99 research outputs found

    Procedimiento de obtención de lanolina y lana exentas de plaguicidas

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    Referencia OEPM: P9901361.-- Fecha de solicitud: 18/06/1999.-- Titular: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).Peer reviewe

    Procedimiento de obtención de fracciones de lípidos con dióxido de carbono presurizado a partir de lana o lanolina

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    Referencia OEPM: P200101341.-- Fecha de solicitud: 11/06/2001.-- Titular: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC).Peer reviewe

    Assessment of a novel microalgae-cork based technology for removing antibiotics, pesticides and nitrates from groundwater

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    Groundwater pollution has increased in recent years due to the intensification of agricultural and livestock activities. This results in a significant reduction in available freshwater resources. Here, we have studied the long term assessment of a green technology (1-4 L/day) based on a photobioreactor (PBR) containing immobilised microalgae-bacteria in polyurethane foam (PF) followed by a cork filter (CF) for removing nitrates, pesticides (atrazine and bromacil), and antibiotics (sulfamethoxazole and sulfacetamide) from groundwater. The prototype was moderately effective for removing nitrates (58%) at an HRT of 8 days, while its efficiency decreased at a HRT of 4 and 2 days (<20% removal). The combined use of PBR-CF enabled antibiotics and pesticides to be attenuated by up to 95% at an HRT of 8 days, but their attenuation decreased with shorter HRT, with pesticides being the compounds most affected (reducing from 97 to 98% at an HRT of 8 days to 23-45% at an HRT of 2 days). Pesticide transformation products were identified after the CF, supporting biodegradation as the main attenuation process. A gene-based metataxonomic assessment linked the attenuation of micropollutants to the presence of specific pesticide biodegradation species (e.g. genus Phenylobacterium, Sphingomonadaceae, and Caulobacteraceae). Therefore, the results highlighted the potential use of microalgae and cork to treat polluted groundwater.The authors wish to thank the financial support of the European Union through the project LIFE18 ENV/ES/000199 and the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities through Project CTM2017-91355-EXP. Finally, European Commission (Erasmus program) and Government of Chile for supporting Lorenzo Rambaldo and Héctor Avila Cortés's visit at IDAEA-CSIC in Barcelona, Spain.Peer reviewe

    Els Aiguamolls construïts: una tecnologia sostenible per a l'eliminació de fàrmacs i productes d'higiene personal d'aigües residuals domèstiques

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    8 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables.[CAT] Aquest treball dóna una perspectiva general de la problemàtica dels fàrmacs i productes d’higiene personal en el medi aquàtic, així com de l’ús d’aiguamolls construïts per tal d’eliminar-los de les aigües residuals. Així doncs, s’analitzen diferents tipus d’aiguamolls, i es busquen els més eficients a l’hora d’eliminar aquests compostos. Després de l’experiència assolida en diferents estudis duts a terme a Catalunya i Dinamarca, s’observa una relació positiva entre l’eliminació de contaminants i la concentració d’oxigen dissolt a l’aigua residual, i s’arriba a la conclusió que els sistemes de flux vertical (aerobis) són els més eficients. A més, es posa de manifest la importància dels macròfits (Phragmites sp.) per tal d’eliminar aquests compostos, a causa de l’augment de la transferència d’oxigen i la proliferació de biofilm en els rizomes. Finalment, es presenta l’estat d’implantació d’aiguamolls construïts a Catalunya.[ENG] This work is focused on the use of constructed wetlands (CWs) for domestic wastewater treatment, paying attention on pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) removal. PPCPs and CWs are described and their performance discussed in terms of PPCP removal. Following different case studies carried out in Catalonia and Denmark, a positive relation between the dissolved oxygen concentration in the CW effluent and the PPCP removal was obtained. Moreover, the enhancement of PPCP removal due to oxygen transfer and biofilm proliferation in the CWs planted with macrophytes (Phragmites sp.) was described. Finally, the experience about the use of CWs for wastewater treatment of small communities in Catalonia is presented.Peer reviewe

    Avances en la aplicación de humedales construidos en la remoción de contaminantes emergentes en aguas residuales urbanas y su reutilización en agricultura

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    Los contaminantes emergentes constituyen una família muy amplia de contaminantes de naturaleza química o microbiológica y poseen como carcaterística común que no están todavía regulados aunque presentan efectos adversos ya sea a los ecosistemas o al hombre. En la presente comunicación se abordará la eliminación de contaminantes emergentes químicos como son fármacos (antiinflamatorios no esteroidales, antibióticos, anticonvulsivos, reguladores lipídicos), productos de cuidado personal (biocidas, bloqueadores solares, fragancias), antioxidantes (alquilfenoles y benzotriazoles), agentes monoméricos, plastificantes y retardantes de llama (alquilfosfatos) mediante humedales construidos de diferente configuración hidráulica (flujo superficial o subsuperficial), alimentación (continua o discontinua), escala operativa (mesocosmos, planta piloto y escala real). Además se estudiará el efecto de la estacionalidad anual y otras variables como tipo de macrófitos (Typha, Scirpus o Phragmites), sistemas híbridos (flujo subsuperficial (vertical y horizontal) y flujo superficial), efectos de la aireación forzada, etc. Con el objetivo de estudiar los mecanismos de eliminación que tienen lugar en los humedales, se han analizado diferentes compartimentos como son el agua intersticial, el medio granular y los rizomas de los macrófitos. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que la biodegradación es el mecanismo predominante de eliminación de contaminantes emergentes químicos y sólo las sustancias muy hidrofóbicas (log Kow>4) como son las fragancias se acumulan en el medio granular. En los humedales de flujo superficial la fotooxidación contribuye a la degradación de algunos contaminantes. En general, podemos afirmar que los humedales construidos híbridos (vertical-horizontal y lámina de agua libre) operando en condiciones óptimas proporcionan rendimientos de eliminación de contaminantes emergentes parecidos o superiores a los sistemas convencionales de lodos activados eliminando de forma sustancial los efectos tóxicos en los efluentes (toxicidad, estrogencidad, EROD). Además, la presencia de contaminantes emergentes en los efluentes incide en su posible incorporación en cultivos

    Determination of perfluorocarboxylic acids in aqueous matrices by ion-pair solid-phase microextraction–in-port derivatization–gas chromatography–negative ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry

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    8 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables.-- PMID: 15296400 [PubMed].-- Printed version published Jul 9, 2004.A rapid, selective and simple analytical procedure using tetrabutylammonium as ion pair in conjunction with solid-phase microextraction followed by in-port derivatization–GC–negative ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry was developed. The procedure allows an accurate determination of perfluoroalkylcarboxylic acids in aqueous samples at ng L−1 levels (i.e. method detection limit 20 ng L−1 for perfluorodecanoic acid) improving previous GC methods in terms of analysis time and sensitivity. Ammonia as reagent gas in the negative ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry increased the sensitivity at least 3-fold compared to methane for perfluorocarboxylic acid butyl esters. The developed procedure was successfully applied to effluents from wastewater treatment plants (i.e. 0.05–8.2 μg L−1) and harbor seawaters.This work was partly funded by the 5th Framework Program of the European Union IMSIS project (EVK1-CT-1999-00042) and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (REN2001-1117).Peer reviewe

    Advances in the determination of degradation intermediates of personal care products in environmental matrixes: A review

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    In this review, recent methods developed for the determination of degradation intermediates of personal care products in environmental matrixes focusing on the extraction and determination steps are discussed. The five classes of personal care products evaluated are stimulants, fragrances, sunscreens, antimicrobials, and insect repellents. Methods are critically reviewed in terms of the analytical steps involved in the analysis, sample pretreatment, separation, and detection as well as the different confirmation strategies employed. Preconcentration from aqueous matrixes was performed by solid-phase extraction, liquid-liquid extraction, or solid-phase microextraction, allowing the simultaneous extraction of parent compounds and their degradation intermediates. Following the extraction and cleanup steps, the identification and quantification of degradation intermediates of personal care products at environmental levels (i.e., parts per trillion to parts per billion range) is usually performed by using mass spectrometry techniques such as single quadrupole mass spectrometry and more recently by time-of-flight mass spectrometry or tandem mass spectrometry. The main scope of this review is to critically evaluate the current state of the art of the analytical techniques used and to identify the research needs in the determination of degradation intermediates of personal care products in environmental matrixes. © 2008 Springer-Verlag.This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education through the CONTWET (CTM2005–06457-CO5–04/TECNO) project. E.J. kindly acknowledges a postdoctoral Juan de la Cierva contract from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.Peer Reviewe

    Trihalomethane occurrence in chlorinated reclaimed water at full-scale wastewater treatment plants in NE Spain

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    8 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables.-- PMID: 17585988 [PubMed].-- Printed version published Aug 2007.Total trihalomethane (TTHM) concentrations were determined in three chlorinated effluents (i.e. secondary and tertiary) from full-scale wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) in NE Spain over a 2-year monitoring period (May 2003–February 2005). Low TTHM concentrations (2-30 μg L-1), according to international standards for drinking water (80-150 μg L-1), were obtained in all samples analysed. The effects of (a) ammonia nitrogen and bromide concentrations, (b) UV light exposure, (c) tank storage, and (d) water temperature were evaluated. Two chlorination strategies were adopted: low chlorine dosages (2-5 mgCl2 L-1) and a high-chlorine dosage (16 mgCl2 L-1). The effects of storing chlorinated reclaimed water and of UV light exposure before chlorination were also evaluated. Samples collected over the 2-year monitoring period offered the possibility to assess the numerous variables affecting THM formation. A statistical evaluation of Platja d’Aro WWTP data set shows a low TTHM formation in the presence of high ammonia nitrogen concentration (p<0.05). That result can be attributed to the formation of chloramines by reaction with added chlorine, at doses below breakpoint chlorination. An increase in TTHM concentration in the presence of bromide (0-1 mg L-1) was also recorded (p<0.05). In contrast to published reports, TOC had a negative effect on TTHM formation. COD and turbidity had no statistical significance on TTHM formation. As expected, chlorination promoted TTHM formation in the three water reclamation plants monitored. Nevertheless, no statistical difference was observed when chlorinated effluents were kept in storage tanks. Exposure to UV light did not affect either formation or removal of TTHM. The relative production of TTHM during warm and cold seasons was also evaluated. TTHM production decreased with higher temperatures, but that could be attributed to the increase of ammonia nitrogen concentration observed during the warm summer seasons.This study was partially funded by "the Fundación Instituto Euromediterráneo de Hidrotecnia". Technical assistance provided by Mr. Eduardo Álvarez and Ms. Laura Ortiz from the Polytechnical University of Catalonia and the IIQAB-CSIC are kindly acknowledged. This study was possible thanks to a pre-doctoral fellowship awarded to Mr. Víctor Matamoros by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology.Peer reviewe

    New metabolites in the degradation of fluorene by Arthrobacter sp. strain F101

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    8 pages, 3 figures, 1 table.-- PMID: 9055403 [PubMed].-- PMCID: PMC168377.Identification of new metabolites and demonstration of key enzyme activities support and extend the pathways previously reported for fluorene metabolism by Arthrobacter sp. strain F101. Washed-cell suspensions of strain F101 with fluorene accumulated 9-fluorenone, 4-hydroxy-9-fluorenone, 3-hydroxy-1-indanone, 1-indanone, 2-indanone, 3-(2-hydroxyphenyl) propionate, and a compound tentatively identified as a formyl indanone. Incubations with 2-indanone produced 3-isochromanone. The growth yield with fluorene as a sole source of carbon and energy corresponded to an assimilation of about 34% of fluorene carbon. About 7.4% was transformed into 9-fluorenol, 9-fluorenone, and 4-hydroxy-9-fluorenone. Crude extracts from fluorene-induced cells showed 3,4-dihydrocoumarin hydrolase and catechol 2,3-dioxygenase activities. These results and biodegradation experiments with the identified metabolites indicate that metabolism of fluorene by Arthrobacter sp. strain F101 proceeds through three independent pathways. Two productive routes are initiated by dioxygenation at positions 1,2 and 3,4, respectively. meta cleavage followed by an aldolase reaction and loss of C-1 yield the detected indanones. Subsequent biological Baeyer-Villiger reactions produce the aromatic lactones 3,4-dihydrocoumarin and 3-isochromanone. Enzymatic hydrolysis of the former gives 3-(2-hydroxyphenyl) propionate, which could be a substrate for a beta oxidation cycle, to give salicylate. Further oxidation of the latter via catechol and 2-hydroxymuconic semialdehyde connects with the central metabolism, allowing the utilization of all fluorene carbons. Identification of 4-hydroxy-9-fluorenone is consistent with an alternative pathway initiated by monooxygenation at C-9 to give 9-fluorenol and then 9-fluorenone. Although dioxygenation at 3,4 positions of the ketone apparently occurs, this reaction fails to furnish a subsequent productive oxidation of this compound.This research was funded by a grant from the National Plan for Research (AMB93-0693-C02-02) of the Spanish government. M.C. was in receipt of a doctoral fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Education.Peer reviewe