11 research outputs found

    Economic analysis of backyard agriculture and livestock farming in semi-urban areas of the central highlands of Mexico

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    In the backyard systems in urban and semi-urban areas of the central highlands of Mexico, agriculture and livestock activities are practiced. In order to know the behavior of the economic variables in these farms, a non-probabilistic sampling by quotas was carried out, using the snowball technique, which consisted of applying surveys to a total of 92 producers, which was designed to collect information on the general characteristics of the backyard, social, and economic system, as well as the products generated from agriculture and livestock. With the information collected, an inventory of the plant and animal species that are produced in the backyard system was made, in addition to estimating economic income, variable costs, fixed costs, total costs, profits and the benefit-cost ratio for carrying out livestock activities agriculture or both in backyard systems. It was found that farmers have an average space in the backyard of 360.5 m2 to carry out activities of agriculture, livestock or both. Farmers who carry out agriculture and livestock activities generate higher income and economic profits, compared to those who only carry out one activity, obtaining a benefit of 27.44 cents for each dollar invested, compared to 16.64 and 18.00 cents for developing the activity agriculture and livestock respectively. The agricultural and livestock activity in the backyard systems of the highlands of Mexico, represent an option to generate economic income for families, and generate food products for self-consumption and reduce expenses for food purchases in the family nucleus

    Thermal sum in the determination of the phenological stages of Chihuahua and Cuauhtémoc oats in Güémez Tamaulipas

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    Objective: To determine the thermal sum requirements in degrees days of development (GDD) of the varieties of Avena sativa, Cuauhtémoc and Chihuahua by phenological stage and its effect on the accumulation of total forage and by morphological component in Güémez, Tamaulipas. Design/methodology/approach: The sowing was carried out in plots of 6×6 m and four repetitions of the Cuauhtémoc and Chihuahua varieties through the mechanized preparation of the land, with doses of 120 kg ha-1 of seed and, subsequently, irrigation and fertilization work was carried out. The treatments were made up of the two varieties and six phenological stages (Zadoks scale: Z2, Z3, Z4, Z7, Z8, Z9) in a random complete block design. Results: It was found that, the months of November to March allow to obtain 1923.5 and 1831.5 GDD as a requirement of the crop to complete the biological cycle of the Chihuahua and Cuauhtémoc varieties. Yields by morphological component depended on the observed phenological stage and the highest leaf yield was obtained with 2.7 and 3.6 t ha-1 in Cuauhtémoc and Chihuahua, respectively (P<0.05) in stage Z3, with an accumulation of 1032 and 980 GDD in the stem elongation stage. Limitations on study/implications: These results are applicable only for the evaluation area, because they are physiological responses where the environment intervenes. Findings/conclusions: In Güémez, Tamaulipas, the Chihuahua oat variety requires 1923.5 GDD to complete the biological cycle, while Cuauhtémoc 1831.5 GDD. The difference between the thermal accumulation of the varieties and the phenological stages has an impact on the total forage yield and by morphological component

    Forage yield of Urochloa grass cv Camello I and II at different cutting frequencies and intensities

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    Objective: to evaluate the forage production performance of hybrid grasses of the genus Urochloa at different mowing intervals and intensity. Design/methodology/approach: Camello I (GPB025) and Camello II (GPB07) hybrids were evaluated at different intervals (5 and 7 weeks) and cutting intensities (10 and 20 cm). The study was carried out under temporary conditions, from 2020 to 2021, in a randomized complete block experimental. The variables evaluated were: yield of total dry matter (DMT) and by morphological component, leaf (DMl), stem (DMs) and inflorescence (DMi) and senescent matter (DMsm), plant height, basal cover, specific leaf area and leaf area index (LAI). Results: on average, when harvesting the forage at an interval of 7 weeks and intensity of 20 cm, higher DMT, DMl and DMs (66, 46 and 85 %, respectively) were obtained, than that obtained when harvesting at an interval of 5 weeks and intensities 20 cm. Limitations of study/implications: Agronomic management in pastures is a factor that affects forage yield and meadow persistence. Making cuts at different intervals and intensities in grasses allows generating adequate management strategies to increase yields and the persistence of the meadow. Findings/conclusions: The highest yield of total dry matter in both cultivars, by morphological component, plant height and leaf area index, was obtained when harvesting at an interval of 7 weeks and at a height of 20 cm of residual forag

    El horario de complementación alimenticia modifica la respuesta productiva de cabras lecheras en pastoreo

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    Objective. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the complementation schedule with an integral food in the production and chemical composition of the milk of lactating goats under grazing conditions in northern Mexico. Materials and methods. Twelve adult Saanen goats were assigned equitably and randomly to three treatments: control, morning complementation and evening complementation. It was measured dry matter consumption (DM), live weight (LW), body condition (CC), milk production (PL), chemical composition and performance of milk (protein, lactose and fat). Results. The highest total DM consumption was obtained in goats supplemented in the afternoon (p=0.02), and they were also the ones that produced the highest milk quantity (p<0.0001). The concentrations of protein (p=0.07) and lactose (p=0.10) in milk were not modified due to treatments. In contrast, the fat content in milk of the goats of the control group was higher (p<0.05) than the supplementation treatments. Conclusiones. Complementation in the afternoon improved the productive response of lactating goats in grazing during the dry season in northern Mexico.Objetivo. Evaluar el efecto del horario de complementación con un alimento integral sobre la producción y composición química de la leche de cabras lactantes en condiciones de pastoreo en el norte de México. Materiales y métodos. Doce cabras Saanen adultas se asignaron en forma equitativa y aleatoria a tres tratamientos: testigo, complementación Mañana y complementación Tarde. Se midió consumo de materia seca (MS), peso vivo (PV), condición corporal (CC), producción de leche (PL), composición química y rendimiento de los componentes de la leche (proteína, lactosa y grasa). Resultados. El consumo mayor de MS total se obtuvo en las cabras complementadas por la tarde (p=0.02), y también fueron las que produjeron mayor cantidad de leche (p<0.0001). Las concentraciones de proteína (p=0.07) y lactosa (p=0.10) en leche no se modificaron por efecto de tratamientos. El contenido de grasa en leche de las cabras del grupo testigo fue mayor (p<0.05) que en los tratamientos con complementación. Conclusiones. La complementación por la tarde mejoró la respuesta productiva de cabras lactantes en pastoreo durante la época seca en el norte de México

    Relación entre las prácticas tecnológicas de manejo, la producción y su asociación con las épocas del año en el sistema de doble propósito del trópico mexicano

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue describir y evaluar la relación ent re las prácticas tecnológicas de manejo de hatos de bovinos de doble propósito y su productividad. Además de su asociación con las diferentes épocas del año. Para esto se analizaron los registros mensuales de las prácticas tecnológicas y variables producti vas de treinta unidades de producción de los estados de Tabasco, Chiapas y Sinaloa durante un año. Mediante la técnica de Correlaciones Canónicas se estimó la relación entre las prácticas tecnológicas: suplementación, sanidad, prevención y control de enfer medades y manejo de praderas (X) con variables productivas: producción de leche, porcentaje de vacas en ordeño y número de crías (Y). El análisis de correspondencia midió la asociación del uso de las prácticas tecnológicas y la época del año. Los resultado s mostraron tres correlaciones canónicas, la primera fue de 3.33 y significativa, con una variabilidad observada del 89% y las prácticas tecnológicas que mejor explican las variables productivas son la suplementación, sanidad, prevención y control de enfer medades. El análisis de correspondencia mostró que los productores de Tabasco y Chiapas varían las prácticas tecnológicas de manejo del hato de acuerdo a la época de año (lluvia, seca y transición) mientras los productores de Sinaloa las realizan durante t odo el año. El uso de las prácticas tecnológicas en las unidades de producción influye en las variables productivas, principalmente en la producción de leche

    Produção in vitro de embriões em bovinos de corte, sob condições tropicais secas: efeito da raça

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    In vitro embryo production (IVEP) allows faster genetic gain and productivity improvement in beef herds.  Data records from the Laboratorio FIV of the UGRT, Cd. Victoria, Tamps., for the year 2019, were used to assess donor breed effects (Red Brangus, RB, Beefmaster, BM, Brahman, BH, and others) on IVEP. Individual donor records for total (TO), viable (VO) and degenerated (DO) oocytes and blastocyst production (BP) were used with a general linear model, in two analyses. In the first analysis records of 50 donors of each breed, RB, BM and BH were used, whereas, in the second analysis, a total of 462 oocyte collection records were used, as follows, 105 BR, 204 BM, 102 BH and 49 for several beef breeds. Overall, TO was not affected by donor breed, but it did affect the BP. In the first analysis, BH donors produced more blastocysts (6.5) in relation to BM (4.0) or RB (4.1) donors; whereas in the second analysis, the BR donors produced more blastocysts (8.3), in relation to the BM (5.8) or BH (6.2) donors. Perhaps, the differences for BP found in both analyses were due to the data curation for the first analysis and to the number of observations of the second analysis. It is concluded that the breed affects BP in an IVEP system, albeit, it is considered necessary to include factors as body condition score, physiological status and season in the analysis, in order to make a better assessment and a more objective interpretation of results.La producción de embriones in vitro (PEIVT) permite acelerar el mejoramiento genético y productividad en bovinos de carne. Se analizaron los registros de PEIVT del Laboratorio FIV-UGRT, Cd. Victoria, Tamps., correspondientes a 2019, con el objetivo de determinar el efecto de raza de donadora (Brangus Rojo, BR, Beefmaster, BM, Brahman, BH, y otras) sobre PEIVT. Se analizaron los registros individuales de oocitos totales (OT), viables (OV) y degenerados (OD) y la producción de blastocitos (PB) de cada donadora, mediante un modelo lineal general, en un primer análisis, se incluyeron los registros de 50 donadoras BR, BM y BH y en el segundo análisis se incluyeron todas las donadoras, para un total de 462 sesiones (105 BR, 204 BM, 102 BH y 49 de varias razas) de aspiración. En ambos análisis, la raza no afectó el número de OT, OV ni OD; sin embargo, si se observó un efecto de raza sobre PB. En el primer análisis, las donadoras BH produjeron mas blastocitos (6.5) que las BM (4.0) o las BR (4.1); mientras que en el segundo análisis, las donadoras BR produjeron mas blastocitos (8.3) en relación a las donadoras BM (5.8), las donadoras BH (6.2) o donadoras de las otras razas (3.9). Se concluye que la raza de la donadora si afecta la PB, aunque es necesario revisar posibles efectos de condición corporal, estado fisiológico y época del año; también se sugiere realizar una mejor selección de las donadoras previo a la colección de oocitos.A produção in vitro de embriões (PEIVT) permite acelerar o melhoramento genético e a produtividade em bovinos de corte. Foram analisados ​​os registros do PEIVT do Laboratório FIV-UGRT, Cd. Victoria, Tamps., correspondente ao ano de 2019, a fim de determinar o efeito da raça doadora (Brangus Rojo, BR, Beefmaster, BM, Brahman, BH, e outras) no PEIVT. Os registros individuais de ovócitos totais (OT), viáveis ​​(OV) e degenerados (OD) e produção de blastocistos (PB) de cada doadora foram analisados ​​por meio de um modelo linear geral, sendo que em uma primeira análise foram incluídos os registros de 50. doadores BR, BM e BH e na segunda análise foram incluídos todos os doadores, totalizando 462 sessões de sucção (105 BR, 204 BM, 102 BH e 49 de várias raças). Em ambas as análises, a raça não afetou o número de OT, OV ou OD; no entanto, foi observado um efeito da raça no PB. Na primeira análise, os doadores BH produziram mais blastos (6,5) do que BM (4,0) ou BR (4,1); enquanto na segunda análise, os doadores BR produziram mais blastos (8,3) em relação aos doadores BM (5,8), doadores BH (6,2) ou doadores de outras raças (3,9). Conclui-se que a raça do doador afeta a PC, embora seja necessário rever possíveis efeitos da condição corporal, estado fisiológico e época do ano; Sugere-se também uma melhor seleção das doadoras antes da coleta dos ovócitos

    Relación entre las prácticas tecnológicas de manejo, la producción y su asociación con las épocas del año en el sistema de doble propósito del trópico mexicano

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    Abstract The objective of this study was to describe and assess the relationship between technological practices of herd management of cattle of dual purpose and productivity. In addition to its association with different seasons of the year. For this, the monthly records of the productive variables and technological practices of thirty farms in the States of Chiapas, Tabasco and Sinaloa were analyzed for a year. Using the Canonical Correlations analysis, the relationship between the technological practices was estimated; supplementation, health management, prevention and control of diseases, and pasture management (X) with productive variables; milk production, percentage of milking cows and number of offspring (Y). The correspondence analysis measured the association of the use of technological practices and the seasons of year. The results showed three canonical correlations, the first one was 3.33 and significant, with an observed variability of 89% and the technological practices that best explain the productive variables are the supplementation, health management, prevention and control of diseases. Correspondence analysis showed that farmers in Tabasco and Chiapas vary the technological management practices of the herd according to the seasons of year (rain, dry and transition) while Sinaloa farmers used them throughout the entire year, regardless of the seasons of the year. The use of technological practices in farms influences the productive variables, mainly in the milk production.Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue describir y evaluar la relación entre las prácticas tecnológicas de manejo de hatos de bovinos de doble propósito y su productividad. Además de su asociación con las diferentes épocas del año. Para esto se analizaron los registros mensuales de las prácticas tecnológicas y variables productivas de treinta unidades de producción de los estados de Tabasco, Chiapas y Sinaloa durante un año. Mediante la técnica de Correlaciones Canónicas se estimó la relación entre las prácticas tecnológicas: suplementación, sanidad, prevención y control de enfermedades y manejo de praderas (X) con variables productivas: producción de leche, porcentaje de vacas en ordeño y número de crías (Y). El análisis de correspondencia midió la asociación del uso de las prácticas tecnológicas y la época del año. Los resultados mostraron tres correlaciones canónicas, la primera fue de 3.33 y significativa, con una variabilidad observada del 89% y las prácticas tecnológicas que mejor explican las variables productivas son la suplementación, sanidad, prevención y control de enfermedades. El análisis de correspondencia mostró que los productores de Tabasco y Chiapas varían las prácticas tecnológicas de manejo del hato de acuerdo a la época de año (lluvia, seca y transición) mientras los productores de Sinaloa las realizan durante todo el año. El uso de las prácticas tecnológicas en las unidades de producción influye en las variables productivas, principalmente en la producción de leche

    Relationship between the Composition of Lipids in Forages and the Concentration of Conjugated Linoleic Acid in Cow’s Milk: A Review

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    Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), has been shown to have protective effects against various diseases, such as obesity, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, chronic inflammatory diseases, and cancer. This fatty acid in ruminants results from two processes, biohydrogenation, which takes place in the rumen, and de novo synthesis, carried out in the mammary gland, and it has linoleic and α-linolenic acids as its precursors. The amounts of precursors in the diets of animals are related to the amounts of CLA in milk. In the literature review, it was found that the milk of cows fed fresh forage has a higher amount of CLA because they have a higher amount of linoleic acid and α-linolenic acid compared to other foods used in the diets of cows. The amount of CLA precursors in pastures can be increased through agronomic practices, such as nitrogen fertilization, and regrowth age. It is also a technique used to increase the amount of CLA in milk to obtain a greater benefit regarding its nutritional value

    Óptimos técnicos para la producción de leche y carne en el sistema bovino de doble propósito del trópico mexicano

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue estimar y analizar los resultados obtenidos de una función de producción de leche y carne en unidades de producción del sistema de doble propósito (DP). Los datos se obtuvieron a través de encuestas mensuales, donde se registró información de producción de leche, carne, ingresos y egresos económicos, durante 12 meses. Las funciones se estimaron por el método indirecto de regresión lineal con datos transformados para una función Cobb-Douglas. La función para leche mostró que los insumos alimento y vacas explican el 91 % de la producción, con coeficientes de elasticidad de 0.34 y 0.5, productos marginales de 0.75 y 892.2 con valores de 4.03y4.03 y 4,800.2 respectivamente. Los insumos utilizados para la producción de leche se encuentran en la etapa II de producción con rendimientos marginales decrecientes, mientras que para la producción de carne los insumos alimento y vacas explican el 72 % de la producción, con coeficientes de elasticidades de producción de -0.20 y 1.11 respectivamente; el alimento se ubicó en la etapa III de producción con rendimientos marginales negativos, y el insumo vacas se encontró en la etapa I con rendimientos marginales crecientes. La suma de los coeficientes de ambas funciones que fueron 0.92 y 0.91 por ser menores a uno, tienen rendimientos decrecientes a escala. El nivel óptimo técnico de producción fue de 488.97 L diarios y 10 becerros al año. Los insumos para producción de leche se están utilizando de forma racional, pero se debe evaluar la cantidad de alimento utilizada para producción de carne, ya que refleja que es sobre utilizado

    Stability and Effects of Protected Palmitic Acid on In Vitro Rumen Degradability and Fermentation in Lactating Goats

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    Few studies have evaluated the impact of a lipid-rich diet with palmitic acid (PA) in ruminal fermentation. The objective was to evaluate the in vitro bath culture of the protected PA on the ruminal fermentative variables. Four diets were used: (a) without protected PA (nPA) and (b) inclusion of protected PA at three levels: PA3 = 3%, PA6 = 6%, and PA9 = 9% dry matter (DM). The maximum gas production occurred without including protected PA and the low gas production given with the inclusion of protected PA9 (p ≤ 0.05). Meanwhile, the inclusion with 3 and 6% of protected PA showed a higher level of gas production kinetics than the other treatments (p ≤ 0.05). DM and organic matter degradation after 72 h of incubation linearly decreased (p ≤ 0.05) with a high level of protected PA. The level of C16:0 in the protected AP increased with the higher level of supplemented AP (p ≤ 0.05). The best efficiency in propionic acid, decrease in methane, and increase in biohydrogenation (79%) occurred with the inclusion of protected PA3 (p ≤ 0.05). In conclusion, supplements with protected PA at 3 and 6% increased PA availability. The results indicate good benefits of protected PA on fermentative variables, and these doses seem ideal for future research in lactating goats