516 research outputs found

    Influence of a six month endurance exercise program on the immune function of prostate cancer patients undergoing Antiandrogen or Chemotherapy: design and rationale of the ProImmun study

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    Background: Exercise seems to minimize prostate cancer specific mortality risk and treatment related side effects like fatigue and incontinence. However the influence of physical activity on the immunological level remains uncertain. Even prostate cancer patients undergoing palliative treatment often have a relatively long life span compared to other cancer entities. To optimize exercise programs and their outcomes it is essential to investigate the underlying mechanisms. Further, it is important to discriminate between different exercise protocols and therapy regimes. Methods/Design: The ProImmun study is a prospective multicenter patient preference randomized controlled trial investigating the influence of a 24 week endurance exercise program in 80–100 prostate cancer patients by comparing patients undergoing Antiandrogen therapy combined with exercise (AE), Antiandrogen therapy without exercise (A), Chemotherapy with exercise(CE) or Chemotherapy without exercise (C). The primary outcome of the study is a change in prostate cancer relevant cytokines and hormones (IL-6, MIF, IGF-1, Testosterone). Secondary endpoints are immune cell ratios, oxidative stress and antioxidative capacity levels, VO2 peak, fatigue and quality of life. Patients of the intervention group exercise five times per week, while two sessions are supervised. During the supervised sessions patients (AE and CE) exercise for 33 minutes on a bicycle ergometer at 70-75% of their VO2 peak. To assess long term effects and sustainability of the intervention two follow-up assessments are arranged 12 and 18 month after the intervention. Discussion: The ProImmun study is the first trial which primarily investigates immunological effects of a six month endurance exercise program in prostate cancer patients during palliative care. Separating patients treated with Antiandrogen therapy from those who are additionally treated with Chemotherapy might allow a more specific view on the influence of endurance training interventions and the impact of different therapy protocols on the immune function. Trial registration: German Clinical Trials Register: DRKS0000473

    Beurteilung der Proteolyse von ausgewÀhlten SchimmelkÀsen mittels UPLC und elektrophoretischer Methoden

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    Ziel dieser Diplomarbeit war es die Proteolyse unterschiedlicher SchimmelkĂ€se anhand von verschiedenen Methoden (UPLC-Peptidmap, Urea- und SDS-PAGE sowie Stickstoffbestimmung) zu ermitteln. Als Probenmaterial dienten 29 handelsĂŒbliche SchimmelkĂ€seproben.The objective of thesis was to characterize the degree of proteolysis intrinsic to various mould-ripened cheeses based on different analytical approaches such as the determination of both total (TN), and water-soluble (WSN) nitrogen, electrophoretic analyses (Urea- and SDS-PAGE), and peptide fingerprints (UPLC peptide mapping) typical for WSN fraction. The analyzed sample set comprised 29 commercially retailed mould-ripened cheeses

    The effects of social norms among peer groups on risk behavior: A multilevel approach to differentiate perceived and collective norms

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    Social norms have been found to be an important factor in individuals’ health and risk behaviors. Past research has typically addressed which social norms individuals perceive in their social environments (e.g., in their peer group). The present article explores normative social influences beyond such perceptions by applying a multilevel approach and differentiating between perceived norms at the individual level and collective norms at the group level. Data on norms and three road traffic risk behaviors (speeding, driving after drinking, and texting while driving) were obtained from a representative survey among young German car drivers (N = 311 anchor respondents) and their peer groups (overall N = 1,244). Multilevel modeling (MLM) revealed that beyond individual normative perceptions of peers’ behavior and approval, actual collective norms (peers’ actual risk behavior and attitudes) affect individuals’ risk behaviors. Findings are discussed with regard to theorizing normative influences on risk behavior and practical implications

    Numerical Simulation of the Dispersion and Deposition of a Spray Carried by a Pulsating Airflow in a Patient-Specific Human Nasal Cavity

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    [EN] The present numerical study concerns the dispersion and deposition of a nasal spray in a patient-specific human nose. The realistic three-dimensional geometry of the nasal cavity is reconstructed from computer tomography (CT) scans. Identification of the region of interest, removal of artifacts, segmentation, generation of the .STL file and the triangulated surface grid are performed using the software packages ImageJ, meshLab, and NeuRA2. An unstructured computational volume grid with approximately 15 million tetrahedral grid cells is generated using the software Ansys ICEM-CFD 11.0. An unsteady Eulerian-Lagrangian formulation is used to describe the airflow and the spray dispersion and deposition in the realistic human nasal airway using two-way coupling. A new solver called pimpleParcelFoam is developed, which combines the lagrangianParcel libraries with the pimpleFoam solver within the software package OpenFOAM 3.0.0. A large eddy simulation (LES) with the dynamic sub-grid scale (SGS) model is performed to study the spray in both a steady and a pulsating airflow with an inflow rate of 7.5 L/min (or maximum value in case of the pulsating spray) and a frequency of 45 Hz for pulsation as used in commercial inhalation devices. 10,000 mono-disperse particles with the diameters of 2.4 ”m and 10 ”m are uniformly injected at the nostrils. In order to fulfil the stability conditions for the numerical solution, a constant time-step of 10−5 s is implemented. The simulations are performed for a real process time of 1 s, since after the first second of the process, all particles have escaped through the pharynx or they are deposited at the surface of the nasal cavity. The numerical computations are performed on the high-performance computer bwForCluster MLS&WISO Production using 256 processors, which take around 32 and 75 hours for steady and pulsating flow simulation, respectively. The study shows that the airflow velocity reaches its maximum values in the nasal valve, in parts of the septum and in the nasopharynx. A complex airflow is observed in the vestibule and in the nasopharynx region, which may directly affect the dispersion and deposition pattern of the spray. The results reveal that the spray tends to deposit in the nasal valve, the septum and in the nasopharynx due to the change in the direction of the airflow in these regions. Moreover, it is found that due to the pulsating airflow, the aerosols are more dispersed and penetrate deeper into the posterior regions and the meatuses where the connections to the sinuses reside.The authors thank Dr. H. Mentzel from PARI Respiratory Equipment, Inc. for intense discussions about the pulsating spray initial conditions. The current study is part of a project supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) through a research fellowship of the HGS MathComp. Furthermore, high-performance computing time at the bwForCluster MLS&WISO Production which is funded by the state of Baden-WĂŒrttemberg through bwHPC and DFG through grant INST 35/1134-1 FUGG.Farnoud, A.; Cui, X.; Baumann, I.; Gutheil, E. (2017). Numerical Simulation of the Dispersion and Deposition of a Spray Carried by a Pulsating Airflow in a Patient-Specific Human Nasal Cavity. En Ilass Europe. 28th european conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems. Editorial Universitat PolitĂšcnica de ValĂšncia. 529-536. https://doi.org/10.4995/ILASS2017.2017.4628OCS52953

    Kommunikation und Erfahrung: Aspekte religiöser Tradierung am Beispiel der evangelikal-charismatischen Initiative "Alphalive"

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    Der Alphalive-Kurs zur Aneignung des Glaubens findet im evangelikalen und freikirchlichen Bereich großen Zuspruch. Auch in Gemeinden der Landeskirchen wird der von Alphalive entwickelte niedrigschwellige Ansatz der "exploration and discussion" praktiziert. In der nun vorliegenden Analyse, die auf Interviews und teilnehmender Beobachtung basiert, wird deutlich, dass hier ein Seminarangebot etabliert wurde, dass der Individualisierung und Privatisierung von Religion weiteren Vorschub leistet, selbst in dem Feld des evangelikalen und charismatischen Christentums mit seinen eher konservativen religiösen Orientierungen. Das ausdrĂŒckliche Ziel von Alphalive, persönliche Glaubenserfahrungen in den Mittelpunkt zu stellen, muss nach Beendigung eines Kurses allerdings in einer Gemeinschaft aufgefangen werden. Hier, in dem gewohnten sozialen oder religiösen Umfeld, findet die nachtrĂ€gliche Verarbeitung der Erlebnisse des Alphalive-Kurses statt. Dieses Beziehungsgeflecht wird damit zur zweiten "ProduktionsstĂ€tte" neuer, durch Alphalive initiierter individualisierter Formen christlichen Glaubens

    Die Emanzipation des hybriden Selbst

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    Mit Blick auf die Konstruktion nationaler IdentitĂ€ten multilingualer Gemeinschaften kommt dem Großherzogtum Luxemburg durch seine spezifische Lage an der Nahtstelle zwischen germanischem und romanischem Kulturraum eine besondere Rolle zu. Isabell Baumann rekonstruiert den Emanzipationsprozess Luxemburgs von der StaatsgrĂŒndung ĂŒber die beiden Weltkriege bis zum Jahr 1984. Ein besonderes Augenmerk wird dabei auf die Konstruktionsmechanismen von IdentitĂ€t und ihre literarische Diskursivierung im Horizont einer sich herausbildenden Nationalliteratur gelegt

    Glaube in Migration: Religion als Ressource in Biographien christlicher Migrantinnen und Migranten

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    Migration bedeutet VerĂ€nderung. Menschen verlagern ihren Lebensmittelpunkt in ein anderes Land. Dort sind sie mit einem fremden kulturellen und religiösen Kontext konfrontiert. Sie erleben hĂ€ufig starke BrĂŒche und DiskontinuitĂ€ten. Entsprechend gross ist das BedĂŒrfnis nach neuer Orientierung und nach geeigneten Strategien fĂŒr die BewĂ€ltigung der Situation. Religion kann in solchen Zeiten zu einer Ressource werden. Als Sinn- und Orientierungssystem vermag Religion Erfahrungen der DiskontinuitĂ€t aufzufangen. Menschen, die ĂŒber ein religiöses Deutungsrepertoire verfĂŒgen, finden in ihrem Glauben oft eine Quelle des Trostes, der Ermutigung, der Selbstvergewisserung und der Handlungsorientierung. Christliche Migrantinnen und Migranten aus Spanien und Lateinamerika erzĂ€hlen, wie ihr Glaube in der Situation der Migration fĂŒr sie relevant wurde. Die Studie rekonstruiert daraus verschiedene Typen der religiösen Verarbeitung von Migrationserfahrungen und vergleicht unterschiedliche Formen von ReligiositĂ€t und SpiritualitĂ€t. Die Studie zeigt, wie Migrantinnen und Migranten, geprĂ€gt durch ihre Herkunft und ihre (Migrations-)Erfahrungen, unterschiedliche Formen von ReligiositĂ€t vertreten und praktizieren. Mit ihrer Gegenwart tragen sie dazu bei, dass sich das Christentum in der Schweiz weiter vervielfĂ€ltigt und verĂ€ndert

    Of seekers and nonseekers: Characteristics of Covid-19-related information-seeking behaviors

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    During health crises like the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic, it is crucial that individuals are able and willing to adequately respond to information. Individuals who deliberately seek information have an enhanced capacity to act on it and are capable of informed assessments of risks and self-protective behaviors. In contrast, overexposure to Covid-19 news as well as non-seeking can constitute information-related inequalities and hamper individuals' coping with the health crisis. Having this global health communication challenge in mind, our research aims to understand what characterizes non-, medium, and frequent seekers, considering sociodemographic and socioeconomic factors, health status, affective risk responses, efficacy assessments, trust in information sources, and satisfaction with information. This study is based on data of the second wave of the Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS) Germany. Among 2602 participants, analysis revealed that 23.3% of the respondents did not actively seek information about Covid-19, while 34.3% of them intensively monitored information. Nonseekers, compared to medium and frequent seekers, were characterized by a lower socioeconomic status, lower affective risk responses, lower perceived information-related self-efficacy, and lower trust in information sources. These findings provide indications for strategic health approaches and can guide initiatives to address adequate use of health information
