53 research outputs found

    A general constitutive model for dense, fine particle suspensions validated in many geometries

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    Fine particle suspensions (such as cornstarch mixed with water) exhibit dramatic changes in viscosity when sheared, producing fascinating behaviors that captivate children and rheologists alike. Recent examination of these mixtures in simple flow geometries suggests inter-granular repulsion is central to this effect --- for mixtures at rest or shearing slowly, repulsion prevents frictional contacts from forming between particles, whereas, when sheared more forcefully, granular stresses overcome the repulsion allowing particles to interact frictionally and form microscopic structures that resist flow. Previous constitutive studies of these mixtures have focused on particular cases, typically limited to two-dimensional, steady, simple shearing flows. In this work, we introduce a predictive and general, three-dimensional continuum model for this material, using mixture theory to couple the fluid and particle phases. Playing a central role in the model, we introduce a micro-structural state variable, whose evolution is deduced from small-scale physical arguments and checked with existing data. Our space- and time-dependent model is implemented numerically in a variety of unsteady, non-uniform flow configurations where it is shown to accurately capture a variety of key behaviors: (i) the continuous shear thickening (CST) and discontinuous shear thickening (DST) behavior observed in steady flows, (ii) the time-dependent propagation of `shear jamming fronts', (iii) the time-dependent propagation of `impact activated jamming fronts', and (iv) the non-Newtonian, `running on oobleck' effect wherein fast locomotors stay afloat while slow ones sink

    A coupled finite volume and material point method for two-phase simulation of liquid-sediment and gas-sediment flows

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    Mixtures of fluids and granular sediments play an important role in many industrial, geotechnical, and aerospace engineering problems, from waste management and transportation (liquid--sediment mixtures) to dust kick-up below helicopter rotors (gas--sediment mixtures). These mixed flows often involve bulk motion of hundreds of billions of individual sediment particles and can contain both highly turbulent regions and static, non-flowing regions. This breadth of phenomena necessitates the use of continuum simulation methods, such as the material point method (MPM), which can accurately capture these large deformations while also tracking the Lagrangian features of the flow (e.g.\ the granular surface, elastic stress, etc.). Recent works using two-phase MPM frameworks to simulate these mixtures have shown substantial promise; however, these approaches are hindered by the numerical limitations of MPM when simulating pure fluids. In addition to the well-known particle ringing instability and difficulty defining inflow/outflow boundary conditions, MPM has a tendency to accumulate quadrature errors as materials deform, increasing the rate of overall error growth as simulations progress. In this work, we present an improved, two-phase continuum simulation framework that uses the finite volume method (FVM) to solve the fluid phase equations of motion and MPM to solve the solid phase equations of motion, substantially reducing the effect of these errors and providing better accuracy and stability for long-duration simulations of these mixtures

    Quantitative 2D magnetorelaxometry imaging of magnetic nanoparticles using optically pumped magnetometers

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    For biomagnetical applications exploiting physical properties of magnetic nanoparticles (MNP), e.g., magnetic hyperthermia, knowledge about the quantitative spatial MNP distribution is crucial, which can be extracted by magnetorelaxometry (MRX) imaging. In this paper, we present quantification, quantitative 1D reconstruction, and quantitative 2D imaging of MNP by exploiting optically pumped magnetometers for MRX. While highlighting the potential of commercially available optically pumped magnetometers (OPM) for MRXI, we discuss current limitations of the used OPM. We show, that with our OPM setup, MNP can be precisely quantified with iron amounts down to ≈6 μg, which can be improved easily. With a 1D-reconstruction setup, point-like and complex MNP phantoms can be reconstructed quantitatively with high precision and accuracy. We show that with our developed 2D MRX imaging setup, which measures 12 cm by 8 cm, point-like MNP distributions with clinically relevant iron concentrations can be reconstructed precisely and accurately. Our 2D setup has the potential to be easily extended to a tomography styled (and thus slice-selective) 3D scanner, by adding a mechanical axis to the phantom

    A predictive model for fluid-saturated, brittle granular materials during high-velocity impact events

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    Granular materials -- aggregates of many discrete, disconnected solid particles -- are ubiquitous in natural and industrial settings. Predictive models for their behavior have wide ranging applications, e.g. in defense, mining, construction, pharmaceuticals, and the exploration of planetary surfaces. In many of these applications, granular materials mix and interact with liquids and gases, changing their effective behavior in non-intuitive ways. Although such materials have been studied for more than a century, a unified description of their behaviors remains elusive. In this work, we develop a model for granular materials and mixtures that is usable under particularly challenging conditions: high-velocity impact events. This model combines descriptions for the many deformation mechanisms that are activated during impact -- particle fracture and breakage; pore collapse and dilation; shock loading; and pore fluid coupling -- within a thermo-mechanical framework based on poromechanics and mixture theory. This approach allows for simultaneous modeling of the granular material and the pore fluid, and includes both their independent motions and their complex interactions. A general form of the model is presented alongside its specific application to two types of sands that have been studied in the literature. The model predictions are shown to closely match experimental observation of these materials through several GPa stresses, and simulations are shown to capture the different dynamic responses of dry and fully-saturated sand to projectile impacts at 1.3 km/s

    The management of desmoid tumours: A joint global consensus-based guideline approach for adult and paediatric patients

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    Abstract Desmoid tumor (DT; other synonymously used terms: Desmoid-type fibromatosis, aggressive fibromatosis) is a rare and locally aggressive monoclonal, fibroblastic proliferation characterised by a variable and often unpredictable clinical course. Previously surgery was the standard primary treatment modality; however, in recent years a paradigm shift towards a more conservative management has been introduced and an effort to harmonise the strategy amongst clinicians has been made. We present herein an evidence-based, joint global consensus guideline approach to the management of this disease focussing on: molecular genetics, indications for an active treatment, and available systemic therapeutic options. This paper follows a one-day consensus meeting held in Milan, Italy, in June 2018 under the auspices of the European Reference Network for rare solid adult cancers, EURACAN, the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Soft Tissue and Bone Sarcoma Group (STBSG) as well as Sarcoma Patients EuroNet (SPAEN) and The Desmoid tumour Research Foundation (DTRF). The meeting brought together over 50 adult and pediatric sarcoma experts from different disciplines, patients and patient advocates from Europe, North America and Japan

    Development of Models for Mixtures of Fluids and Granular Sediments

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    Mixtures of fluids and granular sediments play an important role in many industrial, geotechnical, and aerospace engineering problems, from waste management and transportation (liquid–sediment mixtures) to dust kick-up below helicopter rotors (gas–sediment mixtures). These mixed flows often involve bulk motion of hundreds of billions of individual sediment particles and can contain both highly turbulent regions and static, non-flowing regions. To avoid tracking individual grain–grain interactions and pore-scale fluid flows, it is desirable to model these problems using continuum techniques, where microscopic grain-scale properties are homogenized into bulk descriptions of the mixture’s behavior. This approach offers exceptional scaling; however, it requires the development of material constitutive models and simulation techniques that are capable of capturing the breadth of phenomena exhibited by submerged granular sediments under different loading conditions. When compacted, the friction between grains manifests as a bulk yield stress, resulting in solid-like behavior. When this yield stress is exceeded, the microscopic reorganization of grains can produce critical state behavior as the material transitions to a flowing, fluid-like state. Additionally, in unconfined flows, grains can become disconnected from each other and begin interacting through infrequent, inelastic collisions: behaving more like a granular gas. This breadth of different material behaviors is also coupled to the motion of the fluid filling the pore space between grains. A complete continuum modeling framework should be able to describe, predict, and simulate this wide range of behaviors, smoothly transitioning between these different flow regimes. Recently developed continuum modeling frameworks that use the material point method (MPM) have shown substantial promise; however, existing approaches are limited in the range of material behaviors that are considered and types of engineering applications that can be addressed. In this thesis, a continuum modeling framework for fluid–sediment mixtures is developed that incorporates a new granular material model and addresses several of the numerical limitations associated with the MPM. This granular material model is designed to capture the important behaviors described above and can also be extended to capture other non-trivial mixture phenomena, such as that observed in shear-thickening suspensions (e.g., cornstarch–water mixtures). Additionally, this thesis considers techniques for mitigating simulation error in the material point representation of the pore fluid, including direct changes to the MPM as well as combining the MPM with a more common numerical solver, such as the finite volume method (FVM). The modeling framework developed in this thesis is shown to be predictive for a wide range of mixed flows, including both liquid–sediment and gas–sediment problems.Ph.D
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