183 research outputs found
Stochastically ordered aggregation operators
In aggregation theory, there exists a large number of aggregation functions that are defined in terms of rearrangements in increasing order of the arguments. Prominent examples are the Ordered Weighted Operator and the Choquet and Sugeno integrals. Following a probability approach, ordering random variables by means of stochastic orders can be also a way to define aggregations of random variables. However, stochastic orders are not total orders, thus pairs of incomparable distributions can appear. This paper is focused on the definition of aggregations of random variables that take into account the stochastic ordination of the components of the
input random vectors. Three alternatives are presented, the first one by using expected values and admissible permutations, then a modification for multivariate Gaussian random vectors and a third one that involves a transformation of the initial random vectors in new ones whose components are ordered with respect to the usual stochastic order. A deep theoretical study of the properties of all the proposals is made. A practical example regarding temperature prediction is provided
Gaussian Markov Random fields and totally positive matrices
The present paper focuses on the study of the conditions under which the covariance matrix of a multivariate Gaussian distribution is totally positive, paying particular attention to multivariate Gaussian distributions that are Gaussian Markov Random Fields. More specifically, it is proven that, if the graph over which the Gaussian Markov Random Field is defined consists of path graphs and the covariances between adjacent variables on the graph are non-negative, then there always exists a reordering of the variables that renders the resulting covariance matrix totally positive. Moreover, this reordering is identified and some cases for which the conditions for the covariance matrix of a multivariate Gaussian distribution to be totally positive are necessary and sufficient are provided
Effects of oral capsaicinoids and capsinoids supplementation on resistance and high intensity interval training: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials
Oral capsaicinoids and capsinoids supplementation has been studied recently for a plausible ergogenic impact on sports performance. However, non-aggregated literature has focused on the impact of this substances in healthy humans’ performance. The aim of the present systematic review was to explore the effects of capsaicinoids and capsinoids on resistance training (RT) and HIIT exercise. Studies searches were performed in the PubMed/MEDLINE, Scopus and Web of Science electronic databases. Studies where healthy subjects consumed capsaicinoids or capsinoids acutely or chronically compared to placebo before a RT or HIIT intervention were included. The methodological quality of the included studies was assessed with PEDro checklist. A total of 7 excellent-good quality placebo-controlled trials (i.e., 5 RT and 2 HIIT experiments) were included. The most prevalent protocol used capsaicin (i.e., 6 capsacin and 1 capsiate studies) and acute (i.e., 5 of 7 interventions) supplementation designs. Positive effects were only noted for capsaicin in repetitions until failure (+14.4 to +21.7%), total weight lifted (+13.0 to +23.3%), perceived effort (-6.4%), fatigue index (+15.0%) and peak torque (+6.1%) compared to placebo. Neuromuscular HIIT variables (e.g., total and medium sprint time) were not highly affected by capsaicin except the time to reach 90% VO2 peak (+61.2%) and the number of efforts performed (+14.7%). Collectively, our findings suggest a positive effect of 12 mg of capsaicin on strength endurance, total weight lifted and perceived effort variables in healthy males after acute (i.e., 45 minutes pre-exercise) supplementation
Management of a crown-root fracture : a novel technique with interdisciplinary approach
Anterior teeth with subgingival fractures require a complex treatment plan that addresses biologic, functional and aesthetic factors. This case report describes the management of a crown-root fractured maxillary left central incisor. An interdisciplinary approach was used to restore the tooth due to the complex nature of the treatment. Orthodontic extrusion was performed to move the fracture line above the alveolar bone and periodontal surgery to recontour the altered gingival margin. Finally, the incisor was restored performing a root canal retreatment with a fiber post and a full ceramic crown. The treatment resulted in secured periodontal health and good aesthetic
Oral mucosal peeling related to dentifrices and mouthwashes : a systematic review
The aim of this systematic review was to summarise the clinical information available about oral mucosal peeling (OMP) and to explore its aetiopathogenic association with dentifrices and mouthwashes. PICOS outline: Population: subjects diagnosed clinically and/or pathologically. Intervention: exposition to oral hygiene products. Comparisons: patients using products at different concentrations. Outcomes: clinicopathological outcomes (primary) and oral epithelial desquamation (secondary) after use. Study design: any. Exclusion criteria: reports on secondary or unpublished data, in vitro studies. Data were independently extracted by two reviewers. Fifteen reports were selected from 410 identified. Descriptive studies mainly showed low bias risk, experimental studies mostly an ?unclear risk?. Dentifrices or mouthwashes were linked to OMP, with an unknown origin in 5 subjects. Sodium lauryl-sulphate (SLS) was behind this disorder in 21 subjects, tartar-control dentifrices in 2, and flavouring agents in 1 case. Desquamation extension was linked to SLS concentration. Most cases were painless, leaving normal mucosa after desquamation. Tartar-control dentifrices caused ulcerations more frequently. OMP management should consider differential diagnosis with oral desquamative lesions, particularly desquamative gingivitis, with a guided clinical interview together with pathological confirmation while discouraging the use of the product responsible for OMP
Dietary supplementation habits in international natural bodybuilders during pre-competition
Bodybuilding is characterized by high-rates of sport supplementation. This is the first study to
compare the supplementation patterns of winners (WB) and non-winners (NWB) among international
natural bodybuilders during contest preparation. Fifty-six natural bodybuilders (5
women) (age = 28.85 ± 8.03 years; final body mass = 71.50 ± 10.28 kg), 19 WB (athletes who
had achieved victory in an official natural bodybuilding championship at least once) and 37 NWB
(athletes who never achieved victory), from 18 countries (55.36% from Spain) responded to this
cross-sectional online survey related to their nutritional habits, strategies and supplementation
practices. WB were significantly older (p = 0.024), completed more competitive seasons (p =
0.027) and participated in more competitions in the last contest year (p = 0.011). There were no
significant differences between WB and NWB for years training for bodybuilding (p = 0.055),
weeks of dieting for competition (p = 0.392), and body weight at the start (p = 0.553) and end (p
= 0.330) of the season. Beverage and supplement consumption, purchasing patterns, and information
sources did not differ between groups (p > 0.05). In conclusion, natural bodybuilding WB
tended to be older and had more competitive experience, but shared similar supplementation
protocols to NWB. Athletes’ supplementation patterns were influenced by different sources of
information. However, these natural bodybuilders mainly purchased their supplements through
the internet without guidance from a coach or dietitian
Efficacy of continuous apical negative ultrasonic irrigation (CANUI) in penetration of simulated lateral canals in extracted teeth
The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of continuous apical negative ultrasonic irrigation
into simulated lateral canals and the apical third in straight and curved root canals. Two simulated
lateral canals were created 2, 4 and 6 mm from the working length in 120 single-rooted teeth (6
canals/tooth, n = 360 straight, n = 360 curved). The teeth were randomly divided into 3 experimental
groups: positive pressure irrigation (PPI) (n = 20); passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI) (n = 20); continuous
apical negative ultrasonic irrigation (CANUI) (n = 20). 20% Chinese ink was added to a 5% sodium
hypochlorite solution and delivered into the root canals. The results showed a significantly higher
(P < 0.05) penetration of irrigant into the lateral canals and up to working length in the CANUI group
for straight and curved roots. CANUI improves penetration into the lateral canals and up to the
working length of the cleared teeth in straight and curved roots.S
Gender Differences in Plasma Biomarker Levels in a Cohort of COPD Patients: A Pilot Study
Little is known about gender differences in plasma biomarker levels in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
There are differences in serum biomarker levels between women and men with COPD.
Explore gender differences in plasma biomarker levels in patients with COPD and smokers without COPD.
We measured plasma levels of IL-6, IL-8, IL-16, MCP-1, MMP-9, PARC and VEGF in 80 smokers without COPD (40 males, 40 females) and 152 stable COPD patients (76 males, 76 females) with similar airflow obstruction. We determined anthropometrics, smoking history, lung function, exercise tolerance, body composition, BODE index, co-morbidities and quality of life. We then explored associations between plasma biomarkers levels and the clinical characteristics of the patients and also with the clinical and physiological variables known to predict outcome in COPD.
The plasma biomarkers level explored were similar in men and women without COPD. In contrast, in patients with COPD the median value in pg/mL of IL-6 (6.26 vs 8.0, p = 0.03), IL-16 (390 vs 321, p = 0.009) and VEGF (50 vs 87, p = 0.02) differed between women and men. Adjusted for smoking history, gender was independently associated with IL-16, PARC and VEGF levels. There were also gender differences in the associations between IL-6, IL-16 and VEGF and physiologic variables that predict outcomes.
In stable COPD patients with similar airflow obstruction, there are gender differences in plasma biomarker levels and in the association between biomarker levels and important clinical or physiological variables. Further studies should confirm our findings
Immune Microenvironment in Colorectal Cancer: A New Hallmark to Change Old Paradigms
Impact of immune microenvironment in prognosis of solid tumors has been extensively studied in the last few years. Specifically in colorectal carcinoma, increased knowledge of the immune events around these tumors and their relation with clinical outcomes have led to consider immune microenvironment as one of the most important prognostic factors in this disease. In this review we will summarize and update the current knowledge with respect to this intriguing and complex new hallmark of cancer, paying special attention to infiltration by T-infiltrating lymphocytes and their subtypes in colorectal cancer, as well as its eventual clinical translation in terms of long-term prognosis. Finally, we suggest some possible investigational approaches based on combinatorial strategies to trigger and boost immune reaction against tumor cells
Automatic assessment of transcatheter aortic valve implantation results on four-dimensional computed tomography images using artificial intelligence
Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) is a procedure to treat severe aortic stenosis. There are several clinical concerns related to potential complications after the procedure, which demand the analysis of computerized tomography (CT) scans after TAVI to assess the implant’s result. This work introduces a novel, fully automatic method for the analysis of post-TAVI 4D-CT scans to characterize the prosthesis and its relationship with the patient’s anatomy. The method enables measurement extraction, including prosthesis volume, center of mass, cross-sectional area (CSA) along the prosthesis axis, and CSA difference between the aortic root and prosthesis, all the variables studied throughout the cardiac cycle. The method has been implemented and evaluated with a cohort of 13 patients with five different prosthesis models, successfully extracting all the measurements from each patient in an automatic way. For Allegra patients, the mean of the obtained inner volume values ranged from 10,798.20 mm3 to 18,172.35 mm3, and CSA in the maximum diameter plane varied from 396.35 mm2 to 485.34 mm2. The implantation of this new method could provide information of the important clinical value that would contribute to the improvement of TAVI, significantly reducing the time and effort invested by clinicians in the image interpretation process.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. IN607B-2021/1
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