4 research outputs found

    Influence of thermo-light curing on the microhardness and fluoride release of glass-Ionomer cements

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    Glass ionomer cements (GICs) are important restorative materials that are frequently preferred in both primary and permanent teeth. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of thermo-light curing on the surface microhardness and fluoride ion (F-) release of the materials during the curing reactions of high-viscosity GICs. In our study, Equia Fil (EQ-GC), Fuji IX GP Extra (FGP-GC), and Fuji IX Capsule (FC-GC) were prepared in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, and for 60 and 90 seconds during curing Woodpecker LED-C (WL), GC D-Light Pro (GLC) and BlueLuxcer M-855 Halogen Curing Light (HALO) light instruments formed the experimental groups, and self-curing glass ionomer cement samples formed the control groups. VHN and F- release values of both groups were evaluated on 1st day, 1st week, 1st, 3rd, and 6th months. The Jamovi (Version 1.0.4) program was used for statistical analysis. Significant difference was analyzed by the Tukey's post hoc-test (a = 0.05). In the 1st month, EQ exhibited significantly higher microhardness than FC (p0.05). All materials exhibited higher microhardness during 1st day than in other periods (p0.05). Within the limitations of this study, it can be concluded that thermo-light application does not cause unacceptable long-term changes in the physical and chemical properties of materials

    Effectiveness of Premedication Agents Administered Prior to Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen

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    Çocuk dis hekimliğinde kaygı, korku ya da davranıs bozuklukları nedeniyle dis tedavileri gerçeklestirilemediğinde sedasyon uygulamalarına ihtiyaç duyulmakta ancak bazı olgularda ilaç uygulamasına rağmen istenilen düzeyde sedasyon elde edilememektedir. Bu arastırmada Nitröz Oksit/Oksijen (N2O/O2) sedasyonu altında dis tedavisi planlanan çocuklarda farklı ajanlarla yapılan oral premedikasyonun etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıstır. Çalısma; Gazi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Etik Kurul izni ve bilgilendirilmis ebeveyn onayı alındıktan sonra 5-8 yas arası, ASA I-II grubu, mental ve motor geriliği bulunmayan, en az iki seans dis tedavisine ihtiyacı olan, daha önce sedasyon veya genel anestezi uygulanmamıs, dis tedavisine uyum göstermeyen (Frankl Davranıs Skalası≥3) çocuklar arasından randomize seçilen 60 çocuk üzerinde gerçeklestirilmistir. Randomize olarak 4 esit gruba ayrılan olgulara, gruplara uygun olarak; islemden 1 saat önce oral 1 mg/kg hidroksizin hidroklorür süspansiyon (Atarax) (grup I, n=15), 15 dakika önce oral 0,7 mg/kg midazolam HCl (Dormicum) (grup II, n=15), 15 dakika önce oral 3 mg/kg ketamin hidroklorür (Ketalar)+0.25 mg/kg midazolam HCl (Dormicum) (grup III, n=15) verilmistir. Tedavi srasında pulse oksimetre cihazı (TuffSAT, Datex-Ohmeda) ile periferik oksijen satürasyonu (SpO2), kalp atım hızı (KAH) ve bispektral indeks monitörü (BĐS® XP, Aspect) ile BĐS değerleri monitorize edilmistir. Premedikasyon ardından tüm gruplara nazal maske ile % 40 N2O/ % 60 O2 uygulanmıstır. Kontrol grubunda (grup IV, n=15) oral premedikasyon uygulanmamıstır. Çocukların sedasyon derinliği Ramsay Sedasyon Skalası (RSS) ve Houpth Sedasyon Skalası (HSS) ile değerlendirilerek veriler 5 dakika aralıklarla kaydedilmistir. Herhangi bir ölçüm zamanında RSS’nin (2, 3, 4, 5) olması ve tedavinin basarıyla gerçeklestirilmesi basarılı sedasyon, RSS’nin (1, 2) olması ve tedavinin güçlükle gerçeklestirilmesi orta derecede basarılı sedasyon ve RSS’nin (1) olması ve tedavinin gerçeklestirilememesi basarısız sedasyon olarak değerlendirilmistir. Đslem bitiminde olguların kaygı, sedasyon düzeyleri, derlenme süreleri ile ebeveylerinin ve olguların tedaviden memnuniyetleri kaydedilmistir. Çalısma bulgularımız değerlendirildiğinde tüm gruplarda ciddi bir komplikasyon ile karsılasılmadan dis tedavisi islemleri basarıyla 103 tamamlanmıstır. Sedasyon basarısı; basarılı/ orta derecede basarılı/ basarısız olmak üzere aynı sıra ile grup I’de % 13,3/ 53,3/ 33,3, grup II’de % 54/ 20/ 26, grup III’te % 33,3/ 33,3/ 33,3, grup IV’te % 6,7/ 60/ 33,3 olarak saptanmıstır. BĐS değerleri açısından BĐS sensörü takıldığı anda, N2O/O2 grubunundaki olguların uyanık, en derin uyuyan grubun ise ketamin hidroklorür+midazolam HCl grubu olduğu saptanmıstır. Bispektral indeks ile RSS skorları arasındaki korelasyon değerlendirildiğinde, sonuçların % 65 oranında örtüstüğü saptanmıs dis hekimliği sedasyon uygulamalarında BĐS kullanımının, sedasyon güvenliği sınırlarını arttırdığı bulgulanmıstır. Houpth sedasyon skalası ve RSS sonuçları değerlendirildiğinde, en etkili ilacın 0,7 mg/kg midazolam HCl olduğu saptanmıstır. Dis tedavileri planlanan çocuklarda N2O/O2 sedasyonu öncesi oral premedikasyon amacıyla 0,7 mg/kg dozunda uygulanan midazolam HCl’nin, 3 mg/kg ketamin hidroklorür+0,25 mg/kg midazolam HCl ve 1 mg/kg hidroksizin hidroklorüre göre daha etkin sedasyon sağladığı kanısına varılmıstır.In pediatric dentistry, sedation procedures are required when there is no possibility to carry out dental treatments because of anxiety, dental fear or behavioral impairments. However, sedation at the desired level might not be achieved despite administration of various agents. The present study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of oral premedication with different agents on children scheduled for dental treatment under nitrous oxide/oxygen (N2O/O2) sedation. This research was approved by Gazi University Faculty of Medicine Ethical Committee. 60 children aged between 5-8 years, corresponding to ASA I or II, having no mental or motor retardation, requiring at least 2 visit-dental treatment, having no sedation or general anesthesia experience and incompliant with dental treatment (Frankl Behavior Scale≥3) were enrolled to the study after obtaining informed parental consent. Then the children were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 groups. The treatment regime according to the study groups was as follows: oral administration of 1 mg.kg-1 hydroxizine hydrochloride suspension (Atarax) 1 hour preoperatively (group I, n=15), oral administration of 0.7 mg.kg-1 midazolam HCl (Dormicum) 15 minutes preoperatively (group II, n=15), oral administration of 3 mg.kg-1 ketamine (Ketalar)+0.25 mg.kg-1 midazolam HCl (Dormicum) 15 minutes preoperatively (group III, n=15) and no oral premedication was administered to the control group (group IV, n=15). Peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2) and heart rate (HR) were monitored with pulse oximeter (TuffSAT, Datex-Ohmeda) during treatment. Sedation level was monitored with BIS (BIS® XP, Aspect). Following premedication, 40 % N2O and 60 % O2 were administered to all groups with nasal hood. Sedation depth was evaluated using Ramsay Sedation Scale (RSS) and data were recorded at 5-minute intervals. The children’s sedation success during dental treatment was classified as: satisfactory (If RSS at any evaluation point was 2, 3 or 4 and dental treatment was performed successfully), middle level satisfactory (If RSS at any evaluation point 1, 2, 3 and treatment was performed with difficulty) or unsatisfactory (If RSS at any evaluation point 1 or 2 and dental treatment could not be performed due to agitation). Sedation success, and other sedation related events were recorded. Anxiety and sedation levels, recovery time of children in addition to satisfaction of parents and children were recorded postoperatively. 105 The evaluation of the findings of this study revealed that treatment procedures were achieved without any serious complications. Achievement of sedation in terms of satisfactory/ middle level satisfactory/ unsatisfactory was as follows respectively: 13.3 % / 53.3 % / 33.3 % in group I, 54 % / 20 % / 26 % in group II, 33.3 % / 33.3 % / 33.3 % in group III and 6.7 % / 60 % / 33.3 % in group IV. With respect to BIS values, it was found that the subjects at N2O/O2 group were more awake and the deepest sleep was observed at ketamine+midazolam HCl group at the moment BIS sensor was placed. when the correlation between BIS and RSS scores was evaluated, it was concluded that the use of BIS in dental sedation practice increased the confidence level of sedation taking the 65% correlation into account. HSS and RSS results revealed that the most effective medication was 0.7 mg.kg-1 midazolam HCl. It is concluded that 0.7 mg.kg-1 midazolam HCl is more effective than 0.25 mg.kg-1 midazolam+3 mg.kg-1 ketamine and 1 mg.kg-1 hydroxizine hydrochloride in terms of oral premedication prior to N2O/O2 sedation in children scheduled for dental treatments

    Effects of Different Pediatric Drugs on the Color Stability of Various Restorative Materials Applicable in Pediatric Dentistry

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    Background. The chronic recommendation of pediatric drugs could exhibit erosive and cariogenic problems. Objective. To evaluate the effects of different pediatric drugs on the color stability of various restorative materials. Methods. Five specimens (1mm x 3 mm) were prepared and immersed in ten different pediatric drugs and agitated every 8 hours daily for 2 min up to 1 week. Between immersion periods, the samples were stored in artificial saliva. After 1-week period, Delta Epsilon(*) values were calculated. Two-way ANOVA and Fisher's LSD test were used for statistical analysis at a level of p< 0.05. Results. Delta Epsilon(*) values were only significantly influenced by restorative material factor (p< 0.001) and varied in the range of 2.08 and 6.55 units for all drugs/estorative materials. The highest Delta Epsilon(*) was found in Ferrosanol B-composite (6.55 +/- 1.38) and the lowestonewas found inDolven-glass ionomer (2.08 +/- 0.40) pairwise. The most prominent Delta Epsilon(*) value elevations were obtained in composite material compared to the compomer and/or glass ionomers inMacrol, Ferrosanol B, and Ventolin (p < 0.001; for all) and also for other drugs (p< 0.05). Dolven exhibited significantly higher values compared to Augmentin (p - 0.021), Macrol (p - 0.018), and Ventolin (p - 0.013) in compomer group. Conclusion. The clinically perceptible color changes for tested composite/pediatric drug pairwise can be more problematic than compomer and glass ionomers in pediatric dentistry