140 research outputs found

    Complexity and approximation for Traveling Salesman Problems with profits

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    International audience; In TSP with profits we have to find an optimal tour and a set of customers satisfying a specific constraint. In this paper we analyze three different variants of TSP with profits that are NP-hard in general. We study their computational complexity on special structures of the underlying graph, both in the case with and without service times to the customers. We present polynomial algorithms for the polynomially solvable cases and fully polynomial time approximation schemes (FPTAS) for some NP-hard cases

    Data Reductions and Combinatorial Bounds for Improved Approximation Algorithms

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    Kernelization algorithms in the context of Parameterized Complexity are often based on a combination of reduction rules and combinatorial insights. We will expose in this paper a similar strategy for obtaining polynomial-time approximation algorithms. Our method features the use of approximation-preserving reductions, akin to the notion of parameterized reductions. We exemplify this method to obtain the currently best approximation algorithms for \textsc{Harmless Set}, \textsc{Differential} and \textsc{Multiple Nonblocker}, all of them can be considered in the context of securing networks or information propagation

    Graphs without a partition into two proportionally dense subgraphs

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    A proportionally dense subgraph (PDS) is an induced subgraph of a graph such that each vertex in the PDS is adjacent to proportionally as many vertices in the subgraph as in the rest of the graph. In this paper, we study a partition of a graph into two proportionally dense subgraphs, namely a 2-PDS partition, with and without additional constraint of connectivity of the subgraphs. We present two infinite classes of graphs: one with graphs without a 2-PDS partition, and another with graphs that only admit a disconnected 2-PDS partition. These results answer some questions proposed by Bazgan et al. (2018)

    On the complexity of finding a potential community

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    An independent 2-clique of a graph is a subset of vertices that is an independent set and such that any two vertices inside have a common neighbor outside. In this paper, we study the complexity of find-ing an independent 2-clique of maximum size in several graph classes and we compare its complexity with the complexity of maximum independent set. We prove that this problem is NP-hard on apex graphs, APX-hard on line graphs, not n1 /2−-approximable on bipartite graphs and not-approximable on split graphs, while it is polynomial-time solvable on graphs of bounded degree and their complements, graphs of bounded treewidth, planar graphs, (C3, C6)-free graphs, threshold graphs, interval graphs and cographs. © Springer International Publishing AG 2017

    Building Clusters with Lower-Bounded Sizes

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    Classical clustering problems search for a partition of objects into a fixed number of clusters. In many scenarios however the number of clusters is not known or necessarily fixed. Further, clusters are sometimes only considered to be of significance if they have a certain size. We discuss clustering into sets of minimum cardinality k without a fixed number of sets and present a general model for these types of problems. This general framework allows the comparison of different measures to assess the quality of a clustering. We specifically consider nine quality-measures and classify the complexity of the resulting problems with respect to k. Further, we derive some polynomial-time solvable cases for k = 2 with connections to matching-type problems which, among other graph problems, then are used to compute approximations for larger values of k

    Approximating Multiobjective Optimization Problems: How exact can you be?

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    It is well known that, under very weak assumptions, multiobjective optimization problems admit (1+ε,,1+ε)(1+\varepsilon,\dots,1+\varepsilon)-approximation sets (also called ε\varepsilon-Pareto sets) of polynomial cardinality (in the size of the instance and in 1ε\frac{1}{\varepsilon}). While an approximation guarantee of 1+ε1+\varepsilon for any ε>0\varepsilon>0 is the best one can expect for singleobjective problems (apart from solving the problem to optimality), even better approximation guarantees than (1+ε,,1+ε)(1+\varepsilon,\dots,1+\varepsilon) can be considered in the multiobjective case since the approximation might be exact in some of the objectives. Hence, in this paper, we consider partially exact approximation sets that require to approximate each feasible solution exactly, i.e., with an approximation guarantee of 11, in some of the objectives while still obtaining a guarantee of 1+ε1+\varepsilon in all others. We characterize the types of polynomial-cardinality, partially exact approximation sets that are guaranteed to exist for general multiobjective optimization problems. Moreover, we study minimum-cardinality partially exact approximation sets concerning (weak) efficiency of the contained solutions and relate their cardinalities to the minimum cardinality of a (1+ε,,1+ε)(1+\varepsilon,\dots,1+\varepsilon)-approximation set

    One-Exact Approximate Pareto Sets

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    Papadimitriou and Yannakakis show that the polynomial-time solvability of a certain singleobjective problem determines the class of multiobjective optimization problems that admit a polynomial-time computable (1+ε,,1+ε)(1+\varepsilon, \dots , 1+\varepsilon)-approximate Pareto set (also called an ε\varepsilon-Pareto set). Similarly, in this article, we characterize the class of problems having a polynomial-time computable approximate ε\varepsilon-Pareto set that is exact in one objective by the efficient solvability of an appropriate singleobjective problem. This class includes important problems such as multiobjective shortest path and spanning tree, and the approximation guarantee we provide is, in general, best possible. Furthermore, for biobjective problems from this class, we provide an algorithm that computes a one-exact ε\varepsilon-Pareto set of cardinality at most twice the cardinality of a smallest such set and show that this factor of 2 is best possible. For three or more objective functions, however, we prove that no constant-factor approximation on the size of the set can be obtained efficiently