr. Joao Costa-Nunes and Dolores Bonopartos with this project

    Modern agglutinated foraminifera from the Hovgård ridge, fram strait, west of Spitsbergen: Evidence for a deep bottom current

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    Deep-water agglutinated foraminifera on the crest of the Hovgârd Ridge, west of Spitsbergen, consist mostly of large tubular astrorhizids. At a boxcore station collected from the crest of Hovgârd Ridge at a water depth of 1169 m, the sediment surface was covered with patches of large (1 mm diameter) tubular forms, belonging mostly to the species Astrorhiza crassatina Brady, with smaller numbers of Saccorhiza, Hyperammina, and Psammosiphonella. Non-tubutar species consisted mainly of opportunistic forms, such as Psammosphaera and Reophax. The presence of large suspension-feeding tubular genera as well as opportunistic forms point to the presence of deep currents at this locality that are strong enough to disturb the benthic fauna. This is confirmed by data obtained from sediment echosounding, which exhibit lateral variation in relative sedimentation rates within the Pleistocene sedimentary drape covering the ridge, indicative of winnowing in a south-easterly direction


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    The paper studied nutritional habits, physical loads, anthropometric and metabolic perfromances, and revealed the changes required to increase the level of adiponectine under drug-free modalities of treatment of patients suffering from abdominal obesity. A 3-year randomized lifestyle intervention trial was performed in 153 patients with AO, age 30-53 yrs, 74 patients (group 1) performed individual hypocaloric diet balanced in fat intake, 79 patients (group 2) performed diet and individual aerobic exercise All patients received individual recommendations on changing their life style. Dynamics of anthropometric, metabolic parameters, physical capacity and adiponectin level were measured. Relation between low level of adiponectin and some metabolic disorders, and sedentary life were revealed. The rate of improving anthropometric parameters, physical capacity, and nutritionassociated with increasing adiponectin was established.В работе были изучены особенности питания, физических нагрузок, антропометрических и метаболических показателей и выявлена степень их изменений, необходимых для увеличения уровня адипонектина при немедикаментозном лечении больных абдоминальным ожирением. Было проведено 3-летнее проспективное исследование по модификации образа жизни у 153 больных АО в возрасте 30 - 55 лет. Пациенты были рандомизированы в 2 группы лечения: диетой - 74 человека и сочетания диеты и физической нагрузки - 79 человек. Всем больным были даны индивидуальные рекомендации по изменению образа жизни. В ходе исследования оценивались динамика антропометрических, метаболических параметров, уровня адипонектина и изменение характера питания и физической активности. Была установлена взаимосвязь между сниженным уровнем АН и метаболическими изменениями, характером питания и физической активностью у больных АО. Установлены пороговые значения снижения антропометрических показателей, калорийности и жирности питания, а также повышения уровня физической работоспособности, при достижении которых уровень адипонектина повышается

    The impact of COVID-19 on the management of European protected areas and policy implications

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    The COVID-19 pandemic led to many European countries imposing lockdown measures and limiting people’s movement during spring 2020. During the summer 2020, these strict lockdown measures were gradually lifted while in autumn 2020, local restrictions started to be re-introduced as a second wave emerged. After initial restrictions on visitors accessing many Nature Protected Areas (PAs) in Europe, management authorities have had to introduce measures so that all users can safely visit these protected landscapes. In this paper, we examine the challenges that emerged due to COVID-19 for PAs and their deeper causes. By considering the impact on and response of 14 popular European National and Nature Parks, we propose tentative longer-term solutions going beyond the current short-term measures that have been implemented. The most important challenges identified in our study were overcrowding, a new profile of visitors, problematic behavior, and conflicts between different user groups. A number of new measures have been introduced to tackle these challenges including information campaigns, traffic management, and establishing one-way systems on trail paths. However, measures to safeguard public health are often in conflict with other PA management measures aiming to minimize disturbance of wildlife and ecosystems. We highlight three areas in which management of PAs can learn from the experience of this pandemic: managing visitor numbers in order to avoid overcrowding through careful spatial planning, introducing educational campaigns, particularly targeting a new profile of visitors, and promoting sustainable tourism models, which do not rely on large visitor numbers.European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research programme (Project FIDELIO, grant agreement no. 802605)

    Neonates’ responses to repeated exposure to a still face

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    The main aims of the study were to examine whether human neonates' responses to communication disturbance modelled by the still-face paradigm were stable and whether their responses were affected by their previous experience with the still-face paradigm.The still face procedure, as a laboratory model of interpersonal stress, was administered repeatedly, twice, to 84 neonates (0 to 4 day olds), with a delay of an average of 1.25 day.Frame-by-frame analysis of the frequency and duration of gaze, distressed face, crying, sleeping and sucking behaviours showed that the procedure was stressful to them both times, that is, the still face effect was stable after repeated administration and newborns consistently responded to such nonverbal violation of communication. They averted their gaze, showed distress and cried more during the still-face phase in both the first and the second administration. They also showed a carry-over effect in that they continued to avert their gaze and displayed increased distress and crying in the first reunion period, but their gaze behaviour changed with experience, in the second administration. While in the first administration the babies continued averting their gaze even after the stressful still-face phase was over, this carry-over effect disappeared in the second administration, and the babies significantly increased their gaze following the still-face phase.After excluding explanations of fatigue, habituation and random effects, a self-other regulatory model is discussed as a possible explanation for this pattern