468 research outputs found

    Poor electronic screening in lightly doped Mott insulators observed with scanning tunneling microscopy

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    The effective Mott gap measured by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) in the lightly doped Mott insulator (Sr1−xLax)2IrO4(\rm{Sr}_{1 -x}\rm{La}_x)_2\rm{IrO}_4 differs greatly from values reported by photoemission and optical experiments. Here, we show that this is a consequence of the poor electronic screening of the tip-induced electric field in this material. Such effects are well known from STM experiments on semiconductors, and go under the name of tip-induced band bending (TIBB). We show that this phenomenon also exists in the lightly doped Mott insulator (Sr1−xLax)2IrO4(\rm{Sr}_{1 -x}\rm{La}_x)_2\rm{IrO}_4 and that, at doping concentrations of x≤4%x\leq 4 \%, it causes the measured energy gap in the sample density of states to be bigger than the one measured with other techniques. We develop a model able to retrieve the intrinsic energy gap leading to a value which is in rough agreement with other experiments, bridging the apparent contradiction. At doping x≈5%x \approx 5 \% we further observe circular features in the conductance layers that point to the emergence of a significant density of free carriers in this doping range, and to the presence of a small concentration of donor atoms. We illustrate the importance of considering the presence of TIBB when doing STM experiments on correlated-electron systems and discuss the similarities and differences between STM measurements on semiconductors and lightly doped Mott insulators.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Creation and control of a two-dimensional electron liquid at the bare SrTiO3 surface

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    Many-body interactions in transition-metal oxides give rise to a wide range of functional properties, such as high-temperature superconductivity, colossal magnetoresistance, or multiferroicity. The seminal recent discovery of a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) at the interface of the insulating oxides LaAlO3 and SrTiO3 represents an important milestone towards exploiting such properties in all-oxide devices. This conducting interface shows a number of appealing properties, including a high electron mobility, superconductivity, and large magnetoresistance and can be patterned on the few-nanometer length scale. However, the microscopic origin of the interface 2DEG is poorly understood. Here, we show that a similar 2DEG, with an electron density as large as 8x10^13 cm^-2, can be formed at the bare SrTiO3 surface. Furthermore, we find that the 2DEG density can be controlled through exposure of the surface to intense ultraviolet (UV) light. Subsequent angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) measurements reveal an unusual coexistence of a light quasiparticle mass and signatures of strong many-body interactions.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, supplementary information (see other files

    Anomalous acoustic reflection on a sliding interface or a shear band

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    We study the reflection of an acoustic plane wave from a steadily sliding planar interface with velocity strengthening friction or a shear band in a confined granular medium. The corresponding acoustic impedance is utterly different from that of the static interface. In particular, the system being open, the energy of an in-plane polarized wave is no longer conserved, the work of the external pulling force being partitioned between frictional dissipation and gain (of either sign) of coherent acoustic energy. Large values of the friction coefficient favor energy gain, while velocity strengthening tends to suppress it. An interface with infinite elastic contrast (one rigid medium) and V-independent (Coulomb) friction exhibits spontaneous acoustic emission, as already shown by M. Nosonovsky and G.G. Adams (Int. J. Ing. Sci., {\bf 39}, 1257 (2001)). But this pathology is cured by any finite elastic contrast, or by a moderately large V-strengthening of friction. We show that (i) positive gain should be observable for rough-on-flat multicontact interfaces (ii) a sliding shear band in a granular medium should give rise to sizeable reflection, which opens a promising possibility for the detection of shear localization.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Quasiparticle dynamics and spin-orbital texture of the SrTiO3 two-dimensional electron gas

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    Two-dimensional electron gases (2DEGs) in SrTiO3_3 have become model systems for engineering emergent behaviour in complex transition metal oxides. Understanding the collective interactions that enable this, however, has thus far proved elusive. Here we demonstrate that angle-resolved photoemission can directly image the quasiparticle dynamics of the dd-electron subband ladder of this complex-oxide 2DEG. Combined with realistic tight-binding supercell calculations, we uncover how quantum confinement and inversion symmetry breaking collectively tune the delicate interplay of charge, spin, orbital, and lattice degrees of freedom in this system. We reveal how they lead to pronounced orbital ordering, mediate an orbitally-enhanced Rashba splitting with complex subband-dependent spin-orbital textures and markedly change the character of electron-phonon coupling, co-operatively shaping the low-energy electronic structure of the 2DEG. Our results allow for a unified understanding of spectroscopic and transport measurements across different classes of SrTiO3_3-based 2DEGs, and yield new microscopic insights on their functional properties.Comment: 10 pages including supplementary information, 4+4 figure

    Friction Laws for Elastic Nano-Scale Contacts

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    The effect of surface curvature on the law relating frictional forces F with normal load L is investigated by molecular dynamics simulations as a function of surface symmetry, adhesion, and contamination. Curved, non-adhering, dry, commensurate surfaces show a linear dependency, F proportional to L, similar to dry flat commensurate or amorphous surfaces and macroscopic surfaces. In contrast, curved, non-adhering, dry, amorphous surfaces show F proportional to L^(2/3) similar to friction force microscopes. In our model, adhesive effects are most adequately described by the Hertz plus offset model, as the simulations are confined to small contact radii. Curved lubricated or contaminated surfaces show again different behavior; details depend on how much of the contaminant gets squeezed out of the contact. Also, it is seen that the friction force in the lubricated case is mainly due to atoms at the entrance of the tip.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Europhys. Let

    Strong electron correlations in the normal state of FeSe0.42Te0.58

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    We investigate the normal state of the '11' iron-based superconductor FeSe0.42Te0.58 by angle resolved photoemission. Our data reveal a highly renormalized quasiparticle dispersion characteristic of a strongly correlated metal. We find sheet dependent effective carrier masses between ~ 3 - 16 m_e corresponding to a mass enhancement over band structure values of m*/m_band ~ 6 - 20. This is nearly an order of magnitude higher than the renormalization reported previously for iron-arsenide superconductors of the '1111' and '122' families but fully consistent with the bulk specific heat.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Control of a two-dimensional electron gas on SrTiO3(111) by atomic oxygen

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    We report on the formation of a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) at the bare surface of (111) oriented SrTiO3. Angle resolved photoemission experiments reveal highly itinerant carriers with a 6-fold symmetric Fermi surface and strongly anisotropic effective masses. The electronic structure of the 2DEG is in good agreement with self-consistent tight-binding supercell calculations that incorporate a confinement potential due to surface band bending. We further demonstrate that alternate exposure of the surface to ultraviolet light and atomic oxygen allows tuning of the carrier density and the complete suppression of the 2DEG.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Controlling crystal cleavage in Focused Ion Beam shaped specimens for surface spectroscopy

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    Our understanding of quantum materials is commonly based on precise determinations of their electronic spectrum by spectroscopic means, most notably angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). Both require atomically clean and flat crystal surfaces which traditionally are prepared by in-situ mechanical cleaving in ultrahigh vacuum chambers. We present a new approach that addresses three main issues of the current state-of-the-art methods: 1) Cleaving is a highly stochastic and thus inefficient process; 2) Fracture processes are governed by the bonds in a bulk crystal, and many materials and surfaces simply do not cleave; 3) The location of the cleave is random, preventing data collection at specified regions of interest. Our new workflow is based on Focused Ion Beam (FIB) machining of micro-stress lenses in which shape (rather than crystalline) anisotropy dictates the plane of cleavage, which can be placed at a specific target layer. As proof-of-principle we show ARPES results from micro-cleaves of Sr2_2RuO4_4 along the ac plane and from two surface orientations of SrTiO3_3, a notoriously difficult to cleave cubic perovskite

    Coupling Of The B1g Phonon To The Anti-Nodal Electronic States of Bi2Sr2Ca0.92Y0.08Cu2O(8+delta)

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    Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) on optimally doped Bi2Sr2Ca0.92Y0.08Cu2O(8+delta) uncovers a coupling of the electronic bands to a 40 meV mode in an extended k-space region away from the nodal direction, leading to a new interpretation of the strong renormalization of the electronic structure seen in Bi2212. Phenomenological agreements with neutron and Raman experiments suggest that this mode is the B1g oxygen bond-buckling phonon. A theoretical calculation based on this assignment reproduces the electronic renormalization seen in the data.Comment: 4 Pages, 4 Figures Updated Figures and Tex
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