51 research outputs found

    Disambiguierung deutschsprachiger Diskursmarker: Eine Pilot-Studie

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    Discourse markers such as German aber, wohl or obwohl can be regarded as valuable information for a wide range of text-linguistic applications, since they provide important cues for the interpretation of texts or text segments. Unfortunately, many of them are highly ambiguous. Thus, for their use in applications like automatic text summarizations a reliable disambiguation of discourse markers is needed. This should be done automatically, since manual disambiguation is feasible only for small amounts of data. The aim of this pilot study, therefore, was to investigate methodological requirements of automatic disambiguation of German discourse markers. Two different methods known from word-sense disambiguation, Naive-Bayes and decisionlists, were used for the highly ambiguous marker wenn. A statistical approach was taken to compare the two approaches and different feature combinations

    Citizen Perspectives on Necessary Safeguards to the Use of AI by Law Enforcement Agencies

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    In the light of modern technological advances, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is relied upon to enhance performance, increase efficiency, and maximize gains. For Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs), it can prove valuable in optimizing evidence analysis and establishing proactive prevention measures. Nevertheless, citizens raise legitimate concerns around privacy invasions, biases, inequalities, and inaccurate decisions. This study explores the views of 111 citizens towards AI use by police through interviews, and integrates societal concerns along with propositions of safeguards from negative effects of AI use by LEAs in the context of cybercrime and terrorism.Comment: CSCE 2022 Conference Proceeding

    Validating Virtual Reality as an effective Training Medium in the Security Domain

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    Virtual Reality (VR) training simulations are an idea which is being explored in numerous industries and professions. However, evidence purporting to the effectiveness of VR technology in relation to standard real-world exercises is still relatively thin. In this paper, we discuss our approach for validating the effectiveness of a VR training for law enforcement professionals in the context of the AUGGMED project, and present results of the validation study. Our study indicates that realistic VR-based trainings, either by themselves or in combination with the traditional hands-on training, can be as effective as highly resource-intensive practical training sessions

    What do citizens communicate about during crises? Analyzing twitter use during the 2011 UK riots

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    Abstract The use of social media during crises has been explored in a variety of natural and man-made crisis situations. Yet, most of these studies have focused exclusively on the communication strategies and messages sent by crisis responders. Surprisingly little research has been done on how crisis publics (i.e., those people interested in or affected by the crisis) use social media during such events. Our article addresses this gap in the context of citizens' Twitter use during the 2011 riots in the UK. Focusing on communications with and about police forces in two cities, we analyzed 5984 citizen tweets collected during the event for content and sentiment. Comparing the two cases, our findings suggest that citizens' Twitter communication follows a general logic of concerns, but can also be influenced very easily by single, non-crisis related events such as perceived missteps in a police force's Twitter communication. Our study provides insights into citizens' concerns and communication patterns during crises adding to our knowledge about the dynamics of citizens' use of social media in such times. It further highlights the fragmentation in Twitter audiences especially in later stages of the crisis. These observations can be utilized by police forces to help determine the appropriate organizational responses that facilitate coping across various stages of crisis events. In addition, they illustrate limitations in current theoretical understandings of crisis response strategies, adding the requirement for adaptivity, flexibility and ambiguity in organizational responses to address the observed plurivocality of crisis audiences

    Smart City Configurations: A Conceptual Approach to Assess Smart City Practices and Outcomes

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    This paper proposes a novel conceptual framework as analytical tool to support the systematic and methodical investigation of smart city instantiations. Integrating existing fragmented perspectives, we propose three analytical dimensions (integration, automation and adaptivity) to describe the relationships between four foundational smart city aspects (technology, people, institutions and material environment). Together dimensions and foundational aspects create smart city configurations (SCCs). SCCs enable the systematic description, assessment and comparison of specific smart city instantiations. SCCs can further help to make transparent the basis for policy decisions and implicit assumptions of decision-makers aiding the legitimacy, explainability and accountability of smart city efforts

    Technical research innovations of the US national security system

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    Since the Second World War the US defense has been a major participant in the development of radical innovations in information and communication technologies (ICT’s), most famously probably the digital computer and the internet. A regularly present, but less known creator of R&D innovations is the intelligence community. To understand the role and impact of defense and intelligence-related research for driving ICT innovations, we analyzed which technological paradigms were promoted by US defense and intelligence agencies and the development of these research trajectories over time. Using bibliographic analysis, we clustered 82,239 scientific papers funded by the US national security system, published between 2009–2017, in research fronts, and after that aggregated the research fronts into technological paradigms. Our analysis identified main technological paradigms promoted by the US defense’s sectoral system of innovation, such as quantum science and graphene as fields that could generate high impact in the new generation of radical technologies. The efforts of intelligence agencies was highly concentrated on quantum science, social forecasting, computer cognition and signal processing. Our research highlights the role of US security players in shaping research fields

    What Determines Inter-Coder Agreement in Manual Annotations? A Meta-Analytic Investigation

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    Recent discussions of annotator agreement have mostly centered around its calculation and interpretation, and the correct choice of indices. Although these discussions are important, they only consider the "back-end" of the story, namely, what to do once the data are collected. Just as important in our opinion is to know how agreement is reached in the first place and what factors influence coder agreement as part of the annotation process or setting, as this knowledge can provide concrete guidelines for the planning and set-up of annotation projects. To investigate whether there are factors that consistently impact annotator agreement we conducted a meta-analytic investigation of annotation studies reporting agreement percentages. Our meta-analysis synthesized factors reported in 96 annotation studies from three domains (word-sense disambiguation, prosodic transcriptions, and phonetic transcriptions) and was based on a total of 346 agreement indices. Our analysis identified seven factors that influence reported agreement values: annotation domain, number of categories in a coding scheme, number of annotators in a project, whether annotators received training, the intensity of annotator training, the annotation purpose, and the method used for the calculation of percentage agreements. Based on our results we develop practical recommendations for the assessment, interpretation, calculation, and reporting of coder agreement. We also briefly discuss theoretical implications for the concept of annotation quality

    Citizen repertoires of smart urban safety: Perspectives from Rotterdam, the Netherlands

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    This article provides empirical research about the perspectives of citizens of Rotterdam, the Netherlands, on the emergent phenomenon of ‘smart urban safety’, which advocates advanced uses of digital technologies and data for urban safety management, and is gaining currency in thinking about urban futures. While smart cities affect many dimensions of city management, applications to safety management belong to the most controversial, revealing important tensions between disparate perspectives on technology and society in the context of urban living environments. Despite their influence, the concepts of smart cities and smart urban safety are largely unknown to the public. To gain insights into citizens’ perspectives, this study uses smart urban safety vignettes to which participants are invited to respond. Using discourse analytical techniques, their interpretations of safety in the smart city are described, which center on functional designs, express lacking influence over technological developments, and reflect on benefits and risks and on their civic roles vis-à-vis technologically mediated urban safety management. Our article concludes by arguing how these findings complement, but also show limitations to traditional technology acceptance models that are as of yet dominant in research of smart urban safety specifically, and smart cities more generally

    Social forecasting: a literature review of research promoted by the United States National Security System to model human behavior

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    The development of new information and communication technologies increased the volume of information flows within society. For the security forces, this phenomenon presents new opportunities for collecting, processing and analyzing information linked with the opportunity to collect a vast and diverse amount data, and at the same time it requires new organizational and individual competences to deal with the new forms and huge volumes of information. Our study aimed to outline the research areas funded by the US defense and intelligence agencies with respect to social forecasting. Based on bibliometric techniques, we clustered 2688 articles funded by US defense or intelligence agencies in five research areas: a) Complex networks, b) Social networks, c) Human reasoning, d) Optimization algorithms, and e) Neuroscience. After that, we analyzed qualitatively the most cited papers in each area. Our analysis identified that the research areas are compatible with the US intelligence doctrine. Besides that, we considered that the research areas could be incorporated in the work of security forces provided that basic training is offered. The basic training would not only enhance capabilities of law enforcement agencies but also help safeguard against (unwitting) biases and mistakes in the analysis of data

    Revisiting Group-Based Technology Adoption as a Dynamic Process: The Role of Changing Attitude-Rationale Configurations

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    In this study, we set out to better understand the dynamics behind group-based technology adoption by investigating the underlying mechanisms of changes in collective adoption decisions over time. Using a longitudinal multi-case study of production teams in the British oil and gas industry, we outline how internally or externally triggered modifications to the constellation of adoption rationales and attitudes toward a focal technology between subgroups caused changes to adoption decisions within a team. The constellations further seemed to impact usage patterns including conflicts about ICT use and the stability of adoption. Based on these observations, we suggest that group-based adoption can be differentiated in qualitatively different technology adoption states (TAS), which emerge as the result of disparate attitude–rationale configurations across subgroups in a user collective. With this reconceptualization of collective adoption as technology adoption states, our study extends current group-based models by providing a new, qualitative lens to view the creation and stability of adoption patterns in complex user groups. With this, our study offers a process view on the (dis)continuance of information systems and provides a basis for practical guidelines on how to deal with problematic adoption situations when actors from multiple (sub)groups are involved
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