340 research outputs found

    The Effect of Using Fun Activities on Learning Vocabulary at the Elementary Level

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    The current study investigated the effect of using fun activity on learning vocabulary at the Elementary level in Ahvaz. The participants were 40 female students who were selected among 80 learners. They were studying English at an English institute. Their age was ranging from 8 to15. In order to have homogeneous groups, the learners were given an Oxford Quick Placement Test to determine their proficiency level. The teacher made test based on Hill's book given to them as the pre-test. Then they were divided into two equal groups of experimental and control groups. The experimental group received instruction and the control group was taught in the traditional way of teaching vocabulary including the uses of both groups 12 sessions of treatment, each 45 minutes with the same materials; and then they took a post-test at the end of the course. Data were analyzed through Independent and Paired samples test. Results showed that the experimental group outperformed the control one (p<0). Implications of the study suggest learners using fun activity on learning vocabulary to provide them with effective learning

    Biophysical implications of lipid bilayer rheometry for mechanosensitive channels

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    The lipid bilayer plays a crucial role in gating of mechanosensitive (MS) channels. Hence it is imperative to elucidate the rheological properties of lipid membranes. Herein we introduce a framework to characterize the mechanical properties of lipid bilayers by combining micropipette aspiration (MA) with theoretical modeling. Our results reveal that excised liposome patch fluorometry is superior to traditional cell-attached MA for measuring the intrinsic mechanical properties of lipid bilayers. The computational results also indicate that unlike the uniform bilayer tension estimated by Laplace's law, bilayer tension is not uniform across the membrane patch area. Instead, the highest tension is seen at the apex of the patch and the lowest tension is encountered near the pipette wall. More importantly, there is only a negligible difference between the stress profiles of the outer and inner monolayers in the cellattached configuration, whereas a substantial difference (~30%) is observed in the excised configuration. Our results have farreaching consequences for the biophysical studies of MS channels and ion channels in general, using the patch-clamp technique, and begin to unravel the difference in activity seen between MS channels in different experimental paradigms

    Mot alla odds? En studie om kulturella motsättningar i äktenskap mellan muslimska män och svenska kvinnor i det svenska samhället.

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    Studien syftar till att identifiera de kulturella skillnader, hinder och motsättningar som kan uppstå i ett äktenskap mellan en muslimsk man och svensk kvinna. Männen utgör studiens kärna eftersom de härstammat från ett annat land och har en muslimsk bakgrund. För övrigt avser studien även att belysa på vilket sätt man lyckas bemästra dessa motsättningar.En kvalitativ metod har använts där fyra muslimska män från Mellanöstern har intervjuats. Dessa analyser har genomförts för att belysa problematiken kring blandäktenskapen, men även för att erhålla en djupare förståelse för de etniska skillnaderna mellan partnerna. Resultat visar på att ett blandäktenskap inte bara omfattas av kulturella skillnader mellan partnerna utan även leder till ett enormt motstånd från omgivningen och samhället. För att bemöta dessa konflikter har paren skapat en överlevnadsstrategi där de kämpat för att hålla äktenskapen vid liv

    Pengaruh Harga, Promosi Dan Kualitas Produk Terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen Pada Pengguna Smartphone Xiaomi Di Kecamatan Garum Kabupaten Blitar

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    Abstract   This study aims to determine the effect of Price, Promotion and Product Quality on Consumer Loyalty on Xiaomi smartphone users in Garum District, Blitar Regency. The population used in this study is an unknown number of Xiaomi smartphone users. The sample consists of 107 samples of respondents. The method of data collection in this study used the distribution of questionnaires. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression analysis and processing using SPSS 22. The results of this study simultaneously show that Price, Promotion and Product Quality have a positive and simultaneous effect on Consumer Loyalty. Partially, Price and Promotion have no effect on Consumer Loyalty, while Product Quality has a significant effect on Consumer Loyalty. Keywords: Price, Promotion, Product Quality, Consumer Loyalty

    Investigating Crimes against Public Morality and Decency in Cyberspace from The Perspective of Criminology

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    Criminalizing violations of public morals and morals on the internet will help lawmakers understand the strengths and weaknesses of the criminal problem. The act of the perpetrator violates the basic principle of freedom, and is a heinous act, and extreme means must be used to prevent and limit the perpetrator of the crime. Perpetrators commit crimes by trapping their victims using crime equipment such as computers, cell phones, and the internet. This study uses a qualitative research method with an empirical approach. The results of the study state that cybercrimes involve perpetrators who gain material benefits from violations through social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Telegram. Violation of perpetrators related to cyberspace can be overcome by implementing integrated countermeasures based on situational tactics, development, and social control. In addition to providing the necessary education and information.Keywords: Ethics; Chastity; Cyberspace; CriminologyPenyelidikan Kejahatan Terhadap Kesusilaan Dan Kesusilaan Umum Di Dunia Maya Dari Perspektif Kriminologi AbstrakMengkriminalisasikan pelanggaran moral dan kesusilaan publik di internet akan membantu pembuat undang-undang memahami kekuatan dan kekurangan masalah tindak kriminal. Tindakan pelaku melanggar prinsip dasar kebebasan, dan merupakan tindakan keji, dan harus digunakan cara ekstrem untuk mencegah dan membatasi pelaku tindak kejahatan. Pelaku melakukan kejahatan dengan cara menjebak korbannya dengan menggunakan peralatan kejahatan seperti komputer, ponsel, dan internet. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan empiris. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa kejahatan dunia maya melibatkan pelaku yang memperoleh keuntungan materi dari pelanggaran melalui platform media sosial seperti Facebook, Instagram, dan Telegram. Penyimpangan pelaku terkait dunia maya dapat diatasi dengan menerapkan tindakan pencegahan terpadu berdasarkan taktik situasional, pengembangan, dan kontrol sosial. Selain memberikan pendidikan dan informasi yang diperlukan.Kata Kunci: Etika; Kesucian; Dunia Maya; Kriminologi Расследование преступлений против общественной морали и нравственности в киберпространстве с точки зрения криминологии АннотацияКриминализация нарушений общественной морали и нравственности в Интернете поможет законодателям понять сильные и слабые стороны криминальной проблемы. Действие преступника нарушает основной принцип свободы и является гнусным деянием, и необходимо использовать крайние средства, чтобы предотвратить и ограничить виновного в совершении преступления. Преступники совершают преступления, заманивая своих жертв в ловушку с помощью криминального оборудования, такого как компьютеры, мобильные телефоны и Интернет. В данном исследовании используется качественный метод исследования с эмпирическим подходом. Результаты исследования показывают, что в киберпреступлениях участвуют преступники, которые получают материальную выгоду от нарушений через социальные сети, такие как Facebook, Instagram и Telegram. Нарушения правонарушителей, связанные с киберпространством, можно преодолеть путем реализации комплексных мер противодействия, основанных на ситуационной тактике, развитии и социальном контроле, а также предоставления необходимого образования и информации.Ключевые слова: Этика; Целомудрие; Киберпространство; Криминологи

    The Effectiveness of Empathy and Problem-Solving Skills Training on Social Self-efficacy and Mental Security of High School Boys

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    &nbsp; &nbsp;Background: Teaching empathy and problem-solving skills is effective in improving students’ self-efficacy and quality of social life. We aimed to compare the effectiveness of empathy and problem-solving skills training on social self-efficacy and psychological security of Assaluyeh second high school boys. Methods: This was a quasi-experimental study on all male high school students in Assaluyeh in the academic year of 2019-2020, of whom 45 were purposefully selected and assigned to two experimental groups and controls group. One experimental group received empathy training and the other group received problem-solving training in eight 90-minute sessions. To collect data, the social self-efficacy and Maslow’s psychological security questionnaires were used. Analysis of covariance was done using SPSS-24 software. Results: Empathy and problem-solving training were effective on social self-efficacy and psychological security of high school boys (P &lt; 0.001). Also, no significant difference was found between the effectiveness of empathy skills training and problem-solving training on social self-efficacy and psychological security (P &lt; 0.746). Conclusion: Empathy and problem-solving training increased social self-efficacy as well as psychological security in high school boys

    Energy of Liposome Patch Adhesion to the Pipet Glass Determined by Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy.

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    The formation of the gigaseal in the patch clamp technique is dependent on the adhesion between the cell or liposome membrane and the glass pipet. The adhesion results in a capillary force causing creep of the patch membrane up the pipet. The membrane can be immobilized by counteracting the capillary force by positive pressure applied to the patch pipet. We use this phenomenon to develop a method for static measurement of the adhesion free energy of the lipid bilayer to the glass. Confocal fluorescent microscopy is used to track the bilayer creep inside the pipet and measure the immobilization pressure at various salt concentrations and pH. The adhesion energy is simply related to this pressure. For the studied phospholipid bilayers, its values were in the 0.3-0.7 mJ/m2 range, increased with salt concentration, and had a maximum as a function of pH. This method offers a way to measure bilayer-glass adhesion energy in patch clamp experiments that is more precise than dynamic methods

    Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Marital Boredom and Self-Compassion in Emotionally Divorced Women: A Quasi-Experimental Study

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    AbstractIntroduction: Marital boredom and emotional divorce cause a gradual reduction in the emotional attachment of couples which is associated with feelings of alienation, apathy, and indifference between couples and replacement of positive emotions with negative ones. The present study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) on marital boredom and self-compassion in emotionally divorced women.Methods: This quasi-experimental study was conducted using a pretest-posttest control group design. Forty women were selected using convenience sampling and were randomly divided into intervention (n=20) and control (n=20) groups. The participants filled the Emotional Divorce Questionnaire, the Marital Boredom Scale, and the Self-Compassion Scale in the pre-test and post-test. The intervention group received eight 90-minute sessions of ACT. Data were analyzed using a one-way analysis of covariance.Results: Results suggested that ACT improved marital boredom (F=372.714 and P&lt;0.001) and self-compassion (F=353.178 and P&lt;0.001) in the post-test. The mean ±SD post-test scores of marital boredom and self-compassion in the experimental group were 43.30±4.45 and 42.95±4.75, respectively, which improved compared to the post-test of the control group.Conclusions: Based on the results, holding ACT workshops may exert beneficial effects on reducing marital conflicts