78 research outputs found

    Grantmaking With A Gender Lens : Five Practice Case Studies

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    This booklet is an EFC (European Foundation Centre) thematic network's first collaborative piece of work. It presents collected case studies on foundation grantmaking programmes where using a gender lens made a real difference to the people concerned. Criminal justice, climate change, migration, labour rights, workers' health and disability are the foundation programme areas discussed. Indeed, these diverse areas, all equally important, have something in common: they were all approached through a gender lens which allows each foundation to fully understand the issues it tackles, and adapt its response accordingly. This publication addresses what a gender lens is and how a foundation can use it; And tries to answer some questions

    Atomoxetine treatment may decrease striatal dopaminergic transporter availability after 8 weeks: pilot SPECT report of three cases

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    Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders. The pathophysiology is thought to involve noradrenaline and dopamine. The role of dopamine transporter (DAT) was evaluated in imaging studies using mostly dopamine reuptake inhibitors. Atomoxetine is a selective noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor. Here we report the results of a pilot study conducted to evaluate changes in striatal DAT after 8 weeks of atomoxetine treatment. Our results suggest that 8 weeks of atomoxetine treatment may change striatal DAT bioavailability as measured via SPECT but that change was not correlated with genotype or clinical improvement

    Parental psychological distress associated with COVID-19 outbreak: A large-scale multicenter survey from Turkey

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    Aims: Pandemics can cause substantial psychological distress; however, we do not know the impact of the COVID-19 related lockdown and mental health burden on the parents of school age children. We aimed to comparatively examine the COVID-19 related the stress and psychological burden of the parents with different occupational, locational, and mental health status related backgrounds. Methods: A large-scale multicenter online survey was completed by the parents (n = 3,278) of children aged 6 to 18 years, parents with different occupational (health care workers—HCW [18.2%] vs. others), geographical (İstanbul [38.2%] vs. others), and psychiatric (child with a mental disorder [37.8%]) backgrounds. Results: Multivariable logistic regression analysis showed that being a HCW parent (odds ratio 1.79, p <.001), a mother (odds ratio 1.67, p <.001), and a younger parent (odds ratio 0.98, p =.012); living with an adult with a chronic physical illness (odds ratio 1.38, p <.001), having an acquaintance diagnosed with COVID-19 (odds ratio 1.22, p =.043), positive psychiatric history (odds ratio 1.29, p <.001), and living with a child with moderate or high emotional distress (odds ratio 1.29, p <.001; vs. odds ratio 2.61, p <.001) were independently associated with significant parental distress. Conclusions: Parents report significant psychological distress associated with COVID-19 pandemic and further research is needed to investigate its wider impact including on the whole family unit. © The Author(s) 2020

    Hidrolik parametrelerin su alma yapılarında girdapların oluşumuna etkisi.

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    The aim of this experimental study was to investigate the hydraulic conditions at which air-entraining vortices would form in front of horizontal intakes and to determine the ways of eliminating the formation of these vortices by testing anti-vortex devices. For these reasons, a series of experiments were conducted in an experimental setup composed of a reservoir having the dimensions of 3.10 m x 3.10 m x 2.20 m and a pump connected to the intake pipe. Within the reservoir, between the concrete side walls adjustable plexiglass side walls were placed to provide the desired wall clearance for the intake pipes. Six pipes of different diameters; 5 cm, 10 cm, 14.4 cm, 19.4 cm, 25 cm and 30 cm were horizontally mounted on the front side of the reservoir one by one, and for each case, a wide range of discharges was provided from the reservoir by the pump. Under symmetrical approach flow conditions and zero bottom wall clearance, the experiments were repeated for each intake pipe and the “critical submergence depths” for the tested discharges were determined. At some of the discharges, the effect of horizontal plates located on the top of the pipe entrance as anti-vortex devices on the elimination of the vortices was investigated. The measured critical submergence depths were related in dimensionless form to the relevant dimensionless parameters and empirical equations were derived. These equations were compared with similar ones available in the literature and it was shown that the agreement between them was quite good.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    Formation of air-entraining vortices at horizontal intakes without approach flow induced circulation

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    The aim of this experimental study is to investigate the effects of hydraulic parameters on the formation of air-entraining vortices at horizontal intake structures without approach flow induced circulation. Six intake pipes of different diameters were tested in the study. The intake pipe to be tested was horizontally mounted to the front side of a large reservoir and then for a wide range of discharges experiments were conducted and critical submergences were detected with adjustable approach channel sidewalls. Empirical equations were derived for the dimensionless critical submergence as a function of the relevant dimensionless parameters. Available data is also checked for the possible scale effect. Then, these obtained equations were compared with the similar ones in the literature which showed a quite good agreement

    Su alma yapılarında girdap oluşumu ve önlenmesi için gerekli düzeneklerin belirlenmesi

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    TÜBİTAK MAG15.04.2013Bu çalışma kapsamında, laboratuvarda inşa edilen büyük bir rezervuardan farklı çapta yataypozisyonda borular kullanılarak bir pompa yardımıyla değişik debilerde, sistemde girdaplarınoluşabileceği su kotları tespit edilmiştir. Su alma yapısı yan duvarları arasındaki mesafelerdeğiştirilerek girdap oluşumu gözlenmiş ve elde edilen veriler boyutsuzlaştırılarak kritikbatıklık derinliğinin diğer boyutsuz hidrolik parametreler ile değişimi grafikler ve ampirikdenklemlerle ifade edilmiştir. Literatürde verilen benzer ampirik denklemler ile bu çalışmadanelde edilen denklemler karşılaştırılmıştır.In this study, at different discharges, possible water submergences were determined by constructing a large reservoir in the laboratory and providing water with the help of horizontal pipes and a pump. By altering side wall clerances at the intake, vortex formation was observed and by turning available data into dimensionless form, variation of critical submergence with other dimensionless hydraulic parameters was introduced with graphs and empirical equations. Similar emprical equations in the literature and present equations were compared.By assuming pipes with larger diameter as “prototype” and smaller ones as “model”, “model length scale, Lr” of the system was determined. Variation of differences between Lr values and model and prototype critical submergence ratios, caused by “model scale effect”, with related parameters were examined and presented in graphical forms. It is found that as model length scale decreases, model scale effect increases.As “Anti-vortex device”, plexiglass plates in different sizes were tested and their effects on vortices were investigated by mounting them to the top of the intake entrance. The relationship between dimensionless size of anti-vortex plates and intake Froude number was determined.Three dimensional numerical simulations are held using Flow-3D software for some of the selected experimental configurations. In the simulations vortex formations are determined. Parallel to the findings in the experiements, it was shown that anti-vortex plates are efficient in prevention from the vortex formation at intakes. Furthermore presence of the "model scale effect" between the model and protype is shown.Bu çalışma kapsamında, laboratuvarda inşa edilen büyük bir rezervuardan farklı çapta yatay pozisyonda borular kullanılarak bir pompa yardımıyla değişik debilerde, sistemde girdapların oluşabileceği su kotları tespit edilmiştir. Su alma yapısı yan duvarları arasındaki mesafeler değiştirilerek girdap oluşumu gözlenmiş ve elde edilen veriler boyutsuzlaştırılarak kritik batıklık derinliğinin diğer boyutsuz hidrolik parametreler ile değişimi grafikler ve ampirik denklemlerle ifade edilmiştir. Literatürde verilen benzer ampirik denklemler ile bu çalışmadan elde edilen denklemler karşılaştırılmıştır. En büyük çaplı su alma yapılarının “prototip” ve ondan daha küçük çaplıların ise “model” olarak kabul edilmesi ile sistemlerin “model uzunluk ölçekleri, Lr” belirlenmiş ve bu Lr değerleri ile model ve prototiplerin kritik batıklık oranları arasındaki farklılıkların, ki bunlar “model ölçek etkisi “’ nden kaynaklanmaktadır, diğer ilgili parametrelerle değişimi araştırılmış ve grafikler halinde sunulmuştur. Model uzunluk ölçeği küçüldükçe, model ölçek etkisinin arttığı tespit edilmiştir. “Girdap önleyici aygıt” olarak farklı boyutlarda pleksiglas plakalar su alma yapısı girişinin hemen üst kısmında test edilerek bunların oluşan girpdaplar üzerindeki etkileri araştırılmıştır. Girdap oluşumunu önleyen plakalar boyutsuz büyüklükleri ile su alma yapısı Froude sayısı arasındaki ilişkiler belirlenmiştir. Seçilen bazı deney konfigürasyonlarının Flow-3D yazılımı kullanılarak üç boyutlu sayısal benzetimi yapılmıştır. Benzetimler sonucunda yatay su alma yapılarında girdap oluşumu tespit edilmiştir. Deneylerle paralel olarak benzetimlerde de yatay plaka uygulamasının girdap önlemede etkili olduğu, ayrıca model ve prototip arasındaki "model ölçek etkisi"'nin varlığı gösterilmiştir.In this study, at different discharges, possible water submergences were determined by constructing a large reservoir in the laboratory and providing water with the help of horizontal pipes and a pump. By altering side wall clerances at the intake, vortex formation was observed and by turning available data into dimensionless form, variation of critical submergence with other dimensionless hydraulic parameters was introduced with graphs and empirical equations. Similar emprical equations in the literature and present equations were compared. By assuming pipes with larger diameter as “prototype” and smaller ones as “model”, “model length scale, Lr” of the system was determined. Variation of differences between Lr values and model and prototype critical submergence ratios, caused by “model scale effect”, with related parameters were examined and presented in graphical forms. It is found that as model length scale decreases, model scale effect increases. As “Anti-vortex device”, plexiglass plates in different sizes were tested and their effects on vortices were investigated by mounting them to the top of the intake entrance. The relationship between dimensionless size of anti-vortex plates and intake Froude number was determined. Three dimensional numerical simulations are held using Flow-3D software for some of the selected experimental configurations. In the simulations vortex formations are determined. Parallel to the findings in the experiements, it was shown that anti-vortex plates are efficient in prevention from the vortex formation at intakes. Furthermore presence of the "model scale effect" between the model and protype is shown

    Sintering behaviour of sepiolite

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    Sepiolite containing minerals from various regions of Turkey were processed to investigate their sintering behaviour over a wide temperature range. The sintering was studied by mercury porosimetry and nitrogen adsorption (BET). Microstructural features were investigated using SEM and TEM techniques. Physico-chemical and microstructural characterization of the sintered ceramic bodies demonstrated unusual pore structure (mean pore size of 0.02 micron within the range of 0.015-1.0 micron) retained even at temperatures as high as 1000 degrees C. A low linear shrinkage of 7.28% at 1100 degrees C indicates the potential promising applications in the field of filtering, molecular sieving and adsorption at higher temperatures. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Limited and Techna S.r.l