190 research outputs found

    Subthreshold photoproduction of charm

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    Charm photoproduction rates off nuclei below the nucleon threshold are estimated using the phenomenologically known structure functions both for x>1 and x<1. The rates rapidly fall below the threshold from values of the order 10 pb for Pb close to the threshold (at 7.5 GeV) down to values of the order 1 pb at 6 GeV.Comment: 11 p[ages, 7 figure

    Pion production in proton collisions with light nuclei: implications for atmospheric neutrinos

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    Differences among calculations of the atmospheric neutrino beam can be traced in large part to differences in the representation of pion production by protons interacting with nuclei in the atmosphere. In this paper we review the existing data with the goal of determining the regions of phase space in which new measurements could help to improve the input to the calculations.Comment: latex, 13 pages, 6 figure

    Fusion of strings and cosmic rays at ultrahigh energies

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    It is shown that the fusion of strings is a source of particle production in nucleus--nucleus collisions outside the kinematical limits of nucleon--nucleon collisions. This fact, together with another effect of string fusion, the reduction of multiplicities, sheds some light on two of the main problems of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays, the chemical composition and the energy of the most energetic detected cosmic rays.Comment: LaTeX, 11 pages plus 3 figures in a separate postcript fil

    Subthreshold and near-threshold kaon and antikaon production in proton-nucleus reactions

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    The differential production cross sections of K^+ and K^- mesons have been measured at the ITEP proton synchrotron in p+Be, p+Cu collisions under lab angle of 10.5^0, respectively, at 1.7 and 2.25, 2.4 GeV beam energies. A detailed comparison of these data with the results of calculations within an appropriate folding model for incoherent primary proton-nucleon, secondary pion-nucleon kaon and antikaon production processes and processes associated with the creation of antikaons via the decay of intermediate phi mesons is given. We show that the strangeness exchange process YN->NNK^- gives a small contribution to the antikaon yield in the kinematics of the performed experiment. We argue that in the case when antikaon production processes are dominated by the channels with KK^- in the final state, the cross sections of the corresponding reactions are weakly influenced by the in-medium kaon and antikaon mean fields.Comment: 24 pages. accepted for publication at J.Phys.

    Гидродинамическое диспергирование кальций-алюмосиликатных материалов из техногенного и нерудного сырья

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    Physicochemical properties of two calcium aluminosilicate materials after reducing in the hydrodynamic rotary generator in supercavitation mode were studied. The samples are the crystal ceramic foam based on Kansko-Achinsk lignite-ash and the porous glass material obtained from low-manganese nonmetallic feed. X-ray phase analysis, EPR-method, NPR-method (the Mossbauer Effect) and optical microscopy were used. It was found that the material is changing its stucrure in a hydrodynamic dispersion process caused by high-cavitation. The nature of the changes depends on its initial stateИзучены физико-химические свойства двух кальций-алюмосиликатных материалов после измельчения в гидродинамическом генераторе роторного типа в режиме суперкавитации. Исследованы образцы – кристаллическая пенокерамика на основе зол бурых Канско-Ачинских углей и пористый стекломатериал, полученный из нерудного сырья с низким содержанием марганца. Для анализа были использованы методы РФА, ЭМР, ЯГР (эффект Мёссбауэра), оптическая микроскопия. Показано, что в процессе гидродинамического диспергирования за счет высокоэнергетического кавитационного воздействия в материалах происходят глубокие структурные изменения. Получено, что характер изменений зависит от исходного состояния исследуемого материал

    Dilepton Spectra from Decays of Light Unflavored Mesons

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    The invariant mass spectrum of the e+ee^{+}e^{-} and μ+μ\mu ^{+}\mu ^{-} pairs from decays of light unflavored mesons with masses below the ϕ(1020)\phi (1020)-meson mass to final states containing along with a dilepton pair one photon, one meson, and two mesons are calculated within the framework of the effective meson theory. The results can be used for simulations of the dilepton spectra in heavy-ion collisions and for experimental searches of dilepton meson decays.Comment: 73 pages, 19 figures, 3 tables, REVTeX, new references adde

    Probing superfast quarks in nuclei through dijet production at the LHC

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    We investigate dijet production from proton-nucleus collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) as a means for observing superfast quarks in nuclei with Bjorken x>1x>1. Kinematically, superfast quarks can be identified through directly measurable jet kinematics. Dynamically, their description requires understanding several elusive properties of nuclear QCD, such as nuclear forces at very short distances, as well as medium modification of parton distributions in nuclei. In the present work, we develop a model for nuclear parton distributions at large xx in which the nuclear dynamics at short distance scales are described by two- and three-nucleon short range correlations (SRCs). Nuclear modifications are accounted for using the color screening model, and an improved description of the EMC effect is reached by using a structure function parametrization that includes higher-twist contributions. We apply QCD evolution at the leading order to obtain nuclear parton distributions in the kinematic regime of the LHC, and based on the obtained distributions calculate the cross section for dijet production. We find not only that superfast quarks can be observed at the LHC, but also that they provide sensitivity to the practically unexplored three-nucleon SRCs in nuclei. Additionally, the LHC can extend our knowledge of the EMC effect to large Q2Q^2 where higher-twist effects are negligible.Comment: 44 pages, 17 figures, final version to be published in EJP