20 research outputs found

    Образование провалов и кратероподобных структур земли как совместное действие сейсмических и ионосферных процессов

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    The article deals with a hypothesis about the cause of the deep crater-sinkhole in the world and explosions of inexplicable nature. The root cause of these phenomena is a powerful local plasma formations in the ionosphere. They can be caused by both natural factors during periods of high solar activity, and artificial heating of the ionosphere by means of electromagnetic emitters. Local increase and the concentration of plasma formations can occur when stone bolids and the formation of plasmoids enter the ionosphere. Bolid flight, when the electric field between the bolid and electrified corona surface reachs a certain level of intensity, is accompanied by the release of electrically charged particles of the soil and its discharge with the formation of a strong shock wave.В статье рассмотрена гипотеза о причине возникновения глубоких кратероподобных провалов в Земле и взрывах необъяснимой природы. Первопричиной этих явлений являются мощные локальные плазменные образования в ионосфере. Они могут быть вызваны как естественными причинами в периоды высокой солнечной активности, так и искусственным разогревом ионосферы с помощью электромагнитных излучателей. Локальное усиление и концентрация плазменных образований может происходить при входе в ионосферу каменных болидов и образовании плазмоидов. Полет болида при достижении определенного уровня напряженности электрического поля, между болидом и наэлектризованной коронирующей поверхностью сопровождается выбросом электрически заряженных частиц грунта и его разрядкой с образованием мощной ударной волны

    The history of nanoscience and nanotechnology: From chemical-physical applications to nanomedicine

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    Nanoscience breakthroughs in almost every field of science and nanotechnologies make life easier in this era. Nanoscience and nanotechnology represent an expanding research area, which involves structures, devices, and systems with novel properties and functions due to the arrangement of their atoms on the 1-100 nm scale. The field was subject to a growing public awareness and controversy in the early 2000s, and in turn, the beginnings of commercial applications of nanotechnology. Nanotechnologies contribute to almost every field of science, including physics, materials science, chemistry, biology, computer science, and engineering. Notably, in recent years nanotechnologies have been applied to human health with promising results, especially in the field of cancer treatment. To understand the nature of nanotechnology, it is helpful to review the timeline of discoveries that brought us to the current understanding of this science. This review illustrates the progress and main principles of nanoscience and nanotechnology and represents the pre-modern as well as modern timeline era of discoveries and milestones in these fields


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    The modern understanding of the term addictive behavior is highlighted. The psychological causes of addictions, which consist of individual psychological peculiarities of the personality and aggravating sociopsychological factors, are examined. Acceptable and dangerous forms of addictions that exist in modern society are described. The main social factors of the adictics are shown to be the "cultural / subcultural" motivation of the individuum to be likened to the group because of the fear of being different. The similarity of the psychological mechanisms inf their formation was observed in studying the addictions, selected according to the criteria: gambling games (computer games), information dependencies (internet, television), activities (hard worker, addicted to shopping, kleptomania, sex-addicted), accentuation on oneself (the seizure of one's own appearance and his own body, mania of grandeur ), fanaticism. These addictions have been grouped into behavioral addiction – the uncontrolled behavior for natural rewards, despite the negative effects of physical, social and financial well-being, and despite social condemnation. Modern researches tend to simultaneously coexist several forms of implementation of addictive behavior in one individuum. And often chemical and non-chemical forms of addictive behavior coexist together. Thus, there is a coexistence of addictive behavior associated with the use of alcohol and (or) narcotics and psychotropic substances with gembling, as well as Internet addiction. A number of authors pay particular attention to addictive behavior associated with the use of pituitary and psychotropic substances. In many ways, this is due to the fact that this form of implementation of addictive behavior is the greatest danger, both for the individual, and for society. The problem of addictive behavior in the last decade has become especially urgent and is considered as a challenge to modern society, a threat to the national security of the country. Emphasizes not only the widespread prevalence of addictive forms of behavior, but also a significant redistribution in the structure of treatment of such persons for psychiatric and psychotherapeutic assistance. There is a heterogeneity in the prevalence of addictive behavior among different age groups.Подано сучасне розуміння категорії “адиктивна поведінка”. Розглянуто психологічні причини виникнення адикцій, які полягають в індивідуально-психологічних особливостях особистості та соціально-психологічних чинниках, що їх обтяжують. Описано прийнятні та небезпечні форми адикцій, які існують у сучасному суспільстві. Викладено особливості поведінки осіб з адикціями, у результаті чого завдається шкода міжособистісним відносинам, виникає загроза для фізичного та психічного здоров’я не тільки адиктів, але й оточуючих


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    The article discusses the most common psychodiagnostic methods for identifying individuals prone to various manifestations of addictive behavior, and already formed dependencies. The described programs have been developed for diagnostics and possible correction of military personnel prone to addictive behavior in different countries of the world. The basic personality-characterological features of an individual with the syndrome of dependence have been elucidated and the main tasks of organizing and conducting psychodiagnostics in public institutions have been determined. As a result of the study of scientific sources, it was determined that the problem of diagnosing the propensity for addictive behavior among military units of different countries of the world is not as widely disclosed as with civilians, and introduced only in some leading countries of the world. Conducted own theoretical studies allowed to define the concept of “addictive behavior of military personnel” as one of the forms of destructive behavior, which is expressed in a person’s desire to escape from reality by changing their mental state by taking certain substances or permanently fixing attention on certain objects or activities, accompanied by the occurrence of a negative mental state. Analysis of the governing documents, guidelines, scientific publications indicates that the problem of identifying military employees who are prone to addictive behavior is generally considered as a fact of the existing dependence on alcohol or psychoactive substances and is purely preventive and prophylactic.The existing approaches to minimizing the manifestations of addictive behavior among personnel do not take into account all the features of their development and consequences in a combat situation, make it impossible to carry out effective preventive work and measures of psychological support of service and combat activities of military personnel.Modern psychological and psychophysiological methods of identifying military personnel prone to addictive behavior require unification, taking into account the various categories of military personnel and the characteristics of their military service.Розглянуто найбільш поширені психодіагностичні методики виявлення осіб, що схильні до різних проявів адиктивної поведінки, та таких, що вже мають сформовані залежності. Описано розроблені програми діагностики та можливого коригування військовослужбовців, схильних до адиктивної поведінки у різних країнах світу. З’ясовано базові особистісно-характерологічні особливості особистості із синдромом залежності, визначено основні завдання з організації та проведення психодіагностики у державних установах


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    The main trend in the automation of public activity management is the automation of planning and management functions on the basis of personal electronic computers installed directly at the workplaces of specialists. These systems are widely used in organizational management called workstations.The article discusses the modern understanding of the psychologist’s workstation as a component of the automated management system of the psychological service of the National Guard of Ukraine. The models of the organization and implementation of psychological work, the areas of psychological support, in accordance with which the psychologist forms his professional activity, the general content of the psychological work of the psychological support specialists of the National Guard of Ukraine are proposed.  The content, structure and functionality of the psychologist’s workstation are proposed.A three-level hierarchical structure of the automated management system of the psychological service of the National Guard of Ukraine is proposed - the operational level, operational-tactical level, and tactical level. The types of automated workplaces of psychological service specialists at the tactical level (brigade level, regiment, separate battalion of the National Guard of Ukraine) are determined: deputy unit commander for work with personnel; head of the department of psychological support (head of the service of psychological support), senior officer (psychologist) of the department of psychological support, officer (psychologist) of the department of psychological support [executive officer (psychologist)].The functional and technical requirements to the automated workplaces of psychological service specialists are formulated. The general structure of the workstation has been developed and the composition of the general and special software has been determined.Розглянуто сучасне уявлення про автоматизоване робоче місце психолога як компонент автоматизованої системи управління психологічної служби Національної гвардії України. Запропоновано моделі організації та реалізації психологічної роботи, напрямки психологічного забезпечення, за якими психолог створює свою професійну діяльність, а також загальний зміст психологічної роботи фахівців підрозділів психологічного забезпечення НГУ. Надано пропозиції щодо змісту, структури та функціональних можливостей автоматизованого робочого місця психолога

    Carbon dots for cancer nanomedicine: a bright future

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    Cancer remains one of the main causes of death in the world. Early diagnosis and effective cancer therapies are required to treat this pathology. Traditional therapeutic approaches are limited by lack of specificity and systemic toxicity. In this scenario, nanomaterials could overcome many limitations of conventional approaches by reducing side effects, increasing tumor accumulation and improving the efficacy of drugs. In the past few decades, carbon nanomaterials (i.e., fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, and carbon dots) have attracted significant attention of researchers in various scientific fields including biomedicine due to their unique physical/chemical properties and biological compatibility and are among the most promising materials that have already changed and will keep changing human life. Recently, because of their functionalization and stability, carbon nanomaterials have been explored as a novel tool for the delivery of therapeutic cancer drugs. In this review, we present an overview of the development of carbon dot nanomaterials in the nanomedicine field by focusing on their synthesis, and structural and optical properties as well as their imaging, therapy and cargo delivery applications

    Synthesis and characterization of new chiral P,O ferrocenyl ligands and catalytic application to asymmetric Suzuki-Miyaura coupling

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    International audienceThe synthesis and characterization of a series of novel chiral P,0 ferrocenyl ligands obtained from the reaction of racemic (9) or enantiomerically pure ((R)-9 or (S)-9) 2-thiodiphenylphosphino(hydroxymethyl) ferrocene with alcohols is described. The use of para-methylbenzylalcohol, ethanol and (1R,2S,5R)-me ntho I gives rise to three ligands (10,11 and 12 respectively) possessing planar chirality. All compounds have been characterized by multinuclear NMR and mass spectrometry. Compounds 12 and 12a (the protected form of phosphine 12 with a P=S bond) present both planar and central chirality giving rise to two diastereoisomers differing in configuration (R or S) of the ferrocenyl fragment. Compound (S)-12a has been characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Kinetic studies realized at three different temperatures (40, 50 and 60 C) show good yields in the asymmetric Suzuki Miyaura synthesis of substituted binaphthalenes using 1-naphthalenboronic acid and 1-bromo-2-methylnaphthalene. The best enantioselectivity (37% ee) was obtained with ligand (R)-12


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    Comparative study of preventive effects of two beta-blocking drugs with different mode of action was performed on SHRSP and WKY rats. Morphological and functional parameters – blood pressure, endothelium-dependent vascular relaxation, plasma level of nitric oxide stable metabolites (nitrite/nitrate), cardiac hyperthrophy and vascular remodeling were monitored during chronic nebivolol and metoprolol injection in parallel groups of rats. Nebivolol, a cardioselective beta-blocker with ancillary nitric oxide modulating and vasodilating properties exhibited more significant and stable influence on the monitored parameters than metoprolol lacking the nitric oxide modulating activity and more effectively prevented cardiovascular remodeling in experimental hypertension

    Proof-of-Concept Multistage Biomimetic Liposomal DNA Origami Nanosystem for the Remote Loading of Doxorubicin

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    One of the most promising applications of DNA origami is its use as an excellent evolution of nanostructured intelligent systems for drug delivery, but short in vivo lifetime and immune-activation are still major challenges to overcome. On the contrary, stealth liposomes have long-circulation time and are well tolerated by the immune system. To overcome DNA origami limitations, we have designed and synthesized a compact short tube DNA origami (STDO) of approximately 30 nm in length and 10 nm in width. These STDO are highly stable ≥48 h in physiological conditions without any postsynthetic modifications. The compact size of STDO precisely fits inside a stealthy liposome of about 150 nm and could efficiently remotely load doxorubicin in liposomes (LSTDO) without a pH driven gradient. We demonstrated that this innovative drug delivery system (DDS) has an optimal tumoral release and high biocompatible profiles opening up new horizons to encapsulate many other hydrophobic drugs