147 research outputs found

    Central limit theorems in linear dynamics

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    Given a bounded operator TT on a Banach space XX, we study the existence of a probability measure μ\mu on XX such that, for many functions f:X→Kf:X\to\mathbb K, the sequence (f+⋯+f∘Tn−1)/n(f+\dots+f\circ T^{n-1})/\sqrt n converges in distribution to a Gaussian random variable

    The multifractal box dimensions of typical measures

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    We compute the typical (in the sense of Baire's category theorem) multifractal box dimensions of measures on a compact subset of Rd\mathbb R^d. Our results are new even in the context of box dimensions of measures

    How behave the typical LqL^q-dimensions of measures?

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    We compute, for a compact set K⊂RdK\subset\mathbb R^d, the value of the upper and of the lower LqL^q-dimension of a typical probability measure with support contained in KK, for any q∈Rq\in\mathbb R. Different definitions of the "dimension" of KK are involved to compute these values, following q∈Rq\in\mathbb R

    Difference sets and frequently hypercyclic weighted shifts

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    We solve several problems on frequently hypercyclic operators. Firstly, we characterize frequently hypercyclic weighted shifts on ℓp(Z)\ell^p(\mathbb Z), p≥1p\geq 1. Our method uses properties of the difference set of a set with positive upper density. Secondly, we show that there exists an operator which is U\mathcal U-frequently hypercyclic, yet not frequently hypercyclic and that there exists an operator which is frequently hypercyclic, yet not distributionally chaotic. These (surprizing) counterexamples are given by weighted shifts on c0c_0. The construction of these shifts lies on the construction of sets of positive integers whose difference sets have very specific properties


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    Let (Tλ)λ∈Λ(T_\lambda)_{\lambda\in\Lambda} be a family of operators acting on a FF-space XX, where the parameter space Λ\Lambda is a subset of Rd\mathbb R^d. We give sufficient conditionson the family to yield the existence of a vector x∈Xx\in X such that, for any λ∈Λ\lambda\in\Lambda, the set {Tλnx; n≥1}\big\{T_\lambda^n x;\ n\geq 1\big\} is dense in XX. We obtain results valid for any value of d≥1d\geq 1 whereas the previously known results where restricted to d=1d=1. Our methods also shed new light on the one-dimensional case

    Approximation numbers of composition operators on HpH^p spaces of Dirichlet series

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    By a theorem of Bayart, φ\varphi generates a bounded composition operator on the Hardy space \Hpof Dirichlet series (1≤p<∞1\le p<\infty) only if φ(s)=c0s+ψ(s)\varphi(s)=c_0 s+\psi(s), where c0c_0 is a nonnegative integer and ψ\psi a Dirichlet series with the following mapping properties: ψ\psi maps the right half-plane into the half-plane \Real s >1/2 if c0=0c_0=0 and is either identically zero or maps the right half-plane into itself if c0c_0 is positive. It is shown that the nnth approximation numbers of bounded composition operators on \Hp are bounded below by a constant times rnr^n for some 0<r<10<r<1 when c0=0c_0=0 and bounded below by a constant times n−An^{-A} for some A>0A>0 when c0c_0 is positive. Both results are best possible. Estimates rely on a combination of soft tools from Banach space theory (ss-numbers, type and cotype of Banach spaces, Weyl inequalities, and Schauder bases) and a certain interpolation method for \Ht, developed in an earlier paper, using estimates of solutions of the ∂‾\overline{\partial} equation. A transference principle from HpH^p of the unit disc is discussed, leading to explicit examples of compact composition operators on \Ho with approximation numbers decaying at a variety of sub-exponential rates. Finally, a new Littlewood--Paley formula is established, yielding a sufficient condition for a composition operator on \Hp to be compact.Comment: This is the final version of the paper, to appear in Annales de l'Institut Fourie

    Monomial convergence for holomorphic functions on â„“_r\ell\_r

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    Let F\mathcal F be either the set of all bounded holomorphic functions or the set of all mm-homogeneous polynomials on the unit ball of ℓ_r\ell\_r. We give a systematic study of the sets of all u∈ℓ_ru\in\ell\_r for which the monomial expansion ∑_α∂αf(0)α!uα\sum\_{\alpha}\frac{\partial^\alpha f(0)}{\alpha !}u^\alpha of every f∈Ff\in\mathcal F converges. Inspired by recent results from the general theory of Dirichlet series, we establish as our main tool, independently interesting, upper estimates for the unconditional basis constants of spaces of polynomials on ℓ_r\ell\_r spanned by finite sets of monomials
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